3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Thank you, ladies for your support!!! :hugs: I feel so much better today. Drauma, you were right, once he had landed in Bali, I could relax and went to bed and slept till 9.15am today. So no sunset yet, Terri. :haha: lolol But I am going to the beach this evening, just to take a walk. Yes, Drama, this is exactly what I am going to do while he is away. And you know what, I am that type of person who is never bored on my own. I have bought a few Russian books, I love reading about Romanov Dynasty, rulers of Russia from 1613 until the Russian Revolution of February 1917. They were shot to death by the Bolsheviks...

Well, I also feel so much better physically. I even forget about my pregnancy sometime... :dohh: Oh, I also learnt that my first love, who I was living with for 5 years in my early twenties, rather his girlfriend is pregnant and her due day is September 7th, just like mine!!! Weird... But I am happy for him, he always wanted kids...

Terri, so happy that your results are good!!!! :happydance: I am not surprised. Once you get you hubby's results, what are your next step?

Drauma, I hear you about expensive cloth in Europe!!! Here, in the USA, it is so much cheaper, especially when you know where and when to shop. Denmark sounds awesome. I have traveled a bit too (England, France, Spain, Turkey, Israel, Sweden, Morocco, Cypress, Tunisia, Egypt), but there are still a few places to visit on my Bucket list. I would love to explore Italy, by car, without hotel reservations... Amazing country. And Santorini, Greece... Just a relaxed vacation there... It's a shame that Europe is so far away from here. These long flights are party poopers. lolol :haha:

SJ, good luck with temping. Are you using ovulation strips? Sorry if I missed it. They are quit cheap online.

lfrans, yep, breast-feeding is very painful... But so beneficial for you kid. Please keep us posted, how he is doing. It is so interesting.

Steph, where are you??? :flower:

Tynmeg, how are you? :flower:
Lenka-Glad you got some sleep and some new books. All very cool! You guys are real travelers, and yes, it is expensive to fly to Europe from here, and you need more than a few days vacation, so it's more difficult to travel unless you have a job where you can work while away, or get lots of vacation time!
I'm very pleased that my results were good. Maybe I should "try" to just take it easy, but I'm a Type A personality, so once I get something in my head, I have to keep going until success. Once we get the results, I'm willing to try IUI one or two times, and then move to IVF if need be. My insurance is fine with moving straight to IVF if over 40 (which I will be by the time we get all the results back), but it's so invasive, so I'd like to start with a few timed "shots" right to the egg if possible, and then if they have to pull one or two eggs out to try to fertilize, so be it. I feel like we're getting close, so I'm happy. It would be amazing if an IUI worked on the first time as May is my bday month, so here's to positive thinking.*clinking of glasses* hee hee.

Drauma-Yay for summer, and Easter and all those other holidays. So lucky....

SJ-Just keep temping. Usually during AF, temps are pretty random. When you see that jump, it's all gravy from there. That means, it's just a waiting game, icing on the cake, etc... hee hee.
Hey ladies I'm baaaaaack! Seattle was great and warm (well, for the second half) and I ended up selling my car! It was worth a lot more than I sold it for but it's done, we're not paying insurance on it anymore, and it went to a good home. :happydance:

I caught up on all the posts you chatty ladies! Terri--I'm a little confused. So does this mean you'll do IUI immediately or next month or what's going on with that? Glad to hear things are good on your end!!

Lenka--enjoy your sunrise walks! It's always hard to be the one left behind. Have you tried Meetup yet? I did some groups while I was in Seattle and they were enjoyable. This area is too small to have any but being pregnant helps you meet people. Hopefully by the time your baby comes around you'll have met some other moms. It's so hard to be doing this so far away from family

Drauma--looks like you have so many things going on! How exciting!

Lfrans--keep up with that breastfeeding. My friend had her baby just a few days before you did, and I asked her a few days ago how it was going now. With a baby having trouble latching (and she's an experienced breastfeeder) and a too-large nipple, she was in all sorts of terrible pain, bleeding, etc. But it's better now! She says we should start a breastfeeding campaign called "It gets better...really!" Hopefully you and baby are getting to know each other :hugs: And spam away with those ipad photos, please!

Spring has reached New England! It was 60 degrees and sunny so I excused the 30 mph winds just this once. Tomorrow dh and I are going hiking!

Just took my glucose tolerance drink so I'm off to the labs to get my blood drawn (ew)...so please excuse my hyperness from the sugar weeeeeee
lolol, Steh, you r funny! GL with the glucose test! So you do continue hiking? Because we still go hiking also, but I am so paranoid I might fall... But at the same time, even when I eat a salad when I am out, I keep thinking: oh, I hoped it was washed properly, all ingredients are fresh, my fork is clean bla bla bla...

Ladies, any updates? You have been so quit lately. Terri, how are you dear? lfrans?

Its 8.40 am today (Friday), I opened my work email, so much work to do, I closed it without even blinking my eyes and am going to enjoy the morning sun till 10am, then I will start working.

DF writes that the food is so good and inexpensive in Bali, a seafood soup is like $1, a whole grilled fish is $7, freshly squeezed juices from different tropical fruits is $2. He sais that the beach reminds him of one in the Dominican, but there are more tourists and cars in Bali...

Have a nice Friday ladies!
Nothing is going on here..Just waiting to O. I think it's coming any day now. I'll start using my OPKs tomorrow so i don't miss my surge. I did make a peach cake the other day. It didn't fully cook in the center, but the edges were tasty. hee hee.

Hubs couldn't make his SA appointment until either the 14th or 17th. This is my fertile week, so I asked him to change it to the 21st. He has to have a 3-4 day hold, and I didn't want to risk it during my window, so the 21st isn't bad. It's not like the specialist can do anything for me this cycle. I guess I should also go on and schedule my follow up for the following week so that I'll know what to do when AF arrives, if there is anything special I need to do.

Steph-Glad you sold the car! Enjoy your hike. I'm so happy to have warm weather. I hope it sticks around. It should by now!

Lenka-Thanks for asking! I laughed about closing your work email. You're my kind of girl! hee hee. Work is for the birds...do you know that expression?
Hey ladies! I had my iui on Monday, the waiting game has begun, 4 dpo today. : ) my sister is visiting for a week and she brought my 2 year old niece. It's been almost a year since a seen them so I'm so excited and It should make this horrible TWW go faster than usual.
Tynmeg-I'm so happy to hear that your sister and niece will be in town for a while. You can take your mind off of things and enjoy their company.
Where do you live? I'm probably going to be doing IUI soon, so you'll have to give me the scoop on that.

I don't know if I told you girls that my prolactin (hormone produced by the pituitary gland that produces breastmilk in pregnant women) was slightly elevated (28.4, and they like to see <26) when I had my bloodwork. I have to go for a retest on Monday. The nurse said 'make sure you fast past 10pm and only drink water, no caffeine the day before, and no nipple stimulation.' I was confused because I didn't eat or drink anything past 10pm the night before. Then I remembered that hubs and I had a party the night before my testing, and there was "nipple stimulation." :rofl: This time we're taking it easy so my levels will be ok. We can have bloodwork done at work, so I'm going to get my blood drawn on Monday.

Today is my 6 month anniversary!! We are going to a kids birthday party and then out to dinner at one of my fave restaurants in town. We made it!! hee hee. Have a great day all.
Sorry ive been awol!

lenka - Yes i have ov strips off amazon, when do i start doing these? i came off my period 2/3 days ago.

Terri - Im so excited for you, I hope IUI works for you,but hey ho sounds like you have a few options, you will get your BFP soon :)

Steph - Good fr you still hiking whilst pregnant, thats dedication :) sounds fun, there isnt anywhere to hike where i live :( I'm doing race for life in june for cancer research and very much looking forward to it.

Tyneg -Good Luck with your IUI :)

PHRASE OF THE DAY: Nipple stimulation, hahaha love it.

AFM - I am now just waiting for Ovulation...we went out today to watch the FA cup (our home town wigan was playing) and quite a few people were asking "so when you going to have a baby" "do you two not want babies yet?" "has he not done the deed yet" Aaaargh! So frustrating. I don't want to say that we are trying because it puts the pressure on, and then next time they see you its "no baby yet?" and it gets me down. So i just kept saying, no not yet, cant afford a baby yet...
Oh SJ I know this frustration very well. I've never understood people who ask these questions. Luckily there has recently been a lot of awareness about becoming pregnant isn't easy for everyone and I'm starting to feel that people are more sensitive. Don't let it get to you though, of course people mean well, they just don't get it.

Terri: Hope you can stay away from nipple stimulation until Monday!! ;)

Tynmeg: Hopefully the waiting game pays off FX FX FX

Lenka: Bali sounds nice! But if it makes you feel any better it would probably just be too warm and sticky for you, cus you're pg ;)

Steph: Great you sold the car! I used to work at a blood-lab at the hospital and we had 2 ladies every day to have the glucose test. We take blood before they drink the "juice" then another 5 mintes after drinking it. Then 60 minutes after and then 120 minutes after. That way we can monitor how the pregnant ladies were using that sugar... Guess it's done differently elsewhere since you drank yours at home...?

AFM: As usual, I have absolutely no idea what's going on with me and temping is all over the place. I had some cramps on the left side yesterday and the day before And then some sore boobs yesterday so I could have been ovulating, or not. I guess we'll see... or not. Oh I'm so frustrated :growlmad: Today the sun is shining but it's only 35F so it's cold but it's just so pretty! We're going to go out for lunch to watch a football game, Liverpool - Man. City, and after that we're going to visit the best swimming pool in Reykjavík. They just opened a new hot pot there that looks really nice. In Iceland there's a very nice swimming pool culture. We hardly go there to swim, we just go there to relax and unwind in the hot pots and talk to strangers about nothing and everything. Here's a photo of the new hot pot https://www.facebook.com/Reykjavik/...1397379461./10152288707395042/?type=3&theater
SJ-Welcome back! Yeah, people suck...You can't listen to them, or just keep making up excuses until they stop asking you. Everyone just wants to be in everyone else's business, I suppose.

Drauma-Thanks! I told hubs that he has to keep his hands off tonight. hee hee. Sorry about your crazy temps again. I thought sure the metformin would help your body regulate, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything just yet. Maybe a few more days and you'll show a clear ovulation jump.

I tried to take my first OPK this morning, but I guess I did something wrong because it never gave me a result. I went back later and put the same test stick in the holder, and the test ready picture showed up, so my test holder isn't dead, I just had user error. Luckily it's only CD10, so I can test again tomorrow. I usually ovulate between CD12-CD15, so I'm not that concerned.

I'm writing a paper for class, and it's taking me forever. I don't really know what to write. *sigh*
Terri, I hate that when you don't know what to write for a paper! O certainly don't miss that about school for sure. Good luck on your o! I loled when I read about "nipple simulation" haha

Lenka- I wouldn't worry about hiking, well, not if it's reasonable. I used to love extremely steep hikes (due to impatience mostly) that I'd practically be falling down the mountain instead of hiking down. Now I'm out of shape and heavily pregnant so that's out of the picture. I have hiked in snow 2x this week... No falling. Just careful steps. It's just so good to get out there! Baby enjoys the fresh oxygen. Oh btw do you have a name picked out for the boy??

Drauma- yesssss that sounds so perfect for a sunny, cold day!! Do pregnant women even go? In the us they say we shouldn't sit in hot tubs (lame). When you said hot pot, I thought of delicious Taiwanese food. Look it up! Yum!

Sj- sorry you got the questions. I used to hate them, especially after a mc! Sounds like a lot of fun, it's exciting when a whole town gets so excited for a team. How far is the race?

AFM I'm in pain nightly and now daily. Everything hurts. Sorry to whine, I just am at my wits end. I walked less in Seattle so I'm wondering if that's why I slept so well and lived pain free there. But from sitting on that flight home til now, it seems constant. I don't know how I'll do another 11 weeks of this.
Terri: I've been taking metformin daily since year 2010 and it's keeping my cysts away but nothing more apparently. Hope you won't get any more faulty tests! FFoe says you've ovulated, is that true? How's your paper coming?

Steph: Don't worry, we are here to listen to everything and support you. I don't look at it as whining, I just see it as sharing and speaking about what you'd otherwise keep to yourself. So do tell, I'm fascinated to know about the wonders of the human body :) And these 11 weeks, well, they're almost 10 already :)

Hot tub-hot pot-jacuzzi.. haha! it all sounds the same to me :P Hot pot is just a direct translation from Icelandic (heitur pottur) so I'll try to remember it's hot tub! :P Pregnant women do go yes, but not to the hottest ones. Our doctors even recommend that they go swimming and sit in the "coldest" hot tubs but not for too long though, the coldest ones are around 98°F. There are preggo ladies all over the place and I've never heard of complications due to it :)

Everything is all over the place for me like always, so I just wait for AF who might be here in a week or 3 :growlmad:
I had a great weekend, the weather was fantastic and I met some fun people and family. Only 3 working days this week, then we're off to the west to visit my in-laws and then to the summerhouse to help my family with some construction work they have planned for the Easter holiday :) :thumbup:
Steph-My paper is terrible. I'm hoping my teacher is lenient on the grading. It's due Tuesday at 4pm, but I want to finish it tonight and just submit it. He isn't very clear on what it's supposed to be about, so I'm basically just rehashing the case that he had us read about this refrigerator company. Sorry you're feeling so bad, but I bet you're just doing too much. Remember when we were telling lfrans to chill out. Now it's your turn. I know you like being active, but maybe you're being TOO active and your body is telling you such. I do hope you feel better soon.

Drauma-Ahh..so maybe your follicles don't realize what metformin is supposed to do for you now. You need to tell those pills to get it together! It looks like you may have to go back to the doctor. I'm so glad you temp so you have data to show your them what's going on. I must say, I laughed when you said AF will be here in the next week or 3. Sorry..that has to be miserable.

It seems I have another chance to get preggers in April, although it's not a likely chance. I put in my temp this morning and Ffoe said I ovulated on CD8 :dohh:, which makes me 3DPO today. I have never ovulated that early, and obviously, hubs and I weren't prepared as we only BD'd on CD8. Well, also on CD4 too, but that's so early. According to Ffoe also, if I were to get pregnant my due date would be Jan. 02. Fun! Although since I'm an older mom, I will probably go early, but December or January works for me (as well as any month in the calendar year. :haha:)

I guess I better get on the phone regarding my follow up appt. with the FS. My next cycle may be starting sooner than I thought. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing. I'll say neutral. Blah...
I don't know about this Terri, if you feel like you haven't o'ed then perhaps Ffoe is just reading your temps wrong... at least I'd continue to BD and take the OPK's for a few days just to see.... All your older charts say you're o-ing at similar times and this looks way to early... I dunno, but I wouldn't trust Ffoe 100%, trust your guts a bit more :)
And yes, my follicles are just not understanding the metformin but my doctor tells me to continue taking it as it should increase my chances.
A week or three was supposed to be funny, so don't worry about laughing. I am so frustrated but still trying to see the funny and positive sides of things :)
Drauma-I know you were joking, but still it has to be a pain not knowing when AF is going to show up. Yes, I will get to the store today and pick up a OPK tester just in case Ffoe is wrong. I think it has been wrong before, and like my doctor said, it's just a computer program and our bodies aren't machines that work they way they're programmed.

I made my follow up appointment for the 24th with the doctor. If I have to take meds or do something special next cycle, I want to be ready for when that witch shows up (or not!).

PS. My motorcycle started right up on Saturday, after a long winter. I rode about 4 miles around town. I didn't want to go far because I didn't check my tire pressure before I left. I was so excited to get in the wind, that I just jumped on and left! I'll pump my tires this week so next week when it's really warm, I can ride to work. I have to get my miles in before I become preggers. hee hee. I'm a happy girl when my bike is working and the weather is warm.
Steph - The race is only 5k. last time i did it in 50 mins, so i'm hoping i can do it slightly quicker this time. I don't really run i just power walk hehe.

Drauma - sometimes my period is like that, i expect it one week and it comes the week after, I think i have a 34 day cycle....from what i have worked out over the past
Well, I bought some OPKs today and I took a test and it was a negative. I'll continue taking them for the next few days and see what happens. It's pretty irritating if I really did miss O day. *sigh*

I did make my follow up appointment with the FS for the 24th because I'd rather be prepared for what the future holds than not prepared. We'll see.

SJ-I like your Minnie Mouse picture. Too cute!
Ladies, quick update, has been a crazy day here.

My gf, the one that was due May 9th, gave a birth to a beautiful baby girl Katherine last night. We are all over the moon from happiness.

Been working whole weekend and today, all our clients are French, they just sent us documents in French, I have to go online and translate and it is so funny when I have to translate the English version into Russian. But it is only tax documents. French clients are very responsible, they tell the IRS everything. lolol

No sunrises for me, it is very foggy up to 10am, but sunsets are just divine.

Terri, keep testing!!! I agree with Drauma, seems like it was too early for O. But you know better.

Steph, yep, we call the baby BB... His first name will start with B.

Later! Hugs
Terri sorry to be the one who says you probably did o...but I'm thinking you may have. My last cycle my egg tried to sneak out but my eggs feel like they've got spikes on them (plus i get a lot of ewcm) so they aren't as sneaky as they think they are. Made for a very short cycle. Hopefully that one time is what you needed and you were able to catch that egg!

SJ I agree so freaking cute (minnie mouse)

Drauma--oh that's great you have different heat levels and everything on your "hot pots" (sorry I wasn't trying to tease you about the English...you just made a pregnant lady hungry thinking about a very delicious Chinese food!!)

I failed my first glucose test so I gotta take the other one tomorrow, where I spend 3 hours at the hospital getting poked at. Hopefully I can pass this one. Also failed the iron. UGH

Thank you, Terri. You're right, it's so hard to slow down--I have a feeling we'll be saying that to you a lot when the time comes :haha: So exciting about your motorcycle! Spring has even hit DC!

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