oh, that's exciting news lfrans. Hopefully you don't have to wait too long!

My sister gave birth a month ago. She lost her mucous plug 5 days before baby. What helped her was going out for little walks. She could not find any comfortable positions and was 2 cm dilated these days and these walks helped her tremendously. Hopefully you find something that works for you.
I had the blood test done today. I'll get results on Monday. Maybe I made the doctor sound worse than he is. He is actually a fantastic doctor and really thoughtful. He examined me last December and didn't want to do it again this time because if I was experiencing cysts or something like that they'd be so small he might not even see them. He's going to examine me better when I go next time. I'm just a bit frustrated to pay all this money just for a blood test prescription. He could have done that over the phone... Well, I guess these things are costly. I haven't talked to DB about his test yet. I'm gonna wait for AF first... I find it somewhat awkward to ask him to get checked. So I'll finish this cycle first... I'm CD 30 today. Feel all the symptoms but AF isn't here yet. I am crossing my fingers but not getting my hopes up though.
I'm having my hair cut later today. I'm gonna take half off... or something like that. I'm so nervous! My hair is something I control myself and I'm letting it go... haha! I feel so weird about this. I took a picture of my hair yesterday.. it's way too long and it's starting to bother me a bit so I think it's best to cut it a bit shorter...
Tonight is the dinner with my pregnant friend and her DB and then a massive comedy stand-up show. The funniest guys in Iceland put together in a big show. I saw the first one, this is the sequel

Looking forward to it! Am very torn whether I should have a drink or not though.... What do you think?
Lenka: No questions are silly!
Greenland is the country closest to Iceland but we don't have massive communications with them. They're a part of Denmark (and Iceland was a part of Denmark until 1944 when we got our independence).
From Iceland people fly to Greenland for adventure trips, but not much else. It's a very, very big island 2,166,086 km2 /836,109 sq mi with only 56,000 inhabitants that live scattered around the fjords. There are cities, yes. The capital is Nuuk with 16,000 people.
In comparison, Iceland is only 103,001 km2 /39,770 sq mi with 232,000 inhabitants!
So, yes, people live there... but not many. It's also the country with the highest depression and suicide rates :/ Very sad and very different from what we're used to in the western civilizations.
Well, I better start working since I have to leave early to go to the hairdresser's... Have a fantastic weekend everyone!