3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Oh lfrans he is so adorable! Love the picture :)

Well ladies, I don't know what I'm talking about. I decided to take a test when I got home today and voila 2 lines, BFP! I'm so excited and nervous. I'm really hoping this is our time. :)

Terry- I've squeezed them so tight for days now. I'm sitting here now watching Frozen and cuddling with my niece. She's 2 and an absolute doll.
TYNMEG CONGRATS ON THE BFP!!! I felt like I knew with my first couple times and I thought I was for sure out this last time I got a BFP so hopefully, that's a good sign for you, too! You'll be in my thoughts/prayers :happydance::happydance: Best of luck!

Lfrans--so happy to hear the breast feeding has gotten better and that you were able to stick through it, he is SO CUTE. Such an adorable picture. Thanks for sharing!

Lenka--eeww creepy guy! Glad you are having day with lots of energy and congrats on feeling your baby for the first time :cloud9: How exciting Yes, I still do have days where I have energy. Honestly, giving up going on walks made it so I could sleep through the night again. First running--now walking. Ah well. How many weeks are you now?

SJ I'm not sure you oed either, with the sharp drop the next day. Keep on taking those OPKs. The first couple months until you get the hang out reading your body signs can be kinda tough but you'll get used to it. Did you just get off the pill?

Terri--haha how would you know we'd want to know :haha: I also hope this is your month!! Wishing the best for you!! :hugs: You deserve it. If not, I guess it's another month to enjoy riding your motorcycle and go off and do all sort of crazy things like the adventurous person you are.

Tomorrow is Easter! We're going to a friend's house for dinner. Today we might to see the house and the seller to see if there's anything we got to keep tools wise--YES. He's been very patient with this whole VA home loan process. The government loves to make everything difficult. everything.
Tynmeg-WOOHOO!! Talk about a surprise. hee hee. Congratulations!! What DPO are you? I watched Frozen a few weekends ago and I really liked it. I like musicals though, and the story about sisters was just SO good.

Lenka-Yeah, I'd stay away from your neighbor if you're by yourself. He sounds like a weirdo. Go meet some pregnant moms who won't be hitting on you or pretending not to hit on you. Ick..

Steph-Thanks! There are positives and negatives to this not being my month. hee hee. But I'd really like a positive so I can move forward. I think hubs and I have a good chance this month, so I'm feeling good. We'll see though. I have no expectations so early. I better get crosshairs tomorrow. My temp is showing that I should. Hey baby cucumber! hee hee. It looks so skinny on the picture, so that fruit/veggie is a little weird. I prefer the rounds ones. hee hee. Yes, stick with walking, girlfriend, and have fun visiting your new house. A week to go before closing. Yay!!

SJ/Drauma-Hope you guys are enjoying your weekend. I'm going to the golf course for hubs' birthday present. They are supposedly running a free 3 month trial, so I want to get him that now, and then I'll actually pay for some sort of gift in mid-May for his actual birthday. Free is good though. :) Happy Easter all!!
TYNMEG - CONGRATUALTIONS :) Great news. Makes me so excited!

Lfrans, baby myles is gorgeous!!!! so tiny too.

Gah babies galore!

Steph - I haven't been on the pill except for one month, about 6 yrs ago. hehe. Ive always been careful, but since ive been with my DF we have never used protection, except him pulling out.

Aw Terri my fella loves golf too. He just went portugal on a golfing holiday. I'd be totally rubbish at it. sounds like a good gift!

I must admit i am totally hungover today, I think i had EWCM today so going to try n convince the fella to BD tonight. (he shouldnt need convincing tho should he!) but he's supposed to be going out with his friends :(
Thanks everyone, I'm praying this is the stickiest lil bean ever! ;)
Terry-today is 12 dpo, so I got my BFP at 11 dpo. The movie was awesome!
Gotta go to sleep now, there will be an excited 2 yr old wanting to find Easter eggs in the morning. Love it!
Happy Easter everyone!!
I got my second set of crosshairs today. Yay!! It's a little late, but nothing is ordinary these days, so I'm just hoping my crosshairs stick around this time. fxfx

Tynmeg-Yes, I too hope it's the stickiest bean ever, and I'm glad you saved your money and didn't buy any more "donations." :happydance:

Oh and Lenka-That's so great that you felt a kick. How great a feeling is that??
Good luck Terri :)
Mine changed today too now they've moved from the 8th to the 10th but I think in actually due to ovulate this coming week on the Wednesday. I have been doing my opk and they have all been a very faint line so it's either dissappearingn of building upto next week.

My friend bought me a fertility bracelet. https://i1146.photobucket.com/albums/o535/essjaii/462F6C91-5AD8-4012-97CA-F2B651745E7D_zpsqieyr7pn.jpg
Basically when it breaks off, I m in luck. She's pregnant at the moment and knows what it's like to be trying, she had two miscarriages. So sweet of her to get me this.

I got one lovely lindor Easter egg so I'm munching through that then diet and healthy eating starts again! Properly.
SJ-Are you taking your temps at the same every morning? Just curious because they are so jagged. Mine are usually a little jagged, but not like yours. How do you know you are going to ovulate on Wednesday? Is that what an app tells you? Keep using those OPKs. That's really nice that your friend got you the bracelet. It's cute!

Tynmeg-Do you have a doctor's appointment soon?

AFM-I guess my 12 follicles have all shriveled up and died. *groan* I'll be really happy to get to my follow up appointment on Thursday and start taking my next step. My dental hygienist was the one that recommended the fertility center that I am using. She had three eggs/follicles? implanted on 4/10. I told her I'd check back with her in a few weeks. I texted her yesterday for an update, and she ignored my text. I know we're not really friends, but I guess she didn't have good news. I wish I could talk to her, because I feel sad for her. She's been trying a long time. :(

Hope everyone else is doing ok.
Ladies, your charts... :dohh: Terri, what are they going to do at Thursdays appointment?

SJ, cute fertility bracelet.


Hope our pregnant ladies and mom are doing good!!!

AFM, Terri, I would not call these baby's movements kicks just yet, but I have to tell you, you can feel it big time and it is amazing. I feel like a momma kangaroo. :happydance:

Have a lovely week ladies, keep us updated! I personally read your updates every morning when I wake up... :blush:
Tynmeg: Congratulations!!! I'm sending all the sticky bean-dust your way :hugs::hugs:

Sorry for being away for so long! There was hardly any internet connection at the cabin and at my in-laws we were so incredibly busy meeting people and eating Easter chocolate eggs ;)

I've read all your posts and will comment on them tomorrow. I'm just home for a little while now, we have belated easter meal with my family tonight.
Nothing happening with me though, I forgot my thermometer so I couldn't temp at the cabin. I had sore boobs yesterday and loads of CM so perhaps it was ov... Guess I won't know this cycle either and well quite frankly, I'm used to it. We're trying to BD every other day this whole cycle and if nothing happens I'll send DB to have a :spermy: test.

Hugs all around, talk to you soon :flower:
Well, hubs goes in on Tuesday for his SA, and they should have the results that afternoon, so I think on Thursday, they will just go over the options based on my data (which was pretty good except for the prolactin that I had a retest for-hmmm..I never heard back about that), so we'll see what they say. I am just PRAYING that hubs' results are ok so we can move to IUI next cycle.
Of course, he was supposed to have a 3-4 day hold, and I think he's going on a 4.5-5 day hold unless he had a party for one on Saturday morning.

So..I'm pretty much just waiting for this cycle to end (after Thursday) so I can get meds if need be, or wait for ovulation for IUI. It'll probably be a 10 minute follow up.

That's great that you're feeling stuff. I think kicks hurt, but movement is good. :friends:

Hi Drauma!! Enjoy your festivities!! All of our charts are crazy this cycle. SO FRUSTRATING!!!
Sorry just on my phone but yeh I have been doing my temps at quarter to 7am, whilst nice been off over Easter sometimes it has been 7:15am

My other app says my ov should be next week on weds so I'm hoping to bd tonight and weds. It's really hard but I'm still poas with my internet opk so will keep an eye out because I haven't had the tell tale sign of cm yet.

Terri - I'll be honest I don't understand the follicle thing, it's something I need to read up on to understand what's going on with you :) isn't it frustrations tho having to wait a month etc....I mean knowing there are only a few possible days to catch that egg. Crazy.

Anyway my friend and her 3week old baby are coming round any minute so I will have proper read through all the replies later or tomorrow xxx

P.s I did a 3 mile walk today to haigh hall in wigan from my house! It was great except I got blisters! But I was so tired after! He he I need to get fit.
lfrans: That pic of little Myles and his daddy's shoes is ADORABLE!!! How tiny and cute can one little person be?? :D Glad to hear the breastfeeding is getting better.

Lenka: Is it still in the movies?? Wow, It's long gone from our theaters here in Iceland... And what about that neighbor of yours? Eugh, sounds like a bit of a weirdo. How exciting that you've felt some movement, must be a magnificent feeling! :)

Tynmeg: I'm super excited and hoping for the best. Congrats again :) Frozen is a wonderful movie :)

Steph: Government issues are always fun. Try not to take too much on your hands and relax in between :)

Terri: Hope that was ovulation in your crosshairs and you got enough BDing done :D FX FX Hopefully DH manages to go to his SA appointment today. When will they re-test your prolactin?

SJ: I know how frustrating temping is when the temps are all over the place. Are you temping orally or vaginally? Are you doing it while you're still in bed? Either way you need to do it while you're in bed just when you wake up. Vaginally gives the best results for people with fluctuating temps... :) Very cute bracelet by the way :) Don't trust any apps, not even FFoe... I have two apps just for fun and one says I'm due ovulating today and the other says it was supposed to happen April 16th... So there's really nothing an app can tell us if we have irregular cycles or if they are weird in any way. Looks very pretty in pictures this Haigh Hall Wigan you walked to :) Are you going to get married there ;)

Did I remember everyone?

As I said earlier there's not much going on with me. I woke up today feeling so nauseous and I haven't had any appetite today. My temp was reeeally low this morning and I think it's just because I'm not feeling well. Was all sweaty and stuff when I woke up. I think temp-wise my cycle is a bit ruined because I forgot the thermometer at home so I'm just gonna keep BD-ing until either I'm pg or AF arrives! :P :thumbup: I'm on CD28 today and the waiting game is on!
Easter holiday was nice for the most part. The weather was a bit crazy. Very windy, snowy and boring. Today however, on a workday it's supposed to be 60°F and sunny.... Argh hahaha! :coffee: Well, we managed to meet loads of family and some friends so that was good. Now it's 2 workdays then Thursday it's a day-off because it's first day of summer. Then workday on Friday, then weekend and then 3 workdays the week after and then vacation! Less than 2 weeks until I go to Denmark, yay! :D

Someone wanted a photo of the cabin, here it is in the summertime https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/379484_1968570628376_756982190_n.jpg and here it is in the wintertime: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd....-8/1425296_10200397474533883_1814408582_o.jpg :)

How is everyone doing on this fine day?
Well, my crosshairs are back, and it says I'm 5DPO. This is seriously an emotional rollercoaster. We did the best we could. If this works this time, I will be a-mazed.

Hubs and I got into an argument last night, and this morning I didn't say anything about taking his test. I hope he remembers because I'm not reminding him. I'm sure he remembers because he's on his "hold", and he probably doesn't want to be on "hold." HA!!HA!! Oh well. He was only thinking about himself yesterday and that's no longer cool now that we are a team.

Drauma-So many things going on in your life. It's exciting and it's nice having things to look forward to. Enjoy every day.

SJ-A three mile walk is not easy! Good for you. Make sure you have good socks that don't keep the moisture (sweat) on your feet. Good shoes and socks make a world of difference. And..if you're not uncomfortable, you'll want to keep walking/running. Yay!!

Steph-Three days until closing. Woohoo!!

Hope everyone else is well. I'm just plodding along.
Drauma, the cabin is buried in snow in the winter, but looks so peaceful in the summer.

Well, ladies, I am keeping my fingers crossed for all of you, we need at least one BFP this month! Make us proud!

DF is coming back tomorrow. Yay! He asked me to make a soup for him, you know after such a long trip your body would need something warm and liquidly.

Later, ladies.
Has it been two weeks already?? I can't believe how fast it went. Well, it went by fast for me, but you are probably so ready for him to return. You really missed him, I'm sure. yay for soup!
Lol Terri I was thinking the same thing--2 weeks already? But you're right...Lenka I bet you're so ready for him to be by you again!!

SJ-Good for you on the walking and I agree about the shoes...3 miles to walk in a pair of shoes shouldn't give you blisters so sack those for walking and try something else, me thinks.

Drauma--you have so many exciting things going on yeay! Post pictures of your adventures!

Terri--Yeah, I'm not sure what you are, either. That dip kinda messed with things...I always check your chart first thing! Keeping everything crossed for you! I, too, need to look up all this info on your fertility stuff cause I don't get it either. Sorry you and hubs had a fight. :hugs: Hopefully he'll come to his senses soon!

AFM Just trying to get sleep, and find comfortable positions to hang out during the day (that is a neverending battle). I've made it almost 7 months of this crap so I think I can handle 2 more. Hopefully we'll still be closing on Friday and then we can start some serious remodeling over the weekend.
Drauma - Yes i'm doing it orally, sounds silly but id rather do it that way, literally my alarm goes off, i stay lying down and pop it in my mouth so i dont hardly move. But it's my first month and i have a long cycle so I'm just going to see how it goes.

Haigh hall is pretty :) They filmed some scenes recently for a drama on itv, everyone was saying it was Downton Abbey but i dont think it was. I think i will be getting married abroad. It will probably be cheaper than Haigh hall!

The pictures of the cabin look great! Makes me excited for my cabin on new years eve. Good luck for this cycle xx

Terri - Good Luck!! Men are frustrating arent they! argh. I hope you catch the egg :)

Steph - I know its probably hard work but your life sound really exciting at the moment, only 2 mnths left and sorting your house out....!! stressful but so much to look forward too.

I definately learnt from my walking experince, Vans are not good shoes to walk in without socks, looking back i wonder what crossed my mind!! haha.

Lenka - What soup do you make? I need some soup inspiration, i always make spicy tomato and lentil.

AFM - I did my poas opk this morn and just now when i got in and nothing yet. I swear i had faint lines a few days ago when i first started taking them. So god knows whats going on but i'm just gonna keep doing them twice a day and hopefully something will come of it. If not then i must assume that i ovulate very soon after i come of my period like the chart says.
I explained it to the girls in the >35 group, so here's my copy/paste. I posted it yesterday when I didn't have crosshairs, so that's why it's weird at the end.

Some written by me, and some with assistance. Each month you have your follicles hanging around and getting bigger and growing (I had 12 according to the FS), and they are all hoping to mature into a big girl egg. From about.com (haha), the excess ovarian follicles are reabsorbed before ovulation occurs. Once the big girl follicle grows up, she goes to the surface and the follicle and ovarian surface opens up allowing the teenager egg (which pops out of the follicle) to drift out of the ovary. When that occurs, it's called ovulation. If you look at my chart, there is no clear pattern from pre-ovulation to post ovulation-meaning, there is no consistent jump up in temperatures (when people have the red crosshairs, there is usually a clear jump showing ovulation. To me, that means that none of my 12 baby follicles grew up to be a teenager egg and got released into the wild to go find Mr. Hot Volunteer Firefighter Sperm, and therefore there is NO WAY I can be pregnant (unless ffoe is wrong and my hormones aren't doing what they are supposed to). So...when a chart is anovulatory, you just have to wait for the lining to shed (your period), and start anew. It's sad because I already know the answer, so I just have to wait for AF.

Although now, maybe I did ovulate and maybe that big girl egg did find the sperm and things are brewing..who knows, and at this point, I'm still just waiting...hee hee. Hope that made sense, and I saved you a google search.

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