3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Thanks Terri. You're right--we should just take an evening off and go on a real date. We tried on Saturday evening...but we ended up eating at 4:30 PM and yawning the whole time haha! The bartender told us we were too young for that. So exciting you had a party last night! Perfect timing. Glad you're feeling better and you've got a couple good follicles ready to go and also that your doctor wasn't such a poo this time.

I had been having a lot more uncomfortable contractions but they kinda stopped last night with the stress. Thankfully, my dog is back to her normal self again. I think because we locked her in a separate bedroom downstairs she thought she was in some serious trouble. She's lying on the futon next to me and her face still smells ugh but I just wanted her to feel like I didn't hate her just because she fails at common sense.

Where'd the rest of you go?!
Oh Steph, a skunk!!! omg, sorry i did laugh but it's not really funny, i hate thing that smell bad ha. Poor Doggy. I bet she was sulking at being put in the other room. We've had to resort to hutting the cat in the kitchen at night because she keeps waking up early (between 4:30am and 6 am) and scratching on the door in the hallway which wakes us up and she doesnt stop till she gets fed! It's one of the reasons why i havent been temping, because i end up running downstairs half asleep to feed her then coming bed n realising my temp wont be acurate when i take it at 7! Arrgh.

Terri, I hope it works out this month for you, it's frustrating with men isnt it, you dont want to be a nag or put pressure on them but you just end up thinking "Make an effort!!"
I have quit smoking (6 days now!) Still trying to lose weight, and cut down on drinking, all to aid getting pregnant and my DF has dont nothing. He wouldnt even 'remember' to take supplement tablets to aid his swimmers! He is just lazy, he thinks it'll just happen.

Drauma it sounds like you have been having lots of fun!!!

AFM, my chart said i was due on 2 days ago, but since i think i ovulated later then last time i think im only due on saturday. It's quite interesting when i overlay my chart actually, it's kinda similar, apart from a lot of missing temps...


So next month i'm going to try again, i'm not telling him when i ovulate and im going to try and initiate bd as much as i can so its not just at that time of the month ;)

...and i just cant stay away from here. :)
Hi! I started taking GNC fertility blend the beginning of this cycle ( 3 wks now) and I have noticed a difference inmy hormones, my CM, etc. I actually had ovulation spotting for the 1st time ever on saturday. I am currently 4 dpo. NO hairs on my chin ( hormones cause a small amount every month this time) !!! lol
Glad all is going well, lfrans. Time does fly. I can't believe it's been 10 weeks that Myles has been in our lives. hee hee.

Yeah I was hoping last month was it too, but now I'm ok with it not being this month because I have a motorcycle convention in TX coming up early July and I want to ride there, so I'm ok if this cycle doesn't work either. If it does, I'm just going to have to be super careful on my ride down. Either way, it'll all work out.

My husband started taking Fertilaid last week, and I have asked him AGAIN to cut back on his liquor consumption, and to stick to beer/wine (if that, but that's asking a lot), so maybe his guys will do a little bit better. I don't know if I told you ladies that I did not want to tell him that his counts were low. I'm just trying to suggest ways to increase it, and hopefully it'll work. Apparently, he hasn't realized that HE may be 1/2 of the problem. Time will tell..

Drauma/SJ/Lenka/Steph- :kiss: :flower:

Ha! They "never" think it's their sperm....lol

Mine stopped drinking completely this cycle- but still smoking : (

let me know how the fertile aid works for him, I started the female version the begining of this cycle and can already feel a difference.
Hi! I started taking GNC fertility blend the beginning of this cycle ( 3 wks now) and I have noticed a difference inmy hormones, my CM, etc. I actually had ovulation spotting for the 1st time ever on saturday. I am currently 4 dpo. NO hairs on my chin ( hormones cause a small amount every month this time) !!! lol

Hi, What the GNC Fertility Blend? Sounds interesting.
Hi emmeeanne,
Why don't you introduce yourself? This thread has been going a long time and it's nice to know who you're chatting with. Where are you from, how long ttc, etc.

Best of luck to you this cycle.

SJ-welcome back!! Your chart does look similar, but that's usually the case. After you do a couple you can kind of predict when everything is happening. Sorry the cat has been driving you crazy along with DF. He really does think it'll just happen. Hopefully it will, but he's going to wish he changed his stripes sooner if it doesn't.

Today's World Cup game was great. I'm so pumped for the matches this year. Too bad I have to work during the day. Hee hee. I'm really looking forward to Saturday after my IUI when I can just sit around feeling bloated and watching soccer! Yeah!
Sj- have you tried murdering the cat? It's very effective. I almost did that with my roommates' cats after they meowed and scratched all night. Stupid self control.

Oh and have you tested??

Terri I know what is with all the afternoon games?? I'm rooting for Uruguay as always! Are you team USA? NBA finals on Sunday and it looks like the Spurs will win! My in laws are actually going to be at the game Sunday so that will be nuts if they win their last game!! Mil said she had a feeling the baby was gonna go during a spurs game ...so hope she's right

Enjoy sports watching while chilling on a couch feeling bloated! Let us know how the tests go!
Steph-I'm rooting for Brazil, but more importantly, I just like watching exciting games. The Spurs/Heat games have been crazy. I guess the Heat are just tired. It's fine by me though because I'm tired of hearing/seeing LeBron and my dad's in San Antone, so I will cheer for his new team. I have a picture of my foot at the Spurs stadium. I'll have to find that pic and put it on FB or something. hee hee. Go Spurs! That would be awesome if your family was there during their final game.

I'm going to get drenched riding home. I don't want to go outside and get my rain gear because then I might be jinxing myself. Ho hum...what to do, what to do.
And the two day bloat begins before the TWW. I went moto. riding after I got home from my IUI, with hopes that I wouldn't feel so bloated and yucky. It didn't help, and hitting a few potholes/bumps also didn't help. I'm back home now in sweats and watching tv. Hubs is at least consistent. He had 2M post wash (again!), and 99% motility. I guess the 99% was good, but I don't think there's much hope for his counts. Oh well....there's nothing I can do about it now. We're going out tonight, so it'll be nice to have a good dinner, and hopefully we can back the IUI up with another 2M. HA!!HA!! He'll have to avoid touching my stomach.

That's the latest...hope you guys have a great weekend!
Hi ladies,
I've been trying to catch up on the happenings.
Good to see you back SJ and nice to have a new member Emme! Welcome this is an awesome group of ladies.
Steph- you're still holding in there, less than 2 weeks to go now! So exciting! I wish you the best and can't wait to get the news, when, weight, length and a picture. ;)
Terri- I love your attitude and your positive outlook on things. I hope this is your month. Are you still planning ivf next month?
Lfrans- great to hear from you! Baby Myles must be getting so big.
Drauma- how's everything going with you? Hope all is well.
AFM-things are wonderful! This lil one is growing and seems to be doing great. 12w 3d and can't wait for the 1st trimester to be over. We went for the nt scan on Friday, and baby wouldn't get in the right position to get the fluid in the neck measurements but that meant they tried for a long time. It was over an hour that we got to see lil one moving and stretching and kicking and punching. So amazing! Baby was measuring 3" and the heartbeat was 180. :) They made me another appt for next Thurs to try again but I'm not sure if I'm going to go yet. It's a 5 hr drive each way plus the cost of a hotel and meals and what if the baby still isn't in the right position. I don't know, I'd like to know if there is anything wrong but is it just a sign that everything is ok and to stop worrying?!
Hi ladies!!!
Wow so much happened :)
Love your plum Tynmeg :) So happy everything looks great for you and your plum baby :)

Steph: Wow, so close now. My friend had a baby this weekend 5 days overdue and my gosh she is so tiny and cute and adorable!!

Terri: Hope you don't feel bloated for too long and FX that 2+2M worked this cycle :D I love, love, love the world cup! Spain is my team... hahahaha, lost 5-1 in their first game. What's up with that??? I think I better find another country to support, just in case Spain doesn't go further! I played football (soccer) for 13 years myself and it's my favorite sport so this is an exciting time for me :) There's and Icelandic kid in Team USA. He's half Icelandic, half American. His name is Aron Johannsson, 23 year old cuteness. It'll be fun to find out if he gets to play. He chose team USA over the Icelandic team because he thought he'd get more opportunities there... Now he can never play for Iceland so I'm hoping he gets to play a little bit at least.

lfrans: Hope Myles is doing great :) He's such a cute baby!!!

SJ: So happy to see you back and it's great to hear that you're back on track and optimistic about the next cycle :) Funny to see your insane charts, there is consistency in there... somewhere! hehehehe :) I'd say you're ovulationg arond the big 2 day dips you have in the middle of the charts :) Hope you're able to get some BD-ing done at the right time and then some at other times :) :hugs:
Sorry to hear about the cat problems, is it possible to feed her before you go to sleep so the food is there waiting for her when she waked up early?

emmee: welcome! Please tell us more about you :)

AFM: Nothing going on really. I think I ovulated this weekend (without being sure though) I've just had sore boobs and been veeeery interested in BD-ing and not tired at all. Sounds like OV-party. I am sooo hoping this was the last ovulation I needed to make a healthy bean, it took it's toll losing the other one, but if it doesn't happen this cycle or the cycle after this one I am prepared to go back to the doctor like he told me to. Then I'll ask DB to do a sperm count and we'll cover everything. Just gonna let these 2 cycles pass first... and watch football :D
Today is also the last time I'm going to drink alcohol for a while. I know it's Monday but tomorrow is our Independence day so I'm off work. We have a big work party that I've been planning for 2 months now so hopefully it'll be great fun. Then I'm going to start exercising more and live a healthy life, I'm fed up with parties and drinking! :) :thumbup: Next weekend we're going to have a nice little camping trip to the south of Iceland. Wee the beautiful waterfalls that are there and stuff. One of them is one of my favorite waterfall in the country, it's called Seljalandsfoss and you can walk behind it, it's so nice. Here's a picture of it: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Z4rZ1FUK...10/s1600/Seljalandsfoss+Waterfall+Iceland.jpg
Drauma-That waterfall is beautiful..and the people walking behind it is pretty cool too. A nice camping trip away sounds like a lot of fun. Good call on your healthy lifestyle. I'm right there with you. I've started running again, although the soccer games start at 3, and I get home at 4, so it will put a dent in my match watching, but I need to get back to doing something! Otherwise, I will continue being a lazy blob. I actually ordered a salad the other night at a restaurant. Of course, I was too "full" to eat real food, but it was a start.

I'll be on the lookout tonight for the cute Icelandic guy. Sorry about Spain losing. The games were all good yesterday. Switzerland/Ecuador, Honduras/France, Argentina/Bosnia. All so exciting!

Steph-If we don't hear from you, we're all wishing you the best!! Can't wait to see pictures!

Lenka-Hello? How are you doing? Don't leave us!!

Tynmeg-Glad to hear things are going well, and yes, I emailed my doctor about moving forward. I think I have to set up an appointment to talk about it first though. I have to check and see if he responded. I just want to order BCP before I go on vacation. I get my bloodwork on Monday 6/30, and leave for vacation on Thursday, 7/3, so I want to be prepared for IVF. Can you go someplace closer for a checkup, or do you have to drive 5 hours? Maybe it'll be ok to wait until your next scan. I would be so torn...good luck deciding. Are you going to find out if it's a boy or a girl?
Drauma that waterfall looks amazing!! wow. not jelous at all...honest! :)
Spain is my 3rd choice after England (of course) then Colombia (my sweepstake at work) but then spain because of Xabi Alonso ( i lurve him)
I hope i get some bd'ing too! haha
I feed the cat at 6:30 am and 5pm ... i think she just gets bored and its getting really light in the early mornings now. Summer is here.
Our weather is really weird, last week we had sun, clouds, rain storm, thunder, lightening, hailstone! then sun again all in 3 hours!

Tynmeg a 5 hr drive is crazy! i'd leave it. i'm sure your baby is perfect. :)

Terri - My Cousins gf just told us today she is pregnant, they did iui. It's early days. I'm happy for them as i can tell it's been getting her down as it's all she talks about on facebook. I'm so optimistic for you, and like you said, you have ivf to plan if not.
FX xx

AFM - i'm struggling with my diet, im mostly sticking to it but i have snuck in a lot of chocolate recently and ive just been maintaing my 7lb loss. I really need to kick myself into gear but i think im just comfort eating and i cant stop myself.
I hate this 2ww to ovulation, eurgh. Didnt see much of DF over the weekend so hoping to spend quality time together and an early night.

Anyone heard of this pineapple core thing? i'm going to google it..
So i just googled it...

It is thought that bromelain in large doses can cause uterine contractions and interfere with implantation of an embryo -- although clinical evidence in this area is lacking too. Some cultures even use pineapple to induce miscarriage or start labor.

There is really no concrete evidence for or against pineapple, but there are many positive anecdotes on the internet about it.
- First talk to your doctor and acupuncturist/herbalist about it
- If you are taking baby aspirin, a blood thinner, remember that pineapple is also a mild blood thinner and too much could lead to miscarriage. Ask your doctor before taking both.
- Don’t start eating pineapple until after ovulation as it can actually inhibit pregnancy if taken too early as the acidity of pineapple can effect cervical mucous
- Cut up a whole pineapple, cut the core into 5 pieces and eat once piece daily starting the day after ovulation/IUI/IVF transfer
- If you don’t have a fresh core, eat one cup of pineapple meat a day once a day starting the day after ovulation/IUI/IVF transfer.
- Canned pineapple has been heated which destroys the Bromelain so you have to eat fresh pineapple
- Stop eating pineapple after a positive pregnancy test

- See more at: https://www.fertilityafter40.com/do...on-during-pregnancy.html#sthash.qJdFaJ1H.dpuf

Hmmmi eat quite a lot of pineapple before and after ovulation...i wonder if i should stop? or is it all silly. hmmm. Interesting read though.
Hey SJ!! Good to see you, and maintaining at your 7lb loss isn't a bad thing, so keep up the good work.

Good story about your cousin. Congrats! I just made an appointment with the doctor to talk IVF on next Monday. That way if this doesn't work, I'll be ready to take birth control the two weeks that I'm traveling. I have another week of vacation at the end of the month, but I will be around for most of the heavy duty stuff, so I think I'm ok with the upcoming schedule. Of course, I'm feeling positive about this IUI, so we'll just have to wait and see.

If you search on here, a lot of women are doing the pineapple core thing. I'm ok without it. I love pineapple, but I'm not willing to eat the core. Everyone has a trick, and I just feel like it's going to happen for me when the time is right.

I hope this cycle is yours, babe! Try your best to woo DF without him knowing. hee hee.
Johannson is going in at 22 minutes!! One of our guys got hurt. I'm glad he gets a chance for you and all of Iceland, Drauma.
Tynmeg oh my goodness how cute good luck! I probably wouldn't go for the extra scan and just wait it out til the 20 week. Are you finding out the gender??

Drauma--Seriously all your country does is party :haha: I wanna live in Iceland!! Pretty waterfall. Good plan on eating healthy. It's great for TTC and just normal life especially as we get older. Says the girl who had a snickers bar again today :blush: ..And some cookies.

SJ--I won't go on a rant about rumors spread on these boards that are only supported by anecdotal evidence and not scientific research. But if makes you feel better to try, then all means, do it! I just don't think eating a pineapple core is going to make any difference. However, who knows? You're in the TWW right? Also, have you seen the show OBEM? I've never heard of it outside of this forum.

I totally know what you mean about stress eating...I just can't help myself from the sweets when I'm bored/sad. Terrible habit! Are you on an exercise program, too?

Terri we won go USA! Nice job on getting back into running! Are you still feeling bloated? And the salad totally counts . You ate it so forget WHY you didn't have something else.

So very much hope you don't need that bc and the bloodwork comes back ++ Either way, your trip is coming up fast! I bet you're excited.

AFM I'm still here. The hope that she'd go during a Spurs finals game didn't work out but we're still happy "San Antone" won. I did some yard work yesterday and chores and completely just destroyed my body...but it recovered really fast and now feeling normal. So she probably won't be coming this week. :coffee: Just gotta enjoy these last few days to myself, I guess.
Steph-I stayed up for the entire Spurs game and was happy they won too! They deserved it. Yes, definitely enjoy the last few days. So you're all packed and ready to go, huh? How is the house stuff coming along? Are you ever going to tell us her name, or you're waiting until the birth?

The soccer game last night was crazy! I knew that scoring immediately would be a good thing, but trying to hold on until the end was just too much for me. I think our players started slacking off quite a bit, and that's why Ghana scored. However, I can't believe we had two people get hurt. I think a few others have gotten hurt thus far, but no one has gotten hurt in the games I've watched, so it was surprising to me that we lost two players. I'm just glad we scored again and won. Nailbiter for sure.

What is OBEM? I've never heard of that?

So funny...last night I made hamburgers with carmelized pineapple rings, candied jalapenos, bacon and fontina cheese. I ate my burger and then read SJ's information and it said 'canned pineapple won't work.' Oh well. HA!!HA!! I did also get a fresh one because I love them. I'm still not eating the core. :haha:

Oh, and my body is back to normal, thank goodness. :coffee:

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