3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Tynmeg, FX! It is annoying to wait for so long...

SJ, I would say: it is not yet positive, but is getting there, so keep testing. GL!

lfrans, my gf that just gave a birth said her breasts hurt so much, but when she massages them constantly it helps big time. GL!

Terri, so waiting for the SA results....

Steph, again GL at the closing.

Drauma, how are you?

I am off to the Los Angeles airport. Excited. My bump has gotten bigger since he saw me last time, so he would be shocked again. lolol
Aw Lenka I bet your so excited!!

And I think u was right, this morning I did two again (I have now ran out of my old batch of tests but I have loads of them.


The two bottom ones are this morning, I'm sorry for spamming u all with these but I am a little excited to ovulate haha.
We didn't have time to bd this morning due to work but hopefully we can again tonight.
Tynmeg: I am crossing my fingers so hard for your results to come back asap and that they'll be very positive :) FX FX FX
I am not testing yet no, cuz 1. I'm not even sure I've ovulated and 2. My cycles are so incredibly different all the time. I am feeling a bit weird today, third day in a row now. Perhaps I'll go buy a test tomorrow (I still don't have any cheap internet ones, my damn country is situated at such an inconvenient geographical location!!) I've been feeling queasy and weird with some weird pains in my pelvic area :/ Since this being the 8th month of TTC I'm not getting my hopes up in any way... I've done it too often.

SJ: My friend used the same tests you're using and I've used them as well. Some people never find their Ovulation on there. I've seen the line get darker than the control line so I'd say you're definitely on your way but I don't know... Just don't test in the mornings, try mid-day testing. It works best for everyone I've talked to.

lfrans: My boobs hurt just reading about your breastfeeding adventures... you go girl! You could also take calcium supplements in tablet form. My company makes some with omega-3 for instance and they are great for breastfeeding moms cus the EPA and DHA in the omega-3 oils is great for brain development and the eyes and stuff. Look into it if I'm telling you news ;)

Terri: The inside sonar thing you describe, every ob/gyn in Iceland uses that just for a normal check up. They can see the ovaries and all very well with this thing and I never understand anything. Mine always tells my that my ovaries are very pretty, lol.
Good to hear your DH took his spermies for a check up. It's also 3 days here to get the results... But tell me, when are you going to test? I'm CD 30 and haven't tested yet and I'm so torn...

Lenka and Steph: How are you guys doing?

As I said I'm torn whether I should test already or not... My last cycle was way longer than I'm used to... Normally they're 28-33 days or something like that but now because of this long one the average is up to 35 days. What would you do girls?
Today is first day of summer... and it seems like it's going to rain soon. My car broke down yesterday. The exhaust just fell on the ground under it.... yay. So I need to somehow get it to the work shop. Fun, fun, fun! Then it's my best friends birthday today so I'll go over to her place for a cake :) Hope you have a wonderful day ladies :kiss:
SJ-You're getting super close to ovulation!! I like the progression on your tests, and I can actually see the stripes. A lot of times, I can't even read those tests, but that's why I use the fancy digital one. I can read an open circle or a smiley face. hee hee.

Tynmeg-I hope your results come in today and you report back. It was great having you around so much!

lfrans-Sorry for your breastfeeding woes. Hopefully your appointment today will get little Myles latching on like a pro and you won't be in so much pain. I have never thought about whether I will breastfeed or not. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Drauma-I rarely test, so I don't know what to tell you. It still doesn't seem like you ovulated yet, and that is upsetting to me. You've been trying for so long that it seems that your doctors should be able to fix the most basic thing, especially with such beautiful ovaries. HA!!HA!! That's weird for them to say, but kind of funny.

Lenka/Steph-Post a new picture of your bumps!

My appt. is at 9 today, so I will report back in about an hour. I'm nervous.
Not the best picture, but here. 20 weeks and 4 days...
SJ, it is almost positive! If it gets lighter tomorrow, it will mean that this one is positive for sure.


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Aw that's a beauty of a bump. ;) I bet ur hubby was happy to see you.
Lenka your bump is beautiful!! I find pregnant woman are so attractive, like a natural beauty. I cant imagine i will look like a whale haha. Did hubby notice your bump got bigger? :)

Drauma, its a little hard for me to test midday because i'm at work and it isn't really suitable, but i test when i get up and when i get home at 5.30pm. It has gone darker than this morning, I doubt we will get a chance to bd tonight but hopefully tomorrow night we will. i'm hoping today or tomorrow is the day, so we covered it last night and tommorrow/fri night. fingers crossed.

Maybe your feeling off because AF is due? I'm not an expert on charts but because you've missed a few its hard to tell but your temp seems low?... I totally would test but as you can tell i enjoy poas too much!

Terri, waiting to hear how the appt went! :)
Sorry for the delay. I was super busy as soon as I got back to work, and haven't stopped since. Luckily my day is over in 8 minutes.

For the most part things were good. They recommended that hubs return for another SA just to make sure that his numbers weren't a fluke, but then he said 'well, if you go the IUI route, we can check the numbers, so don't worry about a retest.' Thank goodness. As difficult as it was for him, I don't want to have to tell him he has to take another one.

They said he had 16 million/mL (they normally like to see >20), 69% motility (they like >50), and 58 (or 5.8) something (maybe morphology) but I can't read the word (they want >4). I could probably go back and look at my original paperwork when I get home.

So I have three IUI options or IVF. My insurance said I can go right to IVF, but I'm going to try IUI option two (I'm a middle daughter), which has a 10-12% success rate. Compared to the 0% that we have going on now, I'm jumping for joy. Option 1 is clomid (50 mg, twice per day, CD5-9) and monitoring, Option 2 is clomid (CD3-7) + injections (CD9-11) and monitoring, and option 3 is daily FSH shots. Option 3 has the best chances of working, but the highest chances for multiples.

They also gave me some pamphlets to read and a lot of information that I will look through tonight because I'm excited. I was nervous going in especially when my doctor said 'I've invited another doctor from a nearby hospital to sit with us.' I was freaking out as if something was really wrong. I said 'Is my case that serious?' He started laughing and said 'No, it's a resident, checking out our practice.' I laughed and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

I think I'm in good shape, however I would love for this to be my cycle and I don't have to go through all those shots and pills.

Hubs loved the golf club membership present. He was in shock the entire time we were at the cocktail hour. I drank two glasses of wine and ate some small snacks, and then we went out to dinner, and I drank another glass of wine and passed out on the couch. I"m such a lightweight these days. *sigh* it better be worth it. HA!!HA!!
Oh thats brill!

I think i'd do the clomid one, even though ive had tattoos i do not like needles!
Hubbys results sound good :)

Is IVF more intrusive? (i'll google it actually, hehe)

I really hope its your month too. FX xx
Ladies, thanks for the compliments! So kind of you. My bump looks smaller on pictures, in real life it is much bigger...
Well, Terri, that is terrific news! Ivf is of course more invasive. If I were you, I would try also try IUI first. Lets hope that first IUI will work for you!!! Hugs

Tynmeg, any news from you?
Lenka: What a pretty bump! :D

Terri: Sounds very good, all of this. I too would try to IUI first, but let's first hope this is your cycle :)

So yeah, I think I'll test Friday or Saturday, just because we're planning to meet friends for drinks on Saturday evening so I want to be sure...
I was putting leftover dinner in a plastic container tonight and a lemon squeezer fell from the top shelf and straight onto my hand (in the area below pinky finger) and it's hurting like craaazy!! Been cooling it but my pinky finger is numb and the hand is swelling up. Hopefully it'll pass soon, if not then I might have to visit the Emergency room and ask them to x-ray my hand... It's my right one and it even hurts trying to type right now... :( I'll let you know tomorrow how it is... and the test results when I've poas'ed :) Hugs and Have a great evening :kiss:
SJ-Needles or baby...hee hee. I'm not afraid of needles, so it's not that bad. The option I chose has two shots on CD9 and CD11, so it's not that bad...and it'll be totally worth it.

Lenka-Thanks...yup, that's the route we're going and I'm super excited. Hubs and I are going to talk about it tonight when he gets home. I went to the appointment alone. He never has questions, and wouldn't understand all this stuff anyway, so it's really my decision, but he'll at least know what's going on. :)
Terri--how do you feel about the results? So it seems like the SA was good, that's a positive step! So when would you get this IUI? Mid next cycle (hopefully it won't come to that though!) Or does it matter when it occurs?

Lfrans--how did the meeting with the local lactation consultant go? You're right...it seems like some women who breastfeed are total nipple nazis. I was mostly formula fed and I'd like to think I turned out not terrible :haha: I hope to be like you though and trudge through the bad times with our daughter-to-be.

SJ- you're so right about these being exciting times. I just really can't believe it--our own house that we absolutely adore (until the first thing breaks on us...which it is inevitable that it will be soon), a baby on the way that we hope is safe and healthy, a good job that if we budget well, we can live off just the one salary. It's incredible. Thank you for reminding me of my blessings!

Drauma--Sorry you're having car troubles...that's the WORST. :dohh: I hope the fix is quick and cheap! As for testing--I wonder if you have even ovulated. Your temps don't really pinpoint a clear o date...
Oh! Last night I watched a silly movie since DH was out of town called Stardust. There were a lot of landscape scenes...and I thought, boy, that doesn't look very much like the UK that looks more like Iceland. Sure enough, it was also filmed in Iceland! You can add that to your list :D

Lenka--adorable bump! Rest assured, I did not look so cute and tiny then either! Look forward to running into things because you don't have the "clearance" you used to ugh I do that all the time, especially in the kitchen...:dohh:

Tynmeg-- NEWS YET?!?!! Any symptoms?

So yes, closing is officially tomorrow at 4! We weren't thinking it was actually going to happen on time but it is!! EEP I went to the hardware store and picked up color samples to start remodeling ASAP. I wish I had vision. I do not.
Awesome Terry, the results sound very good. I did 100 mg of clomid days 3-7 with no shots. I'm excited for you to get started. ;)

I finally got my results today. Geez! Haha My levels were 341 at 16dpo. I'm happy with that and I retest on Sunday to make sure they are doubling properly.
I don't understand why my chart shows ov when It does, it's on a day with a neg opk. I don't get these charts.
Your chart seems good to me SJ... Says you're o-ing when you get your positive tests :) And the temp rise is very pretty so congrats, I'd say you've ovulated on Wednesday! :) FX and let's keep those temps up!

Tynmeg: Fantastic news!!! I'm still crossing everything for your next test on Sunday :) :friends:

Steph: Wow that's so funny, I don't remember hearing about Stardust! I'll add it to my list, always fun to see my country in the media :) You should watch Walter Mitty now, hehe!
I agree with you, I have no idea if I o'ed, my last cycle didn't show it either but still my blood work showed that I had so I think I can't rely on the temps... :/ Next cycle I'm going to temp vaginally though. Maybe that changes things. Enjoy the remodeling! You'll get an idea sooner or later how you want to have your house :)

My pelvic area aches like hell for the third day in a row now and I'm still feeling queasy. Getting used to it though, just wish I knew what it meant. My boobs were so sore yesterday that I had to push DB away from them :/ Argh... I'm just frustrated with everything. Think I'll def test just in case tomorrow morning but as always, have a big feeling there's nothing baking in there. I just have pinches and short cramps all the time and my back aches just the same. Still no sign of AF so we'll see.... Any plans for the weekend?
Drauma-Strange...yeah I'm not sure if temping is for you. I'm not saying that in a mean way, but there has to be some other way to tell if you're ovulating. Are you using the cheap strips like SJ has? Maybe your hormones in your pee would be more accurate than temping. It would be nice to stop temping one of these days..it seems that it's all I know, and have known for the past 8 months or whatever. *sigh* Sorry you're feeling so badly.

Steph-Good luck today with the closing. How exciting! I don't have vision either, and most of the walls in my house are stark white. I did paint my bathroom a dark orange (like burnt sienna) and I love it, but I didn't really do a good job. I even painted the ceiling, so to me, it's like walking into a candle. My bedroom is lemonade on three walls and a slate blue on the wall behind my bed. I did a good job for that room, but I just picked colors I liked. Of course, if it was up to me 13 years ago, I would have painted each room a primary color and been so happy, but I was scared. I also wanted to paint the dining room a lavender with chocolate brown baseboards, and I never did that either. HA!!HA!! I am not creative at all, and I'm worried it will look ugly. Anyway...back to me, the process will start as soon as AF arrives, so the end of next week is when she's supposed to be here. I go for ultrasounds/more bloodwork/and then start taking medicine and finally shots.

SJ-It's a computer program, so just enter the data and see what happens. Once you start having more charts, FF will be able to figure out what's going on and predict things a little better. Are your OPKs darker or the same as the control line now, or they're still almost as dark? I garee with Drauma; because of the increased temperatures, I think you probably ovulated as well. Don't worry about that stupid chart.

Tynmeg-That's great news. I'm so happy for you, truly.
Thanks ladies. I'm crossing everything too. Temping can be so puzzling. I temped on tries 2-5 but decided not to do it for this cycle. I just trusted my +opk and got inseminated the next day. I'm not saying that's the way to go or anything, just that it was one thing I didn't have to stress over and analyze every day. I felt more free if that makes any sense.
Drauma- id be testing! Pinching and pulling and sore bbs are really good signs. Fx for you!
Terry- so excited for you to start the iui process. Hold on to your emotions and get ready for hot flashes though. Those darn hormones and clomid have circus days with you. Warn your hubby when your feeling sensitive, I cry easily when I'm on them and my DW was always wondering what was wrong. I now tell her when I'm sensitive or moody....it helps lol.
Tynmeg--lol that's a good idea. DH still hasn't figured out that I suddenly get down every once in a while and he thinks I'm grumpy so gets grumpy with me. I should just warn him: I'm a hormonal mess just bear with me!

Drauma--I'd say test....just cause, I dunno, I hate not knowing for me! Some women like Terri have nerves of steel. I do not.

SJ I'd say that's a good jump to me but keep temping to find out. Weird you got a - opk the same day. Hmm. I used to think charting was so simple and straight forward but you ladies have me stumped!

Today the sun in shining, it's not windy, and it is warm. Perfect day for closing on a house! Only weekend plans for us are to start painting and get the gardens reading for summer planting. Lots to do on a very tight budget :happydance: No internet or cell service where we're moving so I'll be out of the loop until we can figure out what to do on that end. (But we're still in our apartment for another couple weeks and that has internet)

Weekend plans for you ladies?
Tynmeg-Thanks for the heads up. I will definitely let him know that he may be in for an emotional rollercoaster. Normally, I'm just happy and pretty even keeled. I think if I have any emotions, my coworkers will be feeling it more than Kyle.

Steph-Yeah for good weather. Don't forget to take a picture of you and your girl (do you have a name yet? Terri is lovely) and the keys in front of the house when you first go there! What a fantastic day.

I have a motorcycle ride tomorrow and then the annual March for the Animals is happening on Sunday. I always volunteer for the cleanup crew, so that's what I'll be doing. Have fun!

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