3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Drauma your chart is looking very very good! And your symptoms are promising imo. And it sounds like your having a great time :) Have fun in Denmark and keep us updated.
p.s you should totally make the most of afternoon naps ;)

Terri, are you a teacher or are you studying?
And thanks, i do hope it rises again, i didn't have creamy cm today tho, it was practically gone. But i have had sore boobs (well mostly left boob), which isn't abnormal as i do sometimes get them during the week leading up to AF, so who knows!

It's weird because i don't feel like i could be pregnant, where as last month i felt so so different which is why i was convinced i was preggo. So i dont think i will be mega shoced to see AF next weds. FX though.
I'm in school for my master's in business administration. I'm almost done, and have no idea what I'm going to do with it, but my company is paying for it, so it's bound to help me at some point in my life (I hope).

Symptom spotting is tough..it's best to just keep busy and test (or not) after the TWW. Easier said than done, I know, but they say most people don't really feel symptoms, so no sense trying to make symptoms and then be disappointed. I don't even make symptoms, and yesterday really upset me because I thought this might be it. Oh well...you win some, you lose some. :shrug:

Thanks Steph. I feel the same way you do. Can't wait for my BFP. I scheduled my bloodwork and u/s for Monday morning, so this weekend will be my last non medicated weekend. Oh, and here's some crazy data: every time I was good about taking my prenatal vitamins, I had an anovulatory chart. If I missed days or skipped them the entire cycle, my chart looked normal. I wonder what is in those vitamins to make my body do weird things. I wish I knew.
Steph we posted at more or less the same time, hehe.
All day birthing class?? jeez, sounds like hard work to me.

Terri that vitamin thing sure is interesting!! something to look into or mention to your doc?
It sure is hard to not symptom spot but i totally agree it needs to stop. most symptoms are the same a pre-AF anyway.
Business masters! Wooooo! I wish my place did stuff like that.

Im so over today. Im going to watch Rugby, then go to bed. Up early for weigh in, according to my scales i've only lost 1lb. Now that is miserable.
Hi ladies,

Terri, boo to the witch, but not to worry. You will get a BFP soon now. You just need a little push.
Drauma, SJ; hmmm promising charts, ladies... FX!!!
Tynmeg, I also wished for morning sickness, but once I got what wished for... lololol
Steph, good luck with decorating. I love earthy tones and now I am in live with grey tones... with some white accessories and some colorful sofa pillows... Something like this:


or this:


Yesterday, I learnt that the hospital, which my doctor/gynecologist is affiliated with, does not accept my health insurance!!! Here, in the US, a delivery costs 15,000$ on average. It means that I have to change my doctor, who I have been with since the beginning. It is quite a shame they did not tell me that. They knew what insurance I have. I was upset about all this yesterday, but hey, what can I do, I do not want to pay 15k paying for health insurance each month.

Have a nice weekend ladies.
Well Lenka, look on the bright side. Better to know now than after the delivery. How far away is the next doctor/hospital? It won't be that bad to switch (I hope). Hopefully you can find a doctor you like. Make sure you read reviews in your doctor if you have the chance.

I go in Sunday for my FS appointment. I thought they were closed on Sundays so now I will start Clomid on Sunday too. I am getting excited. Would love to get a BFP in my birth month. That also means hubs and I won't have to share our month with baby. Selfish, I know, but Taureans are all about their birthdays! Ha ha.

Enjoy your weekend, ladies!
Clomid will work for you Terri! It must!!!

Actually the next hospital is at the same distance but opposite direction from my house. It is located in Santa Monica, regarded as one of the best in the area. Hopefully there would be no heavy traffic on the way there. I always read reviews, but I have to tell you, there will be always unsatisfied customers. It is impossible to satisfy everyone...
Sorry to write a quick post just talking about me but I need to vent. Floors aren't going to look good. Dh is usually so good at working with his hands but not this time. He's trying for a 4th coat tomorrow evening and we're hoping for the best. This is so frustrating because the longer this takes, the less I can do. This has nasty fumes I can't be around, plus waiting on drying. We are moving in furniture on Thursday so the latest the last coat can go on is Sunday to allow full drying. Plus we need to get cabinets moved around in the kitchen so I can start putting things in there...

And it's all costing and more.

So tonight, he comes home (I left the house to get groceries and fix dinner after helping him prep once he started staining the floor) and starts giving me the bad news (costs more, more time, and won't look so good). Of course I'm disappointed, I can't hide it. But I tell him it's just the floor and we can get rugs. Basically he sulks away and I discover he just went to bed, ignoring the dinner I made him. Ugh. I wish we had never taken on this project but he said it would be cheap and fast. Ha.
Sorry Steph. Home projects always cost more than expected but it's still cheaper if you do it on your own, just more time consuming. Tell hubs that for now you need to just live with it and go with rugs. Later on you can redo them when you have more money and time. You need to paint and move cabinets and that is the priority. Tell him they don't look too bad so he wants to work on them next time.
Guys are such babies.

Lenka- you'll probably be going to the hospital in the middle of the night so I hope traffic is not an issue.
Lenka, those colour schemes you posted are how i want my nursery :)
Because i'm considering not finding out the sex, i was thinking greys and white and mustard yellow. And elephant themed. I have quite a few Dumbo Ornaments and artwork. (yes i am sad and have planned al this already) Probably bad luck but cant be helped. Great taste ;)

Steph I kinda know how you feel, we haven't even been in our house a yr yet but i still remember how hard it was to renovate. We had to knock a wall through and have electrics and central heating all the way through, then plastering, then decorationg then a brand new kitchen. honestly we spent £15,000 and its still not perfect, i still need tiling done and all sorts, but its home and we can wait for the finishing touches. Good luck to you, and whenever you need rant come here :)

AFM - Well my phone broke two days ago, Apple wont fix it, neither will phones4U so i am screwed. At them moment i am lending my cousins whilst she is on holiday but i seriously dont know what i'm going to do.
On a plus note we booked our holiday to Greece for my friends wedding. :) AND i lost 4lb at slimming world. wahoo.

I got my creamy cm back today and bbs just a little bit tender. I think im 10dpo and so far haven't been tempted to poas, but i might buy one tomorrow because i feel like i should. Maybe i will see what my temps do tomorrow morning.
Lenka, those colour schemes you posted are how i want my nursery :)
Because i'm considering not finding out the sex, i was thinking greys and white and mustard yellow. And elephant themed. I have quite a few Dumbo Ornaments and artwork. (yes i am sad and have planned al this already) Probably bad luck but cant be helped. Great taste ;)

Steph I kinda know how you feel, we haven't even been in our house a yr yet but i still remember how hard it was to renovate. We had to knock a wall through and have electrics and central heating all the way through, then plastering, then decorationg then a brand new kitchen. honestly we spent £15,000 and its still not perfect, i still need tiling done and all sorts, but its home and we can wait for the finishing touches. Good luck to you, and whenever you need rant come here :)

AFM - Well my phone broke two days ago, Apple wont fix it, neither will phones4U so i am screwed. At them moment i am lending my cousins whilst she is on holiday but i seriously dont know what i'm going to do.
On a plus note we booked our holiday to Greece for my friends wedding. :) AND i lost 4lb at slimming world. wahoo.

I got my creamy cm back today and bbs just a little bit tender. I think im 10dpo and so far haven't been tempted to poas, but i might buy one tomorrow because i feel like i should. Maybe i will see what my temps do tomorrow morning.
SJ- your chart looks really good, but I don't want to get your hopes up either. This is how it's supposed to look though.

The party was interesting today. The little girl turned 9 and she had about 5 friends over for makeup, nails, a fashion show and lunch. The weather was great but the girls were so quiet. During the activities none of them really talked. They had the most fun playing musical chairs but that only lasted about 5 minutes. Maybe kids are shy at 9. I know I wasn't. Ha ha. I'm glad the kid parties are over until next year. :thumbup:
Terri how are your hormones? Keep us posted on trip tomorrow to doc! That sounds like a really awkward party for 9 year olds to be so quiet like that...maybe the activities were too old for them? I dunno. Oh well, next year.

SJ-Yikes it could be worse! I'm so glad we haven't had to do any of that kind of stuff (yet eek) to our place. Did you factor that in when you bought it or was it an unfortunate surprise? That's cute you have a nursery all ready to go in your head! Hopefully you can find out soon. Keep us updated with your testing!!

Lenka--yeah i like those ideas, too!! So cute!! We'll probably go with something a little different...........eventually. There's no way we can paint before we move in and I have to accept that. When we can, I don't even know. Also, that sucks that your hospital didn't bother to tell you they wouldn't work with your insurance, but Terri is right, at least you find out now. Just don't go into labour during rush hour!

AFM--DH's back at the new house putting down the final coat of sealant. If this turns out poorly, rugs it is. Poor guy, he didn't mean to sulk away all night. He just fell asleep....and slept 12 hours. Oh boy fatherhood is going to be rough I can tell!
Hi everyone! Sorry for being away! I am leaving for Denmark early tomorrow morning (I have to leave the house at 4 am!!!) and we've been doing all sorts of last minute arrangements. I even got my basil plant to a foster home so it won't die while I'm away :)
My chart took a dip yesterday and today was only one place higher, I don't know what I think but I'm now CD40 and last cycle that was tremendously long was 41 days. Perhaps this is what I'm in for... I have been testing because I'm going on holiday and I really want to know early if I am pg or not. First three tests were BFN of course. I took a test this morning as well and also got a negative but I swear I could see a ghost-like line after 3 minutes. I tried to take pictures but it doesn't translate onto the camera and then I tried tweaking it online and of course, nothing. I have been constipated for so long that I resulted in going to the pharmacy yesterday and bought some drops to take in. They're starting to work now. (I didn't want to risk having to stay at the airplane WC the whole 2.5 hours it takes to fly to Denmark!!). I've never ever been like this and I've heard it's a pg symptom but I'm trying not to get too excited. Since it was negative today I guess I won't test until I come home in a week, well that is if AF doesn't bite me in the ass! Sorry for the long post about myself! :flower:

Steph: Wow I understand your frustration so well. I've done remodeling on my apartment, kitchen and bathroom and some other smaller stuff and it always takes a bit more time and something unexpected comes up. That's the danger of doing things ourselves... :/ Hopefully you'll be able to fix it so you feel good in the house, that's the most important thing. Imperfections are what make things perfect, in my opinion, if that makes any sense to you.

Terri: What an unusual party for a 9 year old. Perhaps the girls didn't know each other very well? I also think that sort of arrangement fits 11 year olds way better than 9 year olds. I remember my 9th birthday and we were just playing cowboys and indians outside, playing with soap bubbles, playing some indoor games like musical chairs, murder in the dark and some others, eating pizza and cake and being children :)
You have your appointment with the FS today, hope it goes well! Good luck with your hormones and taking the meds! :)

Lenka: Sorry to hear about the hospital issue. I've never understood how this works in the US. Here in Iceland everyone has insurance and you can go wherever you want to go, no problem. Good they told you now though, instead of when your baby is crowning... :)

Tynmeg: How are you feeling? How are things going?

SJ: Your chart is still looking very nice, I must say. Better than mine! When does FF tell you to test? It tells me to test on the 14th of May.
Congrats on the 4lbs! Well done girl! Sounds like you're really sticking through it and doing your part :) Try to embrace it and adapt to a new lifestyle, don't look at it as a diet cus then you might go to the same place later. Sorry about your phone! I hate phone troubles.

Sorry if I left anything out, I did read all your posts I'm just in a bit of a hurry, need to do some stuff today and then go and pack! yay.
I'll try to read your posts while I'm away, I can't promise anything but I will at least let you know when I'm back. Good luck with everything while I'm away, I am sending good luck to all of you on everything you're up to :) :hugs: :kiss: :flower: :thumbup:
Terri, thats so weird that they were all quiet at that party...maybe they had fell out?

Steph, yeh we knew we had to spend 15k on the house. we got the house for 65k, its was a bargain because it needed so much work doing to it. 3 bed end terraced. It hadnt been lived in for 5 yrs because the lady was in a care home. We probably did need more money than 15k but i'm glad we only spent that.

Drauma I hope your AF doesnt arrive! Have fun anyway though. Take pics of Denmark. Oh and i dont think mine tells me when to test.

But i have tested and it was a definate BFN :( it may just be too early but to be honest i dont' 'feel' pregnant.
Steph-Your baby is now a squash and I hate squash. You're in the safe zone again. hee hee.

Drauma-Have a safe trip and have fun. Sorry you're feeling so yucky and constipated. Your chart doesn't look bad either, so I hope your temp continues to go up. fxfx

SJ-Nice job on the weight loss babe! Good job, and like Drauma said, think of it as a life change, not a diet. Has it been hard for you? Did you get new sneakers/tennis shoes to walk in?

Since I'm not that close with the girl who had her party, I'm not sure of the dynamics of the guests, but yeah, maybe they didn't know each other that well. Who knows? It was just weird..meanwhile, I went because it's hubs' Goddaughter. Did he sit and hang out while the girls were getting this stuff done? No..he was downstairs with the dad watching tv and talking sports. Immediately after the party was over, I was like 'let's go.' hee hee. He wanted to wait for another friend to show up, but I told him that they are already 2 hours late (they had another party to go to), and I had schoolwork to do. He went back last night for the boxing match, so it wasn't a big deal to leave.

I went to the FS this morning and all was well. I had 14 follicles, and I start my Clomid tonight. Hopefully it'll grow those follies into nice healthy eggs. I was feeling a bit down last night when I saw someone's BFP picture after they were trying for 3 cycles, but her situation is not mine, so I couldn't feel sad for long. I did finish my school paper, so I only have one more to do, and we don't get the assignment until the 13th, so I'm chillin' for a bit until then. Yay!! Going for a motorcycle ride in a few hours. Have fun everybody!!
Steph i love squash! ;)

Terri i cant wait to see your chart develop and see what happens. FX and good luck :)
The diet has been hard in some ways, i have a sweet tooth so i miss chocolate and cakes. but i have developed an obsession with muller light yoghurts, especially the raspberry with choc (with strawberries added in) mmmm
But i just need to keep it up.

I'm a little down after my BFN.
But its my first month charting and using opk's so as soon as AF is here n done (AF due wednesday), i'm looking forward to my second month and more bd'ing around ovulation day. Which according to my calendar should be on the next bank holiday weekend.

hope everyone is well and enjoying their weekends?
Sj your chart is still looking so good fx fx did you test??

Terri nice on the follicles! Grow, eggies, grow! How was your ride yesterday? I think of you when I see a happy biker :D

Drauma have fun in Denmark sounds like a blast! I remember being blown away how expensive it was there but maybe you know the cheap places

We stopped by the house yesterday to see how things looked while drying and wow they look 100 times better. We won't need to buy a million rugs!
Steph-That's great news about the flooring. Now you can start painting. Yay!! I'm glad it all worked out. The ride yesterday was great. I didn't wear my heated jacket/gloves because I thought it would be a little warmer, but it was still chilly. I sucked it up (I didn't have a choice), but next time I'm taking my heated stuff with me just in case. I hate being cold. It was warmer in the afternoon, but the morning was chi-lly.

SJ-Don't be too discouraged about a BFN at this point. Your temperature is still going up and it's a bit early as well. Just because FF says you ovulated on a certain date doens't mean it's true. Don't give up!! And..you're on the right track with OPKs, temping, etc..You'll be fine. :hugs: When/if your temperature comes to a crashing decline, then it's time to be upset. hee hee.

Gotta start my day. Have a great one, everybody!
Good morning everyone, I'm having a doubtful day. I woke up this morning without the dire need to pee nor did I get up through the night. My bbs are less sore and I'm thinking this just may not be our time. I'm not sure if I should call my Dr and see if he will send me for a blood test or what to do. I'm on progesterone suppositories so not sure if they prevent ur body from doing what it's suppose to do when you mc.

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