3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

When i first decided i wanted a baby i thought it'd be easy...(BD then wham bam you're pregnant!) Then i came here.
Then i learnt about charts, i thought 'yes this is simple, very easy to figure out the best time to get pregnant' ...and now....well now i realise it's bloody impossible to guarantee anything!! Aaargh. haha. Charts are definately confusing.

FX to both of you that next month will sort itself out.

Terri it will be interesting to see what your chart does when your on your meds! Interesting.
In terms of this diet thing, i'm not allowed nuts or raisins without using them as syns...and i'd rather save that for chocolate :) For my tea i just made diet coke chicken and brown rice with green beans. I am so full up! And i did have salad with vinagarette for my lunch.

Drauma i love the black dress! I am definately a black dress girl. I find that when im blonde i wear black all the time. Especially for work. Away from work i'm not as bad, i try colours and patterns and print.
I really hope your funny feeling turns into something good :) and not AF.

Tynmeg, good luck and FX, May 20th will come soon enough, I think the months are flying by!! I cant believe it's may this week.

AFM - I have creamy CM today and very light cramping sometimes. Really trying to not think about it too much, but everyday i'm trying to symptom spot its crazy i need to get a grip.
In other news, my DF lost his job today so it's going to be hard financially until he gets another one. :(
Hi ladies,

Tynmeg, excellent number!!! FX!
Steph, congratulations on your house! And GL with all the renovations! Must be very exciting..
Terri, first medicated cycle will be your month!
EJ, creamy CM was one of my pregnancy symptoms... GL! And so sorry to hear about your DF loosing his job...
Drauma, I also loved all the dresses.

AFM, a friend of mine, who recently had moved to San Francisco, CA from Philadelphia, PA, came to visit us this past weekend. We had so much fun. The weather was awesome, we went hiking, went to eat to a couple of nice places, she made pancakes for breakfast, went to Santa Barbara... Nice...

Other than that, nothing new here. The baby kicks become stronger and stronger and I am loving it... My 36th birthday is approaching... Have no idea what to do since it falls on Monday.
Lenka, when I have been looking through charts I have noticed creamy cm is almost always there for people who get a pos test so I'm hoping it sticks around.
Also sore bbs, but I don't have that, I'm officially 6Dpo according to ff. it's changed the day of my crosshairs this morning to the weds we bd'd :)

I bet feeling the baby kick is an awesome feeling!! Maybe you should go for a meal then cinema for your birthday?
SJ: So sorry about your DF job loss!!! Hope he finds something really quick! What field of work is he in?
You are very right about getting pregnant. It seems to be so much trouble for so many women who really are ready and want a baby. And sometimes it seems like no problem at all for women who have no desire of getting pregnant or maybe even just after a one night's fling... I don't understand the world sometimes.

Lenka: Great to hear you have a friend to visit and do some fun stuff with :D If my birthday falls on a Monday I just have a great weekend fun and then go for a movie or dinner or something on the Monday.

AFM: Not much from mw actually. I'm still feeling the tingly weird feeling down there. Nothing that bothers me too much but what bothers me is that I'm veeeery bloated and a bit constipated these past 2 days (Sorry if TMI). I fell asleep at 8pm tonight when watching an episode of Castle. I've never ever fallen asleep so early! Maybe it's due to the fact that I woke up for no reason at 6:30 this morning... but decided to sleep a bit more and then my DB had to pick my shoulder and wake me up at 10 past 8 because I had slept through 2 alarms!!! I'm definitely feeling more weird than normally. Perhaps it's just excitement for my Holiday. Only one more workday!!! Yay!
Tomorrow is a party at work and there'll be free alcohol so I think I'll test tomorrow morning, JUUUUST IN CASE! No sign of AF and nothing I can associate as PMS... Still confused as always, and waiting... well, as always!

Have you got any plans for the coming weekend? Is May 1st a holiday as well where you guys live?
Drauma-May 01 is Mayday, but not a holiday here, unfortunately. Booooo.. And...we are not allowed alcohol at work ever. Well, that's a lie..someone can give you a bottle of wine for Christmas, but you certainly aren't allowed to open it and drink it at work! HA!!HA!!

SJ-Sorry your DF lost his job! Hopefully he knows people in his industry that he can connect with and find something else. What does he do? What do you do?

Lenka-That's great that you have been feeling more and more kicks. That boy is going to be a soccer player! hee hee. So happy for you.

AFM-Surprisingly, I am feeling very calm about everything. Whether my chart has crosshairs or not, it's ok. I think it's because I know exciting things are in my future, with my medicated cycle and the unknown. I'm sure I'll be up and down emotionally throughout, but right now, I am enjoying the sense of calmness that is around me. When my temperature has dropped or gone up a bit, it doesn't matter. Whatever is meant to be, is meant to be, and I'm ok with it.

I did email the adoption lady today asking if I could find out what is involved with a home study, and she said 'Yeah, we can proceed.' I was like 'Um...I just want to know what's on the test before the test. I don't want to take it just yet!' hee hee. I guess they are eager for adoptive parents (or the $$, who knows?). They also said that you have to be married for a year. I told her we were 38 and 39, but haven't been married a year. I guess that is just something they say, but don't really stick to. Who knew?? We'll see what she says in the morning. I would love to get the process started while I'm working on making a baby, and then when the baby gets here, get ready to have an adoptive baby or toddler or whatever. I want all of my life changes to happen in the next few years (marriage, babies, new house perhaps).I'm ready to move forward!

Steph/Tynmeg-Hope you are doing well. :flower:
Hi Guys,

I have good news and bad news (nothing to do with pregnancy tho) lol

The good news is, DF found another job. He does telesales so its quite a cut throat business, if you dont hit target then your out! So he has found another telesales job and starts next tuesday. It just something before he finds something better.

The bad news is my iphone completely died. my contract is only due in November and i need to now pay a visit to the apple shop! Also, i have to work bank holiday. I do admin support, i love my job but hate working bank hols.
I had other bad news but i forgot it!

Aaw terri, i didn't know you was also going for adoption. That's exciting and nerveracking. It is something id consider if i cant have kids of my own. I have also thought may foster even if i have my own kids. when theyve grown up a little.

oooh Drauma keep us updated on your test, and enjoy your time off! I dont really have any plans i dont think. This dieting has turned me into a sober bore. At least i am getting healthier though.

AFM - i have been very gassy, bloated, peeing a lot. and sometimes just feel weird down in my lower abdomen. its almost definately all the veggies and water i am consuming, but cant help hoping. Also lots of creamy cm. I felt constantly wet down there all day. TMI. Sorry.

Also very grumpy and bloated. Halfway through 2ww and i dont know whats worse, waiting to ovulate or waiting for AF.
SJ-Glad your DF got a new job, and so fast! Luckily he's in an industry that needs people all the time so he can go from job to job. I hope he enjoyed his half day off! hee hee. I'm so happy to hear that you are getting healthier and drinking water/green veggies. I'm pleased with my salad eating too. I can't say it enough. HA!!HA!! You're right about the two week increments that we live our lives when TTC. I haven't decided which is worst. I get upset in the first waiting to O because I think I'm missing opportunities, and just waiting for the temp jump. Then, I'm just waiting for either AF or a stable temp increase. They both are just frustrating. hee hee.

Yes, we would like to adopt, as well as have at least one kid, so that would put us at two kids and a "perfect" family! AF is supposed to be here tomorrow, but I'm really not feeling like she's coming. I am scared to test though, so I will see what happens in the next few days. I have been really good about my prenatals this time around. I don't think I've missed one this cycle. Oh, and I got a box of medicine today for my next cycle.
Drauma--Happy May Day! I hope it's better weather over there--or rather, more 'May' weather

SJ- Ok you're right, there are some addictive US shows for sure! My friend tried to get me into The Walking Dead and I would have been sucked in if I weren't such a coward :haha: So glad your DF was able to find another job...job hunting especially when you're out of work, is stupidly stressful. Also, I don't want to jinx it but your chart is looking awesome so far! Is this your first/second month ttc?

Tynmeg-congrats on the numbers! May 20...seems like a while away but hey it's just 3 weeks now!

Terri--That's so cool you're getting started on the adoption process! :happydance::happydance: I hope you're feeling good still. If not, we're here for you. I still check every day to see how your chart is doing...:hugs: Oh did you see Roxy at the ride thing on Sunday?

AFM nothing too exciting. STILL refinishing the floor. The whole process is really long, much longer than expected. I'll post before and after pictures when we're done with THAT part. Then I need to figure out what color to paint. (the walls are orange...I own nothing orange). Anyone here one of those creative geniuses? Cause i'm not!
Steph, i love shabby chic and vintage decorating, my whole house is a mixtures of dirty whites, creams, browns and im trying to get a bit of colour in with pastels.

This is my first month charting, second month properly trying (ie tracking ovulation) but about 6 month trying, as in unprotected. not that we were very careful before. I havent been on bcp.

sorry this is a quick reply i'm late for work! eeek.
Yes sj I love that too! I kept coming back to light green blue walls with white or tan furniture but I don't think that's a great idea with a black dog and a kid who will probably take after me (I still end up with food all over my face....) Shabby chic is so cute though!
Steph-I'm back to eating your pineapple baby!! I have two pineapples waiting for me at home. Yum yum. That is my favorite fruit! I think you should paint the walls whatever color you like, but just make sure you get the type of paint that is easily cleanable (like satin or gloss or whatever). That way you won't have to worry about them being so dirty. White furniture-I could never do it. I can't even wear a white shirt/underwear. HA!!!HA!! No, I didn't see Roxy or any of my foster dogs, unfortunately. I am on the cleanup committee so I don't get there until late. Maybe next year I'll go a little early so I can see many more dogs. I did see a dog with it's front leg amputated. He was a happy dog too. I don't think it bothers them at all.

SJ/Drauma-Both of your charts look good now.

My temp is going up a degree at a time, but now I wish AF would get here. Sometimes i feel like she's coming, and then I go to the bathroom, realize nothing is going on and I feel normal again. I'm not going to test just yet. She's due today or tomorrow, so we'll see how the day progresses.
Aw terri, ive always wanted two kids too, i know too many 'only child' people who are just weird (no offense to anyone who is an only child haha) i just seem to make friends with the weird ones.
Id like to keep updated with how the adoption process goes. I would definately consider it. There have been a lot of programs on tv about adoption and fostering in the last yr or so that i found really interesting. When i waas younger i didnt even entertain the idea but lately ive really come around to it.

Oh and steph i would listen to the advice about wipeable paint, jeez mine is matte, i dont have kids and mine already has marks everywhere!! nightmare.

I felt a slight ache in my bbs today which isnt abnormal in the week leading upto AF. I kinda hope they get worse so i can start hoping hehe. I am my own worst enemy. I hope my chart is acurate too as i do toss and turn a lot in bed before my alarm goes off. i hope this doesnt affect my bbt too much. I have always took it laying down though.

Also people are really testing my diet! after telling my DF parents i am dieting (walnut cake incident) they have took DF to COSTCO today and brought back 12 (yes 12!!) muffins!! Blueberry (my fave) and chocolate. Why oh why.
Well, it's been a full day and no AF. Here's my story, and THIS I will call symptom spotting. Everyone PLEASE keep your fingers crossed.

When I got to work (at 7a), I felt like I needed to get a pantiliner on just in case AF showed up (I thought she was coming). Well, I had to go to the bathroom (#2-HA!!HA!!) anyway, so the timing was perfect. When I went, I was watching for red because i was expecting red. Well, two dime sized dark reddish spots of CM dropped out and then I continued going to the bathroom. Now...since I was going #2, everything in the bowl was hidden. Is this getting gross or what? Since then, nada, nothing. Not one spot of red. I still feel like AF should be here (I'm a little crampy and uncomfortable), and thankfully I drink a lot of water all day, so I'm in the bathroom all day and seriously nothing. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I'm getting my hopes up a little. Eek. I hope I don't jinx myself for typing that.

If AF comes before 5pm, according to the FS, I can call it day one. It's 4:45, so if she shows up tomorrow, that is CD1. I'm supposed to go in on CD3 to get bloodwork and ultrasound, but I guess I'm just going to start my Clomid on CD3 and go on CD4. That's going to have to be ok because they are closed on Sundays. I am really hoping she doesn't show up. But I am freaking out with nervousness and anxiety. Tomorrow, if nothing happens, I will take a test.
Seriously Terri! I can't believe u can wait until tomorrow. I'd be at the store already buying a test. You have great strength and strong will. FX! Lots of baby dust!

A lil update on me. I took CB digital tests with conception indicator on mon and tues and they were both 2-3 weeks which made me a lil nervous cause it should of read 3+. It's not an exact science so I was trying to not think about it. But last night I took another one and voila 3+. So now I give up my testing madness as there's no way to see lines get darker or any other way to know your progressing. I'm happy all is good so far. Sounds crazy, but I hope I get so sick, they say it's a good sign and I like good signs. If that happens though you can all remind me that I asked for it. Lol
Great news Tynmeg. You were scaring me at first.

The witch got me. I was going to wait until hubs got home to test in 1/2 hour but I had to go pee and couldn't wait anymore. And there was the red that is been expecting all day. A little disappointed but ready to move forward. Day 4 bloods, ultrasound, and Clomid, here I come!
g'morning. its 6:30am here.

Terri im sorry to her the witch got you. Tynmeg FX you get sick ;) hehe.

Im a little annoyed my temp went down this morning, i have a feeling its because i temped early. For the past week i have been waking up at 6am bursting for a pee, most times ive been able to wait till between 6:30am and 6:45 so i can temp first then pee but today i temped at 6:15am. Does it affect it majorly?

I don't know why all of a sudden 6am arrives and i wake up. it's so annoying.
SJ: your chart is looking very interesting! :)
I am experiencing the same these past days, I can't sleep in!! I'm waking up at 5-6 instead of my normal 7:45!!! Arghhh! I love sleep and now I'm on holiday and I can't sleep!

Terri: soooo sorry AF showed! I was getting really hopeful reading through the posts. Glad you can go straight to the medicated cycle though and I cross everything for you :)

Tynmeg: Great news! I hope you start to feel sympoms soon and everything will me great on the 20th :) try not to worry too much or obsess about it... Don't drink much coffee or cola drinks or raw fiah or raw eggs and keep your normal routine. I'm sure everyting will be ok this time :*

Steph: all my walls are ehite cus I live in a small apartment. If I lived in a bigger pad I'd have a brownish toned wall in the living room, thats all I know :O i'm no decorator.
Weather is fetting a bit better over here. Sun shining most days but it's not particularly warm yet... Hoping for great weather in Denmark next week :)

AFM: work trip was fun. Drank loads and had lots of fun with the CEO of the firm, went to a house party a few of us (including her) and we were singing and being funny, haha!! I had the worst hangover yesterday and decided that in Denmark I'll just enjoy one or two drinks at a time, I'm always so badly hungover these past weeks :/
I don't ferl like AF is on her way. I have pinches on my left side, massive back pain and sore boobs. Sounds like she's on the way but while my tenps are up I am fairly optimistic. I've taken two negative tests already but I'm still hoping a bit...
Right now I'm just in bed relaxing and DB is sleeping by my side. I am ferling sooooooo hungry it's almost making me nauseous. I haven't been able to eat properly for days now. Can't even finish my plate and then I feel hungry soon after but have no apetite at all. Very weird for me, I love food. Poor DB, always eating the food i leave behind! I'm going to try to sleep a bit more though. I'm on holiday for crying out loud!! :)
I think both of your charts are looking great! SJ, don't worry about that little drop. It's fine. It'll go back up in the morning.

Sorry you guys are both having trouble sleeping as well. I can never sleep in, even if I wanted to. I've just been getting up early for so long that it's just a habit now and my body is used to it.

Yup...on Day 3, I start taking my Clomid and get an ultrasound the following day. I have tried calling the office this morning, but no one is answering. I hope they can get me in early Monday.

Have a great day and a great weekend. I don't know how much I'll be posting as I have a lot of schoolwork and fun activities this weekend, but I'll be reading.
Sorry AF got you, Terri. Grrrrrrr!!!!!! I can't wait for your bfp.

Tynmeg I hope you get sick, but just a little bit sick... Nothing terrible but enough to make you feel better!

Drauma have fun in Denmark, I wish I could travel right now! But a 5 hour flight was just too much with this belly. .I wasn't expecting to feel any different and I was wrong.

Sj I don't think that temp drop was very much so don't worry yet, your chart is looking good!

Weekend plans? We have MORE floor work to do, and our move in day got moved up to early Thursday morning. I was hoping to get the living room painted before move in so I wouldn't be sleeping with fumes. Lfrans how did you go about doing that? Latex paint shouldn't be too bad, I think. Also we have an all day birthing class tomorrow. So wish I didnt have to go, terrible timing. Le sigh.

Have a great weekend!

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