lfrans: That pic of little Myles and his daddy's shoes is ADORABLE!!! How tiny and cute can one little person be??

Glad to hear the breastfeeding is getting better.
Lenka: Is it still in the movies?? Wow, It's long gone from our theaters here in Iceland... And what about that neighbor of yours? Eugh, sounds like a bit of a weirdo. How exciting that you've felt some movement, must be a magnificent feeling!
Tynmeg: I'm super excited and hoping for the best. Congrats again

Frozen is a wonderful movie
Steph: Government issues are always fun. Try not to take too much on your hands and relax in between
Terri: Hope that was ovulation in your crosshairs and you got enough BDing done

FX FX Hopefully DH manages to go to his SA appointment today. When will they re-test your prolactin?
SJ: I know how frustrating temping is when the temps are all over the place. Are you temping orally or vaginally? Are you doing it while you're still in bed? Either way you need to do it while you're in bed just when you wake up. Vaginally gives the best results for people with fluctuating temps...

Very cute bracelet by the way

Don't trust any apps, not even FFoe... I have two apps just for fun and one says I'm due ovulating today and the other says it was supposed to happen April 16th... So there's really nothing an app can tell us if we have irregular cycles or if they are weird in any way. Looks very pretty in pictures this Haigh Hall Wigan you walked to

Are you going to get married there
Did I remember everyone?
As I said earlier there's not much going on with me. I woke up today feeling so nauseous and I haven't had any appetite today. My temp was reeeally low this morning and I think it's just because I'm not feeling well. Was all sweaty and stuff when I woke up. I think temp-wise my cycle is a bit ruined because I forgot the thermometer at home so I'm just gonna keep BD-ing until either I'm pg or AF arrives!

I'm on CD28 today and the waiting game is on!
Easter holiday was nice for the most part. The weather was a bit crazy. Very windy, snowy and boring. Today however, on a workday it's supposed to be 60°F and sunny.... Argh hahaha!

Well, we managed to meet loads of family and some friends so that was good. Now it's 2 workdays then Thursday it's a day-off because it's first day of summer. Then workday on Friday, then weekend and then 3 workdays the week after and then
vacation! Less than 2 weeks until I go to Denmark, yay!
Someone wanted a photo of the cabin, here it is in the summertime
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/379484_1968570628376_756982190_n.jpg and here it is in the wintertime:
How is everyone doing on this fine day?