3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

lenka - haha, yes we do still call him blinky. i agree time flies, it is insane!!! Congrats with the boy, very exciting. haha, at our ultrasound we confirmed if there were any doubts that it was a boy... :)

steph - I dont think i am ready to be full term yet haha. Bag is packed, but ill review what i put in it to make sure Im not missing anything. I need to add in water bottle, candies. things like that.

6lbs is apparently normal for 37 weeks. They gain about 1/2 a lb a week at the end. so basically he can come anytime.
Lfrans, when I was reading ur post: "need to add in water bottle, candies. things like that", I first read it like water bottle, candles. I was like: wow, lfrans is so romantic. lolol
Lenka: congrats with the boy! Must be so exciting and make it even more real to be able to call it him :D

lfrans: Thanks. I am still waiting for an answer from my doctors, I'll let you know asap when I hear anything. My cycles have been around 28-30 days since I stopped taking the pill last August. Relatively similar until the last one and a half cycle. They've been weird. I associate it with elevated testosterone which was absent in December and before that...

I have an upset stomach today, had to leave work around 2:30 pm because I just didn't make it there a minute longer. I'm feeling a tiny bit better now but am just staying in bed watching movies. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

House hunting is not going too well. We are very opinionated about where we want to live and we're focusing on a few areas but nothing seems to be available at the moment. I know it'll all come with time, I'm just impatient hehe. I found a similar apartment to what we're aiming for, just situated far, far, far away from where we want to be. But just to give you an idea of what we're looking for, I give you a link to see this very nice apartment I'd want to buy if I could move it to a new place, hehe. It's on the first floor in an apartment complex with it's own separate outside are (30 square meters or so) with a fence and all, and the inside is just like I'd want it :) https://www.mbl.is/fasteignir/fasteign/665935/?q=27090feaf11167573b041adde5b172c3&item_num=10 you can see all the pictures if you press the green button where it says "Allar myndir"
Drauma, get well!
I loved the apartment, that you sent us. So modern. And it looks big!! I was wondering how much it is in US dollars...
Yay!! Everyone checked in today. It's so fun to read everyone's updates.

Lenka-Woohoo on your second scan. I'm so glad he's excited and ready to grow nice and healthy. I'm glad that your doctor also has the MTHR deficiency too. I'm glad he put your mind at ease. It sounds like you have a really good doctor.

Drauma-I'll have to look at the apartment that you like a little later. I just got home and have to do some cooking/cleaning before I can chill out for a while.

Steph-We'll see what happens in the next couple days. I'm always nervous to test, but on the >35 page, I did put March 08, so that will be three days. My temperature has tricked me before so I don't want to get too excited only to be shot down. My head was hot again today, so who knows if that's a good sign. :shrug:

Lfrans-I'm glad Blinky is also growing like a little weed. I can't WAIT until you have that boy in your hands. Are you telling me that you don't have ONE picture of your bump? Stop being so shy and get on with it. You'll regret it if you don't take them now. Take one in front of your old house and one in front of your new house. Blinky would like to know where he used to live. HA!!HA!!

Catch up with you chicas later!
Lenka: this apartment I showed you would translate to 330k USD.

terri: What's with the temp spike? Are you feeling okay? It'll be interesting to see tomorrow morning...
Terri, I am glad to see ur positive attitude!!! Do you cook a lot? Home cooking is so much healthier! I try to cook as often as possible.

Ladies, I have a question for all of you. Honest opinions please.
Well, since I am having a boy, we have to decide if we want our boy to be circumcised... Let me explain why. In Russia, they do not circumcise little boys, unless it is a Muslim family. I have read a lot about it and saw a couple of programs (American), where they say it is actually a very traumatic even for a little body. This tradition came many many years ago from hot countries, where the did not have a luxury of having showers every day. Nowadays, it is not a problem, but since people get used to it, it seems as a necessity. I truly believe that our body have everything for a reason, including an appendix. BUT! I also do not want my boy to be ashamed of his pen*s, which is different from everybody's else. I do not want him to blame us, parents, for not doing it, just because we are not used to it. You know what I mean? So my question is, do you think we should do it? I am not talking about health, I just need your girls' opinion. -)
Lenka--I'm going to be opinionated but only because you asked!! I used to be very pro circumcision, just because it was a part of our culture and everyone did it. I don't think it's extremely traumatic for the boys, either. I mean, millions of them get it done and they're totally fine. However, we decided that if we were to have a boy, we would not get him circumcised. It's becoming really quite common now and...well....DH isn't :blush: so why should he son be? The pros don't seem to outweigh the cons. But to each his own.

Drauma wowow how cool of an apartment would that be! Hehe now I definitely won't show the house...it's half the price and not nearly so cool. But sure, if we visit Iceland, you'll need a place for all your BnB friends, right? So I approve!! :haha:

Lfrans--then again, they can often be so wrong on the weight of the baby. I heard women who were strongly recommended to induce because their baby was supposed to be 10 lbs then it turned out to be only 6 or 7. :shrug:

Terri--Yeah I'm trying not to jinx it for you! We'll see! EEP! I like your idea for the pics with blinky
Expensive? Haha, welcome to Iceland!! That's on the cheaper side for a 3 bedroom apartment. If I wanted a house with 4 bedrooms it'd be AT LEAST 600k us dollars!! :/
Everything is more expensive here but perhaps we get paid more here... What would be the typical monthly salary in the US for a normal office person? What about monthly salary for a bank employee with masters degree and doing specialised projects?

Lenka: in Iceland noone is circumsized and for us, men who are look rather weird to us so perhaps I'm not the right person to ask. But since you did, here's my answer:
I think you should not do it just because you feel like you need to do it for other people. Our world today is getting more and more multi cultural with people moving vetween continents every day. I think the versatilitiea between people will get more and more understood in coming years so I'd just fo what you think is best. This is an old tradition that is kept for a reason I don't understand. :)
Drauma-That last two months, I have gotten a high temp followed by a deep drop. AF is soon on her way, I'm sure. In fact, I'm sure tomorrow morning she will be right here!

Lenka-I forgot that you made me laugh when you read that Lfrans was packing candles. hee hee. They are probably not even allowed in the hospital. As far as circumcision, I think it's a personal decision. When your boy asks, you tell him why you chose not to do it, and he'll be ok with it. I have never seen anyone uncircumcised. I mean, I may have looked it up online at one point in my life, but I don't know what it looks like in person. So...circumcised is all I know. That doesn't help at all, but that's my thought. Do what you're comfortable with, konechno (of course!).

As far as cooking-We got a crock pot for our wedding, so I have started making crock pot meals. I'll do the prep the night before, and then all I have to do in the morning is start it and off I go. I do like cooking, but it's hard cooking for one or two. And..I absolutely hate doing dishes, so the fewer pots/pans, the happier I am.
Lenka - I think circumcision is a personal decision and there is no wrong answer. I will be circumcising my baby, but I am also jewish and this decision is largely cultural. I do not know what I would do if not.

Drauma- 330k for that apartment for me is not so expensive lol! My house was completely dated when we bought it. And we paid 445k canadian (v similar to US$ depending on the day). For the americans - we can afford this because our college costs us about 3k per year, so we dont have so much debt and are able to save.

Here is the original listing of our house: https://www.sandrazelikovic.com/eng/westmount-properties-details.php/190
We have pulled out the carpets and redone the hardwood floors, painted the walls and the kitchen cabinets, bought a new stove. It looks much better, but nowhere near as modern as the place drauma is looking at. If this house was that modern, it would sell around 600k.

So, I usually post from work (I know so bad) and I dont have my pics at work. I do have 1 pic of me, but not many. Before my miscarriage I was taking weekly pics to show baby and then miscarried. So this time I just didnt want to take any pics.

Ill look for my 1 pic and try to figure out how to post it later. and Ill take one with DH soon.

Off to work, blah!
Yeah... College in Iceland is from 600 usd annual fee up to 3k per year as well. Only people who go abroad to study (like my DB) have huge student loans on their back. But they're very fair, he will only pay 2 fees a year, one for approx. 880 usd and the other for approx. 1325 usd. And the debt from a student loan does not transfer to other people if the person dies before it's all paid up...

That house looks very, very nice! I can picture it with new floors and new paint and all you said, I think you'll be very happy there :)

I am at home today... Feeling horrible, just want to sleep, lie down and be close to the bathroom :( Any good movies you've seen lately?
Lfrans-I like your house a lot. It's a perfect home for a small family. It reminds me of my house, actually. Americans are so big now, older houses seem so small, but I'm fine with my small, older home. HA!!HA!! Did you get rid of that salmon color in the office? That was a bit bold for my tastes.

You guys are lucky that college is so cheap. Here it's just ridiculous and keeps going up. I think it's almost to scam level at this point, but there's nothing anyone can do. :shrug: I'm just pleased that my company is paying for my grad school as long as I get a C or better.
Terri, I'm so sorry about that temp drop. UGH!!!! It was nice seeing that you had a real o though so that's a good sign. Still.

Lenka--yeah I laughed out loud when I read the candle part, so romantic having a baby burst through down under :haha:

Lfrans--Oh my gosh that STOVE haha!! Looks like you have a lot of space to build your family! How awesome! You're right about the school debt...although my husband and I were extremely fortunate to graduate debt free (military does help something!) with our BAs, his masters was a VERY different story.

Drauma--you have a good point. We are paid less. I guess we don't often have very modern looking apartments here like that so that affects our perception. If we do, they are twice the price like Lfrans said.

Here's the one we hope to look at. The realtor said she'd be in touch to set up a viewing but I haven't heard back yet. Ugh patience... https://www.cbredpath.com/idx_mlsnum.php?clients_id=205&id=4334018
Steph that house looks very good to me! Looks like a house cut from an American movie to be, with the logwood in the back and everything :) FX for you :)
I looked it up and a house in Iceland for the same price you'd find in the smallest towns across the island, in towns where maybe 300 people live you can find a house for that price.... If you wanted a house like that in the city it'd be probably around 3 times the price... Funny how these things vary between countries :)
Drauma, totally! We live in a small area of the US so houses are cheaper, but I think that's still around the average house price for the country. If you go to the state where Lenka lived, houses are SO MUCH cheaper. A friend bought a nice one for 80,000 USD! But where I'm from in Seattle, you can't find one for cheaper than what you're looking at in Iceland. Some areas, like San Fransisco, are millions of dollars for just a small townhouse.

Had my midwife appt today, baby had this the hiccups while we were listening to the heartbeat. Hehe so cute :cloud9:
Aww...hiccups...adorable. I'm glad your appointment went well.

I was feeling bad emotionally this morning because of my huge temperature drop, although it wasn't big enough to bring on AF. Then I was ok with things in the afternoon because my workday was over, and now I just feel bad, physically. I rarely have cramps or any true sign of AF. Ever since I stopped taking BC, I've been temping, so I know that witch is coming. I don't know how I knew when I was younger. :haha: Anyway, long story short, I don't know why I'm cramping so badly this time around. It sucks, and I feel like I have true PMS. I've been nice to hubs, but I told him tomorrow I'm probably outta the game and moving to depression city for the first half of the day.
Hi ladies,

I had read all your posts but just could not reply. I was feeling very nauseas (still..) and exhausted last two days. I went to bed at 9pm yesterday and woke up at 8am today. I am so feeling much better now.

Thank you so much for your answers about the circumcision. I appreciate it very much! I am 99% sure we are not going to do it. lfrans, sorry, of course Jewish people do it, I completely forgot (with my DF being half Jewish lol).

Well, Terri, I am hoping AF is not going to show up for you!!! When are you off to Bahamas?

Drauma, how are you feeling? Regarding your question about salaries in the USA, I can only say that a starting salary for a graduate with Bachelor in Accounting is 53-58K plus benefits with a 6-7% promotion every year. Registered nurses make good money, starting 33$-35$ per hour straight after the college. I know these numbers because all my girlfriends are either accountants or Registered Nurses. As far as I know, people do not make a lot of money at banks, unless you are an investment banker (but it's a different story). A teller's salary is 8-10$ an hour, supervisor's 12$, branch manager 14$-18$ (I applied to several banks a few years ago, so I know). But if you have a Masters with some banking experience, I think you would make something around 60-75k a year, but this number is just out of my head.

lfrans, Steph, I loved your houses. I would love to own a single house (I once did but it was a sad experience). But here in Malibu, house prices are very high, 1 million easy. But for me personally, a backyard is the most important part in the house. I just love nature, grass, flowers. Privacy is also a must. The number of bedrooms, basements, attics - I do not really care.

Have a nice Friday you all!!!
Lenka - Feel better! Blah, morning sickness sucks!!

Terri - your temp rose a bit this morning, Im hopeful for you!!!

Steph - looks like a great house! Did you see it yet? I agree, sometimes the pics oversell the house (or vice versa).

Drauma - I agree about how crazy it is for things to vary between countries. When DH and I watch home buying shows on tv, it is all american and we can never believe how cheap things are in certain areas!

AFM - things are good. Slowly finishing to unpack the essentials. DH and I are on an off discussing names. We have to choose names both in english and hebrew. We are still strongly considering Myles in english. We like Mattan for Hebrew (it means gift). We are actually considering using it in english too. We feel it isnt too "out there" that it would sound weird and baby could go by Matt.

We are also trying to think if there is anything else...

For middle names we are at a bit of a loss both in english and hebrew! We initially were thinking Ryan, but we are both leaning away from it.

In hebrew I was looking at the name Reuel. It comes from the same root as the name Ruth (whom we are naming baby after). Ruth means friendship and Reuel means friend of god.
We also like Rohee

Our hebrew name choices are not typical biblical names. I did not want to name baby Moses Reuben or something like that. My hebrew name is Leah and I always wanted soemthing more modern. (although the name Leah seems to be making a comeback)

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