3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

I got my results and they were negative. :cry:
My frappuccino is delicious though. :) I'll call the nurse and talk about next steps tomorrow. I don't want to talk to her this evening.
So so sorry, Terri. :nope: :nope: :nope:
Would you want to do another round of IUI? :hugs:

Drauma, enjoy the bachelorette party! :happydance:

SJ, my DF and I do not have high libido, so BDing every other day during my fertile period was quite tough sometimes. Every third day is fine too. Two of my friends bd-ed only once and both got pregnant that month. So, take it easy. :winkwink:

Steph, sorry about your friend's mom and hope your grandma will be just fine!!! :hugs:

lfrans, your Miles is so adorable. He really is. How is everything?

Tynmeg, how are you feeling?

DF's dad left this morning so I am very busy cleaning and working. I just want to spend next few days home, just doing my regular stuff and watching TV in the evening.

Talk to you later, ladies. :flower:
Yeah, we're going to do another round of IUI and then start IVF. Because I have a couple vacations in July, the timing won't really work out.
Oh good, another iui sounds good. Keep positive, this was just a warm up ;)

Im still getting ewcm today and my line has got darker on the opk. The only thing is, i'm at my mums and dads for a bit this evening and DF is at a meal with his new workplace, then going to play pool, which is usually a late night...i'm hoping i can mither him by text to come home for 11pm and will try and jump on him ;)

I spoke to him last night and asked him why he didn't want sex and if it was because he didn't want a baby, he said no its just that he isn't in the mood lately...dunno if i believe him.
Sj...I'm gonna tell you my story/give some advice from something I learned the hard way. Now hopefully it doesn't apply to you and everyone is different but I thought I'd blab anyway.

I was almost 22, happily married and on birth control when I got pregnant. We weren't expecting kids obviously, and I was about to graduate uni. I did think that if I ever did get pregnant, that it wouldn't be the end of the world and we'd move on. Cause we loved each other. Well, he was not thrilled. Wanted me to have an abortion. I said no way. We fought about this. Then I miscarried, to his relief. But the several months after that were the hardest. He wouldn't sleep with me or want to be around me (although he always assured me with words that he did) but he would subconsciously do anything to get away. So I left him...now if I had waited it through or gone to counselling, I'm sure we could have worked things out in the end. But I was just too hurt. Thought he'd never want a family...who knows maybe he does now!

Now I'm with dh and couldn't be happier. I often wonder though, what if I hadn't miscarried. I'd have a 5 year old! Crazy thought. Anyway maybe my story doesn't apply to you but I thought it might. Sometimes it's better to hold off if you're not sure. Wait with him to be ready for kids or move on, but getting pregnant with your oartner not 100% on board, no matter how devoted, can be a painful road to travel. (Especially when your parents believe divorce is the greatest sin in the world and you lose lots of friends/family stops talking to you...good times)

Terri sorry about the iui not working out. Hopefully the second time will be better and your dhs swimmers won't get lost!
Well, this is what i mean when i say its testing us. I don't want to wait, i really dont, i'm 28 in july and he is 35 now. I never in a million years would have thought i wouldnt have children by now, its crushing. I have never pursued a career (ive always had jobs but i mean im not job power crazy) because i knew since i was 18/19 that i wanted kids and to create a loving family like how i was brought up. And now ten years down the line i have a guy who despite being great with kids and loves kids, isnt damn well sleeping with me to create one. It infuriates me. but what i have learned is i cant let it get to me too much and if nothing changes in 6 months then i cant go on with this relationship no matter how much i love him if we dont want the same things i am not going to pretend i am okay with it.
Wow, that was a bit of a rant haha. I'm glad i have you guys to talk to. And thanks steph.
Wow Steph..what a difficult story to share, and I'm SOOOO sorry to hear that you miscarried. I'm sure it was the stress of the situation and maybe God knew it wasn't meant to be so he did you a favor. I mean, it's hard to think of it like that, but all that happened put you where you are now, so it's working out! Sometimes I think about how things would be different if I made different decisions, but I like where I am, so I'm ok with it all.

SJ-Good call on saying that you will give him 6 months and then you have to move on. I've had my share of frogs and I allowed them to stick around for YEARS. Well, thank goodness I dropped them all because I never would have found my husband, and I would've been stuck with losers. They were all fun to hang with, but none/few of them would have been good husband material. Sometimes you know what you need to do, but you are just scared, but you know truly in your heart that it's the right decision, and this seems to be the case. I was going to ask how old your DH is, but it doesn't matter. If he is not doing the things that are important to you, like spending time with you and coming home at a reasonable hour, he's trying to tell you something without actually telling you, so please take that into consideration as well. If you guys split up, I just KNOW you will find the cutest, nicest guy in town and he will want to make babies ASAP so that you end up being stuck with him forever! I just know it! You know we are here for you....now and 6 months from now. <3
Thank Terri, that means so much, watch this space huh!

Morning guys, just a quick one, i poas this morn and the line is more or less the same colour as the control line, so i am ovulating today, will it be too late if i BD tonight, late on, say after 11pm?
I'm going out tonight for my friends birthday and he is out, so it may only be when i stroll in drunk (bad i know) but this night has been planned for ages and i don't want to NOT drink just incase DF decides he isnt in the mood, then i've wasted a good night out.
sj-it may just be he doesnt want to bd on demand. my dh hated ttc. it was a schedule, not spontaneous. i had to force him sometimes and it made me feel like crap. we argued about it too. he also didnt want to bd toards th end of the pregnancy/ when it was confirmed baby's head was down. cuz he thought he would poke hkm and it would be like doing it with ur kid watching. lol. it may really just be the presure of ttc and not that he doesnt want a family. guys are also worried about their ability to have kids...

lenka- thanks! i cant believe he is already 2 months. how are u feeling??

terri - so sorry. :(

steph- wow, what a story. that must have been tough. om glad u are now happy with someone who wants a family with u

afm- life is good. myles os going to the dr today for his 2 mo appointment. we had our vaccinations the other day the local health centr ( its free their but costs at dr, so we did it at the free place). he schrieked and turned red. not fun!! but he is gowing like a champ, he is now 22inches and 11 lbs
Terri: I'm so sorry to hear about your results :( Glad to hear you're ready to go again. Now you know how this works and hopefully no stress this time so hopefully it will work this time around. You're a strong person and I know you'll get through this and your DH is there by your side supporting you. You'll make great parents when the time comes :) :kiss:

SJ, sorry to hear it has come to you giving him 6 months. I know from bitter experience that wanting different things is really, really difficult situation but usually it's best to put your own needs ahead of others. I do hope you'll be able to work things out though.
One thing that might help, I know because it helped with my boyfriend. Men really don't get that it can take months/years to make a baby. Most of them think it's just having sex at the right time, but us girls know it is just way more complicated than that. My DB wasn't as eager as I was to have a baby at first but then I explained to him that this process can take a very long time and I didn't want to wait too long to get started because of this. He was really surprised and started thinking about it on his own. I stopped taking my birth control pill and instead we used condoms and in about a month he told me he was ready to start so we stopped using b/c and now we're both on board with it. We both have lots of libido so we don't feel like we're just making a baby but I don't tell him when it's most likely to happen because that puts extra pressure on him so I just skip it. He feels like he's always making a baby, hehe, it's really cute. But after this m/c he really saw how much we both want it and it has brought us even closer. I just know that I would not be able to do this on my own without his support. You need to make sure that this is not the heavyweight of your relationship though. You need to have fun, enjoy being together and remember why you are together to begin with. Then the rest will hopefully follow :hugs:

Steph: So sorry to read your story. I think it's so beautiful that we're here, from all over the world, sharing our most intimate stories and parts of our lives we want no one to know in our normal lives. I am so lucky to be a part of your group, it's a privilege.

Lenka: Put those feet up and relax! :)

lfrans: great to get news about pretty little Myles :)

The bachelorette party is tomorrow, wow I'm looking forward to it. It will all be filmed and made into a video that will be shown in the wedding reception.
The bowling and work party last Wednesday was really fun. Started at 5pm and I got home at 7am!!!! Yup!!! I think I'm just partying like crazy for a while now because I was really careful for such a long time, hoping to get pg, and now after the m/c I just wanna party a little bit and then get back on track. I'm getting tired though, haha!
I've forgotten to tempt the last few days... Well... I never read much into my temps anyway, but I'll try to remember it from now on....
Work is hard today... For some reason noone is giving me any work load, one lady just brought me a cup of tea, hehe. They can see I'm trying to get better for the big day tomorrow. It's a work mate, the bachelorette, and everyone know about the party tomorrow except her. It's really fun and everyone is excited to see pictures and hear the stories. Some are even going to be down town to try to see us somewhere :) I'm the only one at work who is invited to the wedding, she's my work-wife and some people even ask if we are getting married, for fun of course ;)

Hope you have a nice weekend girls. If not, think some happy thoughts and the day will always get a bit better. :hugs:
SJ-If your line is positive, you are probably ABOUT to ovulate, so tonight should be fine. Good luck! lfrans is right too. I think my hubs doesn't really like the 'on demand' thing either, but he knows it's what it takes, so we do it. After about cycle 3 or 4, I got better at just coaxing him without talking about ovulation and stuff, so that was a lesson learned.

lfrans-Don't worry....Myles would have turned red at the doctor's office as well, so dont think that because the shots were free they did a bad job. He really is getting big! So happy for you. And two months. Waahh...I remember when he was a blueberry. HA!!HA!!

Hi Lenka! :flower:

Drauma-Have SO much fun tomorrow. It all sounds really exciting, and I love that everyone at work is also excited. The video is going to be played at the reception??!! HA!!HA!! That's awesome. You should let your hair down for a bit. Take time do to fun things for you, and then get back on the baby train. Enjoy it while you can!!

Thanks for the support about my negative results too. On the same day I found out I had a negative, another lady on the >35 found out that she had a chemical after her awesome IVF cycle, so that really put things in perspective for me on Wednesday. Things can always be worst, so I just count my blessings and move forward. I mean, what else can I do, really?

Have a great weekend ladies. I'm going riding! hee hee.
Hi Guys,

I'm just dropping in to say i'm going to leave the forum for a while. I prob will drop in and keep an eye on whats happening but i think i'm going to stop temping and poas. It's just causing to much agro, mostly because i'm getting obsessed.
I'm out this month anyway as we didn't BD in time.

I'll keep popping in. Good Luck Everyone xx
SJ: We'll miss you. Hope you give us updates every now and then when you feel like it. Take care of yourself and enjoy all the good you have going on. :hugs:

I had a great Saturday, bachelorette party was great fun! Yesterday was not as fun. I have never been so hungover. I even cried at one point! Couldn't eat anything, only managed to down a powerade and a gatorade as well! I'm a bit better today but I wanted to sleep for at least 10 hours more this morning....
I've had some eggwhite cm since last night so I'll BD tonight for sure, I just really couldn't do anything yesterday, I was just in bed, dying. I don't think I'm ovulating though, haven't felt any tingling feeling or anything and compared to last 2 cycles I'm ovulating later than this I think. Well, never too sure though so BD today and tomorrow just to be on the safe side, hehe!
How was your weekend girls?
SJ-Noooooooooooooooo!!! Don't leave us...Ok..if it's better for you to leave, we'll be ok. We will miss you though, so please stop by periodically and let us know what's going on. best of luck to you. :kiss:

Drauma-Glad to hear the party was a success, but sorry for your horrible hangover. I'm glad I don't have those anymore.

AFM-I guess you can say that AF started last night/this morning. My body sure is strange. I get a drop here and there, but it's only when I go pee. My stomach was hurting yesterday and I was wishing AF would just start, and it was just a drop or two, so that will have to count. I'll schedule bloodwork for Wednesday morning and maybe they will see that my lining is still thick or whatever. I don't know what to tell them. I also have to order more IUI meds today. My weekend was really boring. I was tired the entire time. It was quite ridiculous. I went to bed around 10:30 both nights and I was still yawning in church. I went running Sunday morning with hopes that I would get some energy and nothing. And yes, I took an IC on Sunday morning prior to my run (HA!!HA!!), just to make sure nothing bonkers was going on and it was negative. Maybe I'm having some depression (and that's why I'm so sleepy, lethargic, lazy). :shrug: I rode to work today to lift my spirits, so my adrenaline will be pumping when I get home today for a little bit.
Sj I'm really sorry to hear you'll be taking a break from b&b. You had so much to contribute!! But I understand the emotional stress of ttc so take the time off you need. And hopefully you'll come back soon!!

Drauma that hangover sounds soooo awful. Did it take more than one day to recover? The last real hangover I got was 3 years ago at st paddy's day. Oh so dumb. I had to work the next morning and my coworkers all told me how awful I looked...plus I had to do manual labor at work and was paired with the old Filipino guy with a hurt knee (so if I didn't do my part, then I'd really look bad)...and he spent the whole day chastising me haha! Never again!! Maybe this will be your last, too!

Terri how are you feeling? Any appts? Did af arrive full force? Depression is totally normal...and I'm glad your moto is there for you when you need it. It's a very loyal bike. I pray this is just a bump on the road to a pregnancy bump! How are you and dh doing through all this?

Lfrans more pics, please! Also when your abs separated, did they separate a lot? And could you feel a big gap? Did it get numb there? I feel like mine have a lot but I don't know.

Afm the house is coming one day at a time. There's still so much to do before babypocalypse. I've felt like she was going to come early this whole time but now that I'm getting close, I doubt myself. Tons of braxton hicks and she's hanging so low. But I feel tons better than I had a few weeks ago with the chronic back pain.

Lenka how is your pregnancy going? Are you feeling more connected in California? It's so hard to find a group of friends. I hope you can find a new mom's group!

Well enjoy ladies. It's sunny and warm here like 27c 80f. Perfect perfect!!
Steph-25 days to go!! I can't believe it's here already. I bet you'll be ready for her to come out whenever she's ready. How exciting.

No, I didn't really get an AF. I wore a pantiliner all day yesterday, and not much really left my body. Tomorrow I'll be going for my CD3 bloodwork. I won't be surprised if they tell me that my lining is thick. I can't remember, but I think Clomid either causes people to have too thin a lining or too thick a lining. Hmmm...I'm too lazy to research it, and I'm not going to think about it. I'm just going to show up in the morning and see what they say. I did order my meds for this cycle, and maybe this will be it. I do feel much better today, and my ride yesterday was great. Yes, my bike is loyal-she's also a taurus the bull, like me!

Just plodding along. :coffee:
Steph: I think I still have leftovers from my hangover.... I was horrendously looking at work on Monday and yesterday was okay again. Today though I was sooo tired when I woke up! Couldn't get out of bed until 8:15!! I was feeling a bit queasy and I haven't had much appetite for weeks now... I hope my body is just prepping for a new pregnancy!!
Your hangover from 3 years ago still sounds really fresh, hehe, I just want to forget my hangovers as soon as possible :)
Good to hear house is coming along, I'm sure you'll have what you need when baby girl arrives :) Try not to worry about it, all she really needs the first weeks is just some clothes, cot and her parents :) :hugs:

Terri: I'm really interested in seeing what the blood work says and what explanation they give you for no AF this time. Could it be delayed because of thickening lining or absent due to thin/absent lining...? I am too really happy that your Taurus wheels are always there for you to cheer you up :)

Not much going on with me... I'm so tired in the mornings that temping wouldn't really do anything, I wake up and snooze 5-10 minutes at a time and forget to temp and I drink water and name it... I just think I'll stop temping while I'm getting through these weeks... For the past 24 hours we've had no water at home, the whole building (24 apartments) is under construction, lining the cloak pipes or what it's called in English. That means no water, shower, laundry, toilet or anything from 9am yesterday until 6pm tonight at least. We have these fancy (read: disgusting) portable toilets outside the house.... gladly I managed to visit the mall (late night opening last night) and pee there last night and hold it in until I got to work this morning so I didn't have to use the parking lot toilets!!! So happy I don't live on the far end of the house though, their pipes won't get fixed until 6pm Friday so that's more than 3 whole days of no water and stuff!!! I would die! It's okay when on a camping trip but not at home!! No sir! :growlmad:

I've been doing a bit of reading from other ladies on the web on how things went after an early miscarriage, they're really different, but it's nice to read them to see how different people are so I'm not getting my hopes up of getting pg straight away, but hopefully in the next months :)
I'm going to copy my post from my >35 thread because it's a lot of typing. I am not feeling in the best mood. I found out my boss is out, so I may end up taking a half day today. But...I may want to save my day and use it for vacation in July. It's not like I can't just sit here for another half a day. HA!!HA!! Anyway, here's my post:

~~~~I went in and thought I was getting bloodwork and ultrasound. They said 'Oh, since you're not prego, we will just do ultrasound.' Fine..it was my doctor doing the ultrasound, so I said 'My period was seriously one day. Is that normal?' He said 'Well, it's better than 10 days.' I shrugged because I'm not sure that's how I feel today. Then we get started on the ultrasound and he said 'hmm...this is a tricky one.' moving the probe all around and it looks like outer space to me with some land masses to jump over. 'hmmm...fibroid'...click click...moved the probe around...click click click..'Ok. Someone will call you this afternoon.' I was like "WHAT?!' Then I said 'well, how come those weird things were all around?' He said 'that's how it's supposed to look. See you later' I just got up and noticed I didn't have my paperwork. Then the nurse said "Did you get bloodwork?" I said "No, they said if there is a cyst I'll get bloodwork but otherwise no.' So then they had to check, and then they said 'it's been over a week since your pregnancy test, so we'll just do one more before you take clomid tonight.' It's been a week +/-15 minutes. I was like 'What.ever.' I did the bloodwork and then I left. ~~~

The last time I went in, and a lady did my ultrasound, she told me -your lining is 8mm, you have three follies on your left side, and 4 on your right (or whatever), and she told me the sizes, etc..Today, he just did his readings and that was that. when I hear back today, I'm going to ask exactly what I had. Not sure if a fibroid is the same as a cyst, so I'm going to look that up too. I understand the doctor being relaxed and not worried about stuff, but that doesn't help me feel calm and relaxed. Most likely, I'll start my Clomid tonight and wait for O/IUI. Hubs ordered Fertilaid, but it's not here yet. I didn't tell him his counts were a little low. It doesn't matter because we'll move to IVF next and they will pick out the best sperm for fertilization, so why bother him with bad news. Guys are so sensitive about this stuff, and I don't want to upset him. I hope this month it works. I'm at the 10 month mark. :growlmad:
It would be one thing I'd it were an ultrasound tech being so vague and having terrible bedside manner because they aren't allowed to tell you anything but a doctor....they CAN. What an insensitive ahole!!!!:growlmad: don't make me come down there and make me unleash this hormonal rage I've been dying to get out!!

Maybe you aren't like me but I get frazzled on the phone with doctors so a list of questions ready to fire might help you get your answers. My aunt does this...even has a mental list of retorts for answers she gets when she takes my grandma to appts... She is a force to he reckoned with yikes! :haha: also I keep on forgetting to say thank you for the kind words to my grandma...you are so sweet! I'm so happy you had such a special relationship with yours, too. She sounds like she was an awesome lady!!

Drauma I think the point of awful hangovers is so you DON'T forget about them :haha: also the no bathroom situation sounds terrrriibblleeee. I have a bladder condition that's worse while not pregnant so having to run outside to a port a potty 3x a night sounds like the WORST. hope they don't delay in fixing the water!! Plus people start to get stinky ewwww

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