3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Oh i didnt see the US game, to be honest ive given up watching now, unless colombia get into the semi's! I really wanna win this £40 at work haha.

I'm making this for my tea (https://group.slimmingworld.com/recipes/sticky-five-spice-gammon-steaks.aspx) I cannot wait!

Had words with DF again today, we went all weekend again with BD. It's frustrating now, its like he cant be bothered. I bought him some vitamins to make him less tired and give him essentials he isn't getting so fx he takes them. I hope it gets better soon. I really really don't want to end this i love him so much but i hate what he's doing at the moment. He is being so selfish. Anyway, rant over. I'm gonna check on my food!

Steph I hope baby comes real soon, i cant wait to see her! (oh please tell me you will send us a photo!)

Terri have fun in TX (Texas right?) I really hope your bike is fine. I couldn't leave it till last mintue, ha, i like to be prepared.
I think you have to be a member to look at the recipe for your tea. I'm sure it's something yummy!

Sorry about you and DF. Yeah, he does sound like he's being selfish and the decision is all yours after you've expressed your desires. He can either be on board or move on to the next train without you. It's really a very easy decision to make. :hugs: I hope it works out between you two though.
Oh man, it was sticky chinese 5 spice chilli gammon. I had it with baked potatoe, veg and a grilled banana. Weird but nice!
My chart... yeah SJ, I wouldn't try to work it out, hehe. I'm not temping or doing anything really, just logging some symptoms I feel and waiting for AF. I'm sure I ovulated already cus I've had massive boob pain and some pelvic pain as well. Then it stopped and now it has started again so I guess AF will be here soon. I got dozens of IC's and been testing a few but all BFN... I don't know why I'm testing but there's something in my body that is giving me the same feeling I had last cycle. That cycle I was SURE I was pg but I didn't get a BFP until I was CD 45... And cycle before that AF showed up on CD 41. Now I am CD 41... So while I'm not seeing dear AF I'm testing to see what happens.... Don't worry, I'm not obsessing, I am really prepared for AF showing up and a new normal cycle...
I am thinking about going to the cabin next weekend with DB... the camping trip was nice but we had the in-laws on our back the whole time so there wasn't much privacy....
It would be fantastic if I could surprise DB with a BFP at the cabin this weekend.... well, here's hoping:D
Sorry to hear abour your troubles with DF :( Makes me really sad! I hope you can work something out soon darling. And congrats on he weight loss, you're an inspiration!

Terri: How are you feeling? Your chart always looks like a textbook chart now that you're on the meds. Frankly, it's really impressive to see what the doctors can do :) I support you all the way throuh IVF if it has to come to that. I think you're being really realistic about things and I love it. Hope you have a great time in TX. These easy days will be awesome for you and I hope your bike treats you well :D

Steph... Hope you're ok. You're doing fantastic, staying so calm and collected through these last steps of the way. I went out for dinner with a friend of mine last night who's 37 weeks pg and she was having a hard time walking and eating really tiny portions and feeling overall bad... I really feel for pregnant ladies and then I so badly want to become one, hehe, life is strange!! :)

I've been sooo extremely tired, it's my third day off work now because I just can't get myself out of bed! Thursday, Friday and today, Tuesday, I'm sleeping until noon and really not being able to do anything :/ I hope I'll feel better really soon.

I'll leave you with a photo my mother-in-law took of me and DB at the beach this weekend :) You can see some of the funky landscape of southern Iceland as well :)

Drauma-You two are so adorable. That is a beautiful picture! I hope you get a BFP prior to going to the cabin as well. Your tiredness and the feelings that are similar to last time make me think you may have success again. I am really hoping so. How awesome would that be? I hope you feel better soon, too.

Thanks for the confidence on my chart. I think my charts have still looked a little wonky, but I can't really focus on that. I can't remember if I told you guys, but I went to my consultation yesterday. They didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, thanks to this site. It sucks that I have to go listen to the speech about how it all works and nod as if it's my first time hearing it. But...if my test comes out negative next Monday, I'll be ready to get started on BCP before my trip.

Steph-Yeah, you're doing amazing. :winkwink: Hope all is well. It'll be any minute now. Hope your hubs is all ready to get that phone call at work and come speeding home. hee hee. Is he freaking out? I'm freaking out for you, so you can remain calm.

SJ-Your lunch does sound delicious. Yum yum...i don't think I have ever had a grilled banana before, but I love the flavor of grilled food, so I'm sure it was super good.

Lenka/Lfrans/Tynmeg-:wave: Hope you guys are doing well. We miss reading your updates.
Thank you Terri <3 I hope you're right :)
I love love love grilled banana.... My version is not healthy though :/
I open it slightly on the long end, stuff it with pieces of a mars bar and grill it until choc is melted and the inside of the banana is moist. Then put it on a plate, add vanilla ice cream and voila!
It's just too good!
My friend is coming over to give my hair a little freshen up. She's going to cut it a bit and make it thinner, my hair is so thick it really bothers me...
Oh, she's here already, better get off my phone :)
Hello ladies,

Can't wait till next BFP in our small group!!!

Steph, any news? I can only imagine the excitement and nerviness just days before your EDD... I already started to get nervous about it...

Tynmeg, how are you feeling? lfrans, more pictures from you?

Terri, even if it is not your cycle, with IVF your chances are so much higher!!! But what do you think about twins, you know?

SJ, we all have periods of being selfish. Hang in there, especially if you love him as you admitted in one of your last messages. I do hope it will get better very soon!

Drauma, beautiful pic. One of my well-traveled friends went to Iceland recently and she said that she felt like she visited Mars, the country was so extraordinary and amazing. Keeping my fingers crossed for your BFP!...

AFM, nothing new here, still feeling great in the morning and so uncomfortable in the evenings. Yes, even small meals make you so full. I started getting presents from my baby registry from my friends. So grateful!!! It is a huge help. In the begging of August I want to start setting up the nursery, will post a picture once it is done.

Ladies, can you believe it is the end of June already. Crazy... Enjoy this summer as much as you can. lolol Hugs!
I know! This year has flown by, i cant believe it's summer already. Soon be christmas again!

Thanks guys for all your positivity, im so glad i found this thread and you guys.

Drauma your pic is so cute. :) Looks beautiful. Ah just imagine a BFP for your cabin weekend! jeez, FX, you never know! Oh and your banana dessert sounds so yummy!!

Ah Terri i know how you feel, sometimes when i read something basic or hear someone talk about ttc i laugh to myself and sometimes i get annoyed and feel like shouting "theres so much more too it!!"
Wow ladies, busy day! I like it! :thumbup:

Drauma--Oh my goodness that is an awesome picture!!!!! What a beautiful cliff in the background. I love your idea about the grilled banana. I have never been a fan of them but if you add ice cream and a candy bar, really, you can't go wrong. You're a genius. Keep testing, who knows that BFP might still happen! Esp with all that fatigue.

Lenka--Sorry you're not feeling so well. I really hope that you get the comfort level I've gotten the last few weeks. Honestly week 33-40 has been so much better than 23-32. So FX you just need to get over the adjustment phase of suddenly getting bigger! :hugs: Any photos of your bump?

Terri--I agree that your charts look awesome on this medication. You said you were going to test before you went in for the blood test so you don't have that awful waiting like before. When will you? Will you use Lucky FRER? Thanks for freaking out for me! It doesn't seem real at all. I'm sure I'll pop out the baby and it still won't feel real...a human is inside me seriously?? :shrug: How was your weekend in Philly?

SJ It's all been said before but sorry you're having troubles with OH. Did you get to BD yet? And really 10 lbs is awesome especially in such a short time! Slimming World really seems to work! You're so right about Christmas...yikes. My favorite time of year though :cloud9:

AFM I'm just trying to fill up my days so I don't sit around twiddling my thumbs just waiting for that first contraction (even though it would be unlikely during the day anyway). I've made some friends though and have been hanging out with people during the week which helps. It's STARTING to feel more like home here. Lenka do you feel settled in yet in California? These things sure take time :coffee: But the rest of the week I have nothing scheduled so I can only sweep the floor so many times before I go insane :haha: :blush:

Great hearing from you. Like SJ, I'm very glad I found this group here! :hugs: And am looking forward to that next BFP!!
OK Steph!! We're all rooting for you. I am so excited to see a picture of your new little girl! I'll be checking back as often as I can. Glad to hear you're making friends in your neighborhood.

Philly was great. My bestie and i always have a fun time. My friend Joe, whose birthday it was, was complaining the entire time, but that's what he does. I'm glad I only went for one night because I couldn't take the negativity for much longer. We got up early on Sunday, at brunch and were home by noon so I could relax HA!!HA!! We danced, ate a lot and just had an overall good time hanging with each other.

SJ-You feel like yelling. I totally hear you. People are like 'Are you having kids?' I'm like 'not this week.' hee hee. It's stupid.

I'm going to test on Saturday. My bloodwork is on Monday so I want to know before I go in for bloodwork. Today, I feel 100% normal, and that does not make me feel good. I wish you could have symptoms early just a SMALL warning. The fact that you don't get clear symptoms until after your missed period is BS. HA!HA!! I need to know now. I think today I'm 11dpo, so I should know already.

My dad was here for the past few days and he left early this morning. He woke me up out of a dead sleep so I'm super tired and have bags in my eyes, unfortunately. It's going to be a long day...

Steph-hope you are reading this in the hospital!:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:
Steph, aaaaaaa!!!! -)))) can't wait for ur update!!!! Wish u a smooth pleasant delivery! Hugs!!
Oh my god Steph!! Good luck! Can't wait to hear news :D
And yes, I'm not a fan of a grilled banana on it's own, but I love it the way I described to you... Go for it, I'm sure you're earning it as we speak ;) Push that baby out!! :)

Terri: I feel your tiredness, even though my dad wasn't the one to wake me, it was DB who woke me and told me it was time to go to work... Sad to say, I couldn't be bothered today either :/ I WILL go in tomorrow though, this can't go on like this.
So glad you had a great time with your bestie! It's so important to meet the people who make us feel good and I so get what you mean by not wanting to be around people who are full of negativity!
FX for Saturday!!!

Lenka: Yeah, I know what your friend means about Iceland being like Mars. Especially when driving to the city from the airport, there's like NOTHING on the way, just lava fields, pretty amazing. But then we have loads of pretty places here that are nothing like Mars, hehe. Very versatile island :)
Looking forward to see some photos :)

LMB27: Good luck to you too! :)

AFM: Just sleeping and watching tv... really boring but I can't be bothered to do anything else :( Perhaps I'm a bit depressed... but I really don't feel like that's the case, I just feel extremely lazy, tired and weak until like 3/4 pm I suddenly feel fine and can go on all night... Very strange!
CD 42 today and no AF.... *sigh*
Steph!!! EEEEEKKKkkk! Exciting exciting! Hope you have a fab easy delivery ;)

Um, no not bd'd yet but we had a bit of fp Mon night, aiming to BD Fri night, poss sat and poss sunday (but i have my smear on monday so not sure i should the day before?) thn deffo mon night. All depends on opk of course, and DF.
Christmas is my fave time of the year too!! :)

Ooh Drauma i wonder whats going on with you...i did think to myself that you might be down due to the m/c but if you don't feel thats it, it might be your body is just taking a while to catch up.

Terri the is never a good reason to be woken up before you have to get up hahaha. I know how u feel. I hate feeling tired!!!

afm, just plodding on. :)
Drauma-I was thinking the same as SJ. Your body is just trying to figure out what normal is. Sorry you're feeling so bad. It's almost Friday though if that's any consolation.

Steph-ice chips and steady breathing. :winkwink: hope all is well.

USA plays tomorrow at noon. I'm taking a half day, but I have training in the morning. Talk then!
Terri: Congrats! USA made it to the next round! :)

Steph: hope you're doing good :)

SJ: Yeah... my body is not keeping up.... I hope I don't have to wait too long for AF if she's on her way, I'm so eager to try again!
Yeah, I'm upset that we lost, but I'm also happy we're in the next round. It's better than going home. I hope the next game is in the late afternoon. I will be off work soon enough, but it would be nice to work a full day and then come home and watch the US play, and then go to the ball game. We have tickets for a seat in a fancy suite at the ballpark. Looking forward to some fun in the next few days!

Steph-Keep pushing and breathing!!! :winkwink:
Oh weird I thought I posted here....

Baby Emma Mae arrived this morning at 324 am weighing 8 lbs 4 oz! 25 hours of labor but it's done with and she's happily ...constantly eating. I KNOW I posted this you ladies were the first at b&b to know and I was feeling bad for not responding to your posts. Will do when things settle down!! Will post a pic later, too :D

I love her name and I am happy that all went well with the delivery. 25 hours of labor?! Yikes, but I'm sure you were well prepared. I'm so happy for you!!!

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