3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

I also thought that Terri was leaving on Thursday. :dohh:

Drauma, nice avatar picture! I also wear glasses at home and contacts when I go out. But I am very shortsighted. Like very. -6.5, -7...

I have been feeling so tired and exhausted lately. I am short of breath all the time. Some queasiness still bothers me. They told me that the 2nd trimester is a breeze... :growlmad: I am 14.3 today.

Hope you all feel wonderful! :flower: How is the weather treating you?
Aha! You wrote NEXT Thursday, so I thought your appointment was on the 20th, not the 13th. I'll be here if your appt. is tomorrow. Yay!

Maybe you'll have to wait until the third trimester to feel better, Lenka. Sorry you're feeling so bad! I hope DF is getting you lots of nice things-new outfits, flowers, presents!

It's supposed to be 70 degrees today. Too bad I'm stuck inside. Tonight it's going to drop to 20, and the high tomorrow is only 30, so I'm eager to leave this cold. The warm weather the past two days has been nice though. All the snow is melted for the most part. It gets ugly and brown/black after a while.
Lolol, Terri, wait till 3rd trimester!?! :brat: I hope it will come much sooner!! Well, my DF is not a romantic gentleman type. Not at all. But I am fine with that. I am also not into rose petals and candles. We prefer hard core. lolol. Just kidding, ladies!!!

Terri, this weather is just crazy!!! What is happening with this world. No snow in Russia, where it is supposed to snow, and so much snow in the East coast of the USA... :wacko:
Terri can you pick Roxy back up and adopt her after you get back from the Bahamas???

We put in an offer, they countered, we accepted! Next step is the inspection, which I'm a little nervous about. Whatever will be will be, so I'm not getting my hopes up yet. One of my good friends recently walked away from a house due to the inspection not going well so we'll have to be prepared to throw away that money if need be. Meanwhile, I will try to control my nesting crazy...

Lenka I still had days where I was so ill I could not get out of bed until 15 weeks. Then suddenly it just went away! 14 weeks is still pretty early to feel great...I think it's a lie that 12 weeks is the magic number! Then again, there are some people that barely have it at all, and others who feel queasy almost all the way through. I didn't start feeling more myself until 17 weeks, when I could start sleeping again. I think Lfrans also had insomnia problems! Also, about the short of breath, is that something that just started? I felt like it was so much worse until a few weeks ago, and now I can walk up stairs without feeling like I'm 150 kilos. It WILL get better, I promise!! (Then it'll get worse hehe) Lenka LOLOLOL about the hardcore

Terri...how HOW is it supposed to be 70 degrees today? Here it's warm, around freezing, but it's snowing almost 2 feet! NOAA warns of near blizzard conditions today and tomorrow haha. ENJOY it!! I guess just for today though.
Steph, thanks for the support! :hugs: Yes, I did not have any shortness of breath before my pregnancy. Never ever. And now I am like an old English bulldog climbing up the stairs...

They accepted your offer!!!! Yay!!! Good luck with the inspection! I hope they do not find any major problems with the house!!!

I have to work and I am just siting here stalking BnB... Is it an exhaustion or pure laziness? :shrug: :haha:
Oh... Terri, that's my Icelandic messing with my English where I wrote 'Next Thursday'... :dohh: But my appointment is tomorrow at 3:20 pm! I'll let you know when I get home how it went. I hope AF won't be there and he'll get a good loook at everything!
I've had a dull pain and sore boobs today and yesterday so I feel her coming...

Lenka, thank you. I'm short sighted as well with some massive astigmatism in left eye...
My friend just had her 20 week check up yesterday and she was throwing up every single day, many times a day until week 17... Hopefully you'll feel better before that but I think it's unfair of people to talk about the 12 week magic, it's just pure evil!

The weather here is very undecided. 2 days ago it was snowing and today it was raining. It's around 40F here in Reykjavík but went up to 53F in the east today! FX spring wll come soon.
In Iceland though we hardly have 4 seasons, it's mostly winter and summer, hehe, with a hint of autumn. But spring is almost never present.

Steph: I'm crossing my fingers for you! Hopefully the inspection goes well and everything is in order :) Hope the blizzard doesn't show up! :)
Lenka-It's ok to take some time off and stalk BnB. At my job there are a ton of smokers, and they leave the building throughout the day, so I feel like I can sit and take an internet break (anytime I'm at my desk). The only problem is people can bother me when I'm at my desk. No one goes outside to bother the smokers. :haha:
I do hope you feel better soon. You're fortunate that at least you're in the comfort of your home when you're feeling bad.

Drauma-It's ok about the Thursday/next Thursday mixup. It happens to people who speak English as a first language. No biggie. I'm excited for your appointment and to figure out what is going on! I hope AF doesn't get you by tomorrow at 3:20. hee hee.

Steph-Awesome about the offer. I am praying that your inspection goes well. Even if it doesn't, the people will want to fix the problem areas so that they can get to their new destination. Or...if they don't want to fix them, maybe they'll reduce the price a little more. I'm sure it will work out for the best. This weather is crazy. It didn't quite reach 70, but the wind is blowing something fierce, and it's bringing the cold weather with it.
That was insanely uneventful! Went to the doctor today and all he did was write me a paper that says I should get my blood tested for all sorts of things, a big massive blood test, and to send my DB to have his sperm tested as well. Then he's gonna be in touch on Monday and see what he can do with my results... <3 [-o&lt;

And for this, 10 minutes of small talk, I paid 60 USD! Thank you very much! Arg! :wacko:

Well, at least he promised me he wouldn't stop until I get pregnant, that's reassuring enough so I paid and went to buy myself a beautiful white and purple orchid and a gift for my friend whom I am meeting tomorrow. She had her 20 week checkup this week and found out she's expecting a girl. I bought her some very cute and very tiny pink sleeping clothes :) :kiss:

Hailstorm in Reykjavík today.... oh how I love it... NOT! :cold:

Oh and boobs are EXTREMELY sore today and I'm cramping as well so... AF is most definitely here tonight or tomorrow...
Drauma, they can tell a lot by your blood results. So lets hope that everything is fine in this department and that your DB's analysis are also good! :hugs:

Very silly question: do people live in Greenland? Is there any more or less major cities? Too lazy to google it.

Any exiting plans for this weeknd, ladies? Terri is probably going to pack her swimming suits :shipw:, what about the rest of u?

I wonder how lfrans is doing... I have a feeling she... You know. :winkwink:

Steph, any news on the inspection?

I feel excellent today, no nausea, no exhaustion. I try to eat a lot of protein now, it is good for the baby's growth. We bought a whole cooked chicken yesterday, and this morning I made paninies with whole grain bread, cheese, some slices of tomatoes and the chicken. It was so good.

Well, enjoy your Thursday, ladies. I hope the spring comes fast enough to where you live. This winter has been just too long. :flower:
Lenka--you're telling me about this long winter! After dumping close to 2 feet of snow, now it's frigid. Tonight we'll for sure shatter a record cold low for this time of year. The high today was 15 but the wind chill has not reached above 0. Your meal sounds so yummy!! Yeay for not feeling sick! :happydance: Such a great feeling! Hopefully it sticks around for good, and if not, the bad days should be getting fewer!

Drauma--I'm glad he ordered those blood tests. Hopefully they'll give you some answers ASAP. Health care can be so expensive!! And awww what a sweet gift for your friend!

Terri--You don't like pina or colada?? I can't even ask you to drink a whole bunch for us pregnant ladies. Being sober all the time is boring :haha: So happy for you and this trip. How is the Roxy doing? Our Roxy was so happy with this last snow storm, she was running like a young dog again. She ate so much snow during the walk that she woke me up at midnight so she could go pee :haha:

Lfrans, have you popped yet? (haha! accidentally typed pooped first )

Inspections aren't set til next week. Well one is. And the other guy won't call me back...getting irritated here!! We went through and unless there is something major and horrible with the house, we are going to have to go through with it. (The seller is tight on money and can't go any lower according to my realtor...and as tempting as it was, we don't low ball him either) It'll all work out though, so I'm not going to worry too much. What good would that do?

Time to bake the cookies I promised my inlaws for Christmas :dohh: Morning sickness got in the way then...I dunno. Laziness. I love hearing from you all! :hugs:
Steph-Mail me some cookies while you're at it! hee hee. What kind are you making?
I don't like pineapple (pina) or coconut (colada), but I like plenty of other drinks, so yes, I will be drinking for you guys too!! Don't worry....

Roxy is doing well. Kyle asked about adopting her, but I think he was just drunk. :haha: I don't think I can do it. I'm trying to cut back on my responsibilities (work, school, running, newsletter editor for my moto.group), and I know dogs aren't THAT much work, but I kind of just want to chill out for once in my life, and having a temporary dog lets me do that. I'll think about it some more because she is great with kids (my friend came over with her 6 month old, and Roxy was so nice to her while she sat in her carseat on the floor), but I think I just want to wait a bit. Plus, I'm going to be doing all the work, not him. I just have a lot of jumble in my brain now, and I want it to stop.

Drauma-I think your doctor is doing the right thing. If you were in the US, they'd say 'let's wait 6 more months. Let's wait a year and see what happens.' It's so annoying. I'm waiting two more months before I go see a fertility specialist, but it's already been ~8 months and I'm old. I was able to get the HSG performed, so that was a step in the right direction, so hopefully I won't have to wait 2 more months, and this month will be it. fxfx.

Lenka-Glad you had a nausea free day. Good for you!! Enjoy it! I was thinking about lfrans as well and can't wait for the baby picture to appear. I bet she is :winkwink: HA!!HA!!
Hi all, sorry for being MIA

Terri - enjoy the bahamas! So jealous, we got another 25cm of snow here last night. Fun fun!

Drauma- sounds like it wasnt a very personable doctor, do you have to stay with that one? Atleast hesaid he will stay with you until you are pregnant! Its a process to figure it all out, but i think in the end it will all work out.

Lenka- you are just entering 2nd trimester... i stopped feeling queesy around 17 weeks, by 14 weeks it was not as bad, but still had its moments...

Steph - congrats on the house! Inspections are scary, they will find all sorts of things that seem to be big deals, it is hard to figure out what is serious and what isnt, what is "normal" and what isnt... but Im sure itll work itself out. And it is a big cost if you dont end up buying... but imagine the cost if you bought without an inspection and found something wrong

so AFM, its been quite a long and crazy week. Last saturday I was finishing putting away some clothes and was going into the basement to get some shirts that were hanging downstairs to bring them to my closet. I tripped onthe last step and fell a bit hard on my bum. I wasnt hurt at all, but got super nervous about it. I called the hospital and they told me to come in. We went in, and they monitored me and th baby for 4 hours. baby was fine, I was having contractions, apparently i had been having some, but did not realize what it was. I didnt hurt at all, just tightening feeling towards the top of where the baby was. I thought it was be lower in my pelvis and really painful. The nurses were a bit power-trippy and made me feel bad that i fell and that i was dehydrated which is part of the reason i was having contractions.

Sunday i woke up with a cold and was really tired, my parents came over to help finish unpacking things in the house. They wouldnt let me move. I sat and pointed to where things should go.

Monday i stayed feeling sick and started feeling really exhausted, went to my dr appointment - she said i was 2cm dilated (so more than saturday when i was 1cm). Otherwise everything is still normal.

TMI, but i think i lost my mucous plug also around sunday/monday. I have been totally exhausted since sunday and cannot sleep properly. Im feeling less congested today, but barely slept last night.

I was supposed to have my last day of work tomorrow, but I went in today and packed up myd esk and finished by 1. Ill take tomorrow as a sick day and then my mat leave starts as of monday.

I am still having irregular contractions, will come and go and not regularly every 5 min (which is when you have to go to the hospital).

I read that having a cold is a potential sign of impending labour and dunno... i just have a feeling that he is coming in the next week or so...

so ya, thats it for me!
oh, that's exciting news lfrans. Hopefully you don't have to wait too long! :) My sister gave birth a month ago. She lost her mucous plug 5 days before baby. What helped her was going out for little walks. She could not find any comfortable positions and was 2 cm dilated these days and these walks helped her tremendously. Hopefully you find something that works for you.

I had the blood test done today. I'll get results on Monday. Maybe I made the doctor sound worse than he is. He is actually a fantastic doctor and really thoughtful. He examined me last December and didn't want to do it again this time because if I was experiencing cysts or something like that they'd be so small he might not even see them. He's going to examine me better when I go next time. I'm just a bit frustrated to pay all this money just for a blood test prescription. He could have done that over the phone... Well, I guess these things are costly. I haven't talked to DB about his test yet. I'm gonna wait for AF first... I find it somewhat awkward to ask him to get checked. So I'll finish this cycle first... I'm CD 30 today. Feel all the symptoms but AF isn't here yet. I am crossing my fingers but not getting my hopes up though.

I'm having my hair cut later today. I'm gonna take half off... or something like that. I'm so nervous! My hair is something I control myself and I'm letting it go... haha! I feel so weird about this. I took a picture of my hair yesterday.. it's way too long and it's starting to bother me a bit so I think it's best to cut it a bit shorter...

Tonight is the dinner with my pregnant friend and her DB and then a massive comedy stand-up show. The funniest guys in Iceland put together in a big show. I saw the first one, this is the sequel :) Looking forward to it! Am very torn whether I should have a drink or not though.... What do you think?

Lenka: No questions are silly!
Greenland is the country closest to Iceland but we don't have massive communications with them. They're a part of Denmark (and Iceland was a part of Denmark until 1944 when we got our independence).
From Iceland people fly to Greenland for adventure trips, but not much else. It's a very, very big island 2,166,086 km2 /836,109 sq mi with only 56,000 inhabitants that live scattered around the fjords. There are cities, yes. The capital is Nuuk with 16,000 people.
In comparison, Iceland is only 103,001 km2 /39,770 sq mi with 232,000 inhabitants!
So, yes, people live there... but not many. It's also the country with the highest depression and suicide rates :/ Very sad and very different from what we're used to in the western civilizations.

Well, I better start working since I have to leave early to go to the hairdresser's... Have a fantastic weekend everyone! :hugs:
Lfrans-Thanks! I can't wait to go, and when I return, I'll be hearing good things from you, I'm sure. Don't worry about that power trippy nurse. You hopefully won't have to see her again. I'm so excited that it's almost time for you to give birth. It's been a long time coming! You'll do great. We are so proud of you.

Drauma-I think your doctor is doing a lot of good things for you. He doesn't sound terrible at all. I also think that if you are considering having a baby with DB, it shouldn't be a big deal to ask to have him checked. Better to cover your bases now than to get yourself in tip top shape and then find out he has the issue. Depending on what it is, he can get supplements and stuff too. It's something both of you are going to do together, so might as well start having difficult conversations now. :shrug: Your hair is really long! And I say yes, have a drink if you want it!

I emailed a fertility center (Shady Grove Fertility) yesterday and they called me back this morning. My hygienist goes to see them as she has been trying for years without success. She finally called SGF, and she loves them. Anyway, the website was scaring me when I was reading about it and it said that if you are >35 and have been trying for 6 months unsuccessfully, you should seek medical help. My eggs are rapidly decreasing, so I need to start doing something now. My doc said wait another two months after HSG. Well, this is the start of my second cycle after HSG, so I might as well make an appointment just to see what they say and determine if I feel comfy. I feel a little bad because I seem healthy, and I haven't been trying THAT long to where I consider myself infertile, but the timing is the problem. Pus, I'm a little upset my gyno didn't want to do bloodwwork to check my girl hormones. What does my blood pressure, cholesterol and thyroid have to do with having a baby? I think AMH, FSH, and estradiol are more important and my regular doctor doesn't check that! She did do the HSG, so that is good, but it's obviously more expensive than bloodwork, but what's done is done. I guess I figure the sooner I bring out the big guns the better. My appointment is for the 26th, and it's near work, so that will be good. Now I'm freaking out a bit. Ok..sorry for the ramble.

Oh, and Roxy's biopsy is clear. She's going back tomorrow. Kyle was drunk talking, even though he does like her. He doesn't think about all I (bold, capitalized) will have to do. hee hee.
Hi ladies,

Lfrans, my heart dropped when I read about you falling in your basement... The time is almost here! So exciting!

Drauma, 1) cute picture! 2) Yep, cut that hair, the change is always so refreshing! 3) Yes, have a drink! or two! I was silly enough skipping everything when I was ttc. Cocktails, coffee, swimming in a pool, doing a lot of exercises... I was just way too cautious. The life can pass by. Enjoy, relax and you will get your BFP. I even take it easy now, I still drink coffee (1 cup every morning), I eat sushi in respectable restaurants, I go to the gym every 3rd day.

Terri, I am so glad that your are going to see a FS!!!! I was the most afraid of the blocked tubes, since yours are clear, maybe just something simple as Femara will do the trick for you!!! FX!!!!

Steph, what are you up to?

Have a wonderful weekend, ladies, the spring is almost here!!! Yay!
Well, the fertility center asked me to call the Aetna hotline for an authorization code. I was on the line for 30 minutes and nothing. I called another Aetna number, and the guy said 'hang on...I'll put you through to them' and he was on the line for 15 minutes and said 'they aren't answering.' I called back just now, and the phone was SURELY quick to say that they were closed. I'll try calling from the airport on Monday morning.

The weather people are saying that it's going to snow late Sunday, early Monday, so just pray that I get out of this bad weather! Our plane is supposed to leave EARLY Monday. I just need to get to Charlotte, NC. HA!!HA!! It's CD7, so we're going to try our hardest to NOT have to go through with any specialized treatments....aka BDing our &*^es off! HA!!HA!!
Terri, I think it's fantastic you're talking to FS. Don't feel bad about it. I am 28 and haven't been trying that long either. I just want to know if there's anything standing in the way of me getting pregnant and if there is, being able to fix it in time. I know people who've had issues and it has taken them 4+ years getting pregnant and they went to see a specialist really late.

I had my hair cut yesterday. Took like 2/3rds off!!! I'm still getting used to it. I think the shock will come when I wash it for the first time myself and try to style it... But it looks like this:

I'm still waiting for AF... CD31 today. Still got sore boobs and massive lower back pain. I think she's here every now and then and run to the bathroom but nothing comes. The longest cycle I've had after I stopped taking the pill was 44 days and the shortest 28 days soooooooo yay for waiting! :/

The comedy show was great, cried from laughter the whole time, it was awesome! :) And tonight it's dinner at my dad's with my siblings. I have one younger brother who has a 14 month old son and I have an older sister who has 3 kids, 17 (m), 14 (f) and 6 weeks old baby boy. I am so looking forward to the evening :D Have a great one too girls :kiss:
Love, love your haircut! It'll be easier to style and faster to wash now..You are too cute!

I'm taking Roxy back to the shelter today. Her biopsy was clear, thank goodness. I know i've said it a million times, but we will really miss her. My bestie's dog is here for the weekend, and they have been playing and getting along great. I'm so excited that she knows how to play properly with other dogs. She is going to be a blessing to someone, just not me after today. :cry:

Have a fun night tonight.
I just had to write quickly...Drauma you hair is SO CUTE I LOVE IT!!!! Well done!

Terri--have a beautiful trip, take pictures and post them so we can feel jealous ok?? And sorry you had to say goodbye to Roxy, I'm sure she'll find a great home! Thanks for caring for her while she got back on her feet (3 of them)

Lfrans--good on you for going to the doctor, sorry they made you feel bad that's stupid. So glad baby is ok and will probably make his appearance soon! Now you have to check up very often otherwise we'll assume you've had the baby already!

Lenka-- Take care, hope your ms is staying away!
Hi All,

I hope you are having a good weekend
Drauma - great hair!! Has AF come yet?

Terri - Enjoy your trip, so jealous!!!!!

Lenka/Steph - How are you feeling?

AFM- all is good, still preggers, I had a free massage today! :) I was called by the massage place I went to a month ago because they were offering a course on prenatal massage and needed models. So I got a free massage with a massage therapist learning to do prenatal massage. Honestly, it was better than the one i paid for last month!

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