3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Oh Drauma, Ive just seen this (damn phones keep braking on me) I am so sad for you i got a bit teary. I just cant imagine getting that BFP then this happening. I know what you mean though at least you know you can get pregnant now! Thats my greatest fear. Im sending hugs and pma to you xxxx

Terri, I see your temps are up. FX big time for you. How are you feeling? still bloated?

Hi wj1m! welcome!
I have to say i dont know much about clomid or iui so i cant really help :(
erm, yeh. sorry. FX for you. :)

AFM - It's really really sunny here in the uk! And its friday woo! I weigh in tomorrow and i'm hoping to get 3lb off so i get my half a stone award, but i really dunno if i have done it.
Im due to ovulate next weekend but think i will start testing once a day from monday just in case.
SJ-Thanks! No, I'm no longer bloated, thank goodness. The bloating lasted for two days and I'm glad it's gone. I need room for crabs! hee hee. Other than that, I feel back to normal. That's awesome that it's sunny. It's been raining cats and dogs here since last night (apparently). I'm a heavy sleeper so I didn't notice. My coworker that lives near me told me it was raining hard overnight. Anyway, hope you lost 3lbs this week! How is your new eating plan going?

wj1m-hello and good luck to you.
Hello ladies,

wantjust1more, welcome, GL!!!

Drama, devastating news... :nope: I am so sorry to hear it, hun... You are so right, you CAN get pregnant and this is great to know!!! And you will!!! As I read here, ladies are very fertile after a mc. And also, our bodies are very smart mechanism, the bean was not just perfect and this is why it happened. But next one will be just perfect and your sticky one! Hugs!!!

Terri, don't you worry about your temp! My temp would always go up after 2dpo only. Question: are you going for a scan and progesterone level test in the next few days to see if you ovulated for sure??? Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!

lfrans, you are one beautiful family!!! and your little one is soooo adorable! Love the matching shirts. My DF loves shirt and I also got a couple of matching ones for our little boy.

Steph, hahaha, you are funny! Eat that Snickers, lady, you are pregnant, you have an excuse! :winkwink:

Essjay, enjoy that beautiful weather!!! And GL next week!!!

Tynmeg, how are you, dear? I remember my OB/GYN told me, once your reach 10 weeks, a chance for a miscarriage drops down to below 5%, after 12 weeks below 2%. :winkwink::hugs:

It has been soooo hot here in CA for the past few days!!! We do not have an air conditioner in our house, many ppl do not have one here because it never gets uncomfortably hot. Well, it did! We had to go to a Starbucks to work. And at night I felt so uncomfortable, I just kept moving from one sofa to a chair, then to a recliner then back to the sofa, but could not find a place where I would be ok... Today it is a little better and should cool down tomorrow.

My little man is getting bigger and stronger. :thumbup: His kicks are sooo noticeable now. :wacko: We had an appointment with other two doctors who accept my insurance and I loved one very much. I am switching my doctors. :thumbup:

Terri, regarding this MTHFR deficiency. No, there is nothing you can do to fix it, but you have to take an active form of folic acid which is called folate (5-MethylTetraHydroFolate) before and during pregnancy, as our body do not have to break it down it can just easily absorbs it. And cut down on folic acid, because it just stores in the bodies of people who has MTHFR deficiency. I would also recommend MetanX, here in the states it is a prescription drug; it is B vitamins complex for ppl who has this deficiency. Sis, has it??? Did she have several miscarriages? If she did, she should check her homocysteine levels (blood test), if they are elevated, that COULD be a cause for early miscarriages. Wish her well!!

Have a beautiful Friday, ladies. Tighter hugs for Drauma. :hugs:
I am taking progesterone pills and have to stick them someplace special every morning and night. hee hee. They are not going to monitor me, though. I think they give everyone the supplements after IUI. It's gotten easier.

Sis just got news from one of her holistic doctors that she had it. Thanks for the information. I did a quick google search, and it seemed to say the same things you did, but it's better hearing it from you-folate vs. folic acid. Yes, she has had several miscarriages (one recently).

Glad your boy is getting stronger. That's so exciting. You're almost in the home stretch! Oh and I was wondering about your doctor change and how that was going, so I'm really happy to hear that you like your new doctor. Yay!

My work day is over so have a good weekend everyone!
Terri its not going too bad to be honest but i am looking forward to a night off after i have been weighed tomorrow. We have some mega choccie biscuits in the cupboard with my name on them!

Lenka im glad you found a doctor you like :) thats got to be reassuring.
Thank you ladies! I'm cd day 25 11dpo and just feeling like an emotional reck!
Anyone can relate lol-- crying over everything~

face breaking out, and bloating!!! ugh usual af symptoms. :(
I always get teary and emotional before AF, its horrible that PG and AF symtoms are so similar!

I didt temp this morning :( the cat was scratching the door and i just leapt up n went down to feed her then had a pee n got back in bed, i went back to sleep for about an hour but it was way past my normal temping time so i thought it wasnt worth doing since id been up and walking around. gah! It should technically be too early for ovulation anyway so shoudnt make a big difference.

OMG it is so HOT in the UK today, i have been in the sun most of the day, i dont tan though. I stay white, then go red, then peel and go white hahah #paleandproud
I cant cope in sun and hot weather.

Oh i lost 2.5lb at slimming world. So i missed my half a stone award by 0.5lb! grrr.

How is everyones saturday?

Hope your okay Drauma xx
SJ-Sorry you only lost 2.5 and not 3, but can you still get the award next week? That'll be awesome if you can. Congrats! 2.5lbs is just a good.

I wish it was hot today. I was planning on wearing a sundress to my bday crab feast, but it's chilly (mid 60s), so I am wearing jeans and a tshirt. Boooo...Maybe on my birthday I can wear a dress. I'm waiting for hubs to get home and then we're headed out. Last night my sisters flew in and we had a dance party in the basement. Today, I will be drinking two beers with my crabs and then I'm back on the non-drinking bandwagon. I can't remember when I last had a glass of wine. Yay!

Have a great day all! :hugs: to Drauma.
SJ--You were so close!! Half a stone though, that's pretty good so far! So how hot has it been in the UK? Humid too? We had a couple days around 28C...I floated on air. Now it's back to around 20 but sunny! Hopefully you get your phone situation figured out.

Drauma--no word yet from you, maybe you're taking a break. How are you feeling? :hugs:

Terri- Any symptom spotting this month yet? Your temps this whole cycle have been so textbook but that could be because of the Clomid? Keep your hopes up! Sorry it wasn't sunny for your crab fest...NOM NOM sounds SOOO delicious though! I'm also shocked you slept through that rain storm...granted I'm a terrible sleeper now that I'm a whale, but it was quite the downpour!

Tynmeg you are so close to that u/s! Are the days getting longer? I can't believe you'll be almost 9 weeks by then :happydance::happydance: FX FX for the best of news!

Lenka- Aren't the kicks just the best? And they never get old. Each one is so exciting I swear I've gone crazy :cloud9: Has it cooled down? I think it's harder to tolerate heat in pregnancy, or at least humidity, I dunno. It was pretty humid and warm in our bedroom Friday night and it was impossible to sleep, too. Hmm.

AFM yesterday we drove to the cities and picked up a futon from Craigslist and a few babies items from garage sales. Even though it was sunny and warm, I was a grumpy, sick mess. But with good sleep, today is a much better day!

Hope you're enjoying your weekends!
Well girls, I just found out that my sister is expecting #4. :wacko: I'm happy for her but still....ugh! I'm glad she didn't tell me on my party day or on my birthday. Today was the best day for her to share.

Both of my sisters leave tonight, so it'll be quiet here. It was fun having them visit. The crab feast was sunny, it just wasn't warm. hee hee.

Nah, no symptoms. Every now and again I feel a sharp cramp, but I don't think it's enough to really think of it as a symptom. I'm not getting my hopes up, but it would be great if it happened!

Steph-It's cool you got some new stuff, but sorry you're having trouble sleeping and feeling sick. :hugs:
Hi girls. Sorry for being away for so long. I was just trying to keep myself occupied all weekend. Had a massive work-party on Friday and had some guests over on Saturday and a big family BBQ on Sunday...
We've talked a lot, me and DB, and we're really sad that this had to happen to us but then we just decided to think of it as a thing to bring us even closer and hopefully it'll be all right next time :) :hugs:
I'm still bleeding and rinsing everything out. I have an appointment tomorrow to check if everything has cleared up as it should. I just hope I don't have to wait as long for the next BFP... It's been a long time coming.

terri: Congrats with your sister's #4... she's well busy hehe! I hope your cramps are a good sign :) How about that di your temp took today, I'm hoping it's an implantation dip!! :D Hope the beers were good and I hope you won't be able to drink any more beers any time soon, hee hee! :happydance:

Steph: it's so funny how much sleep impacts our daily lives. Hopefully you'll get the hang of good sleeping :) I see on your ticker your baby can now react to simple songs. Have you started singing twinkle twinkle little star and stuff? :) Could be cute :)

SJ: Please send some heat over to Iceland. This morning it was 4° and at noon it was 8°. It's sunny but ohhh so coooold!! brrrrrrrrr! Congrats on your weight loss! Sounds like you're doing really great. Don't sweat if you didn't get some pre-decided number. You're losing weight, feeling good and exercising and that should be your motivation :)

wj1m: Welcome! Have you tested yet? I'm crossing my fingers for you!!!

Lenka: GREAT you found a good doctor and insurance is all good now. I'm so excited for you feeling the kicks and all. Please send heat over to Iceland as well... I'm freezing over here! :/

Tynmeg: Can't wait to hear what you see in your u/s :)
Drauma-So glad you stopped back in. We were missing you. I hope that everything goes back to normal quickly. There is a lady on another thread I'm on and her hcg level just won't go down. Every week it drops by another half, so she has been waiting and waiting. I think it's been two months. So...if yours go back soon, thank your lucky stars.

As far as my chart goes, I usually have a drop around 5 or 6 dpo, so it's probably just that, but it makes me a little upset (well, not upset, but doubtful) because I'm taking progesterone, which is supposed to keep your temperature up. You would never know that I took Clomid or Progesterone as my chart looks exactly like all my other charts. So that is a bit frustrating, and I'm guessing this isn't my month, which is also a kick in the teeth. I was hoping that I would start feeling SOMETHING, but so far, nada. I stopped testing out my trigger shot too. I'll just wait until later this week and see what happens. I'm going to a motorcycle party for the weekend so I'll test before that and see what I see, although I'm not going to be drinking at the party anyway, which also kind of sucks. I love drinking and hanging with my moto. friends.

I'm at work today, but I'm not planning on doing any work. hee hee. It's a free day for me. Yeah!
Draumabaun85- Thank you!

No not yet, I feel like af will show up any min now. You know, that gut feeling. So i'm going to wait until Wed. I'm sure she'll show up either today or tomorrow. Obviously I pray she doesn't but I'm expecting to get shot down. I'm 15dpiui.. So guess will see. :shrug:
Hi Guys,

Terri, i have never tried crab but i do think i'd like to. I also really want to try lobster properly. I've had it at Disneyland Florida, on a bread roll and it had some weird sauce with it, but it was nice.

We have had highs of 25 degrees C (77 f) today its been SO warm and sunny. We never get sun in the UK and we have had 3 days of it now :) It's rain for the rest of the week according to the weatherman and at the moment we are waiting for thunder :)

Good to see you back Drauma and thanks, i want to keep losing at least 2lb a week. but if not i'm not going to get down. I know my goal so i just need to not be lazy. and not lose focus.

I'm only popping in, i'm going through some troubles with DF at the moment, i'm still temping though and deffo gonna do opk tomorrow.

i tested this early am with all the pee i could and BFN.. so im going to wait for af now. Pretty sure i'm out. :(

GRRR> on to next cycle!
Sj sorry that you and df are having problems. :( we miss you having a phone with your more regular updates! Totally get what you mean about the sun. We had 3 sunny nice days in a row last week and I couldn't stop talking about it! Back home, that's a holiday...something we talk about for years to come ;) and 25 is perfect temperature too. Enjoy before the drizzle returns!

Drauma I'm so glad you have found a good place of acceptance and that you and df are closer because of it. Hopefully your body resets itself asap.

Terri your temp didn't fall below the base line nor does it look just like previous cycles! I feel like there is less craziness. Let's just keep our fingers crossed for an implantation dip! Sounds so fun about the party with your moto friends....even without the drinkingOMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I got it right this time!! How was your day??

Lenka, Lfrans, tynmeg??
Thanks for the kind words about my chart Steph. I guess it's not as crazy so maybe the medicine is working. I tried posting a picture today but my phone is not cooperating. I'll have to try it from the computer later.

Want1-sorry for the bfn today.

SJ-glad you're keeping up with your weight loss. Sorry for your fight with DF but make up quick because I think it's almost O time!!!
Terri, happy birthday, dear!!! I wish u from the bottom of my heart that you get pregnant in the very near future if not now and have a healthy baby!!!
Happy birthday Terri!!! :) Hope you have a wonderful day!

SJ: Hope you and DF work through your problems quickly <3

wj1m: Sorry for your BFN, maybe it's too soon to test.... ?
Happy Birthday Terri!! Xxx

And thanks guys. Not sorted yet but hopefully we can talk soon (he's always out, and thats the problem)

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