3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Thanks all. I am feeling much better. :) You're right, Steph. I guess I have to take the good and bad with my chart(s). I'd rather have steady temps than jumping all over the place, and if it's meant for me to have a late O, so be it. Maybe it'll be a positive thing. :shrug: They say that women are more fertile after their HSG, so maybe my time really is just around the corner.

Drauma-I suck at looking at those strips so whatever I say in regards to them should be taken with a grain of salt. I have plenty of hobbies, but most of them occur in the spring/summer, so maybe I just have a touch of winter doldrums. Spring is right around the corner though, thank God! That's so cool that you're going to see Justin Timberlake. We booked a trip to the Bahamas in a few weeks, and I'm looking forward to that. It's our wedding present from my dad. All inclusive resort, and it's booked during my fertile window. HA!!HA!! Perfect!!
Oh my, how lucky you are to get to go to the Bahamas!! It's so far away and too expensive flights for the average Icelander. Enjoy it!! :D When are you going?

My temping is all over the place, I have no idea what's going on, haha. I'm feeling slightly better but I have massive backaches and these cramps in the front.... Doctor tomorrow!!
Drauma-It's ok..just keep temping. HA!!HA!! It may make sense in a little while. It's always weird when you first start. How did your BBQ turn out last night?

I had a jump today so I'm at least moving in the right direction. We're going to the Bahamas the week of the 16th. It's normally not that expensive from here, but since we're doing the all inclusive thing, it can get a little bit pricey. My husband wanted to go to the Bahamas for our honeymoon and I shot him down so I figured I can make it up to him since my dad offered to treat us. HA!!HA!!
BBQ was great, thanks :) The only thing is I haven't had any appetite from last Sunday... Well, until today, Today I could eat a horse!

I'm going to make this great chicken soup for dinner and invite my folks. I'll make bread buns with it and apple cake for dessert! And then I'm going to ask if I can borrow their cabin HA!HA! It's a bribe!!! ;) I really wanna go to the cabin in 2 weeks or so with my DB. It's in the countryside, next to a river. There's no one around, ever, and there's a Jacuzzi and everything. Oh so nice! I'm already looking forward to it :D :happydance: :happydance:

Yay for your jump! :D
Terri - Enjoy the bahamas, it sounds so nice! I wanna go!!! But i cant go anywhere anymore.

Drauma - cabin sounds so nice too. Im stuck home blah! lol.

Sorry venting time- what a crazy day. We have a painter who was supposed to finish in our house about 2 weeks ago, but he has been working very slow lately and has seemed very off. He spoke to DH today (who was at the airport on the way home from vancouber) and tells him that by mistake he drank something that was not water in a water bottle (must have been his, because we had no water bottles in the house). He is feeling delirious and in the car. DH calls me and I try to call the painter who isnt answering the phone. So, I call 911

I run over to the house (I was off work this afternoon for dr appointment, so that worked out well). He is not there and there is no water bottle. Police and ambulance are questioning me about who was in the house with him, they are going to trace his cell phone to figure out if he is ok. Cuz im quite worried about him...

Then 15 minutes later as we finish the conversation, he pulls up to the house. Police ask me if that is hm, i say yes and he goes to the ambulance who takes him to the hospital....

Anyways, he has minor work left to be done, maybe 2-3 days worth (as it has been for almost 2 weeks...) we are changing all the codes to get in the house (he had the code to the garage door). and we are telling him to take care of himself and that we will finish the rest on our own....

Dr appointment went well. Im 1 cm dilated OMG! lol. She thought she felt a head, but then i showed her that higher there is something hard too and maybe he has a bony butt. Im going for an ultrasound next week to confirm the baby's position.
Lfrans-Sorry to hear about the painter! What was he drinking, and if he felt ill, why was he driving? And if he was driving, why was he not driving himself to the hospital instead of driving back to your house? Very strange indeed. I hope you and DH can finish the painting and get some of your money back (if you have already paid him in full). You don't need this stress today.

That's awesome that you're dilating. :wohoo: I'm looking forward to our trip. I'm ready to just take some time off from work and enjoy the warm weather.

Drauma-Hope the cabin bribe worked! I'm sure your parents want you to go. You're their favorite daughter! hee hee.

Roxy is doing quite well these days. We did a little jog up the driveway today, and on her way down the stairs she jumped from the second to last step to the bottom, so she is really getting along without her back leg these days. It's great! Her cold is just about done, so I have a feeling Saturday will be her big day back at the SPCA. She is so loving that anyone who looks at her will just love her back. I feel it!

Lenka-Is school over? Did you graduate!! If not, you're in the home stretch and it'll be smooth sailing from here.

Steph-What's the word??
Terri - I have no idea any of the answers. I think he is having a mental breakdown and really needs help. But, in the meantime, we do not havethe energy to put up with this. He has been almost done painting for 2 weeks and keeps telling us Ill be done tomorrow... DH called him last night and told him we are done. He can come pick up his stuff when DH is home and will not be finishing the job. At this point it was a bit of touch ups here and there, DH can prob do some with a friend and we have a handy-man friend who offered to help out next week.
Wow Lfrans that is crazy! You don't need that kind of drama right now. Sorry about your coworker too. Seems like there's always "that person" in a workplace though.

Terri... I can't say in words so excited for you on your trip to the Bahamas!!! So cool!! How long will you be there? I've always wanted to go to one of those all inclusive resort things!! Take lots of pictures of sunshine and beaches.... I dunno about you but it's back to cold. Sigh. It got up to maybe 8C mid 40s F over the weekend and it felt like spring. So short lived though.

Drauma how did the delicious dinner go?

Lenka did you graduate?? Congrats on being done with school! How goes the nausea? It should be wrapping up soon. Not that I really know since you don't have a ticker ;) Also about the testing, I decided not to get it because I was afraid of getting high chances that would scare me. Since dh and I have no known risk factors, we opted out for Sanity's sake! So many women get bad results, get scared, then have perfectly healthy babies. :hugs:

Oh and Terri it looks like you oed!!! Catch that egg!!!

More house hunting for us. We saw a promising one that is pretty far away. If it were any closer, it would have been perfect. But we just aren't sure we want to move so far away just as we are getting settled in the area. We'll look at a place a little closer on Friday. Ugh I really thought this would be easier!
Hello dear ladies,

I missed so much! Do not even know where to start.

First of all, Drauma, how did ur appointment with ur doctor go? Lol about the bribe thing. So what did your parents say? I can only imagine the beautiful nature there around the cabin.

Terri, I bet you have finally ovulated! Yay! Oh, vacation on the Bahamas... Would be such a nice break for both of you!

lfrans, that was one crazy story about the painter! What does dilating means? I will google it later.

Steph, thank you so much for your support!!! This deficiency thing that I have did spoil the moment. It got me so scared and worried especially for the first two days. I spent 48 hours googling it. Maybe it is not that scary as it seems now. I hope so much that I am ok and so is the baby!!! But I have to admit I am scared... I am 12.2weeks today. My nausea started to diminish two days ago, it was getting better and better each day and I think it is gone. I feel totally normal this morning. :happydance: My bloating is so much less now also. My next appointment is next Tuesday. I can't wait!!!! In the meantime, I am thinking of buying a doppler...

This Thursday is my last day at school. Our presentation is ready, the final project is almost ready, I just have to polish it up for the whole group. And that is it. :thumbup:

Have a nice week, ladies! :flower:
Hey ladies, it's been sooooooo long since I posted on here! Lovely to see that so many of you are now pregnant!!! Congrats to you all!

I got married the day after valentines day! I'm now mrs Dawson and we're trying again now we're married. I ovulated on my wedding day I think, going from ovulation pains) I'm now roughly 10dpo.

Lenka-That's awesome that school ends on Thursday and your appointment is next Thursday. Several of the ladies >35 have those Dopplers and they say it is very reassuring to hear the heartbeat, so it may be a good purchase. Check ebay for sales.

Yes, I think I O'd two days ago. Phew! I worry every month even though I get the +opks, it is just reassuring seeing my temperature go up. Hopefully this month it will stay up. fx fx

clacko-Congrats on the marriage. I'm sure it was just beautiful and I wish the two of you much happiness in the future.

Steph-We're going for a week. I am so happy to have another vacation planned, and I think hubs is really happy as well, even though he hasn't said much about it. I didn't want to use an entire week of vacation and was hoping for like a Wed-->Sunday type thing, but the travel agent quoted us for the week, and I didn't care that much anymore, so I said 'ok, do it!' HA!!HA!! It doesn't take me long to make decisions sometimes. I figure life is short, so do what you want!

Lfrans-Glad you have a handyman that can help. You really don't needy this stress. So move in day is in 3 days, right? Do you currently have an apartment or a house? I hope an apartment so you won't have that much stuff to move. I can't imagine moving out of our house. We have a lot of stuff! Well, not really, but if we had to move it, it would take a lot of trips!

I'm off to the grocery store for food and snacks. See you chicas later! Have a great evening!
My best gf came to visit us from phila. She is 7 month pregnant. So cute! I did not tell her about me. Not sure if she bought "gave up drinking for health purposes" bull though. Lolol


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Neither of you looks pregnant!! hee hee. Good outfit for your friend. I can't believe you didn't tell her!!?? She's your best friend! You should have told her that since she can't drink, you won't drink either, so she doesn't feel bad. HA!!HA!!

I remember when you first found out she was pregnant, and how upset you were, and I said 'don't worry. She can pass you all of her baby clothes.' Well, I spoke the truth. Do you remember that? You might have pregnancy brain. hee hee.

Oh, and I O'd on CD15-not bad...Now I seriously wait. I hope we got enough BD in. Not sure because hubs was out with friends Saturday night and Sunday he was hungover all day and I was angry with him. As much as I wanted to BD I wasn't going to be like 'You're an immature jerk, but let's make a baby.' HA!!HA!! Keep your fingers crossed, ladies.
Wow lots going on girls!

Lfrans: Hope the painter-guy gets well soon. Glad to hear you solved the issue and get help finishing yourselves. You need to relax though!!

Cucko: CONGRATS! :)

Terri: I'm sending all the babydust your way!! :D

Lenka: How could you keep it a secret? Wow, how strong you must be! I think I'd tell my bestie the moment I'd get a BFP, haha. We've been friends since we were 3, we share EVERYTHING :P

I am still waiting for ovulation. I don't feel anything, my tests all turn negative and My temping is weird since I've never done it before I have nothing to compare it to. We're just doing what we can in the bedroom and the rest will have to wait :)

I was supposed to have the doctor's appointment yesterday but they called and cancelled, she was sick, the doctor... Just my luck! They gave me another appointment in 2 weeks (!!) but said she'd try to call me this week... We'll see!

Monday dinner for my folks turned out great. The food was delish and the bribing worked!! HAHA! We'll go to the cabin Saturday morning and come back Sunday evening. It has its benefits being an only child (Parents divorced, mom has me and my dad has me+2),(My folks = mom and her hubby)(Sorry for the complications, hehe)

The sun is shining in Iceland today... I took a photo from my office balcony to show you how pretty my everyday work-scenery is :)
Hey ladies,

Why I did not tell my girlfriend? You know, if I did not get those news about MTHFR deficiency, I would have told her. But for now I just do not feel comfortable enough to spread the news. When I first got my BFP, I wanted to shout from the rooftops to the whole world about it. Then when days pass, you become more worried about how the pregnancy goes and this is pretty much all you care about. So if you do not share the news in the very beginning, then it become so much easier to keep it a secret. With my next scan being scheduled for next Tuesday, I can wait a little longer. Furthermore, DF wants to keep it a secret for a while. As I told you before many times, he is a very close to himself person, so I have to respect his wishes. Also, he is always right at the end, just like my mom. lolol.

My nausea is back. But I do not mind because it is so reassuring. And my school is over!!!! :happydance: I have not received my final grade yet, but I can say that I have got my Masters! Wow, it was tough...

How are you all? :flower:

Drauma, please post your opk tests if you are in doubt. I used those for several months, so I am quite good at them. lolol

Ladies, I can't wait till you get your BFPs! It would be so much fun to compare symptoms and talk about pregnancies. :hugs:

lfrans, Steph, how are you? Any news on your houses? I can only imagine how busy you are right now. :wacko:
Drauma-What a great view!! You are so lucky. I am in cubicle city and hardly see daylight unless I go to the lab, and look out of their picture windows.

Lenka-Congratulations on your master's degree! That is quite an accomplishment. I'm so proud of you! It will take me a few more years, I think, but it's not a big deal. You are really loyal to your DF! hee hee. I will be telling my best friend as soon as I know. She already has two kids though, and she knows we're trying, so she will be by my side through thick or thin. My hubs also knows that a few people will know as soon as it happens and he's cool with that. I can't remember if I told you or the >35s but we were talking about it, and how people wait ~3 months before they share, and he was like 'are you going to tell me before three months?' HA!!HA!! Duh...Guys are so silly sometimes. :) Can you imagine trying to hide it from your other for 3 months? Wow.
Terry, I was LOL about your hubby's question!!! So cute.
And yes, of course I remember when you said to be happy for my gf's pregnancy news!!! If I only knew back then that I would be pregnant as well a little later.
How are you?
4dpo tomorrow? FX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs!
Lenka: Congratulations on your master's degree!! Job well done! :D :happydance:

And thank you, I will post a picture of my OPK's later today or tomorrow and ask for help. I'm completely lost :/ Maybe I'm just not ovulating this month. I had a blood test taken today, heard from the doctor yesterday and she said it sounds a lot like my hormone imbalance is up and running again. She tested my cortisone levels, testosterone levels and FSH along with normal blood works. It'll be a few days till the results get in. I used to work in the research department at the hospital and still have friends there so I'll find out first hand what the results will be. I'll let you girls know ASAP :)

Sun is still shining over here and I'm gonna take a little lunch walk. Yes, I'm taking my lunch when I think you guys are still sleeping :P Have a great day! :)
Just a quick note to say yeay Terri on the temps, fx fx fx!!

And congrats Lenka!! How awesome to get your master's. Good timing with the pregnancy, you planned that well :haha:

Drauma I am so jealous. We are having an especially cold winter this year so the wind chill during the day is something like -20C. Dries you out and makes my afternoon walks/run miserable!

Yesterday baby was kicking up a storm from 1 am all the way to bed time!! So exciting :happydance:

Lfrans moving day is almost upon you..good luck!
Aww Steph, great to hear your papaya is growing strong :)
But don't worry, I've also had mad winter with wind and frost with -15C plus wind... It's just a good phase now with +2C and sun.... the snow will come back, I know that for sure ;)

Lenka: Here's a photo of my 5 OPK's... they make no sense... First one showed a faint line, next three showed veeery faint line and the fifth (today) seems similar to the first one... Any idea what to make of this? I should be either CD 15 or 17 today depending on whether I count from the only drop I had on the 10th or when AF actually came on the 12th... More likely I'm CD 15...


Feel free to post your opinions about this... and look at my temps in the chart....
All the best from ms. confused :wacko:

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