3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Lfrans, so nice to see you stalking :) Thank you for the kind words, I'm even more enthusiastic about getting pg again after this, I saw how much we really wanted this... So, fingers crossed :)
Myles is adorable!!! :) such a beautiful boy :)

Thanks SJ ;)

Terri: YOUR CHART!!!:thumbup:
I'm back from my trip so let's see what my temperature looks like in the morning. I did have a few beers over the weekend so hopefully I didn't ruin anything. My blood test is on Wednesday and I'm nervous to test before then so I probably won't. We'll see how I feel in the next few days. As of now, still feeling nothing. Hee hee.

Lfrans-I see those cute dimples. Glad Myles is keeping you busy and happy.

Drauma-sorry your coworker is so rude. You should ask her the same in a month. What a @$)(?/. People just don't know what to ask people. It's so rude!

SJ- I think you are about to ovulate with those low temps so get ready!!!

I need a nap! Seeya.
Hey ladies, I've been stalking. It's been a rough week for people around me health wise. A friends son has a brain infection and has been in the hospital awaiting surgery. Looked really scary for a while but it's looking better for the little guy now. A new friend from her was just diagnosed with advanced breast and bone cancer...she has 2 young boys and a 3 month old girl. I can't imagine. And my friend who through my baby shower,my mom and get mom grew up together...she's been fighting cancer for years and was so great, looked beautiful and healthy at the shower, suddenly took a turn for the worse, she's in the ICU and the family is facing tough decisions. So much sadness for young families I just am at a loss right now.

Terri I hope you had a great ride! Lots of people drink before their bfp. As long as you weren't plastered, I doubt you were, it doesn't cause early miscarriage (according to the govt) . So at the edge of my seat hoping for that bfp for you!!!

Drauma seriously what the @$*$*$* why would anyone say that to another human? Geez.unless it's a cultural thing (it is in Japan for sure) but the way you say it makes it sound not. Some people!

Sj sorry your df is being a poo. I'm huge on quality time with my significant other...so I'd be pissed. If he wants to be the father of your babies then he has gotta be nicer!!

Lfrans he is so freaking adorable!!! You're setting the bar too high I won't be able to post any of our girl hehe

Take care everyone
Aw Steph thats so bad. I remember when a girl my age who has two oung kids, she got breast cancer. She battled through and has the all clear now but i cant imagine how she must of felt knowing she may leave them,. awful. FX for your friends.

Terri your chart is a dream. FX i really really hope its a BFP!!

I got lots of egg white cm just then when i went for a pee pee. woop. so even though the opk is being useless, i am totally jumping on DF later. FX!
It needs to happen i am so sick of it now. All my friends and partners and kids came round last night we had takeaway. It was total mayhem, my fave wine glass got smashed and the house has got dirty little hands everywhere but omg it just cemented what i already knew, i want a child so bad!! I want a mini me (us) i want the chaos in my life.
Steph-Hope your friend's son is ok and they were able to get everything cleared up. Sorry to hear about your mom's friend, and your friend with breast cancer. I hope everything turns out ok for everyone. I'll keep them in my prayers.

My ride was great! Thanks. And no, I didn't get completely smashed. I can't even remember the last time I was that drunk. It was a pretty chill party, thank goodness. My girlfriend's daughter (the mom is my friend, and hosted the party) has a 2 month old, and she doesn't know who the dad is, is on public assistance, and is just a mess. The little baby is cute though, but he has had jaundice and some eating problems. I'm sure he'll gain weight and all will be well, but for now, he's just a tiny little thing. I wish her the best, and wish she wasn't in the predicament that she's in.

SJ-Good call on reading your body signs. hee hee. It can't hurt either way!

My temperature is still about 98, so I'm happy about that. I wish I had those other two days readings, but no looking back now.

Hubs and I are going to DC for a baseball game in a few. The Orioles left town last night, and it's a beautiful day, so why not cheer for two teams that we don't care about? Yeah! hee hee. It'll be nice to be outside, either way. Can't forget my sunscreen. Enjoy your day all.
Steph: These are terrible news. I sincerely hope everything will be ok, bless them :hugs: It's so sad standing by and watching close ones get sick, knowing there's nothing you can do but try to be there for them. I send them all my strength to deal with their situations.

SJ: Hope you're BD-ing at least every other day your whole cycle. It looks really unpredictable! FX and hopefully you'll get your baby soon to make your life chaotic ;)

Terri: Hope the baseball game was fun. We don't have baseball here in Iceland. The biggest sport is soccer and then basketball and handball is also very popular but they are both indoors so that's no fun in good weather.

No news from me. Just trying to enjoy every moment of life. Massive schedule these days, always something going on and it's fine by me, I like being busy. Weather is gradually getting better so that's a plus as well. I am just hoping and praying that I'm extremely fertile this cycle and I get a sticky bean :)

I have a work party tomorrow night (bowling+fancy restaurant+party at my place) and then on Saturday I'm going to an all-day bachelorette party! :) Can't wait, it's going to be awesome :) :happydance:
All day bachelorette party? I've never heard of such a thing. What do you guys do all day? Here, most people just go to dinner, and then get totally drunk somewhere. Either at a karaoke bar or dance club or whatever. I was drunk with my motorcycle friends in Oregon, but the party at home was just a lot of fun-dinner, dancing and karaoke. hee hee. I'm such a :jo: sometimes.

It was really hot at the game. My hubs had to keep wiping the sweat off my bald head. HA!!HA!! That's love. The home team lost though, so that wasn't very fun, but the Orioles won..we watched the end of the Os game from a nearby restaurant.

My temp is holding steady...my bloodwork is tomorrow. I haven't tested. I'll just have to be surprised tomorrow afternoon when I get the results. :shrug:
Oh Drauma i love bowling!! And ill be honest and all day party doesnt seem fun to me. Unless im totally in the mood, i feel about 50! ha.
Oh and bd'ing every other day??! that would be heaven, My DF is a total loser, he does my head in, i'm lucky to get it once every two weeks!! This is why i'm so down all the time, He has no libido and mine is pretty high, like i'd love it every other day. It's so damn frustrating.

Terri we don't have baseball either, hehe, its football, rugby, cricket...football being the biggest, everyone is getting excited for the World Cup at the moment. Love your new pic btw. Ill be stalking tomorrow to see your results.

AFM, still had some EWCM today, and DF isn't going out tonight so hopefully can convince him to bd again tonight. I did OPK and its still a very faint line, it's taking ages this month!
SJ-Well it's better to BD prior to a dark OPK than trying to catch it afterwards, so as long as you get some time in now, you still have a chance. Don't be down. Just try to get it in before ovulation and then you can chill out in the TWW. That's what I have to do sometimes, although hubs like to think that I don't want sex. I just don't pressure him because getting turned down gets old fast. If he doesn't say anything, then I'd rather not be the one pushing so hard for it. We'll live! hee hee.

Thanks re: the picture. That is my beloved motorcycle in all her glory. I think I tried to give her a quick wash prior to our engagement photo shoot, but it's always a dirty mess because I'd rather be riding than cleaning. :haha: The photographer might have touched it up too. hee hee.

Hope everyone else is having a fantastic day today. My head is hot today but I don't think I got sunburned. hmmm...c'mon temperature jump tomorrow!!
I hope your temp jumps tomorrow for you. And i dont blame you for not testing because its so heart braking getting BFN's even when you know its probably too early.

Thats the dilemma i have, i feel bad mentioning i'm ovulating because then i feel i'm putting pressure on him to perform, but then if i don't we just wouldn't have sex. I tell you what, ttc is testing on the relationship for us. It's making me question a lot.
I hope your temp jumps tomorrow for you. And i dont blame you for not testing because its so heart braking getting BFN's even when you know its probably too early.

Thats the dilemma i have, i feel bad mentioning i'm ovulating because then i feel i'm putting pressure on him to perform, but then if i don't we just wouldn't have sex. I tell you what, ttc is testing on the relationship for us. It's making me question a lot.
Oh Terri I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!! I can't imagine not testing... For me, I'd rather know asap if I should keep hoping...but everyone's different sigh. Guess we'll have to wait!:thumbup: oh and the thing about the forehead sweat... Haha!! You crack me up!!

Sj once every other week?? Geez. Has it always been that way? Dh wants it every day but is very good about not pressuring me, especially now where every movement is serious effort! Hopefully you can get him to bd tonight. That's so cute about wanting that chaos in your life... Even aftera broken wine glass!

Drauma sounds like you had loads of fun... I agree with sj about feeling old now.:haha:

Well my friend's mom passed away this morning. It all happened so fast. Was expecting her to be able to meet my little one. I dunno. Talking to my mom yesterday solidified the fact my grandma won't b visiting this summer. I hope my trip home in April wasn't me saying goodbye to her, my rock, too.
Steph-I am SOOOo sorry about your mom's friend (wait, your mom's friend, or your friend's mom? sorry). That is just heartbreaking. I'm glad you got to see her at your shower, though. :hugs: And I'm also really super sad about your grandmother. Is her health bad? I LOVED my grandmother so much, and she passed away 5 years ago. I was so sad...she always agreed with me, and everyone else had to follow my lead according to her. HA!!HA!! Grandmas are the best. If you talk to her soon, send her my love from MD. Can you get out there once 'She-ra the coconut' is born? Do you have names? Are you going to share? I can't remember.

And on a funny note, I wish it was only forehead sweat. It was my entire head. Hubs left the game and got some napkins for me. HA!!HA!! Luckily, the sweat wasn't dripping down my face. It was just sitting on my head, hanging out watching the game.:rofl:

And finally, I can just wait one more day. I did read something today that a lot of people don't feel anything until 5-6 weeks, so if it turns out that I am prego (yay!), it'll probably be another week or so before I start getting some kind of notice. So...tomorrow afternoon I'll know for sure. Tomorrow morning my temp may tell me something questionable. fxfxfxfx :dust: :dust: hee hee.

SJ-I'm not trying to be in your business, as you know, but maybe you should have a talk with him and find out if he is really interested in having a baby. If he is, he has to at least TRY...you can't do it alone, and you certainly don't want to end up raising a baby alone, so he needs to be on board. Yes, these are the times when our relationships are tested, but Kyle knows what he has to do, and he tries his best to be on top of things when it's time because it's important to him and to me. Just talk to him and see what he says. Does he know everything that's involved? Sometimes it's best if they don't know so they don't feel so pressured, but maybe he needs to know so he understands. You know your DF and what types of things he wants to know. I get upset during O time too. Time is precious RIGHT NOW!!! hee hee. :friends:
All day bachaelorette parties are the only thing we know here in Iceland!!
The plan we have is as follows:
12:00 The host of Iceland got Talent (tv show) will go to her place and give her a list of things to bring with her. Takes her to her old car she had in high scool and drives her down town while they listen to her favorite tracks from high school.
At the same time all the girls show up in a pretty dress shop (60's & 70's dresses) downtown and we get champagne and chocolate. Then our bachaelorette arrives and gets to try on some dresses and we won't like any of them of course and end up having her dress in a costume like a country girl (she's from a farm in the East).
We also get some food and stuff there
14:00 we have all sorts of challenges for the bachaelorette to perform. Dance for pedestrians, find famous people, teach people laughing yoga in a park and just some funny stuff. she gets a shot after each challenge she completes.
16:00 we go to a Beyonce dance class and afterwards showers, hot tub and making ourselves pretty
18:00 food at a fancy place with cocktails
20:00 party at my place with some games, penis cake (of course) and some other stuff until we go down town until we drop down, haha.
It'll be great fun! :)

But believe me, I feel old at times too, it's just so many things to do these weeks and I just forget about my age and decide to have fun :) bowling tonight and then party, it'll be great! :)

Sorry SJ, I didn't mean to sound rude when I said BD every other day. I just did it for the first time last cycle afther Steph recommended it and I got pregnant! So I'm doing it again this cycle. If your DF is not very interested in BD-ing perhaps you should have a little talk liek Terri says, or have him talk to someone. Some people are just genuinely not very interested in sex but when you're trying to make a baby people just have to perform. It's not good to feel pressured either so I really urge you to have a talk about why he's not more interested and tell him that you need to be on the same page... sorry for being a bore, I just want you to be happy darling :) :hugs:

Terri: It's good to sweat! I found out I sweat terribly when pregnant. As soon as my hormones went back to normal I stopped sweating so much... so... perhaps...? Your chart is looking awesome! Can't wait for you to test!!! :)

Steph: So sorry to hear about your friend's mom :( Hope you can find comfort in reminiscing the good moments you shared together :hugs:
Hope your grandma isn't too weak., Hope you can see her again sometime int he coming months... :) Grandma's are the best!

Hear from you soon my dearests :kiss:
Drauma-That sure is a lot of activity, but it sounds like fun, and the people around town can be involved too, so that's pretty cool.

I have to admit that when my temp jumped this morning from 98.3-98.7, I was excited. I thought sure it would either stay at 98.3 or go down and then I would know definitively what to expect this morning. So, I jumped out of bed, took my shower, got ready (forgot to take my progesterone pessary), and off to the center I went. The phlebotomist was really excited for me and asked how I was feeling. I told her that I was freaking out on the inside. I'll get my results this afternoon, but hopefully they will call my cell and leave a message because I don't want to get the news at work. If they call me at work, I'm not going to answer. From there, I plan to get a Starbucks frappuccino because I got giftcards for my bday and I have found a new love in them. :coffee: So this is me the rest of the day.

Hope you all have a great day. <3 :flower: :flow:
yikes, terri, so excited for you! I dropped in to see what was going on. FX!!!
Oh god terri this is so exciting!!!

Steph i'm sending you hugs for grandma :)

Thanks for your input guys..its just hard to talk about this subject with him. I think its because he doesn't want a baby before we go on holiday next june. Basically i can only try to get pregnant the next two months before id have to stop, because of flying rules etc...he keeps saying 'do you really want to take a two month old baby on holiday' n stuff like that so i'm hoping that is his only reason he is being like this. Just means i'm going to have to wait months and months to try which sucks ass.

I am really down, but i'm trying to man up and just accept it.

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