Tynmeg: I am crossing my fingers so hard for your results to come back asap and that they'll be very positive

I am not testing yet no, cuz 1. I'm not even sure I've ovulated and 2. My cycles are so incredibly different all the time. I am feeling a bit weird today, third day in a row now. Perhaps I'll go buy a test tomorrow (I still don't have any cheap internet ones, my damn country is situated at such an inconvenient geographical location!!) I've been feeling queasy and weird with some weird pains in my pelvic area :/ Since this being the 8th month of TTC I'm not getting my hopes up in any way... I've done it too often.
SJ: My friend used the same tests you're using and I've used them as well. Some people never find their Ovulation on there. I've seen the line get darker than the control line so I'd say you're definitely on your way but I don't know... Just don't test in the mornings, try mid-day testing. It works best for everyone I've talked to.
lfrans: My boobs hurt just reading about your breastfeeding adventures... you go girl! You could also take calcium supplements in tablet form. My company makes some with omega-3 for instance and they are great for breastfeeding moms cus the EPA and DHA in the omega-3 oils is great for brain development and the eyes and stuff. Look into it if I'm telling you news
Terri: The inside sonar thing you describe, every ob/gyn in Iceland uses that just for a normal check up. They can see the ovaries and all very well with this thing and I never understand anything. Mine always tells my that my ovaries are very pretty, lol.
Good to hear your DH took his spermies for a check up. It's also 3 days here to get the results... But tell me, when are you going to test? I'm CD 30 and haven't tested yet and I'm so torn...
Lenka and Steph: How are you guys doing?
As I said I'm torn whether I should test already or not... My last cycle was way longer than I'm used to... Normally they're 28-33 days or something like that but now because of this long one the average is up to 35 days. What would you do girls?
Today is first day of summer... and it seems like it's going to rain soon. My car broke down yesterday. The exhaust just fell on the ground under it.... yay. So I need to somehow get it to the work shop. Fun, fun, fun! Then it's my best friends birthday today so I'll go over to her place for a cake

Hope you have a wonderful day ladies