3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Drauma, so this ovulation tests test your urine for an increase (surge) in luteinising hormone (LH), which happens one day to two days before ovulation. Keep in mind that a small amount of LH is always present in your blood and urine. This is probably why your strips have pale lines, even though you are not about to ovulate. A day or two days before ovulation, the amount of LH increases by several times. When the LH surge happens (and your egg is about to be released), your testl line will be the same color or even darker than the control line. If this is not the case, do not lie to yourself, you are not going to ovulate just yet – keep testing and keep bd-ing. My advice after thorough research, try to collect your urine between 10am and 12pm each day. Read the results within 5-10 minutes for the best results. A positive result will not disappear, but some negative results may later display a faint second color band.

In a nutshell:
The LH surge - test line will be the same color or even darker than the control line.
Next day usually – ovulation takes place – an egg is released.
Your egg only survives for between 12 hours and 24 hours if it is not fertilized.
Have intercourse a few days before ovulation, on the day of ovulation and next day.
Here is my opk's from the cycle when I got my BFP. As you can see, I had the LH surge on cd17th. I ovulated next day on the 18th, this is when my temp went up by 0.6 degrees. "S" is when we bd-ed. Does all this make sense?


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Wow Lenka, thank you so much! This is so helpful! :)
On the 13th 1 pm test the line is also a bit dark, how did you know that wasn't ovulation? Did you just feel it or was the line still not dark enough?

When you say "collect your urine between 10 am and 12 pm", are you collecting it every bathroom break or just take that one test within that time? (I'm doing the latter)
Drauma, you are so right! It was pretty dark on cd13th. But I recall complaining to the BnB girls that I was not satisfied with how dark it was. Also, my temp did not go up, so I just kept testing. Then on cd 14 and cd15 I had this pinching pain in my right ovary. Maybe it was trying to release an egg but could not. Who knows... Then, when I got a very dark positive on cd17th and temp jump next day, I was sure that I finally ovulated. And I did!

Regarding the collection of urine. lolol I work and study from home, so it was very convenient for me. I never collected FMU (first morning urine), it is not advisable with internet cheapies as you and I used. I used SMU around 10am and then one more time at around 6pm, I was so afraid to miss my LH surge, because it was usually for only one day, even less.

How are you today?

Terri, I ma loving ur temp!!! How are feeling?

Steph, how is ur house hunting going?

lfrans, how are u, dear?

AFM, I am ok. Had a couple of rough days nausea wise, but today I am ok. I am craving meat now. I am going to cook a rack of lamb today. I just cut it in single portions (one bone) and it goes well with mashed potato. I am also eating a lot of raw spinach now, because it has natural (active) folate. I just make a salad with it: usually add some sliced cucumbers, walnuts, chia seeds and olive oil.

Have a nice Friday, ladies.
I am doing ok. Feeling really great today for whatever reason. HA! I had to be at work at 6am on Wed/Thursday, and Thursday I worked until 5pm, so I was super tired last night. I got a lot of sleep and today, I think I'm all caught up, so i'm feeling good. Hubs came home with the sniffles yesterday, so I hope my body doesn't realize that I have a cold, and it's yet to catch up with me. fxfx hee hee. I'm pleased with the higher temps, I just don't want to say too much about it for fear of jinxing it.

I get to keep my foster dog for another week, so I'm happy about that too. Dogs bring such joy to my life even though it means being more efficient in the mornings so I can let her out and feed her before I leave (even in the freezing cold!).

Lfrans-It's move in day! I hope everything is going smoothly.

Steph-How are you doing? Yes, your papaya baby is looking good!

Drauma-I hope Lenka's tips helped you out a bit. I'm pleased to see more stable temperatures instead of that crazy drop you had the other day. Keep using your OPKs if you have to. You don't want to miss that surge.

Have a great weekend everyone!!
Hope things are good with you ladies!

House hunting is depressing. That's all I can say is up for right now.
Hello ladies, happy Monday!

The cabin trip was very relaxing and nice! Jacuzzi, filet mignon for dinner, chocolate cake, more Jacuzzi, relaxing and sleeping. Oh and some BD-ing of course!
My temperature has still not spiked and my OPK's are still negative. I do however have a tingling sensation in the right area today and I'll do a new test when I get home... exciting!
Today is Bun-Monday here in Iceland. Everyone making and serving huge cream-puffs (Sweet buns with cream and jam inside and chocolate on top).
Tomorrow is Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday and everyone eats lamb and bean soup until they explode (I'm not a fan so I just get a pizza, haha!) and then there's Ash Wednesday. Kids dress up in costumes and go to stores and sing for the staff (and get Candy instead of course). This tradition has been celebrated in Iceland for ages, I have no idea where it comes from, but there are some other countries that do the same.. This has something to do with Lent if I'm not mistaken (Christian thing that starts 6 weeks before Easter).

My and DB are also house hunting Steph. We want to find a bigger home for the future since we're in my very tiny apartment now with no extra space. I understand your frustration, but hang in there, you're home is right around the corner :)

Terri: How are you feeling? I noticed a huge drop in your temps, what could that mean? (I am such a newbie at this, sooo sorry!)
Hey all, sorry I have been MIA for a while. So busy with packing and moving. I will read and catch up on everyone a bit later.

Move went well. The movers were very nice. It took ALL day friday to get the furniture and stuff moved in. DH and I were laughing, we hired movers because we had alot of stuff and I couldnt do anything. But, we both felt exhausted friday night! We just watched and told them where to put things.

Saturday, I was totally overwhelmed with how many boxes we needed to unpack, and how to organize our new home. I got my hair cut in the morning (planned long ago to cut and do highlights pre-baby. And then came home and started unpacking things in the kitchen and stuff. Our friends came by saturday evening with dinner and helped DH put up blinds in the house and door handles (things the painter should have done since he took them down). We decided to buy new door handles since we have VERY old ones that dont go with the look of the house now.

Yesterday was more unpacking and organizing. We got through the everyday kitchen stuff (for the most part). I unpacked the clothes that currently fit me. Our closets are still not put back together (grr painter) we have a handy man coming in today to finish the painting and a few other little things, should take 3ish days we think.

Today im off to work, have to go a bit early because this house is about 10 minutes further from downtown then the apartment we were living in. I have dr this afternoon and ultrasound booked for tomorrow to make sure baby is in the right position.

We will keep unpacking about 1-2 boxes per evening (although i told DH that I will still go to my yoga class and exercise class this week - I skipped last week).

Ill read everyone's post later. Happy Monday!
Yay for finally moving, lfrans! That's great that it all went well. Sometimes being in charge can be tiring! hee hee. 1-2 boxes is reasonable, and only do what you have to. There will always be time to unpack and organize. I'm so happy for you. Good luck this afternoon at the doctor's office. I'm sure the baby is right where he belongs.

Drauma-Sounds like everyone in Iceland will be having fun this week. Lots of activities. I don't like cream puffs, but I do like lamb and beans, so I'll fly in tomorrow. hee hee. Sorry about your OPKs still not getting dark. Keep taking them, and sooner or later they are bound to show up along with your temperature spike.

Steph-Keep looking and don't settle for a house you don't like. It's not worth it. But...remember you can always change paint, carpeting if you find a style that you like, but not the specifics. Be open about what you're seeing. You'll find the right house.

AFM-Another storm is coming in today. My company is not closed, so I got up early to shovel/defrost the car. We're supposed to be getting 6-10 inches of snow or so. I got to work at 6:00 because there are fewer cars on the road, and less risk of getting into an accident. There are only 2 people in my office area. Because I got here early, I took my temp early (4:38a). The dip doesn't bother me because I get that dip every other chart or so...I just hope it bounces back up tomorrow. That would be super exciting. I am working on my motorcycle newsletter and BnB today. HA!!HA!! I can stay occupied for 8 hours. Have a great day all.
Hey ladies, this will be a short note because I'm gonna catch the bus in a few minutes but! I wanted to say Terri I wake up every morning checking your chart...I hope I hope the best for you! :hugs: Did you get slammed with the storm? It didn't hit us, it's just frigid up here. 3 weeks til spring....3 weeks til spring...

Drauma sounds like SO much fun going to that cabin, how romantic! Your chart will start making sense probably starting next month, seeing as your temps seem consistent (I would throw out that crazy low one.I took a class on this and they said anything super crazy like that just to x out) Did you get a + opk?

Lenka how are you feeling now? Less worried? I hope so!

Lfrans congrats on moving in to your new place! I've begged for pictures before so I guess I'll give it a rest this time....but any time you want to show off the new home let me know :D I can't imagine how exhausted you must be. I'm not even 24 weeks yet, this is supposed to be the glory trimester, and yet I'm already waddling with sore hips and I don't sleep well. :growlmad: at 36 weeks? Can't imagine.

House hunting has been hard, yes. And you're right, it's good not to go with something just because it's something. We've pretty much exhausted all the current listings, but things should be opening up again in spring. We were hoping to find a place before baby shows up just because it makes everything less complicated but it's looking like that is not going to happen. It's a small area around and it takes longer for new listings to come up. Also...we have a small budget and we're trying to find something that's not falling apart. Yes, Terri, I'm all about taking out that wood paneling! It's just finding something that's not literally 200 years old with sagging floorboards is the issue... We're also picky I guess :) I'm meeting with the realtor today to actually sit down and talk for the first time. Maybe she can help us.

Anyway happy Fat Tuesday! You're right, Drauma, it is a Catholic celebration. Back when we had strick rules like the orthodox, the reason why we ate all the crazy stuff was to get rid of it before lent started...because there was no sugar, dairy, meat etc until Easter! It's traditional here to eat pancakes...we had breakfast sandwiches instead mmmm. Lent starts and I'm giving up a few things including swearing. Priest before said it was good to OH CRAP GOTTA GO HUGS
Lol that's what I get for being a chatty Cathy...missed the bus :haha: just barely, too...I watched it drive by. Bye, bus! See you in an hour!
Steph-HA!!HA!! Sorry you missed the bus. That was funny. I do not give anything up. I'm not Catholic, and I think it's nice to make a sacrifice, but I just can't do it, and I hate starting something and not finishing. Perhaps I can TRY to take my prenatals every day. I have been much better about it, but I will work on definitely taking them. I wake up to my temp every day too. It's getting exciting. We'll see how these next few days turn out.

Drauma-Yeah, what's up with the OPKs.

Hi to everyone else. I'm in all day training, so no time for fun today. Oh, I'm going to the theater tonight to see Book of Mormon-can't wait!
Well, I think it's almost safe to say that I've not ovulated this cycle... YET! Man I want to ovulate!!! According to my temps and my tests, nothing seems to be happening. I have had some fluttery feeling in the area for a few days but nothing like when I was sure I ovulated in previous cycles.

Here are my OPK's... I missed some days just because I was so busy and then I forgot them to the cabin....


I got the results from the blood test today and my testosterone levels are skyrocketing over the "allowed" highest level for women. This was a problem when I was diagnosed with PCOS and was treated with Spirix which I had to stop take in when we started TTC. My doctor wasn't sure what'd be best to do so she sent a mail to my lady-doctor who will probably give me some drugs to enhance probability of getting preggo. I think it's called pergotime. I'll let you know what he says. He'll probably contact me this week...

Oh I'm a bit frustrated because of this. I stopped taking Spirix in August and my testosterone levels have stayed low for months untill now. It was last checked in December and it was very low. I don't know what has happened this month and why it's suddenly so high :( :cry:
It'll be ok, Drauma. At least your doctors are working with you and know what the problem is...things could definitely be worse. You could just be old like me! J/K (sort of). I think your doctors will get you situated. Good thing you're using cheaper OPKs and not wasting all your money on the expensive ones.

Book of Mormon was excellent. I recommend it to everyone if you want to go to a fun show with your SO. There is singing, dancing, and other musical stuff, but there is also cursing, so guys will like it too! I wish I had gone with Kyle instead of my friend Philip, but whatever...HA!!HA!! We both enjoyed it, regardless.
Terri omgsh I have heard such good things about that show...so jealous! And my bearded, ex-marine man is a fan of musicals more than I am :haha: He's comfortable with himself :haha:

Drauma--I'm so sorry that you got high testosterone levels, so weird that it happened all at once. Can you TTC while you take that medication? I wonder if the weird pain thing you had going on a few weeks ago has anything to do with it...? :shrug:

Found it too hard to sleep last night...my realtor suggested we look in this one town that I had thought we had gone through all the listings on. But just for kicks we went through and found the PERFECT house for us. No red flags...yet...anyway fx and hoping for the best. Wood stove, a couple acres, garden space...a green house! House in relatively newish without being too new....WHAT MORE COULD A PERSON ASK FOR EEP!!!

Lenka, Lfrans? :flower:
Steph-That house sounds great, but wait until you check it out inside before you get too excited, but it sounds like everything you want, so I'll be excited for you.
That show last night was fantastic. I'm telling everyone about it. I'm also going to ask my Mormon coworker if he thinks he would like it or be offended. I'm not sure how they would take it.

Did you see my temp jump this morning? I'm freaking out a little. :wacko:
Steph - GL with the house, it sounds very promising. We randomly fell on our house and made an offer at the open house. Im sorry there have been no pics, Im not anti pic, just have been pretty pre-occupied. I want DH and I to find my camera and take a few pics this week before baby comes.

Terri - yay for temp jump. AHHHH! FX!!!!

Drauma - dont worry about your chart, the first time or two is more useful to get to know what is normal for you. How long are your cycles typically?

AFM- Im tired but good. Blinky is doing well, i had US yesterday - he is about 6lbs already and in head down position. OMG, he is more ready to come out than me! I need to finish packing my hospital bags and need to prepare rooms and stuff.
We had prenatal classes last night. OMG, its so long and boring. But was useful. They went over proper breastfeeding positions and techniques.
Hello ladies,

Terri, nice temp jump! FX!

Drauma, so sorry to hear about elevated testosterone level. Let's wait what your other doctor will say about this. I hope it an easy fix. FX!

Steph, I was laughing loud about you missing your bus, sorry that you did, but it was so funny how u put it. Hey, GL with this new house! It maybe the one!!!

lfrans, wow, you still call the baby blinky? So cute! Less than a month to go. Time flies, I remember you all getting your BFPs...

I had my 3rd scan yesterday. Everything went very well, the baby was jumping and could not stay still so we could make a couple of good pictures. But you know what, we could see his private parts! It was so obvious and cute! He is the man! lolol DF is so proud. lolol My doctor said that I should not worry about MTHFR deficiency, per him, 80% of the population has it and do now even aware of it. As a matter of fact, he has it too. It put my mind at ease. My next scan is at 17.2 weeks on April 1st. I am 13.3 today and still have nausea. I hope it should go away soon, it is time to go, as I am about to enter the 2nd trimester. Yay!
Lenka--what great news! I'm so glad your mind was put at ease and baby was so happy jumping in there. It'll be so exciting when you can feel it! :cloud9:

Lfrans--LOL blinky that's awesome. 6 lbs already? If they're accurate, you'd better be ready! Get that hospital bag packed, lady!

Drauma--thanks!! :happydance:

Terri--I've heard a lot of Mormons love it, too. Like it was tastefully done and not just religion bashing, which I really despise. OMG two days til you test....RIGHT?

Terri has a really good point to not get too excited about a property until you see it...there have been a few that we liked from the pictures and then we saw it in person and thought..."Oh.....THIS is why it's on the market still..." So I'm trying to tone it down.

Lfrans how are you feeling? When did you start feeling like "Ok, I could fast forward to full term right now and be happy"?

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