3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Nice jump this morning, Drauma, but with your irregular cycle last month, I'll take it easy on the excitement. Congrats to your gramps. hee hee. What do you call him, Grandpa, Pop-Pop, Grandad? I called one of my grandfathers, Grandpa, and the other one who has passed, Pop-Pop. Love grandparents! I'm sad I only have one still living, but he's 99, so he's been around a long time.

Hubs went to get his car fixed first thing yesterday morning, and they kept his car all day so he did not go to the doctor's office. He was prepared to go as the bag was moved from one side of the table to the other. hee hee. Of course, now that AF is here, he could have gotten up this morning and made his appointment as it's only been a 4 day hold, and that is acceptable, but he's snoozing away. He stayed up until 2am last night drinking, so I'm sure he's forgotten all about it. I'm not upset, but now we have to wait until AF leaves (I will not BD during AF, like some people), and then he can hold again. Thankfully AF doesn't stick around long, so by next Thursday or Friday he should be ready to submit his :spermy: My gf said 'give him a few weeks...' I was like 'A few weeks. Nope. No time for that.' She was 3 years younger when she went through all this, so I don't have a few weeks. I still won't be ready to do my first IUI until May if we go that route, so I need to give him a few weeks. HA! My results will be back to me by Monday afternoon.

Sorry for the book. Have a great day all! <3, :flower:
Omg! He is gorgeous! Congratulations Lfrans, I'm do excited for you. I hope you are feeling alright and have a speedy recovery.
I don't have time to write to everyone right now, i will later.
CD 14, waiting for a positive OPK at this point. Eeek!
Talk soon, everyone have an awesome day! :)
Aw that's one thing that really sad my last grandparent, my grandad died last year. So sad :( bit Omg 99uears old is amazing!!

I will need to look into what iui is so I can keep up with the convo.

Sorry this is just a quick message I have to admit I have had a wicked weekenD. I went to bierkeller yesterday and to my friends tonight to plan her wedding abroad so I'm a little tipsy. But this is my last drink for a while.

AF still not here yet but only due on Monday I think. Been doing my temps n it dropped today so that a sign AF is due right? Ahahah i need sleep. I'll be back once I'm sober.

Seriously last day of eating crap food n drinking n smoking because I'm going to make this baby happen xx

EDIT - So y AF arrived just now, as expected. New cycle here i come! See ya in 2 weeks ;)
IUI is intrauterine insemination. Basically, they take the sperm sample and then shoot it in me. HA!!HA!! Nice description, huh? Supposedly, that's better because the timing is perfect and the sperm should immediately start fertilizing the egg. Of course, it's not perfect a lot of the times, but I think I would have a better chance than timing everything.

My ultrasound and blood work appointment is first thing tomorrow morning. I'll let you guys know how it went when I get to work.

SJ-Your party sounded like a lot of fun. I would take my temp starting when AF gets here. If you don't have a baseline, it's hard to gauge what is happening. Just wait a few more days, and then start temping. Plus, with your drinking last night your temps can be affected too. Everybody is different. Oh..I just read your edit. So start temping now, and put your chart in your signature! hee hee. I'm sad (:hugs:)/glad AF is here. Time to start this process off right!

Hi everyone else!! lfrans-how are things coming along, MOM?
Sorry guys I wasn't able to check in during the weekend, there was so much to do!

Terri: hope your appointment went well this morning FX!!
Here in Iceland we speak Icelandic so I don't call my granddad any of those Engilsh words. The word we have for it here is AFI. And my grandma is called AMMA. :) Then we say MAMMA for mom and PABBI for daddy. We don't have any other nicknames for these people, just these four terms. Icelandic lesson 101 ;)

SJ: So proud of you for taking the step towards a healthier life :) Good luck! I know it might get tough but believe me, once you think about the purpose it gets easier :) Sorry about AF, hopefully your time will come soon.

Tynmeg: Sending your egg good thoughts ;)

AFM: CD 13 today. My jump on Saturday is because I was drinking on Friday and woke up late... so no news there. Then I totally forgot about temping Sunday and this morgning cus I've been super busy! But I'm not worried... seems like temping might even not be working for me since I never had a real jump last cycle and yet my doctor said I had ovulated.... I don't know what to think and I'm just staying relaxed and BD-ing every other day like planned. I'm getting super excited for Denmark, shopping, Tivoli and seeing JT! Oh I can't wait! Have any of you northern America ladies been to Europe? Where to if you have?
I've been bringing clothes that don't fit me to work and the girls here are going crazy, buying them all almost. I'm just selling them cheap so I have a little more money to shop in Denmark :) H&M is there!!! Yes, There's no H&M in Iceland because the market is too small they say. I'm okay with it, i just means we can shop more when we go abroad and shop less at home, and not everyone is wearing the same clothes like in Sweden and Denmark. Everyone there shops at H&M and everyone has the same wardrobe, hehe!

Okay, maybe I should get working.... Monday is lazy day after a massive weekend! I baked a cake last night for a friend, it was her 30th birthday last week and we're celebrating it today :) I'll leave you with a photo of the lovely cake I did, it was gone in 15 mintues!!!
Drauma-What kind of cake is on the inside? It looks really good though, regardless. Thanks for the Icelandic lesson. Here there are so many names and things people call their grandparents. My coworker's name is Denise and she wanted her grandkids to call her GrandD. That didn't work out and they just call her grandma. hee hee. She thinks that sounds to old though. That's cool about selling all your clothes to make money for your trip. You're a good coworker. :) I went to Germany in the 90s for my family reunion, and my family did a small tour of Paris, Lichtenstein, Switzerland. Then I went to Russia in 1989 with an exchange program. Those are the only places in Europe I've been, but I would love to return. There are a lot of places to see. Since I started motorcycling, most of my adventures have been in the US. I appreciate our country so much more with the wind in your face, and checking things out from atop a motorcycle! hee hee.

I went to the fertility center for my Day 4 blood draw and ultrasound. I have exactly 12 follicles growing and hopefully one of them will get fertilized this time around. I have 5 on my left and 7 on my right. I also had a fibroid on my left side, but she said that if the HSG worked fine, it has probably just been sitting there and isn't an issue. Phew! It scared me when she said there was a fibroid. As far as the follicles go, they like to see >10, so I'm in good shape there for so early in my cycle. I will find out what my bloodwork results are this afternoon, and hubs is going on Wednesday for his :spermy: analysis. So...I'm feeling pretty good knowing there are follicles, so now we just have to figure out what else is going on, if anything. If everything's fine, I'll be super relieved. We have to make a follow up appointment at some point to go over the plan of action, but I'll talk to the nurse and hubs about that when she calls me this afternoon.

That's the latest. I feel pretty good at this point, but I'll report back when the nurse calls me.
Terri- Great News!! hope everything works out fab for you :) Keep us updated.

Drauma - That cake looks amazing!! I cant believe you don't have H&M, i love that place.

I think i sorted my signature now???
SJ-Yeah! Looks good. I'm all about team yellow, although I prefer green to yellow. hee hee.
Oh sorry..you put the yellow stork on your signature. So pink is/hoping for a girl, blue is/hoping for a boy, and yellow is any baby, just a baby. hee hee. WHEN I find out I'm pregnant, I don't want to know the gender, so I'm Team Yellow (or green). HA!!HA!! I hope that makes sense.
The cake itself is just home made brown sponge layers, but then there's nougat butter cream and Daim pieces. It was heaven! :)

I am team yellow atm. I don't care if I get a boy or a girl, but when the time comes I think I'll want to know the gender, just to be able to prepare a bit more :) Hopefully we'll be talking about the gender of our babies before too long! :flower: :flower: :flower:

I remembered charting this morning, yay! My temp this morning was 97,7! I've never been that high apart from times I was temping way later than usual and early last cycle when I was ill. I feel great today, had massive cramping down there yesterday and fell asleep for 3 hours (!!!) when I got home from work. We had a very late dinner and then fell asleep again at 2am after watching the new Game of Thrones episode and American Idol. I wasn't tired at all this morning and slept really well, and yet my temp was that "high"... Hopefully this is a good sign, we'll see tomorrow :) (Shame on me for forgetting the 2 days vefore today.... I know!)

How is everyone doing? I'm anxiously waiting for news up here :)
Since I asked about traveling, I have been to the US if you're wondering. I went to New York in 2007 and from there to LA where I rented a red Mustang and took a road trip through LA, Vegas, Reno, Lake Tahoe, Sacramento, San Francisco, Santa Barbara and then back to LA for a week and then back to NY and home. This was a 3 week trip altogether in AUGUST and oh dear lord. The streets were melting from the heat in NY and stuck under my shoes and in Vegas we couldn't go outside for a walk until 4 am and only for 30 minutes, the heat was so intense (104°F in NY and 108°F in Vegas). I think I'll visit the States some other month next time :P
I've also traveled in Europe. I've been to Denmark 3 times, Sweden twice, Norway twice, England 6 times and lived there for a year, Croatia, Germany, Spain three times, Italy, The Netherlands and Belgium. And I'm going to Denmark for the 4th time in just 26 days and 20 hours!! :D :happydance:
Drauma-That cake sounds absolutely amazing. Yum yum..

You sure are a world traveler. It's great to travel because you get to experience so many different things and meet so many interesting people. I'll admit, August is probably the worst month to go most places in the US because it's so hot, but you also don't want to go to a lot of places in the dead of winter either. I prefer the heat over the cold though, so I'd take the heat anyday. I just have to wear sweat appropriate outfits! hee hee. I love San Francisco. Well, probably everyone loves it, but it is really expensive. I haven't been there in years, so I should probably try to get back there sometime soon. It's so pretty and everyone is so nice. They also have great food there (you know I love eating out!). I have such great memories of that city. *sigh*
Hi all, no time to reply to everyone.
Tynmeg, Im keeping my fingers crossed for you,
Terri- fertility clinic sounds like it is very reassuring.

Ive had my hands full with baby and it has for the most part been wonderful. The first few days were super emotional. Baby blues are totally real, I would cry for every reason possible. I had a long conversation with my husband as I was scared I was going over the edge to post partum depression, but i think it was just my crazy hormones and now im much better.

Im pretty happy, my body is not back to normal, but getting there. I put on about 25 lbs in the pregnancy and i dont own a scale, so dont know what i weigh, but feel like most of my bump is gone. My boobs on the other hand have turned into sore melons. They are huge and breastfeeding is really not so easy. I have some trouble latching on sometimes and have some battered nipples as a result. Im looking into lactation consultants, in the meantime have been pumping and/or bottle feeding formula/breastmilk 1-2x per day to give myself a bit of a healing break.

When it doesnt hurt though, it is wonderful to have him so close to me.
Terri: San Francisco felt so similar to my home in Reykjavík, Iceland. Ocean breeze and friendly people everywhere. I felt like I was in a new Icelandic city when I was there, really nice.

lfrans: I feel for your boobs!! Breastfeeding is really hard and only a small percentage of women who can do it with no fuzz. Some women can't do it at all. Like my sister-in-law found out in a week of boob sores and nothing working. Turned out the little boy's tongue was a bit odd so he couldn't get the nipple. All sort of things that can affect breastfeeding. So don't worry if it's not going 100% :) If it's meant to be you'll get the hang of it before you knkow it. If not, you're not a bad mama <3 Just remember that :)
lfrans-Thanks for checking in! I'm sorry you have sore boobies as well, and yeah, like Drauma said, it's hard work breastfeeding, but if you want to do it, you'll find a way. How is your husband doing? Don't forget to treat him to something so he doesn't feel left out. :winkwink: It's understandable that your emotions are all over the place too. I love your updates and am just smiling so big for you.

Drauma-Oh, if your town is like San Francisco, then you are very fortunate.
I'd love to go to San Fran! seriously, it looks gorgeous. I have travelled quite a bit but i don't have the money to go to all the places i really want to, like jamaica, cuba, safari in africa, roadtrip around america....oh the things i'd do if i had the money!

Terri - I'm team yellow, but id really love a girl, my DF really wants a boy, but id be happy either way. To be honest all my friends have stole my baby names, so if it was to be a girl i'd be stuck for a name now ;)

lfrans - It's great you are attempting breast feeding, i will try and do that when i have a baby, but i've heard it can be real hard so if it isn't working dont feel bad, just do what feels right x

drauma (and everyone) - This taking temps....well... does it drop, then rise quite a lot? I'm just wondering, if i wait for it to rise then will i miss ovulation? does that make sense?
Hi ladies,
I am glad you all doing good!

I am so sad now... My DF left to Bali yesterday for 2 weeks, so I am so lonely here now. For those who did not know, we moved to CA a few months ago, so I do not really know anybody here yet. We work from home, so it is quite challenging to meet new people and to be honest not quite easy for me... My heart is just aching. I found this website that tacks airplanes live and have been refreshing it every 5 minutes. He is still in the air. It is a 14 hr flight. That is why I did not go with him. Way too much in the air. I could not fall sleep at al, I slept for about 4 hrs max... Sorry, ladies. Just had to get it out of my chest... I hope tomorrow I will feel much better.

Terri, still waiting for ur test results?

Hugs to all!
Lenka-Oh dear...sorry to hear you are so sad and lonely. Have you been out to see the sunrise like you planned? Go do it tomorrow for two weeks. Do you keep a journal? Maybe that will keep you busy as well. I'm sorry also to hear that you haven't made any friends yet...you need to go find some friends! Maybe there is a pregnancy group or something out there (lamaz class or something) where you can meet some people. :hugs: Luckily, he'll only be gone for two weeks.

Yes, I got my test results from the nurse today. My numbers looked good. I compared them to some other sites that I saw on fertility and stuff. The only thing that was high was my prolactin (pituitary gland hormone that produces breastmilk). In normal men and women, it's usually low and pregnant women it's higher. I have to take a retest because they usually look for <26, and I was slightly elevated at 28.4. She said they worry when people have prolactin of 40 or higher. My Estradiol was 40.1, FSH was 8.65, LH was 8.17, TSH was 2.15, and my AFC (the follicle count) was 12. According to my research, you want FSH greater than LH, and approximately a 1:1 ratio. Not bad!!

SJ-Your temps will probably jump all around pre O, but you'll get a jump of 0.3 or 0.4 degrees higher and that usually means you ovulated. Once you get three days of elevated temperature, FF will put crosshairs and show you ovulated. You want to BD before you get that temp jump because once you get the crosshairs proving that you ovulated, it's too late (for the most part) to conceive, and you're just BD'ing for fun. The egg only sticks around for 24 hours, so it's a small window. Go look on the other threads, and you'll see plenty of people's charts in your signature. Don't look at mine though because mine are crazy. The TWW people usually have good charts because they are young and healthy, and have fresh eggs. hee hee. Let me know if you have other questions.
SJ: Wow.. my charting is aaaall over the place! :/ I'm only charting my second cycle right now so I'm of no help. I have irregular cycles and no idea what's wrong with me. Doctor can't find anything to pin point for me. That's why I'm just doing the old fashioned cycle right now, eat healthy, excercise and we try to BD every other day.

Lenka: I'm so sorry to hear you feel so sad. Hopefully when he lands in Bali you'll be able to relax and enjoy being by yourself (you need to cherish it while you can, teehee). There must be some groups of nice preggo ladies that you could hang out with and meet someone. I bet there are plenty of women out there that don't know many people in the area, or none at all even. You could sign up for some classes to do when you're not working, morning, lunch, evenings. Catch up on your favorite tv-shows you haven't seen for ages, go for walks, experiment in the kitchen. Take up knitting or crocheting for the baby. Visit the library, go to the mall, to a cafe.. skype with old friends or family.... There's plenty to do if you think about it and two weeks will hopefully fly by in no time :)

Terri: Great to hear your test are looking great! :D

Nothing new from me... just crazy at work and lots of holidays coming up, yay! :D There are lots of days we get off work around this time. April 24th is the first day of summer and we get a day off, Thursday and Friday before Easter we get off along with Easter Monday. Then May 1st we get off too because it's Labour day. And then I get May 2nd off too just for fun and I'm off to Denmark on the 5th... I know you know, I'm just so super excited! :D

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