3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Lenka I am in the UK. :)

Ooh a scan how exciting, why are you worried?

I'm watching one born every minute right now nd crying my eyes out.
I was really ill earlier, I managed to eat my soup but then had really bad cramps and diahorrea (tmi sorry) still got a headache too argh.
AFM means As For Me...so when I do my update after talking to everyone else, I say, AFM, blah blah, my chart sucks, blah blah. HA!!HA!!

SJ-I guess you really are waiting for AF, huh? I hope she doesn't show up. How many more tests do you have? I like reading about other people testing, but I am not a big tester.

Lenka-fxfxfx. I'm sure your scan will be fine, but I'm excited about it as well. What do you learn at this scan?

Steph-O's Win!!! Good thing you're not at home listening to everyone crying..the game was kind of boring, but it was super fun being out in the city with everyone else. The weather was great; upper 60s and sunny, and everyone is so happy. There were many Red Sox fans in town, but we made 'em feel bad for not supporting the home team! hee hee. Just kidding. We're nice fans around here.

Drauma-So you guys don't get too worn out, my doc said that every other day is good, so even though you're young and excited, you don't want to get too overwhelmed with BD....so every other day should still work. I hope you can get some new OPKs soon, though.
SJ: As for me... That's what AFM stands for. When you turn your post to news of yourself :) and yes, Justin Timberlake :) we're going to see him in Denmark. Well, he's coming to Iceland in August but we already booked our trip when he announced it. We're visiting my brother-in-law and his DG so it's nice :)

Lenka: i'm sure your scan will turn out just fine :* and don't worry, English is my third language :) well I have a bachelor's degree in English but it was still the third language I learned :)
Terri: Yup, every other day is our plan :D glad to hear the baseball season is off to a good start. We don't have it here in Iceland. Soccer is the biggest sport here.

SJ, this Seven Seas stuff, is it the one that has omega-3 in it or something else? I work for a fish oil company and Seven Seas buys all their fish oil/omega-3 from me :)

I went to the gym last night and I have really sore muscles today, but it was fun :) going back tonight!!!
Drauma - The seven seas has folic acid plus iron & vitamin D. I just don't know where to start with all this, i've ordered my bbt thermometer but i quickly looked at the charts and totally dont understand then so hopefully there are instructions. Why cant getting pregnant be simple?! lol.
I'm a little jealous your seeing JT too!

Terri - I am an addictive tester, i promised myself id wait till fri but i tested again this morning and got BFN, I cant get my head around how different i've felt since i think i ovulated. It's so different, but because i had a dodgy belly last night and have felt sick i really think it's just a bug because me and DF just haven't bd'd enough.

AFM (woop, im getting a hang of this, thanks) I have felt achey and tired ALL day still got back pain and headache. Didn't feel hungry at lunch but i had a bit of soup, and then literally had a massive dinner because i was so hungry when i got home from work.

are frer really good? i've just been using the cheap ones off amazon.
SJ-Sorry you're feeling so badly, and I think the consensus on tests is that FRERs are much better than the internet tests, but if you're a compulsive tester, they can get expensive. I have bought FRERs, and a dollar store test or two, but I have only tested, like three times. HA!!HA!!

If you go to the fertility friend website, they have games and instructions on how to take your BBT temperature. It is a great website and will tell you everything you need to know about temping. Then you can store your temps, and share your chart with the rest of us! :ninja:

Drauma-Good for you for getting to the gym. Yeah! It's finally warming up here. It's been in the 60s two days in a row, so I'm really happy about that.

I think hubs made his appointment to get his SA done. I hope we don't really need it, but at least he's doing his share, so I'm a little excited about that. When AF comes, I'll schedule my ultrasound and CD3 bloodwork.
hello ladies.
so... i havent been on in a few days because baby came yesterday around noon. i went to my friends wedding sunday evening, danced a bit then my contractions came a bit stronger and my back hurt.

we went home and went to sleep or tried. contractions came every 5min for an hour so we went to hospital. i went in at 5cm dilated. within an hour was 7cm... but... i did bot progress much past that, got to 8. then got stuck. by 11am they decided to do a c-section.

myles richard was born at 12:05 and is perfect. 7lb9oz, 19inches

ill post pics later
lfrans, OMG, what an existing news!!! :happydance: Congratulations!!! :hugs: Welcome to this beautiful world, Myles Richard Blend!!! How are you feeling, dear? :flower:

I had my doctors appointment today, but they did not do a scan. :shrug: They were not supposed to. We just listened to the bbay's heart with a Doppler and they told me to come back when I am 21 weeks for a scan.

Essjay, the UK is very dear to my heart. I spent a couple of years there (Oxford in particular), when I was in my early twenties. Last year I visited my very close girlfriend, who lives in London, we also went to Oxford for a couple of days. So many nice memories. Beautiful, beautiful town full of history. London is also something!

Regarding this gf of mine. We have been friends since the 1st grade. She started to ttc almost at the same time when we did. This morning she called me on Skype and said her pregnancy test was negative and she was so upset. I told her my experience about how I found out that I was pregnant, that I took a test and the test line was so pale... she was like: what? Mine is also pale pink! what does it mean? I almost screamed: it means u are pregnant, silly! show me the test! she ran to the bathroom and showed me the test. It had two lines!!! So I was the first one to know the news, even though it happened by accident. I am sooo happy for her!! :happydance:

How are you ladies? :flower:
LFRANS CONGRATS ON YOUR PERFECT BABY BOY!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm sure you'll be busy with the little one but I hope you update and....of course, post pictures...of your new little angel!! :happydance::happydance::cloud9: How are you feeling???

Thinking of you ladies a lot. Still haven't sold the car but I've gotten a couple of bites so far. So busy every day I just can't believe it.

Terri good luck with your hubby's :spermy: hehe I just wanted to use that smilie
im on ipad so pics are ok...


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Lfrans: Awwwww how ADORABLE!! Congratulations! He looks so perfect! :crib:
How are you feeling yourself?

Steph: looking forward to you selling the car and coming back to us full time ;)

Lenka: I think it's normal not to do a scan at this time if everything feels normal. In Iceland it's only the first sonar, then at 12 weeks and then at 20. Then usually nothing until it's time to give birth or if something feels odd. So I wouldn't worry :)
How incredibly funny about your gf!! Haha, guess not everyone is as obsessed with getting pg as others :) Bless her and congratulations to her as well :)

Terri: yay for spring! It varies between 40 and 50 here... Nothing crazy yet, but way better than snowstorms and freezing :)

SJ: I agree with Terri, I had no idea about any of this until these lovely ladies here introduced me to Fertility Friend :)
Where in the UK do you live? I lived in London from 2005-2006 and I look at London as my second home :) I've lived in West Molesey, close to Manor House and then in Harrow on the Hill. I travel to the UK quite frequently actually. I was there in last May when my DB graduated from Imperial.

AFM: My DB gave me an out of the blue present yesterday :D A beautiful ring and a set of matching earrings. He's sooo sweet :) :kiss:
First day today of no candy or soda! And guess what, my colleague just came hom from a business trip and brought 3 types of candies that are just laying there in a bowl in the cafiteria, 3 meters away from me! :dohh: ARGH! Well, I just have to be strong :)
lfrans-Congratulations, mama!! I wanted to write -we know what lfrans is doing, wink wink, but I didn't. I'm so excited for you, and Myles is perfect!! Thanks for posting the picture. Yeah, how are you feeling. Are you still in the hospital? I know in the US, people with a c-section get to stay two days or three days versus vaginal deliveries. I am so happy right now...don't leave us, ok? Oh, so is his birthday March 31 or April 01? You seem so calm. I would be screaming from the rooftops!

Drauma-Why no candy? Just because? You are strong...you can do it! That was really nice of DB. Maybe he's working his way up to the BIG ring. hee hee. I hope so..you guys seem really perfect for each other.

Lenka-Congrats to your girlfriend...such exciting news. An acquaintance of mine (well, a guy i went to high school with and still see periodically), just had twins the other day. A boy and a girl. He is a twin, and his brother had twins last year (a boy and a girl). It's funny how genetics work. I'm really happy for the most recent couple because she had a stillborn baby last year or the year before and it was so devastating. Now she is blessed with two beautiful babies at the same time and they are perfectly healthy. Life is amazing...ok..getting sappy here. it's your fault lfrans!

<3 <3 :flower: :flower: to all.
lfrans - Congrats!! he is gorgeous. I have seen SO many cute newborns recently aaahhhhh.


I live in the northwest of england and have only been to london once. I did enjoy it but its so busy and i felt the people were a bit rude! I have travelled to europe many times and been across the pond to NY and Florida (to disneyland) woop. My DF's parents have a holiday home out there. At the moment we are saving for a holiday to Greece next june for my friends wedding...so we really need to be careful with the timing of getting pregnant.

I bought a Clearblue test today, i'm going to do it friday just because i'm going out drinking fri night and would like to know for definate. AF is due saturday. If i am honest with myself i know i'm not pregnant, but a part of me wants to cling onto the hope for one more day. ahhh, i am a loser. I have achey bb's today which is normal.

Had a catch up with my girls tonight :) my friend Jenna is so pregnant she looks gorgeous with it.
I think the idea of a 2014 baby is out the window for me. I'm feeling bad tonight but tomorrow I will know for sure. :cry: The good :shrug: news is that I can get my bloodwork/ultrasound on Saturday or Monday. I'll call for an appt. in the morning.

Hubs has tomorrow off so he said he was going to do his SA tomorrow. I sure hopes he follows through. If not, he'll be in trouble because I'm getting to the point where if he doesn't want to do his part, neither do I. My insurance doesn't cover donors. How mean am I right now? Feeling blue.
Hello ladies! :flower:

Very quick post.

1) lfrans, your baby is soooo soooo cute!!!

2) Terri, donors...??? What happened to our always positive, ambitious, optimistic Terri? :shrug: Common, girl. You most likely did not ovulate this month, which is very common, so, next month you will definitely do! And you will still have a chance for a 2014 baby! :hugs: You must be feeling blue today and I can assure you in 2 todays you will be back on track again. :winkwink: Chin up! :flower:
Aw Terri i feel your pain. My other half is so lazy, and sometimes we only bd once a week, which gets me down because i want it so much. So sometimes i resent his attitude. I hope your hubs does his bit for you and stay positive, it will happen for us soon i can feel it.

I tested with clearblue this morning and got BFN. Which i expected but i'm not down about it. I signed up to FF yesterday, and my BBT arrived from amazon as did my OPK. So i am so excited to start charting next cycle. I hope i can keep it up. I really need to know if i am ovulating or not. I thought AF was due today but according to FF its monday, i have a 34 day cycle.

Happy Friday guys x
Thanks...I'm not ready just yet to say that AF is here. I feel crampy and had a small clotty (I know, gross) bit of blood this morning when I went to the bathroom. I have on a pad so I can monitor what's going on. We'll see as the day progresses.

I fell asleep soon after my post, and I had to wake up early for work today, so I didn't talk to hubs except to say 'bye, love you.' I'm sure he will let me know when he gets his test done, and when I get home, if I see the brown paper bag on the table, I'll know he didn't do it. I'm not seriously thinking about donors, I was just being snippy.

Sj-Sorry for the BFN today, but at least you can go out and have fun with your friends. Did you read up on tracking your temperature? Any questions, just ask.

Everyone else-Have a great Friday!!
Terri - Yeh i watched the videos on FF and now have a much better understanding of how all this works. I'm hoping to just use this next month getting my chart right and hopefully reconnecting with my DF to get him on the same page as me then hopefully we can get BFP soon.

I need to cut down on caffiene too right? Jeez i have been reading up on what to do and what not to do when ttc. I need to make some serious lifestyle changes.
HA!!HA!! I drink a cup of coffee a day, and I don't drink soda. Well, if I do drink soda, it's few and far between, and my soda of choice is Sprite, so that's caffeine free...I think you can do what you want, but they say that you want to try to be as healthy as possible because you never know when that baby will be conceived. It does get tiring after a while, but one day it will be worth it.

Good for you for looking up that stuff.

Ok..I've returned to reality. The witch got me. :hissy:

I've scheduled my bloodwork for 7a Monday morning. There is one test where you can't eat after 10pm, and I'm going out tonight, so I don't want to risk doing the test tomorrow, although as :jo: as I am, I will probably be back home by 10. HA!!HA!!
Terri: So sorry about your cycle. I wish you a great new cycle and I'm sure your DH follows through and does his bit :)

SJ: It's great to hear you're serious about this. Making a baby is a massive lifestyle change itself so adjusting a few things is just normal to make it easier. I drank a massive amount of coca cola before I started ttc (I don't drink coffee, ever) and it's been a bit hard weaning myself off it, but I'm down to only drinking a glass or two on weekends. I've also limited alcohol intake and try not to drink any bad things in the tww.

AFM: Right now I'm on cycle day 11 and haven't felt anything out of the ordinary so I'm just going on hope here. I really hope this cycle will be normal and nothing like the last one! Went to a birthday party last night and it was great fun :) Today it's my grandad's birthday, he's 79, and we're going over to his house for some cake, the whole family. Sounds like I have a nice Saturday coming up :)

How is everyone doing?

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