3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Lenka-Is your baby going to have a Russian name, or an American name or both? It's going to be Boris, huh? hee hee. Sorry you've been so busy and too bad it's been so foggy. Time is going by fast, and your DF will be back in no time. That's so cool that he can get tons of stuff for cheap. Too bad he can't ship it back to the US.

Steph-I know, I know..that 0.4 degree jump doesn't just come out of nowhere on my charts, but I don't want to believe it. My eggs have slippers apparently. :rofl: We did a Lenka and BD'd that morning of the low temperature, so maybe we were able to catch the egg, because the next day was when my temp jumped, so perhaps we caught it as she was about to go on her adventure. How awesome would that be? I'm still going to use those OPKs for a few days anyway. Who knows...maybe another one is ready to go. I did have 12 follies on my ultrasound. hee hee. Sorry you failed your glucose test. What does that really mean? You didn't process it properly or your body did too good of a job processing it. Are you taking any other vitamins other than prenatals (I assume you are still taking prenatals).

Yes, you guys are definitely going to have to tell me to slow down. I'm supposed to be decreasing my responsibilities now, but it's not really happening. I just jump right into something else. :haha: Yeah for spring, although a cold front is coming through tonight/tomorrow and they are saying it may snow on Wednesday. I hope not because the trees are budding/flowering, and I don't want them to die because of a cold front.

Drauma-Hot pot was really cute, but it makes sense, so I probably would've used the same translation as well. :flower: :flow:
Ladies, look at this beautiful sunset... its 3am and I am fully awake. Lolol Terri, no, we are not going to name our baby Boris. :haha: Never liked that name. Brandon... this is what we both agreed on. Is a middle name mandatory?


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One more. Have a beautiful day!


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Thanks for the pictures! So pretty.
I like Brandon a lot. No, a middle name is not mandatory. You can do whatever you like. One of our US Presidents was named Harry S. Truman. The S did not stand for anything, but they named him Harry S. I always like that trivia fact. hee hee. Now that I'm married, I have two middle names, and I like it because I get to keep my surname and my married name.
Wow you guys are fast talkers!

Hehe Terri I have always been terrified of motorcycles, part of me would love to ride one but the other part screams "you will crash and die!" So yeh I'm a scaredy cat. And clumsy.

Thanks the Minnie Mouse was a last minute fancy dress outfit (thank god for Disneyland!)

I like the name Brandon :)

Oh and Terri I hope you caught that egg :)

I baked cakes today and they turned out horrible :( I think I put too much egg in. I was making them for my friend at work because it's her birthday tomorrow but now I'm going to have to go the supermarket in the morning and find a different present.

I totally had more to say but I'm on my phone and I forgot the whole conversations I just read!
Can't talk long this morning.

I had a positive OPK today (I almost didn't take one because I was getting tired of not having a surge, and I got a big smiley face), and FFoe completely took my crosshairs away. I'm ok with it as long as my temperature jumps in the next few days. I usually O around day 12-15, and today is CD13. We'll see. We have been BD'ing every other day since my low temperature, so I told him we have two more chances, so get on board! hee hee. Choo choo!!

SJ-My hubs keeps talking about getting a moto., but I'm too scared for him. Plus, he's a distracted car driver. I would hate to see him on a motorcycle! Have a great day chicas!
Wooo Terri! Glad you got the smiley face :) Im going to start testing for Ov over the weekend even though its probably too early.

I took my picture down, I had a moment of panic in case anyone i know comes on here. I don't really want work knowing that i'm trying for a baby.
I chose Dumbo as it will be the theme for my nursery. :)
Yay for the smily face Terri and Essjau, how about that temp jump!! Is it ovulation you think?

I am too insanely scared of motorcycles. My dad drives one and I'm so scared for him. It's the other drivers around that I don't trust. Heard so many stories of accidents where someone driving a car simply didn't see the motorcycle :( Hope you are a safe driver Terri!

Everyone BDing like crazy! I am trying as well. I've had terrible stomach aches since last Saturday. I thought it was just hangover but when t was also there Sunday I didn't know what to think and now it's Thursday and my tummy still aches! Hopefully it'll sort itself out soon because today is the first day of my Easter Holiday and we're going west to see my in-laws. They live in a tiny fishing village in the west where only 900 people live.

Have any of you seen the movie Secret life of Walter Mitty? It's mostly filmed here in Iceland and my in-laws hometown can be seen for a few times. It's a fun movie and I think it's great that Ben Stiller used Iceland so much. It's supposed to take place in Iceland, Greenland, United States, Himalayas and Afghanistan. All of these scenes are shot in Iceland apart from the ones supposed to take place in the US. Pretty fascinating. If you haven't seen it I encourage you to do so :D

Well... I'm waiting for DB to wake up so we can finish packing and then we'll be on our way. 2 nights in the west and then we drive to my parents cabin and stay there for another 2 nights :) I hope you have wonderful Easter holiday with lots of chocolate :D Here in Iceland everyone gets a chocolate egg filled with all kinds of candy. Yummmmmm! :thumbup:
SJ-Yeah, nice jump today. If you get one more high temp, I'd say you already ovulated, so if you're using OPKs, I'd start testing now. You might have missed it though. Don't get discouraged.

Drauma-I don't see a lot of movies, but I have heard of the Walter Mitty movie. Maybe I"ll watch it over the weekend as I don't have one thing planned. YAY!! I'm going to take it easy and perhaps clean the house a bit. I hate cleaning and never do it, so I need to do it. Movies and cleaning-not bad! Your dad is right-other drivers suck. Especially now when people are texting and very distracted. I try to be as aware as I can, but whatever happens happens. I can't live my life in fear, and I love riding so I will continue to do so. Have a great time with your family this weekend! Did you start using OPKs yet? I had a negative this morning. Booooo....
Tynmeg--how many DPO are you?? Any symptoms? Hope you're enjoying your visit with the family

Drauma--I haven't heard of that money, but I don't watch many movies, either. Sounds pretty. Iceland is kind of the cool place to go right now. Plus, it's the closest place to travel from where I live...we're hoping to save up for a trip to Scotland in April of next year (as long as the baby is healthy) and Iceland Air at least used to give free long layovers there if you visit sooo.....yeah, that's gonna have to happen

SJ maybe you oed! That's a pretty nice temp jump. Gotta wait and see!

Lenka--awesome sunset pictures, so pretty! Hopefully you're able to sleep better. Share more!!

Lfrans--hope you're well :hugs:

Terri--lol about Boris ... Did you get snow yesterday? We did. looool good ol mid April! I'm looking forward to seeing green on trees!

Ya'll were right...all I had to do was rest. DH has been lovely and been giving me backrubs. Plus, I've been surrounding myself with pillows at night. Yesterday I had just a little back pain and slept 2 nights in a row!!

Also, I passed the 3 hour glucose test. Lenka, I hope you don't fail the first one cause the second one is awful. Unless you like drinking concentrated sugar water on an empty stomach, then it's great :haha:

House stuff is really coming together....if all goes well, we may still end up closing April 25. We requested May 1st but I think for the costs, it's worth the extra week to get the house ready before we move in mid-May

Hope you're enjoying your Thursday! Weekend is coming! This is holy week for us. Good Friday tomorrow (fasting day) and Easter on Sunday (Although we usually go to this awesome bonfire vigil service Saturday evening). Lent will be over wooo
Drauma - I have never even heard of Secret life of Walter Mitty...but i'm useless with films and have a terrible memory so half of the time i have actually seen the movie but forgot what happens until half way through! haha. Though i am really tempted to watch this now so i can see what Iceland is like!
Have a fab easter at the cabin!

Yeh Lenka those pics were awesome, everyone on here trvels so much i feel so boring, the furthest i travel at the moment is to work and back :( But I am looking forward to NYE in the log cabin in lincolnshire. I have never been before but a bunch of my friends and partners and kids are coming so it will be fun, then i have Greece next june :)

Oooh Steph moving house is fun (and stressful) isnt it! Does it need work doing to it before you move in?

And yeah! I dunno what's going on with that temp jump! I have no major CM changes, tmi but its always pretty dry after AF and it's just started coming back. All i can think is i had headaches and dizzyness the day before so maybe i was a little ill? I did an ov test about an hour ago and it was neg. Well, I'm using these and it came up with just the one line.
We BD'd twice on sunday morning so if it was ovulation i dont think i have a good chance of catching that egg! I'm hoping it was just an error, maybe i fell asleep whilst waiting for the beep (i feel like i do that a lot haha)

Ahhh lets see how tomorrow's goes!
My chart has changed and I don't understand! That can't have been ovulation surely!

This is my ovul stick from this morning, I've changed colour and contrast, can u see the line? Maybe I did o!
SJ-Well....according to fertility friend you ovulated, but when did you start using your OPKs? Maybe next month (if need be), you'll have to start using them sooner and watch the progression of the color. Welcome to the TWW! hee hee.

My temp finally jumped a little more (0.2) this morning. Hubs and I have one more chance to BD before he has to save his :spermy: for his analysis, so we'll get to it either tonight or tomorrow morning and just hope for the best. IF I really did O back on CD8, it'll be fine, and if it happened yesterday, we're covered, and if it happens tomorrow we'll be covered. We did the best we could this go round.

Steph-FYI, I was driving home yesterday and I had a sharp pinching in my side. No idea what it was, but I thought you'd like to know. :haha:
Hi Ladies, I'm really busy with my sister and niece so haven't had much chance to check in. Terry- I think you asked where they are from... They live in NB and I live in AB. We're in jasper today seeing the mountains.
I don't think I'm pregnant though, I'm having no symptons and the last two times I just knew and felt different. Today is 11 dpo so I'll test tomorrow to be sure. I'm ordering more spermies to be ready for next cycle. ;)
I didn't think O'ing so early was normal (the word normal shouldn't exist but you no what I mean)
Well on the date that my temp was really high I got a neg opk, this morn I got a faint line (that picture in my last post) but I haven't recorded that as a + on my chart cos I'm not sure. But I don't get why the chart picked that day for ov because it's not the day of the dip, or high temp. I think I need to look into and see how the rest of the month goes because it feels abit to early.
SJ-Yeah, who knows...it's your first month, so I'm sure in the future, FF will have more information to go by, but the first month is just a crapshoot. If you think it's early, I would keep using OPKs and if they get lighter, you might have missed it. If it gets darker, you still have a chance.

Tynmeg-You never know...but definitely check in tomorrow with your test results! Glad you're having fun wiht your sister! Hug them and squeeze them.
hi all, sorry i have been mia, Myles is an eating machine and i rest whenever I can. He is cute and has grown out of his newborn sleepers. I am still breastfeeding. It is getting better. I am being referred to a public lactation clinic. I initially planned on having someone come by privately, but it is getting better now, so i think i can wait the 2ish weeks to improve the latch.

SJ- I dont really know you, but good luck! I am too tired to read through all of the past few pages. FX that this is your month

Tynmeg - nice hearing from you, I hope this is your month! FX

Terri - i like the rise in your temp. GL!!!

Steph - congrats on glucose test, yay you are getting closer to baby

Lenka - I like the name Brandon. :) I dont think you need to have a middle name.

Here is a pic of myles playing dressup with daddy's shoes.


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lfrans-I LOVE that picture!! He is just the cutest thing. What a beautiful picture...glad breastfeeding is getting better for you. Phew! Saves a ton of money doing it all naturally.

So what is the hardest part of being a new mom? Stephanie and Lenka want to know but are too shy to ask. :haha: Take care of yourself, and thanks. It would be awesome if this is my MONTH! I'm ready....and dont' want to go back to the FS. hee hee.
Hello ladies!!!

lfrans, your baby boy is sooo adorable!!! Just so cute!!! Awesome picture!!! :flower:

Terri, I hope this is your month! I think you o-ed on cd14th, even if not, you have all your bases covered!!! GL!!! I have a very good feeling about you this month! :hugs:

Steph, yay for passing the 3hr glucose test!!! :happydance: Your closing day is approaching so fast!!! Awersome! How are you feeling physically? Is it getting harder to move around? What about sleeping?

Drauma, this movie is in the theaters everywhere in the US now. I haven't been to the movies for ages, maybe I should go to see this one! Enjoy your weekend at the cabin! Would love to see some pictures from there!

SJ, I doubt that you ovulated, because your temp dropped the very next day. Its just my opinion. I would keep testing and BD-ing if I were you. The test line must be as dark or even dark as the control line, please keep it in mind.

AFM, I feel so energetic some days, I already did a ton around the house. My mission is to clean every corner of the house till next Tuesday. But other days, as yesterday for example, I do not have any energy at all and I just watch TV all day long. And eat. lolol

I finally started feeling my baby moving inside of me. It is the best feeling ever!!! Yesterday he was very quite, I had a glass of cold mineral water and he started moving. So adorable. lolol

I had a non alcoholic drink with our 40ish yr old neighbor a couple of days ago, a single guy, but he said he has a gf. He then started talking about how sexy women become when they turn 40... No thanks, I'd rather be home alone reading my books. lolol

Enjoy your weekend, dear ladies. And Happy Easter to those who celebrate it! :hugs:

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