3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

SJ-FFoe gave your crosshairs. Do you think it's right?? That's crazy early. Did you use OPKs this month? Sorry you and DF are still fighting. What's going on? Does he not want to hang out with you for some reason, and that's why he keeps leaving, or is it new job stress or something? If you don't want to talk about it on the computer, I understand. You can always PM me if you want to talk privately. I hope he gets it together! He's probably scared of your new bod because someone might try to snatch you up! hee hee.

I backed away from the ledge as the day progressed. My temperature can only go up tomorrow, but as far as having a baby inside, I don't think it's looking very good. I was fine with yesterday's dip, but today's dip hit a sour note in my mind. We'll see, I guess. That's all I can say. I am going to email my doctor tomorrow and ask him what I need to do to start IVF next time around. Some people say you have to go on BCP for a couple weeks and then they start giving you other meds, SO...I'm just patiently waiting. :coffee:
Just a quick update on me...I'll write more later.

Had my ultrasound today and everything looked good so far. I'm so relieved and happy. Hb was around 160 and lil one is measuring about 2 cms. My dr appt is Thursday, I'll get more information then.

I hope things are good with you all. I'll try to get on at work tomorrow to read and write to you all.
Yeah, Tynmeg!! Are you more relaxed now, or still a nervous nelly? I don't know if you ever stop being nervous, but things seem to be coming along well, so I hope you're super happy.

AFM-My temperature went back up. I guess the other option would be for me to not wake up at all, so I'm happy for a jump back in the 98 degree range. Phew! I got my birthday present from hubs last night-an Orioles cap and tshirt. They won 9-2 last night also, so it's a good day in Bmore. Seeya!
Terri: I like your chart!! Seriously. I hope something is happening :) What did your doctor say?

SJ: What is up with your chart? It's a mess :/ Are you feeling okay?

Tynmeg: I'm so glad the u/s turned out so well. 2 cm, tiny little pea with a strong heart beat!! :)

I went to see my doctor yesterday. He checked everything and my uterus is completely empty now. He didn't see any signs of ectopic pregnancy and everything is just very nice. There are a few cysts on my right ovary but nothing to worry about. He said my spotting would probably finish in the evening (which it did) and he said as soon as that has stopped I should get back on the horse and try to make a new baby. He said women can be very fertile after a loss and he told me to try it out. If nothing has happened in a month or two I'm to let him know and then he'll cook something up for me. He said he was getting impatient and he really wanted to get me a baby. He's so cute, my doctor!! :winkwink:

On another note, who's watching Game of Thrones??? Oh my! I love these shows so much! Did you know they're filmed in Iceland and Croatia? :) If you saw the newest episode (no spoiler) the man who plays the Mountain is Icelandic. It was really fun to see him in such a big role for a man who has never acted in his life.

Sun is shining over here... We had 10 degrees yesterday (50F) and it was actually warm!! (Sun is really strong here because the air is so clean). Everyone was posting pictures of themselves on Facebook with some sort of sunburn, haha! Hope the temperatures will go a bit higher soon :) :thumbup:
I didn't talk/email the doctor because I didn't have my purse with me and his number is in there. I have it today, so I'll email in a bit. Thanks for liking my chart. I hope something is happening too. hee hee. If it is, I surely cannot tell.

I'm glad your doctor is so optimistic and you can start trying again. This month will be a better one for you, I hope! My husband watches Game of Thrones, but I don't. I don't like medieval stuff and it bores me. He says that I would get over that quickly, but it doesn't seem interesting to me. Iv'e been watching a show on BBC America called Orphan Black. It's about clones and it's awesome! I recommend it to everyone.
Hi ladies, we are traveling north to San Francisco now with my DF' dad, cant write much, but happy to see you all are doing well. Terri, keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you!!! Would like to share some pictures of beautiful California with you. No offence to the East coast, but West coast is just divine...


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Oh, Lenka, California is so pretty! :) I spent 3 weeks there driving around and I enjoyed it soooo much! :)

Terri: Game of Thrones isn't really medieval.... since it's happening in a world that doesn't exist in real life. I'm not a fan of medieval stuff either but oh my!!! Game of Thrones is the best stuff I've EVER seen. The plot and backstabbing and relationships and everything I just love it! I hope you watch it sometime (Perhaps when you're pregnant and done with everything else there is on tv... hehe!)

SJ: How are you girl? Have you sorted things out? :hugs:

Can anyone explain why my temp-dots are not the same, some are blue and some are clear.... I took all three of them the exact same time...?
Drauma-HA!!HA!! Yeah, when I finish cable, I'll be stuck with Game of Thrones. We are too cheap to pay for Showtime (there is an extra fee for HBO/Showtime, so if there is a free weekend, my husband will try to tape them all), so I doubt I'll watch it.

I thought the open circles/solid circles meant that you took your temperature at a different time. On the Ffoe data page, it has a time, and it has a default setting. Mine is always set to 5:45, so even though I usually temp at 5:30, it always thinks I'm at 5:45. It's not a big deal. Check out that screen and see what it says.

SJ-Yeah, come back!!!!

AFM-My temp jumped another tenth today. I'm still feeling neutral. Happier than neutral, but still neutral. I'm taking tomorrow off for our Memorial day weekend and riding down to Virginia to visit a girlfriend of mine who lives in the country. I'll be off the grid, so I won't be able to check in, and I'm not temping. If I don't catch up with you guys later, have a fun weekend!
Well Terri I don't approve of you having a life outside bnb but whatever ;) have a most wonderful weekend and enjoy the time away from temping...

Drauma I've heard good things about game of thrones... Dh read the books back in the day but I am pretty squeamish so it's not a show for me....I feel there's so much good in this world and why do we love to focus on the bad?? That being said, I'm not a prude and would love to be able to watch the walking dead but I'm too much of a coward..:haha:

Sj how are things with you?

Tynmeg hope to get a full update from you but we're sooooo happy to know things are progressing well!! When's the next scan?

Lenka so pretty!! You're right about the west coast. I do a fair bit of travelling and j think I have driven on every state highway in the West! Wait until you see a wolf roam the lonely desert mountains of mid Nevada, dip in an alpine lake surrounded by glaciers in Montana, hike the red canyons while being stalked by a mountain lion in Utah, meditate in awed silence in an old growth rainforest in Washington... I'm enjoying the beauty of New England but he west...there's nothing like it.

Afm we're having a thunderstorm right now yeay! And Roxy is not pleased. Poor dog. She's trying to hide it by not looking at me but I can see her shaking.

4 people came up to me yesterday and commented "any day now" and "must be getting close!" Siiigh. Over 5 weeks!! Which is good since we're still moving in. One day at a time :thumbsup: take care y'all
Hi guys, i'm here i'm okay. haha. So my phone broke again and i'm back on the 3gs which is ridiculous! it HATES the internet. Even my FF takes ages to come on. But i'm sat here on the laptop with hair dye on (had a hair disaster and it went blondey/grey/dishwater colour) So i've stripped it and getting the warm blonde back on.

Glad everyone is okay, Terri your chart looks really good today!!! I hope it keeps going up. Is it possible to do IVF straight after this month (if you have too)?

Tynmeg i'm so glad your ultrasound was good :) I think that is one of the moments i cant wait for. It must be great.

Ah steph i wish we was having thunder! The sun lasted 3 days, then we was supposed to get a storm but that never happened, just LOTS of rain. I love thunder and lightening.

Drauma i totally want to get into GOT, i'm thinking of downloading it. I have heard great things about it. x

Afm well, i knew the crosshairs would disappear, it's way too early, remember it did that last month? I managed to remember opk last night and today, i had nothing yesterday but today there is a very faint line so its on its way.

Me and DF were a bit rocky....mostly because during the week after work he goes out (darts, snooker, pool, football, cricket) you name it he goes watching it. I don't actually mind during the week, but i do mind when it affects the time we spend together at night (if you get what i mean -BD! BD!) Grrrr.

So basically as well as going out during the week, last weekend he was out all day saturday at cricket, got back at 8pm. Then Sunday morning he went watching football then cricket in the afternoon, so i basically didn't see him. I had a moan and told him i feel like i have a lodger not a DF! (i may scrap the 'D')
I felt really down and sad thinking he just isn't interested in spending time with me. But we have kind of sorted it. We BD the other night and got our intimacy back, and i think i Ov this weekend which is a bank holiday too so FX!!

Aren't men stupid!

Sorry for the long post. I've been meaning to post this for days but haven't found the time. Slap my hands!
SJ-I missed you!! Sorry your phone is terrible, but I'm glad you sat down at a computer to type all that stuff out. My hubs is kind of like that too. He goes to work after I do, but then stays out every day until 8pm. When he gets home, I'm half asleep, and hardly wanting to cook or eat dinner. i've started just making what I want when I get home and he can eat it or not. I have asked him to come home earlier a couple days, but he doesn't really do that. He just likes to slow poke and get home at 8. Whatever..now that baseball is on, I want to watch the games, so I don't mind that he's away.

I got an email from the doctor. He said if I want to go to IVF, I have to take birth control for three weeks. That would put me at finishing BCP right at the end of June, and I have a motorcycle trip the first week of July and my family reunion the third week in July, so I won't be around to do egg retrieval and stuff (although not sure of the exact timeline), but I don't want to risk it. So...we will probably do another IUI, and then start the BCP at the end of June, and I'll be on BCP during my vacations. It's going to suck going back on BC. I'm dreading it already, so hopefully this cycle works!

Steph-We had a thunderstorm firs thing this morning and now it's getting sunny outside. The weekend is supposed to be beautiful. Have fun! Do you have any more appointments? Are you using a midwife? Doing a water birth? Anything fancy? hee hee.

Lenka-I have lived on both coasts (and in the middle) and they are both nice, there are just some differences. I appreciate the entire US though anytime I'm out riding across the country. We are so lucky to have such diversity so close to us.

lfrans-Just checking in if you're stalking..hope you, baby and dad are doing great. More pics please!
Hey ladies:)
Im 4 DPO. TTC #2.

My only somewhat symptoms are:
my temp. is pretty warm
my cm is creamy white/yellow. snot like.
plus, today i stood up and had this shooting/sharp pain in my right ovary area.

fingers crossed!! Baby DUST to us all!!
OMG terri i cant believe how similar they are! At least you get regular BD, hehe ignoring the other day the last time we bd was when i ovulated last month!!!

Ah right, i think if this month does'nt work out another month of iui is a good idea, you have a good plan. :)

Ohh smm good luck, fx for you. :)
Hey ladies! I haven't gotten a chance to get to a computer for a proper update but I thought I'd let you know the heartbeat was 160 and according to my measurements, I'm 9 weeks today and due Dec 25th. Christmas baby! So excited. : ) I really hope this is the one and our time to start a family.
OMG! Xmas baby Tynmeg thats great :)

I dont know what the hell is going on with my chart. I cant have ovulated that early and if i did i obv missed it. Oh well, will keep temping :-/
Tynmeg-oh wow!! So happy for you! When is the next checkup?

SJ-I think your crosshairs are a fluke, but your temps are starting to steady so if get some BDing in soon if you can.

I loved my temperature jump this morning. I'm 9dpo I think and I'm going to take a test before I leave today but not sure anything will show up. Have a great weekend!!

Edit-well, nothing showed up on the IC, but I'm not going to let it get me down. Besides..I have a 5 hour motorcycle trip. Woohoo!! Seeya.
Terri! I'm loving your chart!!!!! Keep us updated FX FX!! Probably too early for an IC anyways, don't let it bring you down. I had a few tests before the positive one...
Have a wonderful weekend and don't drink alcohol, I really feel like this is it.... Don't know why... Just woke up today with a feeling about you (and mind you, I last saw your chart when temp was dropping). :kiss:

SJ: Great to hear from you! Glad you've sorted things out. Men are funny creatures and believe me, he hasn't lost interest in you, he's just doing what he likes and believe me, he probably feels like he's spending loads of time with you. We just measure it differently than men... well some men at least. Try to find yourself something fun to do when he's out, you'll lose track of time and it'll be nice to see him when he's finally there :)

Tynmeg: Great news! I hope this is your lucky one! I love Christmas so this is just fantastic in every way :)

Steph: Oh people are so funny. "Any day now"... how dare they....? not like you're waiting anxiously or anything... hehe ;) Try not to stress about it, baby will come when it's ready and I bet you look gorgeous! :)

A work mate asked me the worst question ever!!! "Are you pregnant? Or have you just been putting on so much weight??"
HOW DARE SHE?? I thought to myself. Ohh I'm in such a bad mood because of this. I've even lost 4 f-ing kilos this month!! Arghhhh. Never understand people who ask these sort of questions. If I was pregnant and wanted to tell her, she would know. If I'm just putting on weight (which I'm not, just according to her) then I'm definitely not happy about it and don't need to be told... :/ Sorry for ranting, I'm just a little sad about this.

Lenka: Feel free to send more pretty photos! :D I want to dream of going abroad :)

smm: babydust to you as well, good luck! :)

I was hosting a golf tournament for work yesterday. There was absolutely no wind and the sun was shining the whole time. I even got some tan! After the tournament we ate burgers and had a few drinks. Then we went to a work mate's house and had a garden party and I came home at 3 am!!!!! Goodness gracious! I am so hungover today at work and everyone is a bit slow, hehe. I don't play golf, I was just a caddy for other players but wow it was great fun! I've never walked a golf course, it's great excercise, now I want to try golfing! :)
Oh Drauma! The cheek of her! Jeez i cant stand people like that. Don't take it to heart.
Your golf tournament sounds really fun, i don't envy your hangover though. hehe.

Terri i must agree your chart looks really good! FX FX FX!

I dont think it helps my chart that i missed day 10 of temping as that seems to have caused the crosshairs, if anything i f i have ovulated i think its day 12. I did opk about 10 mins ago and it didnt really show anything, i may have seen the slightest line when i tipped it at certain angles. so yes i have either missed it or its not happened yet.
oh i had a bit of clear sticky cm today, not stretchy, just abit sticky...like jelly? Hmmm. is this typical before or after ovuation? because thinking about it it was quite watery the other day but i didnt think anything of it.
hey everyone
I am still stalking, but less often - i just dont have time. I saw drauma's bad news about the miscarriage. It really sucks! I was so excited for you when you got your bfp. I went through it last april and it was horrible. I only hope your next bfp will be the one!

Tynmeg! woohoo 9 weeks and strong heartbeat. 3-4 more weeks and you are through the hell of 1st trimester waiting! I have a good feeling about this one!

SJ - oh boy, cm - i never knew what the hell was going on. I knew when it was watery, but creamy sticky... the rest was all the same to me! Good luck!!

Terri - nice temp! I dont know anything about IVF, but hope it works out if you decide to do it.

Myles is starting to smile, i caught a really bad angle and the camera was on the wrong setting. He has dimples though! And we styled his hair last night after his bath... 80s punk is coming back!


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