3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

terri- wow, sounds like you have a great, thorough doc. i hope they figure things out soon!!

lenka- yay no more ms. congrats, now try to enjoy! soon ull be feeling the baby moving around!

steph- good luck with all th car issues.

drauma- im glad to hear AF is finally here. sounded like it was getting annoying. congrats on the promotion. so nice to feel appreciated at work.

afm- still no baby. i am getting tired and impatient of waiting. i went for a 30 min walk today. i felthim more in my pelvis than ever before, so i think thats good. i also googled exercises to induce pregnancy and did a few - mainly squats and rolling hips on an exercise ball. ppl talk about teas and oils, but i dunno about that without talking to a doctor. bd is supposed to help, but dh feels like baby will be watching and is super uncomfortable with the idea.

hopefully he will come soon!
Woohoo lfrans! Things are getting real. I guess if you felt it more, it means that he has dropped? I hear people talking about that, so I guess the lower he gets, the more ready he is to come out, right? He's just a little guy wanting to stay inside for a few more days...awww....

I'm glad you went for a walk...next time it'll be with him in his stroller! Is your family coming down/hubs' family? Give us more details! You probably already did, but I want to hear it again now that it's so close to time. How are your parents/siblings/friends feeling?
Hello everyone, I thought I'd check in this morning and see if we had any babies born yet. Sounds like you're close, lfrans...so exciting! I wonder if Madison, Natto had their lil bundles yet. Steph, you must be close to now. Eeek! Exciting! It's good to read that Lenka is feeling better and pregnancy is going well. :) terry, our time is coming soon! And welcome to the ones that have joined since I last checked in. I hope u all get BFPs real soon.
Today is CD 7, last day to take clomid and we'll be trying this month for the first time since the mc. I'm sad and excited cause we'll be trying around the same time that I would of been due. I'm trying to stay with the hopeful excited part though. :) So in 4 more days I'll start my opks and when I get a positive, we'll drive 5 hours to stay the night and be at the clinic for 8am. Our lil spermies at the lab waiting. Hehehe! And then comes the insanity of the TWW!! Lol.
Tynmeg, welcome back!!! Nice to see you!!! Good luck with this cycle!!!

lfrans, any news?

Steph, Daruma, Terri, how is your weekend going? I hope the weather treats you good. It is almost April here. My favorite months of the year.

My nausea is finally gone!!! (Steph, yep, also almost 17 weeks) I do not even have queasiness any more. It is such a nice feeling. Oh mine! I also try to divide my dinner into two parts and eat it within 3 hours, then I do not heavy feeling in my stomach at night and can sleep comfortably. Yay!!!

Enjoy your weekend. Hugs!!!
Just have time for a REALLY quick post. I won't have too much internet access here while I'm in Seattle but I've been thinking of you ladies! Lenka-I'm so happy you are feeling better. Enjoy 2nd trimester, it's the best the best! Tynmeg--SO GLAD you checked in...GOOD LUCK!! We're rooting for you!! Terri--how are you feeling??

Been so busy here, my family keeps me up much too late. So good to see everyone, green...little buds on trees showing that at least somewhere in the world, spring is on its way...mountains.

Guy decided against buying the car because of basically a fluke. So frustrating. IF the car doesn't sell by the end of next weekend, I'm going to have to give it away. And it's worth SO MUCH more than just plain giving it away.
Steph-Grrr..I hate flakes. Sorry the sale didn't work out, but I hope someone else contacts you quickly. Is there any way your family member could sell it for you if you have to come back east?

Lenka-You don't know how excited I am to hear about your nausea being gone. Well, I'm sure not as excited as you are, but I'm glad you're feeling better. Woohoo.

Tynmeg-A HUGE welcome back. Welcome back to the thread, welcome back to TTC. It's tough with only two of us still trying and three on the way, so now we're back to being even. You would think I was a libra with my pleasure of evenness, but I'm a true Taurus, through and through.

lfrans-We know what you're probably doing. :winkwink: Hugs :hug: hee hee. Loads of ice chips are in your future.

Drauma-Is this your weekend away at the cabin with friends? I hope so...we miss you!!
hey tynmeg- long time! GL with everything, I totally get that this is tough timing. Even though i was pregnant, when my original due date passed in december from my mc, I was pretty upset. FX!!!

Steph - grrr, so frustrating with the car. Im sure it will get sold!

Lenka - woohoo no more ms, mine ended around 17 weeks too.

AFM - no baby yet, I wasnt sure if my water broke or not yesterday - so much discharge and stuff coming out all the time... tmi lol, we went to the hospital to be sure, but nope, i think it was just wishful thinking.
Still waiting.... we have a wedding tomorrow night, so maybe the dancing will bring on labour!
lfrans-You better take your hospital bag with you to the wedding! I think it's time!! hee hee. Also, I guess if it's not you're going to be induced on Tuesday, right? Do you have a preference? Little Matt sure is shy. I love it!!! :crib:
Hi everyone,

I'm really new to BNB and this is the first place i'm posting because i have literally read all 145 pages!!! in 2 days.

it's hard work trying to learn all these shortcuts for the forum argh.

I'm 27 (28 in July) and my DH (well we are engaged but not married but oh well) is 35, and weve been ttc for 3 months, but this month actively. We both don't have any children and I am desperate for one.
It's really frustrating as all my friends have got children, even the ones that weren't really expecting them or wanting them which is upsetting but I do believe everything happens for a reason.
The only problem we have is were both overweight and smoke. I have cut down to 3 cigs a day, if that. But the DH still smokes a lot. it's frustrating as i feel im the only one making effort, even in the bedroom! if it was up to him we could go 3 weeks without it! Argh, i could have it every other day ;)

I am currently 10DPO. I tested yesterday but it was BFN.
I actually dont use any OPK or anything, i have just been going off my CM. Which was EWCM on wednesday, so we BD'd, then very watery and lots of CM on the thursday. Around 4/5DPO i had terrible cramps and back ache, it hurt to do anything. I had the odd dizzy spell, then every symptom stopped around 6/7DPO.

Had no spotting, but still get the odd twinge down there and odd back ache, slight nausea one day. I don't think i'm pregnant but if you'd have asked me last week i would have been convinced as i have never felt like that before in the middle of my cycle.

My AF is due next Saturday. So I will test again before then, prob the friday as i'm due to go out drinking.

Hope you guys don't mind me joining, i really really enjoyed reading this thread, and so glad almost everyone has got their BFP!!.

SJ x
Welcome SJ! I was searching the threads just now, and I thought your screen name (EssJay) was very creative for SJ. Nice work!

Well, as you can see, we're just plodding along here....now there are four waiting for BFPs and three pregnant!

I hope this month is your month! Good luck in a few days when you test! Yeah, you definitely have to get your DF on board with things! It's not as frustrating if you are at least timing things right.

Nice meeting you. :)
Thanks terri, I'm so glad to have found you guys because I feel like I am going crazy constantly thinking about pregnancy and conception and implantation, and everything. I feel like if I keep chatting all this to my rl friends they will think I'm obsessed, well I am but they don't need to know this haha.

I'm ordering a bbt from amazon tonight and some opk.
I really want to start charting things as my mum said she had trouble ovulating and had miscarriages. Sucks.

What are you upto this month, I'm on my phone so can't look back, are you dpo?
Charting will be good for you because it will tell you whether you're ovulating or not, and it's just interesting to look at throughout your cycle. I think I had an anovulatory cycle this month, so I'm pretty much just waiting for AF any day now...bo-ring. I thought I would have a vacation pregnancy, but it's not looking like this is my month. I am doing bloodwork and going to see the specialist again when AF shows.

I just made a caramelized leek with maple bacon soup. It turned out really well. The only bad thing is that I tried to puree the hot soup, and didn't account for steam release and shot soup all over the kitchen. I still have about 2.5/4 cups remaining, but it is really good.

Have a great Sunday all. I have schoolwork/college basketball to watch for the rest of the day, so I won't be online.
Essjay, welcome to the group!!! Good luck this cycle.

Terri, a caramelized leek with maple bacon soup sounds so fancy and yummy.

Later, ladies.
Haha Terri about the soup going flying, sad but it did sound delicious anyway!

Welcome essjay, when's your birthday? I'm 27 going to be 28 in July :D I totally know what you mean about being obsessed...my first real month trying every day dragged by in the tww... It gets easier!
Haha oh Terri i shouldn't laugh but i have made that mistake before, actually only around a month ago, i remember being stood in the kitchen by myself in horror wondering how my soup had exploded! oh dear. Does sound yummy tho.

Steph - My birthday is the 13th, i'm a cancer startsign and true to it.


My DH has gone abroad this morning for 5 days playing golf (men!) and i quickly POAS at 4.30am but got BFN...so definately not testing again now till friday.
I Just made bacon and eggs, and ate the majority but then felt sick. Think i'm nervous about my driving lesson today, not had one since christmas!
I'm baaaack!! :)

Welcome SJ! Great to have another cancer in the group :flower: I am 28 and will turn 29 on July 16th! Here's a site that will help you with the lingo https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/forum-help-testing-area/730-babyandbump-lingo-abbreviations.html
Hopefully you'll get your BFP really soon! I do recommend that you stop smoking (cus every day you've stopped prior to getting pg really helps and decreases the odds of having complications. I stopped smoking 7 months before we started ttc and it's the best decision I've ever made, this way I'm able to save the money and have some savings for babystuff when the time comes. If you stop, maybe your DF (Dear Fiancé) will tag along as well. Don't take this the wrong way though, I do know it's hard and wish you all the best :) :hugs: Prenatals and folic acid is also a great way to prep your body, oh and omega-3 (it helps brain growth in fetus and lots more).

lfrans: oh how I can't wait to see a photo of baby when it's here :D Good luck with everything!

Steph: Sorry about the car - hope someone sees it and falls in love with it :) Here in Iceland we can take old cars in whatever shape to the scrap yard and get paid for the car... just a minimum amount, but at least it's better than just giving it away.

Terri: Your chart is all over the place! Hopefully we can just erase this cycle and start from fresh asap. Not trying to get your hopes up but 2 of my friends are pg atm and they both had an unovulatory cycle the one before getting pg.... so, FX and lots of babydust! :flower:

Lenka: yayyyyy nausea GONE! Congrats! Hopefully the next months will be easy breezy :)

Tynmeg: Hi! FX for your cycle. Glad to hear you've started ttc again :)

AFM: Hope I didn't forget anyone (I'm at work, pretty busy)
I went to the cabin, it was really nice. No internet connection so to speak and we just enjoyed playing board games, eating, taking walks and so on.

I am CD6 today. Had a very normal AF after my super-long cycle so I hope everything is back to normal. Cramping is almost gone and now I just know that I can't rely on charting alone, I just have to BD ALOT! Hee!Hee! :happydance: According to Ffoe IF everything is normal I should be o-ing April 19th-22nd but we'll see aboutt hat, hahh!

I have a short vacation coming up in a month, going to see Timberlake in Denmark and do some shopping. We planned this trip many months ago and I always thought I would be pg by then so I'd buy baby stuff and preggo-clothes. I guess not! Hopefully we'll be able to go abroad when I do eventually get pg! Everything is so expensive in Iceland, much better to fly abroad and shop there like a maniac. Well, instead I'll be able to have a drink out in the sun in Denmark, yay, always look at the bright side of life! :)
Work is pretty busy this week, my colleague lost her mother-in-law last Thursday and will be off work most of this week, but I'll try to open bnb at home at least.
Welcome back, Drauma! Glad to hear you had a nice time with friends, and have another vacation coming up. Woohoo!! I'm also glad you're back on track with your temping and everything. Don't forget to also use those OPKs so you at least have a warning of when O day is coming.

I realized that my sleeping patterns haven't been very good lately. Hubs has been having bad dreams, and he'll swat at me (like a bee) during the night, and I jump up. Usually I'm a really good sleeper, but these hitting dreams just won't do. Also, he feels the need to talk to me when I'm in bed, and he's still watching tv, putting dinner away, etc..So maybe that's why I have so many ups and downs. Because of this, I have no idea what's going on. I expect AF anyday because of the anovulatory nature, but I'm just not sure. So..I have supplies in my purse, and I'm going along my day as normal.

I'm getting ready to leave work to go celebrate the first day of baseball in Bmore, so I'm excited about that. Oh, and I watched Chopped last night, and someone put hot soup in the blender, and it burned his hand! I'm not the only amateur out there. :)

Have a great day ladies!
Terri: I only have 4 OPK left (There's only one company that sells the super cheap ones here in Iceland and they're waiting for a new delivery) so I'm just gonna try the old fashioned way this month, just gonna be super active at the gym, eat healthy food and BD like crazy. Hopefully by next cycle I'll have my OPK's if I need them ;)

Hopefully it's just your DH's sleeping frenzy that's messing with your temping! What could explain his bad dreams though? Is he under a lot of stress from work or anywhere? Hopefully it'll sort itself out soon :hugs:
Hi Drauma, Thanks for the warm welcome.
I have been taking the seven seas trying for a baby tablets, and i'm really not enjoying my cigs at the moment anyway so i dont think it will take me long to completely cut them out. I can go all weekend without one, but at work they break my day up so i have 2 or 3. eeek. i know it needs to stop.
I also bookmarked that lingo page thanks ;)
Timberlake, as in Justin Timberlake?

Lenka - When i was reading through all 145 pages on here i cried when you got your BFP :) I was so happy for you.

What does AFM stand for? It's not in the lingo?

- So Today, like i said i tested at 4.30am and got BFN, but omg i have felt so awful today :( Bad headaches all day, felt sick all day. I havent eaten since bfast, but i'm not making some homemade soup, i really need it i'm so starving but just feel awful.

I'm really hoping i'm still in it this month.
Hello ladies,

Wow our group is getting bigger and bigger!

Essjay, thank you so much for your comment about my BFP making you cry. :hugs: It melted my heart and I went back and re-read my posts back in January. Wow, seems like ages ago.

Regarding AFM. I have no idea what it stands for. :haha: English is not my native language, so I cope ladies here and pretend to be "cool" :blush::haha: Are u from the US yourself?

Drauma, welcome back! Glad you had fun on the weekend. From what I have read, healthy diet is so important when trying to conceive. So, go girl! :thumbup:

Terri, I was sleep walking when I was a kid. Quite often. Nowadays, I only talk and scream at night :haha: But when I scream, the whole neighborhood can here that. :blush: Crazy!

Steph, forgot to mention that I am sorry that you could not sell your car. Hope you get it solved! How are you feeling?

lfrans, your baby boy is so punctual. 40 weeks, look at him. :hugs:

Tynmeg, how have you been? :flower:

I have my next scan tomorrow. And I am worried as always...

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