3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

There was a girl at the bar today with a long, black dress on and her belly was SO big. She is due on Friday, but wanted to eat some corned beef! I thought of you because I see that your belly is now the size of a pumpkin, and that is exactly what hers looked like. She is having a baby boy, and they still don't know the name yet.

They are saying our flight may be delayed/cancelled due to the impending storm. It's supposed to be 3-5 inches of snow tonight and maybe an inch tomorrow. I am PRAYING that we can get out of Baltimore. If we can just get in the air, we should be fine. I want to go!!!! I don't want to go back to work!!! We do have travel insurance though, so that is one good thing, but I still don't think that will cover the resort costs. Just the flight...I think. :growlmad:
Oh Terri, I hope the weather sorts itself out!! Icelandic pilots are said to be the best in the world because they fly in every weather. It never happens that flights from Iceland are cancelled due to weather. I remember it twice and it came on the news and all. FX!!! I'd just demand a refund for the resort if the worst happens, wouldn't leave the place till they paid me! haha!
Have a fantastic time!!! :D Bon voyage!

Still waiting for AF!! Boob pain comes and goes, dull pelvic pain comes and goes. And last night I started crying when having a heated conversation at the party. So, no doubt my hormones are flipping out so AF is due any minute now! The guests stayed here until 6 am (!!!) this morning... it was really, really fun! We had a dinner party tonight at our house. DB's siblings, very nice evening :) I took a shower 20 minutes ago and washed my SHORT hair for the first time... It was sooooo weird! Now I'll find out how it it to style it and see if I still like it, hehe!

My temperature this morning freaked me out a bit, but then I realised I was temping at 1:30 pm (I didn't wake up until then!!) and not at 8 am as usual. I will probably discard it if tomorrow's temperature will be normal...

How was your weekend ladies?
Terri I hope so very hope you can make that flight tomorrow! You WILL GO TO THE BAHAMAS. ONE of us will enjoy a walk outside and it's definitely not me so prayers your way!!:thumbup:

Drauma--haha are you sure that was hormones that made you cry and not booze? Yup you're probably right about the temp being off because it was so late in the day. Sounds like you had a very fun night!

Lfrans-- The prenatal massage sounds like it was heavenly!! Hope it relaxes you into labor :happydance:

AFM this weekend has been sort of blah. My emotions have been all over the place since Friday. At first I thought it was due to being tired, but now I'm not sure. We went to go see 12 Years a Slave last night and I was sobbing so uncontrollably that I was shaking in my seat. I was upset and all for the things happening in the movie, but also for atrocities in the present, injustice, modern slavery, and how common racism/prejudice is in general. Ugh.

Hopefully today I can sleep through the night! Here's to happy hips again! :happydance:
The airline says our flight is on time, so I will be back on Friday night!

Steph-12 years a slave was a great movie. Intense, but wonderfully done.

Drauma-I'm sure your crying was alcohol too...sounds like you had a fantastic party though.
Maybe,... but I've been in a very strange mood lately.

Woke up very refreshed today, made myself a smoothie with strawberries, mango, blueberries and some stuff. It's been a few weeks since I woke up so fresh! I washed my hair last night for the first time post haircut and it was so weird! Now I am at work and everyone is asking me to spin and show them my hair. Only positive looks I've had so far.. yay! :)

Still waiting for AF. Temp normal this morning so I'll discard the high one.
drauma - smoothie sounds great!! Do you usually have regular cycles? Maybe you just have really long cycles and didnt O yet? Im definately not an expert in this stuff though.. Trying to stay positive!!

Terri - yay!! enjoy your trip!!

Lenka-any ms recently?

Steph -emotions are possibly just due to pregnancy hormones, they mess with you the whole time. I think i cried last week during how i met your mother... DH is used to it by now! BTW, I didnt answer you a while back about my level of judaism - montreal is a funny city, most jews are "traditional" meaning we go to orthodox synagogues for the high holidays and celebrate passover and do many of the traditions, but are not actually religious. So Im like that and grew up like that. DH and i are both jewish, we were married with an orthodox rabbi, and our home is kosher style (we buy kosher meat). outside of the house, we eat pretty much anything and we do not keep shabbat. We do passover and stuff. MY inlaws are a bit more practiciing than us. They go to synagogue most saturdays. but then they go shopping in the afternoons... so really its a pick and choose thing...

DH and I are pretty sure we have finalized our english name for blinky. We think we will call him Myles Richard. We went back and forth for a while, but we think this is it (although it can change in a second). We decided against using a hebrew name as baby's main name - unfortunately, we recognize that there are still prejudices out there and DH's last name is very neutral (Blend) So by giving baby a non-relgious name, no one will know his background and he wont lose opportunities in life for being jewish. It may sound very silly, but unfortunately it happens. Especially here in Quebec, it is a very racist society and people are scared of anyone who is different. We do not want baby to be limited later in life because of a name. We will instill our values in other ways.

Either way, for the hebrew name (which is used for religious ceremony- example - bar mitzvah, wedding..) we are planning on using mattan for the first name and still debating on the middle name - maybe ru-el or ro-ee (they dont translate perfectly).
lfrans: Myles Richard sounds great! I'm sure he'll wear the name with pride :)

After I stopped taking the pill my cycles have been: 35 , 44, 28, 30 and 31 days, and now I'm on CD 33.

I have no idea how stuff is working so I'm waiting anxiously to hear from the doctor... hopefully today or tomorrow! :)
Hi ladies,

Terri, glad that there was no delay!!! Yay!!! Enjoy ur vacation!!!

lfrans, I love name Mattan especially... How are you feeling?

Drauma, FX for your results!

Steph, hope you feel better!!! Hugs!

AFM, I woke up today at around 6am today because our house was shaken so badly for few seconds, maybe be longer. I thought it was a gust of wind and went back to sleep. Right!!! It was an earthquake!!! Scary!!! It's all over the local news...
Hope you're okay after the earthquake!! Must be scary if you're not used to them.
Being from Iceland earthquakes are almost a daily bread for me. The island is on top of two tectonic plates that hit each other daily and cause earthquakes. They can be felt here and there probably every day. Fortunately our houses are built extremely strong so usually nothing happens, but there have been quakes that broke some houses and stuff.

Still waiting for AF, I've felt for many days now that she must be here. Always running to the bathroom just to see nothing... Urgh the wait is agonizing!! I wonder if I should test... just for fun... but then I think to myself "No, wait a few more days". HELP ladies, please :shrug: :wacko: :winkwink:

UPDATE: Doctor called. The results were all fine. My hormones and everything looks great. He could tell that I ovulated really late this month for some reason, so that explains my long wait fro AF and the reason I never got a positive OPK. Hopefully we managed to get BD in close to the right time, if not, I know this is a possibility for me.
Perhaps my severe increase in temperaturecouple of days ago was indeed ovulation? hehe! I guess we'll never know... FX for the next few days! :)

According to FF I might have ovulated between CD 24 and 26 and we DID BD in that time period so I'm not out yet, yay! ;)
Drauma, amazing news!!!! :yipee::wohoo::headspin:
Very often you get a BFP when u least expect it! So my fingers are crossed for you!!!
My friend, she is the only one who I told about my BFP, had quite long cycles (34-38 days). She did not use opks because of that, but they bd-ed every second day for 24 days during her cycle. Yes, she got pregnant on her first cycle!!! So, there is a good chance. :winkwink:

I did not know that you have earthquakes in Iceland on a daily basis or so. Scary!!! It is nice to know that your houses are well build. Because here, no offence to our American ladies, houses are build from paper. You can literally make a hole in the wall if you punch it. I personally witnessed it several times. :shrug:

Nausea hit me again last night... Urgh... I have to clean my house today, but I just do not have any strengths. I am going to do the second floor at least.

Talk to you, ladies. :flower:
Lenka--haha! I love the comment about drywall! Don't worry...the actual house isn't made of drywall ("paper") but it hides the beams that the house is actually built with and makes it look smoother. Californian houses are built to withstand a lot of earthquakes since you get them all the time...:thumbup: though I WILL agree...houses built in big subdivisions, modern cookie cutter houses are so poorly built it makes me VERY angry. I would never buy a new house for this reason. American greed is very gross.
First earthquakes are so scary, but soon you'll get used to them. I remember when living in Japan, we had a big earthquake while out to eat, dishes were falling off the table and seriously no one even stopped their conversation to pay it any attention. :dohh:

Drauma--Ohhh he could tell that you oed?! Awesome, cause from FF it doesn't look like you did so that's WONDERFUL news! The one time spike would make more sense if you did o if it stayed high, but it didn't. Good to hear everything's normal!! :happydance::happydance: I guess now it's time to wait! I always say test because for me, the possibility of seeing a BFN is better than not knowing but that's just me!

Lfrans--I like your English name! And I'm sure you came to a hard decision about that. There is still so much prejudice, and it's embarrassing it even exists in diverse, modern cities like Seattle and Montreal. Ugh. It's good to be realistic, as much I love the name Matten (Mattan?) Then again....I mean, he had a very very foreign sounding name and Matten isn't really that unusual--he can always fill out applications and introduce himself as Matt if he wants. Decisions, decisions. Thanks for sharing your religious beliefs! There is a very small Jewish community in Seattle, and I only knew strict Orthodox. It's all so interesting!

AFM, it hit freezing today and the sun is out with NO wind. It's like spring! House inspection is on Thursday..so nervous... Have a great day everyone!
Hmm... I took some pics today and wanted to post them, they are on my computer, but I cannot figure out how to upload them. Ill change my profile pic with one... but otherwise no clue..
Grrr. I dont get it, I changed my profile pic, and when you click on my name you see it. But here it is still bugs bunny
sorry for all the random posts, Im trying to post a pic and it keeps not working, and once i post, i cannot delete.

Drauma - Im so happy to hear you O-ed. FF is not perfect and neither is temping. But hormone tests are probably much more accurate.

Steph - good luck with the inspection!!! It is scary cuz they find EVERYTHING, just some things are less important than others.

Lenka - earthquakes can be scary, we had one a few years ago, I was at work and everything was shaking for like 65 seconds, was so weird. Sorry to hear ms came back. grr go away!!

AFM- blinky is still inside and kicking. I went to the electoral office today to change my address for the upcoming provincial election. Walked around the mall a bit and then came home and set up my place to take some selfies. I used to be into photography, but since getting pregnanct and buying a house, i havent really had time to pick up my camera. I took a few decent pics and wanted to share them,... wait, i think i just figured it out!! Oh I cant, i have to 1st figure out how to make the file smaller... its too large... hmmm...
Lfrans put it in paint or a photo editor and then reduce the pixel size. I don't know how old this system is that they can only handle the most tiny of pictures...but I clicked on your profile pic and there the picture you took is! So cute I LOVE IT!!! You don't even look 38 weeks at all, you look lovely. :hugs:
IMG_5958.jpg IMG_5958-2.jpg IMG_5959.jpg IMG_5960.jpg IMG_5960-2.jpg

Here are all the pics- there are really only 3, just edited differently. I took some others, but these were the best.
Lenka: Sorry to hear you're still feeling nauseous! Hopefully it's almost over for you!
On this website https://www.vedur.is/ you can see earthquakes in Iceland for the past 48 hours. If there's a star that means it was over 3 on Richter scale, if it's just a dot then it was a tiny one. We usually only feel the ones that are 2.5 and higher. Fortunately we don't get quakes like the massive ones we've seen happening in Japan for instance, but everything up to 5 and 6 happens.
Our houses are all made from concrete and iron and some very solid stuff. Only place you can punch through wall is if someone put up a drywall between rooms or something, just for themselves. But all walls are usually concrete (and there's no wiring or beaming visible or anything, it's all inside the walls).

Steph: Yeah, I don't know how he can see it from my results that I oed but apparently I did so think I can be pretty sure I'm o-ing most cycles even though they get longer than normal. That's pretty nice to know. Now I just have to BD regularly for a longer time period, that shouldn't be a problem :)
FX for house inspection!!

lfrans: WOW! Just WOW! Your photos are amazing! You look terrific and happy :) I would put one of them on the wall at your house!! :)

AFM: Still waiting for AF. Since I have no idea when I ovulated I guess I just have to be patient. I've had cramping and stuff for almost a week now (from last Thursday) and I have no idea what's going on. :shrug:
I'm arranging a Zumba evening for my work mates tonight. I hope it'll be fun. I'm in charge of the entertainment committee at work so I arrange events like these. I hope Zumba will be fun and entertaining. I've never tried it but I like dancing and I like loud music :) Have you tried Zumba classes ladies? I've heard it's a great stress release and lots of fun :)
drauma - any signs of AF? How was zumba? I have done it at the gym before. I like it in general, but the class was too crowded so I didnt go too often.

hows everyone else??

AFM - still waiting. Im tired, and maybe have mild cramps, not really sure. Maybe Im just over thinking things. Im trying to cook a bit to freeze things. Yesterday I made lasagna and stuffed shells. Today Im making spaghetti sauce. Real italian of me!
I'm going crazy over here girls! Waiting for AF is the worst! I've had cramps and dull pelvic pains and massively sore boobs for a whole WEEK now and, according to blood test, a late ovulation, and I have no idea what my body is telling me. The first 5 days of this week I though AF was coming every minute of every day, for the last two days however I've not had that feeling. Now my boobs are just more sore and the pelvic cramping gets more intense.... Have any of you experiences this?? I tried to google, to see if any girl out there had posted similar problem but I couldn't find anything close to what I'm experiencing. I took a cheap HPT on Tuesday (CD 34) with a BFN so I wonder when I should test again if AF doesn't come... I'm CD 36 today.

Sorry for the venting, I'm so confused!!

lfrans: Zumba was fantastic!. Lots of sweat and samba and hip hop and happy music :) We were only 12 in this private class so lots of space :D
Mmmmmm, I love Italian food! :) Just borrowed my mom's pasta and ravioli maker last week to try and make my own! :) We'll see how that goes! :winkwink:
Been so occupied with work and nausea lately...

lfrans, beautiful, beautiful pictures!!! Your bump is so cute!!! How are you???

Drauma, so sorry to hear that you were not feeling well. I hope you feel much better now? Do you? I have no idea what it might have been... I can see from your chart, tat AF is not here yet... Should you test again?...

Terri, when are you coming back?? Miss you here..

Steph? How did the inspection go?

Have a wonderful weekend, ladies!

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