3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

terri- things are going good, i didnt sleep well the last 2 nights so am sorta in a daze today. GL with the injection!

lenka - the jogger stroller looks good. we were looking for something that myself and DH could use and that would roll well over snow. We were actually comparing the uppababy and babyjogger because those are what my friends tend to have. problem with baby jogger was that DH would kick the bar underneath. Honestly though, we did not spend 800$ on the stroller. The factory is near my brother in Boston, so we managed to get one 1/2 price at the factory. As for the car seat - a friend of mine's uncle works for a car seat distributer, so I got one wholesale.
As for your stroller, do not plan on buying anything else yet, it looks like it may be really good. There will always be something different than what you got and no 1 piece of baby equipment has it all or does it all, but it doesnt mean you need to get them all. The salespeople will try to tell you otherwise, but just go with what works for you.

Steph - how are you feeling? baby is coming soon!!!! Congrats on the house!

AFM, things are going well. Myles is growing like a weed. I had a lactation consultant come to my house yesterday. feeding is going well, but he still pinches a bit. But, he is gaining weight, and it doesnt really hurt me anymore... so i dont want to go for the cutting of the frenulum (they are trying to encourage me to do that for a very slight posterior tongue tie.) I dont think putting myles through it, when he is doing well, is worth it. He is starting to make more noises, like he is talking to himself and looks all around. No smiles yet, Im waiting

Happy mothers day to all of you mothers to be! I hope that this is the last mothers day without baby for all of you!
Here are a few newer pics of Myles
the 1 month one is from May 1
the canadiens one was actually sent to our local news station and aired after the 6 pm news.
And the other one is our where's waldo one. He has that wheres waldo looking sleeper and I couldnt resist taking a pic with him and his "friends"


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He is the cutest!!!! I got my sister two fuzzy blankets with engraving when she had her daughter and son. The second daughter got a card. HA!!HA!! Those blankets are so nice.

Yay for Myles!!!
OMG he is so so so so so cute. bless him. aaw i love the pic of him and his friends :)

Eurovision Song Contest is on now, i have literally stuffed myself with salad and steak, mmm. So going to sit and watch eurovision and have a chillout night.
Oh Wow! So much has gone on since I last checked in!
Huge Congratulations Drauma! So pumped for you, that is awesome. Eeek!

Steph- congrats on moving in. How's the unpacking going? Not much longer for you until your lil one is here. So exciting!

Lfrans- Omg! He is so gorgeous and I'm so happy that feeding isn't hurting anymore.

Lenka- love the stroller, car seat combo and the bassinet. Adorable!

Sj- congrats on passing! ;)

Terri- things are progressing right along in your world. Good luck with the shot, I'm sure you'll be fine. Just be a lil nerve wrecking the first time and being at the in laws having to be all secretive adds a whole other spin on it.

Afm- things are going alright, I think anyway. I still don't wake up through the night with the urge to pee but my levels on Monday were 19000 and on Thursday they were 30000 so they are rising. :) so at this point I'm trying to just let things be. Another 10 days until my 1st u/s. Excited and a lil nervous for that, hoping and praying and crossing everything that there's a healthy baby with a strong hb in there. :)

Happy Mother to be / Mother's Day to you!
Happy Mothers Day, dear mothers and mothers to be! Have a beautiful day!!!


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Drauma-I can't wait for you rproper post. How come you didn't put green on your chart? Mark that positive test...I can't wait until I can put that comment on Ffoe...I'm hoping I can do that by the end of the month.

I went for my CD11 ultrasound, and I had one follicle that was 28mm, and ready to go. A few more were smaller, but probably not going to do anything, so we'll hope the follicle I saw this morning is a lucky one and that there is a healthy egg inside! I'm going to give myself the trigger shot tonight most likely, and then have the IUI on Wednesday morning. I'm feeling really good today. It seems that every time I go see the FS, I feel so happy after my visit. Not because I'm leaving, but because the news is always promising and it gives my spirits a boost.

Have a great day everyone.
drauma- cant wait to hear all about it

terri - promising is good! I love your attitude, always have! FX that this is your month!

Tynmeg - I have a good feeling about this one. The waking up to pee is not consistent, I only had it sometimes - so dont take it as a sign of a problem. I actually barely had any symptoms til 7ish weeks.

AFM- so feeding isnt perfect, still hurts sometimes, but im getting over it. Im a perfectionist, so its not good enogh for me, but he is growing. My first mothers day was great. It actually started sat night - DH could not wait to give me my gift. There was no card, apparently there were none left when he went to buy one. He probably had looked friday evening on his way home, so no kidding none left!
He bought me jewellery, for mothers day and giving birth to Myles. He knows me well, that i can be picky and he wanted to make sure it was something i would wear, so he actually brought home 4 pieces of jewellery (3 earrings and 1 necklace) and allowed me to choose one. Apparently there was not much in his price range at the jeweller. I am also very indecisive and always think ill make the wrong decision. I am 99% sure ill take the necklace. I narrowed it down to a pair of white gold earrings with somediamond chips and a yellow gold necklack with 3-4 very thin circles and a few diamond chips as well. I used to like white gold, but lately have noticed that yellow gold looks nicer on my skin tone and that white gold sometimes looks like silver and you do not realize the value. I love the earrings, but I feel we can buy a pair that look exactly the same for a fraction of the price and no one would know the difference... you know? I love the necklace too, and i think i love it more... I hate choices!!!

Im rambling... Mothers day - Myles slept like a champ! he went from 9pm -3:45am and we also went to bed around 9, so we were super well rested! DH made me french toast for breakfast and for lunch we too Myles to mount royal (which is a large park/small mountain in montreal). We brought along some food for us and my camera and tripod. I had gotten really into photography, but sorta let it go while i was pregnant. Anyways, we found an indoor spot and a nice shady spot and took a few family pics. Im pretty happy with how they came out. I had wanted to hire someone to take some nice pics, but these came out nice enough for what i wanted. Maybe not as artistic, but worth the money savings. I figure when Myles is older and running around and harder to keep still, we will hire someone.

here are a few of the pics


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Hope u all had a great Mother's Day. Ours in the uk is. On a totally different day, we've had it already :)
I'm now in tww to ovulation hehe I hate this one.
What a beautiful family!! I love getting your updates! Myles is such a cute baby I can't stand it!!! Hasn't the weather been lovely?? Perfect for getting outside.

That's so sweet he couldn't wait until mother's day. Aww and just go with the necklace, you'll be happy with your decision I promise

Terri I'm excited for you and your little follicle that's all grown up daww. This is going to be the longest tww ever ugghhh.

Drauma looking forward to hearing from you!

Sj how was Eurovision? Ok so I don't know too much about it but all my European Facebook friends were excited....especially my Austrian friends. I was too shy to ask...

Lenka what beautiful flowers! And I love the IKEA crib idea!! We'll get one eventually but the two hour drive would be so painful on my back right now......although I do love going there...... And we are decorating.....

Painted the ceiling this weekend and I think we'll stick with the ugly orange walls. Money is tight and I think I found a rug that would really work in the area. So although it isn't my style, it fits together well. I'll take a picture when we've done a bit more. We need to save for the kitchen floor which is awful awful.
Can I tell you how much I just love Myles??? hee hee. He doesn't know he has a few aunts around here checking up on him. I also like how he and your hubs are wearing the same shirt. That is just adorable.

ENOUGH WITH THE JEWELRY!! hee hee. <3 Get the white gold and be done with it. You deserve a push present and a Mother's day present. Money isn't everything, and you need something nice with real gold and real diamonds. You can buy yourself silver when you need a pick me up. Don't second guess your worth, and if your husband wants to buy you something nice, accept it! Oh, and you saved on photos, so that's one more reason to get something nice for yourself. I'm sure you'll make the right decision.

Steph-Thanks! Yeah, my follicle was looking great! I'm getting better at seeing whats' on the screen.

Update-The nurse called and all systems are go. Trigger shot tonight, break tomorrow and then Wednesday morning IUI. Then in two weeks I go back for a pregnancy test. I ordered some cheap ones from Amazon and they should be here today, so I'll use those until I get ready to bust out Steph's lucky frer. I am really excited...
I'm so self centered, happy birthday, Lenka!!! Hope you're doing something really fun today!! :flower:
Hellooooo my dear friends! I'm finally home, back to work, really tired after a late flight and early morning workday. The trip was fantastic. We got there around noon on Monday and shopped a bit and went to see a rehearsal of Eurovision semi final 1. Iceland was in that semi final so it was fun to see our act and the whole area. Tuesday night we went to see Justin Timberlake and oh my goooood(!!!) the concert was fantastic! He took all his songs, old and new, along with some tributes to Michael Jackson and some others.

Thursday we went to the zoo and did some more shopping and went to a party to watch Eurovision semi final 2. Friday we had a cozy day at a mall. I bought a pg test because I had been feeling weird and was already at CD 45 (longest I've ever had).

So I took a test when we got home and it was positive after 20 seconds even though I had been drinking loads of soda and water and it was around 4 or 5 pm! I was shaking a bit at first and then I gathered myself, got out of the bathroom and told the people I had a bit of a headache and asked if DB would come out for a little walk with me, to try to shake the headache off. Fortunately the two people we were staying with didn't want to come for a walk so I got DB on his own ;) We walked and talked a bit and I knew there was a tiny park close by so we walked there. I almost pulled him under a huge tree and told him I had a bit of a surprise.... I pulled out the test and told him this was just the first test so don't get too excited but this is what was happening with me. DB got teary eyed after a bit and we hugged and I cried (happy tears) and we hugged some more and he told me he was really excited and hopefully all would go well.

Then we walked until my tears were gone and got back home for dinner. We decided to tell his brother and his gf because living with them for the first part of a pregnancy was too hard without them knowing. They won't tell anyone so it's OK :) The boys went out to party that night and me and Berglind were home watching a chick flick and eating candy. Saturday morning I took another test and it was positive again (I put it on my chart Terri, I can see 2 green plus signs on my chart, are you talking about something else I should do??). We went to Tivoli and had massive fun and then the big Eurovision final party that evening. I was able to hide that I wasn't drinking. Well for the most part, one person asked Berglind if I was pg (apparently I was the only one of 30 people not drinking) but Berglind saved it by saying I had alcohol in my water bottle :P

Sunday we walked around town, just the two of us but when I got home I was freezing cold and cramping a lot in my uterus and all of a sudden I felt the need to run to the bathroom. Sorry for TMI but I was bleeding bright red really thin blood-like stuff for a while and one tiny clot. Then nothing more. I told DB and cried in the bathroom I was so scared. But then it stopped and I composed myself and was able to eat dinner with the people...

Then everything was good until yesterday evening I started getting brown spotting. My boobs are really sore but this brownish-red discharge just keeps coming, today as well. I ordered a phone appointment with my clinic and am waiting for them to call back, hopefully today... They wouldn't be able to see anything during a sonogram or something right now because if FF is right then I'm only around 4+something weeks. I guess I just have to wait and try to be calm while this isn't heavy bleeding. There's no pain with this discharge, just sore boobs. Please cross your fingers for me my darlings FX FX FX I need sticky bean dust FX FX FX

Love the photos of Myles and your family photos lfrans.
Happy belated mother's day everyone!
Good luck with the IUI Terri, I'm crossing everything for you!!!
SJ: hope you can find your ovulation in time and BD at least every other day. That's what I tried to do this cycle and it obviously paid off :)
Lenka: Happy birthday!! :) Hope you have a fantastic day :)

I leave you with a photo of the two tests I took. They've dried out a bit on the pic, the lines were a bit clearer when they were new... but you get the idea ;) https://i60.tinypic.com/1zoag4y.jpg :kiss:
Drauma - thanks for sharing your story. So exciting and happy for you. Your DB sounds like he is excited too. I hear stories all the time about ppl spotting and bleeding so try not to worry too much. I would ask the clinic to do a couple rounds of blood hcg testing and see what your levels are doing. Fx for you and loads of sticky dust your way.
Terri - so excited for your first IUI, I hope you get your bfp first try. That would be awesome. :)
I'm going in a meeting so can't type much more but wanted to check in with yas.
1 more week and I go for my first u/s. So excited for it.
Drauma-I love your story!!! I hope that bleeding is nothing as well. My doctor even told me that if I have a little bit of blood, test because I may be pregnant, so maybe what you're experiencing is just that little bit of blood. :shrug: I am so happy for you, nonetheless, and hope you can wear your new dresses now and maybe they will look cute with a bump too! I see the green plus signs. Most people still have their temps and then those lines connecting the temperature points are green, but it stresses some people out. I know it's green, so don't worry about it.

Tynmeg-Your ultrasound is here so quickly. It seemed like it was a ways off, but next week is almost here! Yay!!

I took my Ovidrel (hcg) shot last night at 10pm, and this morning I peed on my first IC. hee hee. It was positive!! Of course it was...otherwise, the medicine didn't work. That was my first positive pregnancy test ever. I wanted to see what it would look like at the strongest point, so now I know what to look for in a couple weeks. All day today I have been bloated and my head has been burning up! I feel a little crampy, but bloated more than anything else. Maybe tomorrow it will go away. I'm really excited for tomorrow. Only one coworker knows what I'm doing and then Kyle and my two best girlfriends. Oh, and I'm going for a run this afternoon with one of my old friends. I'm eager to run as well. It's been a while, but after tomorrow I can take it easy if need be. I just want to exercise while I can.

Keep your positive attitudes ladies! Tomorrow is a big day!
Drauma--Good luck with the clinic and getting the appointment! Please keep us updated. Keeping my fingers crossed for a sticky bean.

Tynmeg 1 more week that's so exciting!!!! How far along should that put you?

Terri--omggg fx for some superman :spermy: :haha: Aaaaaaahhhhhh And yes, good for you for going running! I miss the days when simple things like readjusting myself for the 100th time a night wasn't a chore. All for a good cause though! Hopefully you'll be whining about this stuff soon, too hehe

Lenka how many weeks are you now? I can't stalk you :(
I ran 3 miles with my girlfriend and we were SO out of breath. Of course, it was almost 90 degrees too. Afterward, I treated myself to a frappucino from Starbucks and good thing because I got stuck in traffic and it took me 2 hours to get home! It was ridiculous, but I had that yummy drink. They seem addictive because I can already sense that I want another one sometime soon!

Steph you are getting so close! What is your estimated due date again? Thanks for the Superman :spermy: The word on the street is we need more than 10million. I'm rooting for my hubs!
Steph - it will bring me to 8w+1d. I'm excited!
Terri - great work on the run and it's good you had a frappy for that drive! I hate getting stuck in traffic! I'm praying and wishing and hoping for supermans for you tomorrow. You'll probably have some cramping but it isn't that bad at all. I'll be waiting for an update tomorrow. :)
Exciting times ahead for everyone, yay! :)

my Ob/gyn invited me to his office this morning after I sent him an e-mail yesterday. Me and DB went together. Doc could only see a bit of thickening in my uterus lining so if this is really happening I'm only around 3-4 weeks. He sent me to have my blood checked which I also did this morning and then I'll call him at 4 pm to get the results. I am to go back for another blood test on Friday to see if the numbers are going up or down. He said the spotting was probably just old blood and some cleaning business going on down there. He told me not to worry, just told me to try to be calm and take care of myself until we know more. I'll let you know later today what the first results say. FX FX FX

Tynmeg: Thanks, helps to know positive things have turned out from me predicament :hugs:

Terri: Nice run! I bought some dresses and I even bought 4 items from the maternity department that I can wear if I'm really pg. I'm fed up with temping so I just can't do it anymore. I don't want to stress.... How did it feel doing the shot? I understand the feeling getting a positive pg test, it feels weird, hehe. Hope you'll get a real one in a couple of weeks :D FX FX

Steph: How is everything coming together at the house?

Tynmeg: Wow, 8w already??!? Look forward to hearing how your scan turns out in a week :) You'll probably hear heartbeat and see a little shrimp-like cuteness ;)

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