3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

I'm just going to relax tonigh. Tomorrow I will make some partyfood for my nephews christening it's at 4pm tomorrow. Can't wait to hear what name they've chosen for him. He's my sister's son, 12 weeks old now without a name!
Then we are meeting my DB-'s friends for drinks and some general party-fun. Well, if my test tomorrow morning turns out to be -tive. Yes ladies, you've convinced me to test! :P

Terri: I am still waiting for an opportunity to buy the cheap OPK's. Amazon doesn't send them to Iceland and the only place they can be bought at ran out some weeks ago and they're waiting for a new delivery... :/

Then Sunday I'll have to somehow get my car to the repair shop and return my moms car which I've had since my broke down. She's coming home from the cabin on Sunday and needs her car to get to work of course. Me and DB will have to take the bus to work then... yay! The bus system here in Iceland is awful and we have no trains. If the weather is OK I might try to cycle or even walk... it's about 2,5 miles. Nothing crazy long but I'm usually so tired in the mornings.... :sleep:
Drauma, i hope your hand is better?

Terri, to be honest i see your point, id take all the needles to get a baby :)
Oh and my house walls are all white, except my dressing room which has wallpaper (trees) on it, thats the only room i knew what i wanted to do haha.
I need to stop getting all 'serious sam' about this temping and charting like you say it is just an app. But i'm going to keep at it because i am enjoying it and getting a buzz out of a positive opk. i am such a loser ;) god help me when i get a BFP.

Sounds like you have a busy day tomorrow too!

Tynmeg - Good luck on sunday with your tests :) and i can imagine feeling free by stopping temping, i constantly worry if im doing it at the right time etc.

AFM - I have felt so bloated and gassy today, i just feel really fat. Speaking of fat, i am joining Slimming World tomorrow morning, over the past 6 months i have put about 10lbs on! So i want to get back to normal.
So tonight me and the DF have been on a date night to a lovel steakhouse about 5 mins away from our house. I had a lovely Duck Salad with figs and hoisin sauce, Fillet steak with port and stilton sauce, and then a gorgeous choc brownie sundae. omg food heaven!

I am considering myself 2DPO today. :)
Ditto on the awesome salad....I've been eating more salad lately. Of course, I bought two types of lettuce and all the toppings that make me like salad, and a yummy balsamic vinaigrette. I've had two salads this week for lunch and two shepherd's pie leftovers. My lunch week was a success! No more talk of food for SJ..I'm glad you're taking a step in the right direction. With walking and healthier eating, you'll lose 10 pounds in no time. :flower:

Drauma-I knew there was a reason you weren't using the OPKs. Your weekend sounds super busy, but fun until Sunday. I'm sure you'll figure out a way to work..what about asking a coworker for a ride?

Our dear friend Steph is at the closing table RIGHT NOW!!! She's probably signing her life away...Go get 'em, mama!!
Just a quick note on my mobile.
Test was negative, party tonight.
Hand is messed up nut not so much I want to have it x-rayed.
Christening today and super busy. Have a lovely day all <3
Aw sorry about the bfn but yeh like Terri said, have fun at the partaaaay!

I've had a few twinges and cramps but not reading anything into that it's too early. I joined the slimming class and then came home to see my fiance's mum had dropped off a walnut cake! Aargh they are so delish. :-/

I also bought some jeans today that are a size smaller. I can get them on but they are mega tight so I want to get to the point where they are so loose they almost fall down ;-)

In terms of my chart as assume my temps should now stay about the cross hair until AF?
Yup. That's ideal but don't get discouraged if it drops early in your TWW. After about 12-13 days, then you worry. Ha ha. Mine is close to the line and it seems like she might be on her way, but I'm not giving up until I see red.
Terri, from what i have learnt your chart looks good, because any dips could be implantation and if it stays same or rises tomorrow that good. (i think) haha. I think i'm getting slightly obsessed with ttc. but i don't care.
Every chart is different and u don't really believe the implantation hype because I always have dips and there was no implantation, so it's best for me not to get excited.

I'm glad your getting obsessed. Hee hee. It's good to know what's going on with your body and I think it's pretty fascinating. I have learned so much these last few months, it's crazy. Maybe ignorance is bliss, but I'm too much of a nerd to believe it.
I just got back from an awesome 200 mile ride and now it's time to chill out and watch tv and then schoolwork. See what you have to look forward to in about 15 years? Ha ha. <3
Good morning ladies!
I have a massive hangover! Just got out of bed at 11:20 and am trying to down some water, salty snacks and a powerade. Yup. I went all in last night. Drank some at home in the party and then we went down town and there was FREE BEER at the place we went to so of course one can't say no to free beer. We danced some and I hooked two of my friends together (ha,ha!) Then we just got a pizza and took a taxi home. Old fashioned binge drinking night!
I was a bit surprised when I woke up this morning though because when I drink this much when AF is due she usually shows up that evening or next morning (because alcohol thins your blood or something) but she's not here! CD 33 here so I have no idea where AF is. last cycle was very unusually long sooooo, let's keep waiting!

My nephew got the name Vilberg Logi. I think it's very pretty. Vilberg is a very old fashioned name he got after his great grand father and Logi is just out of the blue because my sister likes that name so much. It literally means flame. Vilberg literally means respect or something like that.

Terri: Sounds great you took that long bike ride, good for you to do the things you love while you still can ;) I am not trying to read anything into your chart yet, just going to let it play out. I am keeping my fingers crossed that a fertilized egg is making it's way to the right place :)

SJ: Great to hear you like your class! People making cake and stuff when you want to get fit are just evil, haha! But I really believe in eating healthy in smaller portions throughout the day and then one day a week you can have something indulgent, but nothing too crazy. That way you always have that week to look forward to and it's never more than 6 days away. I manage to do this most of the time. Just remember, if you can't stand the temptations don't sink into bad habits the rest of the day, just enjoy the moment and then get back on track! :) These 10 lbs will be gone before you know it :) Date night sounded great by the way!
Terri if I'm anything like you in 10 to 15 years, I'd be a happy woman! So yes, that's an awesome way to spend a Saturday! No comments on your chart because your body confuses me

SJ Good luck on slimming world. I'd never heard of it until b&b so I'm guessing it's a UK thing. Something watching a stupid amount of BBC (maybe not amount, just more of a percentage thing) hasn't taught me. I have to say, I prefer British television, it sounds really pretentious, but with American TV you have 25 episodes per season and endless seasons. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Drauma--haha your night out sounds so fun! I miss those times, so enjoy them. Well.....not the hangovers :wacko: Good luck....gatorade, sleep...more gatorade. :thumbup:

Lenka, Lfrans, Tynmeg?

House is closed, we started refinishing the wood floors yesterday! Of course everything takes so much longer and costs so much more than expected so we haven't finished even that. No wonder why people pay so much to have someone come out instead of DIY...but they'll look awesome when they're done!

Heading back over to the house, have a great day everyone
Steph- awesome! Congrats! Although renos definitely can be frustrating, have some fun and create some great memories.

Drauma- ugh, hate hangovers. I opt for a greasy breakfast and a nap. The world is a better place when you get up. ;)

SJ - good luck with the weight loss. I lost 13 lbs in 4 weeks until my sister came 2 weeks ago and had to have blueberry cheesecake. Lol. I'm trying to get back on track but temptations are sooo hard. I'm not suppose to be on a weight loss program at this point but I figure if I try to eat healthy that it will help with pregnancy weight.

Terry - sounds like an awesome way to spend a day! I used to go with my Dad and loved it.

Today is 2nd blood test day, I hope my levels are doing what they should. FX! My main symptom so far is sore nipples that are always in a "I'm cold" state. Lol
Drauma, you definately cant turn down free beer ;) I know its bad for you but i love a good night out getting drunk with my friends. YOLO!
Friday is usually our takeaway night, so i will have to convince DF to switch that to saturday ;) after i have been weighed, hehe.

Slimming world is mostly about cutting down on bread and dairy and eating lots of 'free' foods. Which is you usual fruit, veg etc...but you are also allowed rice and pasta as free foods so you can fill yourself up! It is a good diet, i just find it hard thinking of quick meals...because if i have cereal and milk for breakfast i cant have bread or cheese for the rest of the day so i need to think of good lunch ideas :)

Haha steph i like american tv series...First got addicted to LOST, now everyone in the UK is talking about Breaking Bad and im on ep4 of S1. But i know what you mean, they are so time consuming i don't have enough hours in the day to watch the UK soaps AND Breaking Bad!! :) I am guilty of owning the whole series of Gossip Girl. It's my guilty pleasure.
How are you doing the nursery? Thats the one thing i am looking forward to doing when i get preggers... I mean, obv apart from the baby and the shopping etc, the nursery and decorating i am very much looking forward too.

Tynmeg, you keep that cheesecake over there! haha i love cheescake, i'm more of a toffee, or salted caramal cheescake fan ;)
Great news that everything is going good so far, except the nipples...I have really small boobs and i'm really nervous about that part of pregnancy, nipple situations and sore boobs. haha.
Good updates from everyone.

Tynmeg-I am sure your bloodwork will be just fine! FYI, I'm pretty much always in a cold state, but they don't hurt. hee hee. Wanna trade places?? hee hee.

Steph-Yes, everything home related is expensive, but it's good you're doing it now because you may never get around to it if you wait. And...good thing you are still in your other place for a bit so you can do improvements before all your belongings are in the same room.

Re my chart, yesterday I thought AF was going to surprise me. I didn't take anything with me on my bike, and thought sure I'd have to ask someone for a pad or tampon or something. At 8DPO I know it was way too early, but I was just feeling a bit like she was coming. Well, today, my temp went up a smudge and I don't feel anything anymore, so I will wait 4 more days (or so), and then it'll be time to start my assisted cycle. I ordered my medicine yesterday for fear that I would need it sooner, but thank goodness, as of right now, I don't. Stay away witch! I'll gladly pay the copays for that medicine to find out I don't need it. Everyone keep their fingers crossed.

Drauma-Sorry for the hangover, but do it while you can!! Sounds like a really fun night...I always eat greasy food and gatorade too, when hungover. That grease works like a charm, even though it's gross and bad for you.

Today I'm off for a 10 mile ride (ha ha) to the SPCA. It is their annual fundraiser, March for the Animals. I help with the break down committee once the march ends. Hopefully Roxy or Avery or some of my other foster dogs will be there. I've been volunteering for about 10 years, and have yet to see one of my fosters..I always look for them anyway. Have a great day chicas!
Well, hangover is gone, thank god! I took my car to the shop yesterday and they'll prob get it fixed today or tomorrow, yay.
I am not quite sure I trust Ffoe at the moment... It says I have ovulated and stuff. Thing is, the 2 temps I took this weekend were taken much later because I slept in... so of course they're higher than normal. Well then I took the temp earlier than usual this morning so I am just not sure about anything... We'll see I guess.
I walked and took the bus this morning. Sun is shining and it was just really, really nice! I'm gonna walk to the swimming pool after work and swim half a mile or so. Then my bestie is going to pick me up and we're gonna have a TV-night. We're going to watch the newest episodes of Drop Dead Diva and Devious Maids. Girly TV-nights are the BEST! :)
I hope Monday treats you well ladies! :) I only have today, tomorrow and the day after and then I get 13 days off work!! WOHOOO!!! :D :happydance:
Drauma-I saw you finally got crosshairs. Ffoe is ridiculous. So jealous of your summer vacation...Do you have some types of clothes in mind for your shopping trip? What do you wear normally? dresses, skirts, capri pants, tall boots, all of the above? I'm mostly a jeans/tshirt, or jeans/sweater kind of girl, but since I'm getting older, I'm trying to be a little more mature with my clothing and a little more fashionable. I'm getting there! hee hee.

As you can see, mine disappeared. I seriously give up. I am really looking forward to this next medicated cycle, although I'm not sure why..i will ovulate properly, and then I will take these progesterone pills (I have to put them up in my girl parts once I ovulate), but I know my chart will look spectacular, and it's going to give me a false sense of hope. Tynmeg said I'd be emotional, and I'm already worried about how my stupid chart is going to look. *sigh*

SJ-Eat a salad for lunch, put some crunchy veggies (carrots, red onions), some sweets (craisins, beets), some nuts (almonds) on it and it'll taste yummy. I think you're supposed to probably use a vinaigrette vs. a creamy salad dressing, but the vinaigrettes they sell now are delicious. Get different dressings so it's like a different salad every time. It will fill you up too!
Oh Terri! Your chart is a sore sight to my eyes!! :(
So happy you get this medicine and stuff and I look forward to seeing your new chart, it'll be awesome! I'm sure of it! We'll try to calm you down when your emotions start messing with you. Try to take it out on us here on bnb instead of your DH, hee hee! ;) We can take it! :) :hugs:
I've looked briefly at the websites of shops I want to visit. I mostly wear dresses.... all kinds of dresses.... like this for example to give you an idea: https://www.hm.com/dk/product/10378?article=10378-H I'll definitely buy this one! It's not so warm here so I can't be barelegged. Icelandic women use leggings alot and different coloured tights. Then just sneakers, boots, wedges, heels or ballerina shoes or whatever mood I'm in.
This kind of dress I'd wear for a more formal attire https://www.hm.com/dk/product/25605?article=25605-A :kiss:
I used to be a jeans/sweater gal but bum is too big now, if it was smaller I'd wear jeans more often. I just never seem to find any jeans that fit around my bum and are not way too wide on my legs. These things are really bothersome. I'd love to wear something like this https://www.hm.com/dk/product/28191?article=28191-B but I don't have the body for it. Hopefully I'll manage to take some weight off this summer. It's starting to come off, slowly but hopefully surely.

I have this massively strange feeling in my upper pelvic area today. Never had that before. Just feeling generally weird. I really think AF must be on her way and those crosshairs are just Ffoe being funny... Well, I just keep waiting, not much else to do! I haven't got any BDing in last 3 days or so... hopefully that's not ruining anything... If ovulation happened this cycle I'm pretty sure it's over already....
Levels are in, 1891. Now I wait to see if all goes well until my ultrasound on May 20. Fx!
Woohoo Tynmeg! May 20! That seems so far away. I will definitely keep you in my thoughts that things go well. Don't try to be too active, and keep busy! Glad your numbers were fantastic.

Drauma-I love your clothing choices. I have just bought about 5 of those blousy shirts. Three are long sleeved, and two are short sleeved. One is long sleeved, but you can roll it up and button it above the elbow, so it's pretty cool. I also like your formal dress. The only thing I don't like about the first dress is that it's black. I prefer more color to my wardrobe, but I'm definitely a solid color kind of girl. Prints are new to me, and I'm trying them out, but they're still not my favorite.

Hmmm..I wonder what that feeling is? Also...yeah, my chart is a hot mess. I'm so over it. I'm going to do an experiment next time and try taking my measurements while laying on my back versus my stomach (although I sleep on my stomach). I wonder if that would make a difference. It's lunchtime!!!

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