3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Lfrans-Yup, a slight rise. I still think AF is on her way. My average LP is about 14 days, so I guess I have a few more days to wait, but it sure is annoying when I FEEL it coming. I love Leah (lee-ah). Leah (pronounced like Princess Leia) is a little more difficult, but I think it's a beautiful, uncommon name. But..that's all girl talk. How do you say Reuel? Raul? Roo-yell? I like Myles and I like Matten too.

Lenka-We leave for the Bahamas on St. Patrick's day, so it won't be long now. I think I am going to work on Sunday after church so I can get a day off during the week. I have so much to do, and 8 hours isn't cutting it. I hate work, but I don't mind coming in on a winter weekend if I know I can get a weekday off. Opening day (for baseball) is at the end of the month, and I would love to take the day off and hang out with my bestie and her hubs.

Have a great weekend everyone. I'm going to be doing schoolwork and a little socializing. Can't wait!
I had a little bit of spotting this morning (on TP), so I decided not to test. I did buy three dollar store tests the other day, but I don't really want to see a negative. I think I can hold out and see what today brings. If nothing happens today, and I'm feeling good in the morning (which means a temperature rise), I'll try one test and see what happens.

I figured my cramping/feeling bad was because of the HSG. I guess my body is supposed to be back to normal now, and PMS is normal. It's just been so long since I've had it that I don't even know how to act! hee hee. The past few days have been irritating to say the least.

I took Roxy back to the shelter. I was pretty sad and I cried when I was taking her and I cried when I left the shelter. She had a lump on her side, and I asked the vet to check it out. They may do a biopsy just to see what it is, but they think that it's scar tissue from the shots/injections of painkillers that she received when she first got hit. They kept her, but if they need me to come get her, I totally will. But I have a feeling, she's going up for adoption. :cry:

My Goddaughter has her first dance recital in an hour, so I'm heading out to watch little girls and boys do ballet, tap and jazz. It should be fun.
Keeping my fingers crossed for u Terri! Enjoy watching little kids dancing and hope Roxy is going to be all right!
As you can see from my chart, someone decided to show up today. Taking Roxy back was more devastating than having the witch appear, so maybe fostering is beneficial to my sanity.

One more week of work and I'm going to be on vacation. I need it. I need to just clear my mind, relax, and only think about me and my husband. It can't come fast enough.

I went out to dinner with my high school besties tonight and we went to a Filipino restaurant. They are both Filipino, so it was pretty cool. I didn't know what most of the food was, but they explained it to me. It's yummy! It was also probably our cheapest meal since we reconnected a few years back, so I can't complain about that!

Hope you all are having fun tonight!
Terri so sorry about giving up your Roxy, I can't imagine giving up my Roxy...old, fat, limpy Roxys are good dogs apparently :cry:

I hope you can have a good break in the Bahamas, too. What a bummer weekend. So sorry it was so poopy. Except the Filipino food SO GOOD. If I would have known there was filipino food in Baltimore! (next time I guess). I had two pinoy roommates at different times who would cook me food all the time... missing that a lot.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that you've been in my thoughts and sending love your way :hugs: Again sorry about AF and the dog...:hugs:
Terri, I'm so sorry to hear about AF and Roxy. She sounds like a good dog. Have you considered getting a god, permanently? I've heard it has so many benefits... I think I'll definitely get one, one day.
Oh, only a week to the Bahamas trip?!?!? You must be so excited :D I'm excited for you!! :D Hopefully you get to relax and have a great time :thumbup:

I'm feeling okay. I have had a tingling sensation in my pelvic area for some days now. Haven't had it for a long time but it feels exactly like cysts on my ovaries. I hate this. I've sent my OB/GYN an e-mail and still waiting for his verdict. He'll probably answer me on Monday, if I know his routine..! I'll let you know what he want's to do.
I've also had very tender boobs for a few days. No idea why that is though. I'm CD 25 today so I guess AF is preparing her visit! :/

Right now my back is just really, really bad since I fell on Saturday one week ago. There was ice on the road at the cabin and when I stepped out of the car I just slipped so one leg went under the car, one leg was still in the car and I fell right onto my back and hip. I've been in heap of pain since. My physiotherapist told me I'm clumsy (no shit sherlock, ha! ha!) and told me to take it easy for a few days. He's gonna look at it again later this week. I'm just trying not to lift anything heavy and watching my posture. Oh, only me! haha!!

lfrans: I have no idea about hebrew or names in hebrew, I'm sorry. But those you mentioned sound really good to me. :)
You can always go with an Icelandic viking name like Thor, if you get completely lost, he! he! he! :) :winkwink:
Steph-The restaurant is in the suburbs, northeast of Baltimore, so it would have been out of the way for you, but next time, let me know! hee hee. It was a smaller restaurant, but I'd definitely go there again. :) Thanks for the condolences. hee hee. You guys are too kind. Did you look at the house you liked this weekend? Today, maybe?

Drauma-I used to be so clumsy. I still am a little bit, but I've gotten a lot better. I just like to rush, and haste makes waste, so I often hit my side on something, or bump my knee, etc..I hope you're ok. I actually hit the back of my head on the wall last night. I was going up the stairs, and Kyle called me and I just leaned back to see what he wanted. Well, the top of the wall was right there, and bam! I don't have a bruise, but it hurt when I did it. I hope you get better. You sound like a mess! hee hee. Pains everywhere...what happened the last time at the doctor? I remember your appt. was rescheduled, but I don't remember the update.

AF may not be arriving for you just yet. I think you still have a chance to ovulate, it's just going to take a little longer. Keep taking your temp/OPKs and see what happens. And maybe, like Steph said, discard that super low temperature and see what Ffoe does.

Yes, we'll get a dog someday. I have had 4 dogs in the past that I would have considered adopting, but I know that 3 of them all have good homes now, so I feel really good about that. I'm sure I'll get the call regarding Roxy today. People like small (even if fat), sleepy, housebroken dogs, so I know she'll get adopted.

My coworker told me about a free movie site, ftubef.net, and I started watching "Frozen" last night and then fell asleep. I'm going to work this morning and then will try to finish that movie.
Allright, I discarded the low temperature. I'm thinking I probably had a cold or something that day. I was feeling rather weak that day if I remember correctly. I almost never get a fever, I rather get really cold when I'm unwell. Ffoe just made a dotted line instead... Am I supposed to read anything else out of it? I'll keep temping, yes, I've been very stable the last few days. Let's see what happens. But my doctor said if testosterone is high I probably won't ovulate every cycle. I went to the doctor and she just sent me to take a blood test. I had the blood test and am now waiting for my ob/Gyn to contact me. (The doctor who sent me to have a blood test was a general doctor and she quit working there the day I had my blood test...so I had them send the results to my ob/gyn and am waiting for him to get back to me (I sent him a long e-mail and will prob hear from him this week))

Me and DB were filling out a form last night about us becoming a co-habiting partners. It's basically just a form to send to the government that states we are together and living together, just not married. It will give us some rights that I don't completely understand, but not 100% like being married. But since we have only been together 15 months this is a nice step :) We're celebrating by going out for dinner tonight :happydance: :kiss:

Hope you al had a great weekend :hugs:
Afternoon, ladies!

How was the rest of your weekend, Terri? How was Frozen? Did you make it without falling asleep again hehe? I haven't seen it but I've heard so many good things.

Drauma--are you feeling better? That ice is terrible, I've taken two falls (one at 13 weeks and another at 19 weeks) but baby is tough so she's ok. Sounding much better than how you're feeling ugh.:hugs: Let us know when you talk to a doctor or if you get any news! Congrats on the paperwork! :D I hope you had a romantic evening!

Lenka? How are you feeling?

Lfrans? Any baby name decisions yet? I like the Hebrew names. They aren't too out there, and they have beautiful meanings. (Matten was my fave) Leah isn't too old fashioned, not like Mildred or Gertrude, so you're ok there. Just out of curiosity, are you practicing? Growing up we celebrated passover and such but that's about it.

Well, we went to see the house today. And it was AWESOME. The first floor needs cosmetic work done to it. It looks like they started to remodel and then just gave up. But the upstairs is all redone and the master bedroom has views of the property and the neighboring farm. :cloud9: The greenhouse is in great shape, along with the goat shed and garage. Really, it was perfect for us. :happydance: FX
Steph-I'm so happy you loved the house. Woohoo!! That's such an awesome feeling. Now...we just have to hope you get your financing, and there's nothing wrong that you can't see (when they do the inspection). I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. STOP FALLING!! hee hee.

Drauma-Ooh, you guys are taking the domestic partnership step. Good for you!! I guess if you're planning kids you might as well get started planning on your future. How did it go? My sister did that before she got married. Her husband wanted to do it for some reason, and then they got married a few months later. He's odd sometimes. What do Icelandans/Icelanders (?)eat for dinner? Hope it was yummy!

I did fall asleep on Saturday night when watching Frozen, but I finished it on Sunday, and it was a good movie. Disney can make you cry at any given moment. I was already weepy with AF news, but it just made me love love. They were happy tears. hee hee.

Great news--Roxy :dog: is coming back for the week! She had the mass in her shoulder/back removed and they are doing a biopsy. It takes 2-14 days for the results so they asked if I wanted to keep her for the week. Of course, I said yes. I rushed to get her crate set up, put her bowls back where they belong, and put her blanket back in the corner where she likes to sit. I pick her up tomorrow after work. I'll drop her off again on Saturday. When she goes to her next home she's going to be like 'um..this is NOT my house.' HA!!HA!!
Aww Steph, yay for the house! Hope everything goes well and it'll be yours before you know it :D And thank you, the paperwork-night out was very good, well, the eating part.

Earlier on Sunday DB was playing a soccer-match and fell straight on the ball and broke some ribs. We went for dinner and then straight to the emergency room to have his chest x-rayed and get him some pain meds. He was okay yesterday but today he's feeling really poorly. I'm a bit worried because it's his lungs and he's having trouble breathing and staying in any position, but they say his lung is okay... I think we'll give it a day more and if he's gradually worse we'll just go to the hospital again :/

I am feeling a lot better after my fall. Perhaps it's just because DB is feeling bad and it makes me forget my pain...

Terri: In Iceland we eat all sorts of stuff for dinner, it's very multi-cultural... We eat Chicken, pasta, beef, pork, lamb, fish, lasagne, pizza and other fast-food you name it! (We have so many fast-food places, healthy and not-healthy, but I like cooking at home and keeping the fast-food for lazy days). Then we also have soooo many restaurants, I'm going to a fancy one next Friday and then to see a comedy show at the theatre. GREAT FUN! :) We have Icelandic, American, Chinese, Thai, Viatnemese, Turkish, Swedish, Danish, English, Indian and all sorts of other types of restaurants here :)

This is my favorite recipe blog and I've cooked dozens of recipes from there. You can look at the pictures to get an idea :) https://eldhussogur.com/

Last Sunday we went to a steak house because they were advertising an offer online on gourmet burgers - it was a brie-filled hamburger with bacon, chiptole mayo, mango chutney, mushrooms, and some other stuff - really good! :)

Good to hear Roxy is recovering and you get her back for a few days. Can't you just keep her? :) :hugs:

I finally heard back from my ob/gyn and have an appointment with him next Thursday at 3:20 pm! He said he'd like to do some very thorough hormone blood tests and take a closer look at everything. I feel good about it. Good to get know what is actually going on! :)

Am I the only one who feels like March just begun and gets a shock every time I sign a paper 11th March... ? Time flies!!
I like your new picture, Drauma. Love the glasses! I wear glasses too. My life is flying by in two week intervals. It's really weird. hee hee. Thanks for the blog link. I'll have to check it out.

Sorry to hear about your DB. From what I have heard, there is nothing you can do for broken ribs except let them heal on their own. Hopefully he's laying down somewhere and not moving around a ton. Thank goodness he did not puncture his lung, even though if he's having trouble breathing, he may have grazed it. I hope not though. You sound like me..'uh, let's eat first and then go to the hospital!' HA!!HA!!

that's also fantastic that your doctor is going to go through everything and figure out what's going on. Be thankful you are getting this done now instead of when you're older. I'm going to be gone next Thursday, but make sure you update us.
She saw me prior to going in to get the report from the vet, and she was just crying/whimpering/whining. She was so happy to get in the car and get in the house. She even ran up the back stairs. There are three steps. I was prepared to pick her up and she just ran right up. Now we'll see if she can go up the 14 stairs from the basement to the upstairs. She is moving so much faster, just after a few days! I guess she really wanted to leave the shelter. ha ha. I'm glad to have her back!
Hi ladies!
Terri, have a wonderful time in the Bahamas! Drink plenty of pina colodas, once you get pregnant it all will be a dream.
Drauma, I hope you and your DF get well soon! And congratulations on your domestic partnership!
Steph, I am keeping my fingers crossed about that house! Wow, it would be so nice if you get it!!! You will get it!
lfrans, how are you???

AFM, I am taking a little break from my computer, since the school is over. But I always read all of your posts first thing in the morning on my cell. Have a good one, ladies! Talk to u.
Lenka-Enjoy your break. I just got out of class, and now it's spring break. How awesome that my vacation is during my fertile window, AND it's spring break for school. I did plan the trip for both, so it kind of works out perfectly. I'm hoping for a mid-December or sooner baby!! hee hee.

I have about 8 OPKs left from last time, and since my O date was so late, I'm going to start using them on CD8 (Saturday) until it smiles for me. If I run out, I run out. We're definitely going to be relaxed and I'm definitely drinking. I don't like pina or colada, so I'll have daiquiris and other yummy drinks!
Have a fantastic trip Terri! Enjoy the sun, the drinks, the ocean, the sand, the food, the EVERYTHING! :D
Take a break from computers and technology, us on bnb, and every thought of TTC and just enjoy being with your DH :D :hugs: :kiss: :coolio: :happydance:
Oh I thought you said you wouldn't be here for my doctor's appointment tomorrow.. haha, my bad ;)

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