All day bachaelorette parties are the only thing we know here in Iceland!!
The plan we have is as follows:
12:00 The host of Iceland got Talent (tv show) will go to her place and give her a list of things to bring with her. Takes her to her old car she had in high scool and drives her down town while they listen to her favorite tracks from high school.
At the same time all the girls show up in a pretty dress shop (60's & 70's dresses) downtown and we get champagne and chocolate. Then our bachaelorette arrives and gets to try on some dresses and we won't like any of them of course and end up having her dress in a costume like a country girl (she's from a farm in the East).
We also get some food and stuff there
14:00 we have all sorts of challenges for the bachaelorette to perform. Dance for pedestrians, find famous people, teach people laughing yoga in a park and just some funny stuff. she gets a shot after each challenge she completes.
16:00 we go to a Beyonce dance class and afterwards showers, hot tub and making ourselves pretty
18:00 food at a fancy place with cocktails
20:00 party at my place with some games, penis cake (of course) and some other stuff until we go down town until we drop down, haha.
It'll be great fun!
But believe me, I feel old at times too, it's just so many things to do these weeks and I just forget about my age and decide to have fun

bowling tonight and then party, it'll be great!
Sorry SJ, I didn't mean to sound rude when I said BD every other day. I just did it for the first time last cycle afther Steph recommended it and I got pregnant! So I'm doing it again this cycle. If your DF is not very interested in BD-ing perhaps you should have a little talk liek Terri says, or have him talk to someone. Some people are just genuinely not very interested in sex but when you're trying to make a baby people just have to perform. It's not good to feel pressured either so I really urge you to have a talk about why he's not more interested and tell him that you need to be on the same page... sorry for being a bore, I just want you to be happy darling
Terri: It's good to sweat! I found out I sweat terribly when pregnant. As soon as my hormones went back to normal I stopped sweating so much... so... perhaps...? Your chart is looking awesome! Can't wait for you to test!!!
Steph: So sorry to hear about your friend's mom

Hope you can find comfort in reminiscing the good moments you shared together

Hope your grandma isn't too weak., Hope you can see her again sometime int he coming months...

Grandma's are the best!
Hear from you soon my dearests