3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

I made it back!! The vacation was lovely except I was so sick. I got sick on Tuesday night. Not sure if I got a bad drink, or the sand flies (sand fleas?) gave me an infection or what, but I could not eat/drink much, and I mostly stayed inside. I thought maybe sun poisoning? It could be anything, but I could only eat a little bit today (two mini croissants, two bites of hamburger and three small pieces of calamari), and all I drank were a few cranberry/sprites.

The good news is that hubs and I still took advantage of my fertile window. Yeah! He saw my OPKs and was all curious-did you take a test today? What does it mean? Sometimes he is so innocent. I love it. Who needs to eat when you can BD? ha ha. Of course, now that I'm in the TWW, I would like to get back to eating food and drinking even water without having it come back out immediately.

We missed our connecting flight today, but we were able to get another one that flew direct from Nassau to Bmore and ended up getting home an hour earlier, so that was really good. And we have insurance coverage for the costs of the new flights. We went to the Great Exuma Island and it was just beautiful. I also got a massage on Wednesday, but mostly stayed inside and watched tv. We tried playing tennis one day, but after three or four shots, I had to lay down. There was a bench next to the court, and I seriously laid down. I thought I might have to get escorted back. I struggled to make it back to the room because I was so overheated.

So, even though it was nice, it would have been much better if I was feeling 100%.

Steph-Hope the inspection went well.

Lfrans-I think you want to change avatar, not profile pic, but whatever. You look amazing!!! So beautiful!! I like Myles Richard, but I also agree with Stephanie, he could just go by Matt, even if his real name is Matten. I wouldn't know that it's a Jewish name, but I'm not prejudice. You know, people that know all the slang and bad names for people know everything there is to know about that race/culture/religion. It's mind boggling how they know more about my race than I do!

Lenka-Sorry you're still feeling sick. I hope this is your last week of morning sickness. Be gone!

Drauma-Well, I'm glad your doctor said you ovulated, so I hope these signs you're having are good ones. fxfx..

Ok girls...I'm going to watch some basketball and try to get everything bad out of my system. I did have a drink for the three of you, but that was about it before I got sick. Oh wait..I had three drinks on Monday, and three on Tuesday. Then I got sick. HA!

Oh and Roxy got adopted on Sunday to a family with another dog and a few kids. Yay!!

Missed you all!! :hugs: :flower: :flow:
Welcome back Terri darling!! So sad to hear you had to get sick during your vacation!!!!!!! That's such a shame! Glad you can look at the positive things though and yay for the BDing!! :D *BABYDUST*
Glad to hear Roxy went to a good home.

Lenka: Sending you anti-nausea thoughts ***

lfrans: anything? :)

Steph: inspection? FX!

AFM: Cramping like hell this morning. I can't sit nor stand! :(
AF still absent but I have a feeling she might be around the corner since the cramps are sooo bad. I was super emotional yesterday and got teary eyed at work for the smallest possible reason! Got a mini outburst when I got home and took all the clothes I don't use anymore out of my closet and posted them on Facebook for sale! Then I went to the mall and bought a new pair of jeans, sweater and a top but I still wasn't feeling better. I'm still feeling weird today. Sounds like a massive PMS breakdown, HAH!

Just gonna stay on the couch for a bit this morning and watch some tv shows... the newest episodes of Once Upon a Time, Hart of Dixie, American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, Suits, How I Met Your Mother, Revenge, Switched at Birth, Castle and Scandal! YES, these are the shows I'm watching, and am up to date, at this very moment! :P :happydance:
Terri - welcome back, sorry to hear you were sick on vacation. Thats never fun. But, hopefully all the BDing worked!!

Drauma - weird, no AF? Thats frustrating.

Lenka- are you feeling better???

AFM - baby is still on the inside. I had sharp abdominal pains on and off most of the day today. So that wasnt too pleasant. I dont really know what that means. But it wasnt in waves and did not seem to change with contractions (which I get intermittently for a few weeks)
Hi ladies,

Terri, welcome back!!! It's a shame that you got sick on your first/second day of vacation, but I am sure you still managed to enjoy Bahamas.

lfrans, your chart says it only 7 days to go... Exciting... Is your house completely ready?

Drauma, the witch is still not here? Is this cycle becoming the longest ever? No?

Steph, how are you? Long time no see.

AFM, I am 16 weeks this coming Friday. Very exciting. I still have nausea mostly after 8-10pm, but I can handle it, because it is not as bad as it used to be. Also, my heart races like crazy every morning. I hope it is very normal.

My DF is going on vacation to Bali in April for two weeks. I am not going because the flight one way alone is almost 20 hours. I do not want to take any chances. He is going with a couple of his male friends from childhood. They all have internet businesses, so they spend half a year in Bali, when it is cold in Russia. They do not drink alcohol, do yoga, meditation, so I feel ok letting him go by himself. Khe khe...

I am going to change my schedule a little, while he is gone. I want to wake up at 6am and go to the beach to see the sunrise. I want to cook very healthy meals, do more exercises, clean/reorganize the house and start working on the nursery. It is going to be fun.

How is your weekend going, ladies?
Drauma-Every time I look at your chart, I just feel so bad that it's not doing anything? How are you feeling? I hope you enjoyed your tv shows.

Lfrans-Glad you're doing ok, and not having too many contractions just yet. One more week to go according to your ticker? Is there a due date that your doctor says is the absolute latest, or you're just going with the flow.

Lenka-Yeah for 16 weeks!! You are doing great. I can't believe it's been 4 months already. Seems like just yesterday when you announced...when are you telling your friends again?I am sad that your DF is going to be away for two weeks, but he should probably get his vacation in now because soon he's going to be a very busy papa. His friends are staying for 6 months?? I wish him well, and it'll be nice for you to do what you like as well. Enjoy those sunrises, but be careful being out all by yourself in the wee hours of the morning.

Steph-what's the word, chickie??

I went to brunch in Philly today with my motorcycle girlfriends. We drove because it's still really cold here, but I am happy to report that I ate half a sandwich and a small piece of cake. I am slowly regaining my confidence with eating, and things taste good again. In the Bahamas, everything just tasted yucky to me. Maybe by tomorrow, I'll have my full appetite back. Of course, I'm going back to work, so maybe I can claim I'm sick and leave early! hee hee. I am supposed to meet with the fertility specialist on Wednesday afternoon and see what they have to say. I am PRAYING this is my BFP cycle. I don't want to have to get poked and prodded only to find out I'm old. :cry:

Enjoy the rest of your night ladies! I'm going to watch and old Chopped Finale. I love chopped.
lfrans: sending you all my strength to deal with what's coming :) Have you planned if you want a natural birth, water birth or epidural or whatever this is all called? :)

Lenka: Sorry about Bali but what you have planned sounds great! I wish I had a beach to go to :D Well I have black sandy beaches with cold ocean, hehe. Having a little me-time is exactly what I enjoy from time to time.

Terri: great to hear your appetite is coming back! Try to be positive about meeting the specialist. They are only there to help and if it turns out they poke and find out you're old then that's just something they will help you with :) Don't be too stressed about it :hugs:

Steph: where are you?

AFM: I am going insane. And that's a very subtle way of saying it. CD 40 and no signs of AF. I am having severe cramping, back aches, severe pelvic aches. I even woke up tonight crying of pain and thought someone was ripping me ovaries apart :cry:
Took a test yesterday and got a BFN. Somehow it came as no surprise :( Here's a photo of it... https://i58.tinypic.com/2959vsg.jpg
I've been trying to watch the tv shows and relax and I either have no patience to lay there or I just fall asleep. I've never felt this weird. Pelvic aches for 10 days now and no AF.
I am so exhausted today after the night that I decided to stay at home and I've just been sleeping... I don't know what to think anymore... :shrug:
Sorry ladies that I've been MIA. Some new life stresses have come about. The main reason why I'm going home to Seattle is to sell our old VW Bug. She was a great car, hate so much to sell her, but we can't afford to pay insurance on a car 5000km away. Plus, our Toyota broke down over the weekend, had to get her towed, and our new car we got (we were going to sell the bug to pay for the car we bought to take out here) is having major problems. So lots of fun!

Home inspection turned out mostly ok. There are a few things that he will need to do before we move in and I'd hope he'd accept that. Radon test also came back positive so we'll have to do another test and then vent out the house. So many things to think about when we are so new to this. Plus, I'm trying to finish up last minute gifts. My friend had her baby on Thursday so I mailed off a package of things for her, some clothes I knitted and some others I bought. Not to mention things I'm bringing home to give to friends and family.

Lfrans--Feeling ready to pop yet? Time here in second trimester has seemed to fly but I'm sure the last couple weeks have dragged by for you! Is the nursery all ready? Have you had an appt recently? Have you dilated more?

Terri--So sorry you're still feeling sick! I was so excited you got your chance to go and then to wind up sick...UGH!! I can't imagine!! How has today been? How fun you ended up going to Philly to visit your moto friends, so awesome you have people to share your hobby with...just not quite yet....it's still a little cold. This morning when I woke up it was -3F. It's spring! wth!! I'm praying you can get your BFP ASAP, too :hugs:

Lenka--That's too bad you decided against Bali, but good you have some fun plans ahead anyway. If I had to jog in place the entire 20 hours to keep blood clots away, I would do it haha but it's all about doing what you feel comfortable with! Going to the beach, seeing the sunrise, eating healthy...all wonderful plans! For me, 17 weeks is when I started to actually feel GOOD so hopefully you'll feel that way, too! Also, about the heart racing, that happens to me too. We have more blood pumping through our system. I find drinking a glass of water seems to help.

Drauma-- So sorry you're going through that right now. That sounds so frustrating...I hope AF gets there ASAP and you can move on. I'm still so suspicious that you actually oed. Your luteal phase should be consistent within a day or two, and if you did ovulate, then you should have started by now. The wait is never, ever fun. :hugs:

Anyway, enjoy ladies! It seems like we're all in a waiting game of some sort, so let's all be patient, full of hope, and support each other along the way! So glad to have you around! :hugs::hugs:
Steph-I guess I missed where you said you're going to Seattle. Yeah, don't spend extra money if you don't have to, so selling the Bug is just what you're going to have to do. And so sorry about your Corolla. Waaahhh!! I hated taking mine to the shop on her last days too, BUT if this is only the first time in the shop, maybe things aren't so bad. What kind of new car did you get? A Prius?? And what's wrong with it? Don't mind all my questions. I just wish you the best. Oh, and how wacked out is my chart??!! Re-freaking-diculous. I am still blaming being sick. I refuse to eat at work because I'm not going to the public restroom. I'm probably dehydrated. HA!

Drauma-Yeah...I'm sorry too about your BFN this morning/afternoon. That is ridiculous. What else did the doctors say? What about doing something about your high testosterone? Thanks for the reassurance as far as going to the specialist. You're right. They are there to help me, and they are one of the best centers in the area/nation maybe, so I need to just calm down. HA! Easier said than done.

Lfrans-Good luck this week!! Just know we're all cheering you on and we can't wait to see little Myles in this big world. Enjoy every second (well, as much as you can!).
Hi ladies,

Yep, I was trying to sound so optimistic about my alone time while DF is away in Bali, but you understood me, of course I am going to feel alone here. :nope: First few nights are going to be the scariest and loneliest. But on the other hand, we need some time apart, and now is the best time as I am in my second trimester, so he can just go and enjoy some time with his friends.

Terri, yes, they just take their backpacks and fly to Bali or sometimes other countries in Asia, can’t remember which ones exactly. They rent a house from the locals, it is so much more affordable this way, than when buying a package from a tourist agency. Restaurants away from popular tourists’ zones are also not expensive at all. Oh, they also rent motorbikes to get around. They love it there…

I am planning to tell my girlfriends after my next appointment on April 1st. I am sure they all will say: Oh, I knew!!! Lolol :haha:

Drauma, I am so sorry, girl, that you have to go through all this unexplained pain!!!! :hugs: Maybe, just maybe, this is a cyst?... In any case, I hope you feel much better by now.

Steph, all these problems with cars are definitely not fun. I hope you get it solved soon! And you gave me hope that I will feel good at week 17. I have to admit, I am exhausted. Yesterday, I had a huge portion of roast beef with potatoes for my late dinner (9pm), oh boy I had to pay for it at night. My stomach was so full; I could feel it up in my ribs. I could not sleep. Was not fun at all. I have to eat smaller portions. I just have to. But I am always hungry… I also have heartburn and nausea… What a life. Lolol.
Terri, good luck tomorrow!!! I would ask FS about the heaviness of your period, if I were you. It never hurt to ask.

Will be waiting for your update!

hey all. so I know my little icon in my signature says my dd is next week, but according to doc it was yesterday. I think i mentioned this a while ago, it changed a few times with different ultrasounds and things. Anyways... Went to doc today. All is good, Im still 3cm dilated. She is planning an induction for next tuesday if baby does not come before then. They go 7-10 days past due date here and next tuesday my doc is on call at the hospital where im delivering.

Drauma - I am not really planning much for the birth. I dont ideally want to be induced, but if it needs to be done, Im ok with it, I am not great with pain, so will probably take an epidural. I dont want a c-section, but if they feel it is necessary for me or baby, im ok with it. Its really whatever is necessary for us.

Terri - gl with everything! FX!!!

Steph - the inspection sounds pretty normalish, they will always find something. Hopefully it all works out. Car issues are such a pain! My car is 12 years old, Im hoping itll last another year and then when i go back to work and am making my full salary again, we will look into a new one.

Lenka- Im sure your friends will be so excited for you! Yay!!

Drauma - any sign of AF??
lfrans-Are you still having those pains? I like the idea of waiting until next Tuesday if nothing happens in the meantime. Pack your bag just in case, and every day I'm going to say 'good luck to you as well!' I still can't believe this day is here!

Lenka-Thanks for the reminder. I will ask about my light periods. Of course you're going to be lonely for a few weeks. Have you made any friends that live close to you in case you get tired of talking to yourself? :haha: You may want to go out and socialize a little while he's out doing his thing. I'm so excited to hear your friends' responses. They're going to be so excited.

Sorry girls, I've been super duper busy with being in pain! Guess who decided to show up late last nigh... yes, you guessed it! Auntie Flo is HERE! Well, at least a tiny example of her. At least I know I'm not totally broken and something is working. Now I know I can have long and normal circles so we'll just BD like rabbits this month!

Will read your posts later, I have to run now! (I even have some other news I'll share with you!) :)
Did you get engaged Drauma??!! You can't leave us hanging like this. hee hee. I'm actually happy for you that AF is here. At least you're not in limbo anymore, and hopefully that was just a weird/really long cycle. Back on track!

The FS had so much to say that I will recap when I get home. I have a lot of stuff to read through and a lot of stuff to get started on. My chart this morning said anovulatory because my temperature was low for the third day in a row, so I decided to put my fever temperature back in. The FS said that he didn't think my charts looked that bad, but he said FFoe is antiquated and it's really mostly a novelty. He said if I like temping, I can continue on, but he said he could take it or leave it.

More in a few. I came back to work after my appointment because I want to take a half day next Monday for Baltimore Orioles Baseball Opening Day. We can't afford to go to the game (it's again the Red Sox and tix are super expensive), but the whole city is alive on opening day and it's really just a fun day to be outside and drinking/not drinking! hee hee. So...I'm sacrificing being at work after hours. Anyway...let me get out of here so I can report back. :kiss:
Terri, can't wait for ur update!!!!! Please all the details! -)))

Drauma, it is good that the witch is here finally!!! GL this cycle!!!

I finally feel good the second day in a row, so I am working like crazy! Later!
Lfrans--Wow I didn't realize you were overdue yet! Any day now...I hope the baby comes so you won't have to be induced but I like your approach to the whole idea...whatever gets the baby out safely is really what matters! You're right about the inspection. No such thing as a perfect house!

Drauma--I'm happy/sad AF finally arrived! Now you can get outta limbo and start anew!

Lenka--When does DF leave or did he leave already? lol about eating too much and feeling sick. It's definitely a delicate balance...

Terri--yes we are definitely looking forward to hearing what the fs said. How do you feel about it?? You know, I wonder how much the temps really do work for everyone. I think for a lot of people, they do. I stopped temping because they were always so all over the place even though I knew exactly what day I oed. What does he suggest you do, opks?

I can't believe opening day for baseball is so fast. I'm not a baseball fan and everyone here is a massive red sox fan so I guess I'll join the crowd. We've barely had any days above freezing so far, and today we have wind gusts up to 50 mph with cold daytime highs so it doesn't feel like baseball should be here!

Heading off to Seattle tomorrow! I have a guy coming to see the bug on Friday, so that's really exciting! I hope he buys it. The Corolla still isn't running so we'll have to buy tires for the other car to drive to the airport in Boston tomorrow. Hope we make it there with no break downs...

Baby shower is on Saturday...I just can't wait to see friends and family again....and eat food. Lots of food.

Take care, laides!:flower:
I could write a book with all the stuff they told me, but I'll try to keep it as succinct as possible, and then if anyone stalking wants to know more I'll explain further. Be thankful you guys don't have to deal with this at this point in your life.

We had to fill out all the preliminary paperwork-Insurance, medical history, any fertility stuff that we had performed prior to going in today. This shows how :wacko: my mom-in-law is. Hubs had no idea if he had been tested for stuff like measles, TB, tay-sachs, blood type and all sorts of stuff, so of course, I told him to call his mom. He called her and she said 'yeah, you had measles and mumps.' I heard him say 'ok' and then he checked yes in those boxes. I questioned it silently as I'm reading BnB :haha: He got off the line and was satisfied with his paperwork so he left the room. His mom called back immediately, and I answered the phone. She said 'My girlfriend is here, and said that he probably got the vaccines when he was little, so no, I don't think he had it. I think he got the vaccine.' I said 'ok.' When hubs came back in the room, I told him what his mom said and he was like 'Oh. Ok.' ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You seriously thought that a boy growing up in the US in the 1970s/80s had mumps and measles? *le sigh* Thank GOD her girlfriend was at the house. As you now know, his medical history is a bit of a mystery. We'll leave it at that. HA!!HA!! She also said that she THINKS SHE had some kind of rib cage infection (?) or something so he wrote that down. This is already a book. HA!!HA!! Anyway, whatever.

I met with the doctor, who was very nice. He wrote everything upside down so I could read the paper as he was writing. I thought that was pretty cool. He also explained how the chances of getting pregnant drop significantly after 35 (as we all know), and there are many people in my situation who have had good results. Initially, he asked me about medical history, drug usage, etc...looked at my charts, talked about any surgeries I had, looked at my charts, and reviewed my GYN records briefly. Then he told me how there are various processes we could go through depending on the three prescreening things that are in our future-vaginal ultrasound (checking for AMC (?) and my follicular reserve), sperm analysis and Day 2,3, or 4 blood work (estradiol, FSH, LH). They are going to check my hormones for FSH, LH, egg quality (AMH) and a host of other things. We will get tested for a genetic screening and STDs. If all of my genetic stuff is negative, we are ok. If I have any positives for the genetic stuff, they will then test husband for his genetics, and if there is another positive somewhere we may be in trouble. Let's assume all is well as far as genetics.

From there, they look at the results and then determine whether we are in the poor quality (immediately to IVF) or the ok category. My insurance will allow me to do IVF immediately because I will be 40 in two months. Otherwise, I have to do 3 IUIs first and if those don't work THEN I move on to IVF. Fine. IF none of that stuff works, then I would have 'unexplained fertility' and they try other things, like a different set of medicines, etc..

Based on ok results, we try ovulation induction and timed intercourse for IUI with associated medicine OR, because of my age, I could jump right to IVF. My call.

If things were bad, we go immediately to IVF and/or donor eggs, but I don't think things are that bad, so we didn't spend much time there. My insurance does not cover anything donated, unfortunately, so that would all be out of pocket. Booooooo...

The major issue at this point is age, and then the rest of the results are minor. He drew a bar graph at this point with a tall rectangle for age and short rectangles for the other stuff. ha! Jerk. HA!!HA!!

I asked him about my light 3-day periods and he said as long as I get my period, that's fine, and he said that progesterone would only help lengthen my LP, not increase my temperatures. That made me feel a little better.

I also asked how long people are patients of theirs and he said it all depends on doubt, money and success. He did give me a website to look at, www.sart.org, which has fertility success rates of all the fertility clinics in the US (I think it's US only) and apparently you can check by age/facility and see what kind of results they have. I haven't looked at it yet, but I will.

Then I met with the nurse (and the weekend nurse) who would be taking care of all my needs. She got to the nitty gritty telling me who to call when my period starts (if it starts, and call if it doesn't). I rolled my eyes at it not starting based on my stupid chart, then she gave me hubs' cup and told me that he can do the test, and I just have to keep the sample inside my shirt at room temperature while I drop off the sample. She also gave me some paperwork on keeping sex fun (UGH!), and to curtail smoking and drinking and get back to taking my prenatals. I'm having an off month after my depressing AF last month. So check! She told me some other random stuff, but I can't really tell from the paperwork in my folder. They told me that donor eggs are really super expensive, and that's why a lot of aged stars do that because they have the money to do it. It's about $14k for donor eggs/medicine. IVF is about $7k, and IUI is about $500-1000. I think I said before my insurance will cover 80% up to 25k, and the financial lady said that it will be a while before I reach that threshold, which is good to know.

First, we have to do the SA, and get our STD and genetic bloodwork, wait for AF, and proceed from there. So I'm guessing I won't really start anything until May, which is my bday month, so maybe by my bday we'll be prego. It's wishful thinking, but at this point, that's all I have.

I think that sums it up...all in all a good visit, and I'm ready to get started! :crib:
Here I come!
Terri: Sounds like you have a very thorough doctor that's willing to go the extra mile for you. I send you all my strength to deal with everything that's on the agenda. I believe you're in good hands and you WILL get your good news before you know it <3

Steph: Great news on the bug FX! Hope the baby shower turns out great and you'll see all your dear folks :)

Lenka: YAY for feeling better! :D

lfrans: I love how calm and content you are about the birth. I agree, doing what has to be done is the right way and don't be too stressed :) Best of luck for the big day :kiss:

AFM: Sorry girls for my brief post yesterday. I was all over the place with work and some other stuff. The great news is that I got a raise and a promotion at work yesterday!!! Nothing crazy big but I'm so happy that they're rewarding me for what I've been doing here for the past year :happydance: :happydance:

AF is definitely here! A bit weird though, sorry fro TMI, she's bright, bright red with clear mucus tangled in between. I've never seen this before and it probably has something to do with the long cycle so I'm not too worried. I just hope this is all happening for a reason and I'm getting ready for the new cycle :D Right now FFoe says I'll be ovulating between April 19th-22nd but I'm going to ignore that and just try to BD at least every other day!

This weekend I'm going to a friend's cabin with DB and many friends. I think we'll be around 12 people there just having fun, drinking, bbq, playing board games, Jacuzzi and eating good food. Yay, can't wait! :) Then on Sunday it's my niece's confirmation so there'll be a family party with cakes and stuff and she'll get loads of presents!

Then April is here and I'm going to have a healthy April. I'm going to Denmark on May 5th and I want to fit into my spring jacket... (cus weather is much better over there!) so I need to watch what I eat and exercise! :)
Hi ladies!!! :flower:

Hope all is well with you! :hugs:

Terri, wow, your doctor is aggressive and pro-active, it is so good!!! :thumbup: So, the SA is next... Nice avatar, btw! You look much younger than your age and very healthy, lolol! I am sure you will have a baby on your own! :winkwink:

Drauma, congratulations on your promotion and raise!!! :happydance: Enjoy your trip with friends! Jealous.... :blush:

Steph, have a wonderful baby shower. :hugs: And GL with selling the car! Be firm on the price. lolol I sold my car not along time ago, and I noticed that serous customers do no mind paying good money if the car is worth it. The others are not worth your time. Just my observation...

lfrans?... :winkwink::hugs:

AFM< I think my nausea is at the door!!! Yay!!! Oh, at least I hope so. My bump is growing. Love it!!! DF thinks it is because I eat too much, silly boy. :dohh: I have to admit, I do eat quite a lot, but this is my baby growing, right? :blush:

Somebody asked my when DF is leaving. April 8th. Soon...
Drauma-Congrats on the raise and the promotion. It really does mean a lot when people show their appreciation for you in pay and by moving you up in the company. Good job, babe!

Steph-I hope the sale goes ok today or tomorrow or whenever it is. Make sure someone is with you when you do all that business, and takes you to the bank, etc...No one can be too safe these days. Also, have so much fun at the shower!!

Lenka-Yeah, Shady Grove Fertility is a well-oiled machine. They know what they're doing because they have been doing it for quite a while. I was very pleased with them. I called the nurse this afternoon because I have a couple more questions, so hopefully she'll get back to me in the morning. I'm happy, again, that your nausea is out the door. Your DF is too cute-You're eating too much!! It's called a baby, honey! hee hee. So you have two more weeks to spend with him. Make it count!

I'm off to do some schoolwork. My classmates are arguing over how to edit a document. Sometimes this grad school stuff is for the birds.

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