Hi everyone! Sorry for being away! I am leaving for Denmark early tomorrow morning (I have to leave the house at 4 am!!!) and we've been doing all sorts of last minute arrangements. I even got my basil plant to a foster home so it won't die while I'm away

My chart took a dip yesterday and today was only one place higher, I don't know what I think but I'm now CD40 and last cycle that was tremendously long was 41 days. Perhaps this is what I'm in for... I have been testing because I'm going on holiday and I really want to know early if I am pg or not. First three tests were BFN of course. I took a test this morning as well and also got a negative but I swear I could see a ghost-like line after 3 minutes. I tried to take pictures but it doesn't translate onto the camera and then I tried tweaking it online and of course, nothing. I have been constipated for so long that I resulted in going to the pharmacy yesterday and bought some drops to take in. They're starting to work now. (I didn't want to risk having to stay at the airplane WC the whole 2.5 hours it takes to fly to Denmark!!). I've never ever been like this and I've heard it's a pg symptom but I'm trying not to get too excited. Since it was negative today I guess I won't test until I come home in a week, well that is if AF doesn't bite me in the ass! Sorry for the long post about myself!
Steph: Wow I understand your frustration so well. I've done remodeling on my apartment, kitchen and bathroom and some other smaller stuff and it always takes a bit more time and something unexpected comes up. That's the danger of doing things ourselves... :/ Hopefully you'll be able to fix it so you feel good in the house, that's the most important thing. Imperfections are what make things perfect, in my opinion, if that makes any sense to you.
Terri: What an unusual party for a 9 year old. Perhaps the girls didn't know each other very well? I also think that sort of arrangement fits 11 year olds way better than 9 year olds. I remember my 9th birthday and we were just playing cowboys and indians outside, playing with soap bubbles, playing some indoor games like musical chairs, murder in the dark and some others, eating pizza and cake and being children

You have your appointment with the FS today, hope it goes well! Good luck with your hormones and taking the meds!
Lenka: Sorry to hear about the hospital issue. I've never understood how this works in the US. Here in Iceland everyone has insurance and you can go wherever you want to go, no problem. Good they told you now though, instead of when your baby is crowning...
Tynmeg: How are you feeling? How are things going?
SJ: Your chart is still looking very nice, I must say. Better than mine! When does FF tell you to test? It tells me to test on the 14th of May.
Congrats on the 4lbs! Well done girl! Sounds like you're really sticking through it and doing your part

Try to embrace it and adapt to a new lifestyle, don't look at it as a diet cus then you might go to the same place later. Sorry about your phone! I hate phone troubles.
Sorry if I left anything out, I did read all your posts I'm just in a bit of a hurry, need to do some stuff today and then go and pack! yay.
I'll try to read your posts while I'm away, I can't promise anything but I will at least let you know when I'm back. Good luck with everything while I'm away, I am sending good luck to all of you on everything you're up to