3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Oh Steph i bet you cant wait now!!
Yes i have watched lots and lots of OBEM episodes :) I Love it. not keen on the cesarean sections though, i don't like watching them.
I've only just finished AF so waiting to ovulate now. I dont think i will try the pineapple thing, after looking into it, it doesnt sounds good!

OBEM = One born every minute. its based in the UK. They follow bout 3 couples per episode from when they come into the labour ward till they have the baby :)

Btw Terri your dinner sounds so yummy!!
Yes Terri I got sooo hungry for a teriyaki burger after you posted that. We never have beef in the house cause I'm cheap but oh man...you know how to make a summer meal!

Sj I wouldn't be so keen to watch the c sections either. They give me the heebie jeebies!! Good luck on waiting to o. Not sure why I thought you were in the tww sorry :dohh:

Spent the morning ironing dhs work shirts and cleaning the fridge. Its 30c upper 80sf here and I'm melting. Who does the whole pregnancy through summer thing??? Sounds terrible!

If I could teach my child one thing, besides the whole empathy and be a good person thing, it would be that no matter how good of an idea it sounds like at the time...it's never wise to put leftovers in the back of the fridge. Never.
I saw a recipe online and printed it out a while back (Memorial day weekend, I think), so since we had burgers, I figured it was the perfect time.

Oh ok about OBEM. I guess that's like watching TLC, um...i forget the name of the show, Bringing home baby or something like that. There are a couple shows, but since I'm not home during the day, I have no idea what's on these days.

HA!!HA!! About the leftovers. Yuck! Hopefully your fridge smells nice and clean now.

Hope everyone's doing well! It's in the upper 90s today. I even wore a cute, work appropriate tank top to work. I rarely wear tank tops because i get so cold, but today I need it. No motorcycling for fear I'll get stuck in traffic in this heat. It's not fun.
Hello ladies,

How are you all doing? Drauma, SJ, GL this cycle!!! Terri, it has to be this cycle! When are being seen next time?

Tynmeg, so happy to see your updates!!! Steph, one week to go... lfrans, how is Myles doing???

I am doing fine, but I have to admit it is getting more difficult in the 3rd trimester. I am 28.4 weeks today. My bump is getting bigger, I get tired easily and in the evenings I feel all my organs being squished inside of me. I try to eat small meals, but it does not help much. And this restless leg syndrome is driving me nuts. And I have mild anemia (not enough iron), but it is very common, I just have to take extra iron pills.

Steph, you asked about our nursery. No, it is not ready, not at all. My girlfriends from Phila had asked me to create a baby registry and I did. lolol. It took me many days to choose everything I am going to need in the first few months, but the list is more or less complete. I am only buying bedding and diapers with all lotions and powders etc on another site. I want it to be organic. I also want to prepare a hospital bag one month in advance just to be safe.

My DF's mom and auntie are coming to visit us on July 1st for one month. I am trying to be excited about it... Will see how it goes. They are leaving July 30th, so I will have one month to finish all the preparation and just wait for our baby boy.

Good luck, ladies, this cycle. You, hang in there. In the meantime, just enjoy your life! It will happen when it is meant to happen. Cliche, but it is most likely true. Hugs.
Hey just a quick update. I had an appt today and they hooked me up to a monitor bc they were having trouble with getting a stable heartbeat bc she was so active. Then on thr monitor her heart rate dropped so they are worried about my fluid levels so I'm waiting on an ultrasound. This only worries me for 2 reasons: my hospital is extremely low intervention and usually we only get the one and two because I noticed water coming out of me a couple times, including today but I thought I don't want to sound paranoid ftm and it's probably just watery discharge.

Anyway just wanted to vent. I'm SURE it's fine but I don't want to worry family by telling them unless I have to. Will keep you updated ladies :D
What's the one and two mean?? Now I'm freaking out. Do you want to just be admitted? Maybe it's time!!!! Thanks for the update.

Lenka!! So good seeing you. I'm about to go out for dinner, but not after cooking a delicious pork tenderloin for my lunch tomorrow and dinner for hubs tonight. It just has olive oil and seasoned breadcrumbs. I seriously could sit and eat good food all day and not have a care in the world. That would make me happy. More later!!
Oh god, england are out! no sex for me tonight!

edit: just read everything quickly. Steph sounds like your ready!!! Keep us updated.
Hey Steph- we're all waiting for an update and sending good positive vibes your way.
Terri- you always seem to do so well in the TWW with symptom spotting and stuff. Any signs either way yet?
Sj- that sucks! The no sex part :) I always hate the wait to O day. But I hate waiting for anything. I'm very impatient.

Afm- We went back for that appt today. We were able to get the measurements so will get the results at my next dr appt on the 2nd. Baby was sleeping today, heartbeat was 147 ❤️ Lil hand resting on the face, sleeping away, so cute.
This is late because my phone was going to die so I couldn't update but long story short, baby is ok and I have a lot of fluid (Not surprising because I'm huge and I don't think the baby is!!) Thanks for your concern

The monitor showed all my contractions, and then during the ultrasound, I had a bunch more. Pretty regular at 5 min apart. So when I went back to the midwives' office for the ultrasound results, she commented on how frequent they were and asked me how far away from the hospital I was. I told her 30-40 minutes and she said "well, maybe I should check your cervix...just to make sure you should even go home!" Whaaa! I got all excited and went to go pee. She had mentioned earlier about them and how low baby was that I might not make it to my Tuesday appt.

Buuuut she did the cervical check and I'm only 1 cm dilated and 25% effaced. So she cheerfully said "See you Tuesday!" :growlmad:Dang you, cervix!!! Baby isn't coming any time soon even though I've had SEVERAL solid hours of contractions.

SJ--Sorry you won't BD tonight because ~*~*~URUGUAY~*~*~ beat England. Hopefully he won't be pouty tomorrow morning (or I guess this morning by the time you get this) and you can get a session in!

Tynmeg Thanks for checking up and also posting us on the status of your sweet sleeping baby! Sooo happy. As Terri asked, will you find out the gender?

Terri--you and all your delicious food!! That pork sounds awessommeee You had also asked earlier about a name but there is no name yet so yes we still call her Baby. So creative. You also crack me up with how you could finally wear a tank top to work when it's the upper 90s! :haha:

Lenka--good to hear from you again finally! If it makes you feel better, at 28 weeks 1. I felt HORRIBLE and wondered how I could ever make it through the next 12 weeks I was in constant pain 2. We had nothing for baby at all. We wouldn't even move until I was 33 weeks. So! Now I'm 38 weeks and feel much better than I did at 28, and the baby room is pretty much completely done. Even have the hospital bag mostly packed! It will all be ok...12 weeks is a long time that even a laid back procrastinator can get everything done :hugs: And you're not the procrastinator between the two of us! Good luck with the inlaw visit. A month is a really long time but here's to hoping they're helpful family and not entitled guests!
Steph-Glad you got to go home even though I think you actually wanted to stay. hee hee. Tuesday it is! Well, at least for a checkup. Glad all is well. Stop laughing at me and my cold bones!! This is why I need good food; to warm me up!

Tynmeg-Such a cute, sleeping baby. Glad all is well with you and your little one as well. As far as symptom spotting, it's a good thing I don't do it because I'd be crying every month. Now, I'm only a little sad when AF shows up, but I'm not all consumed.

SJ-I got so excited when England finally scored and Rooney got his first goal, but then when Uruguay scored again I knew you would be sad (and some other friends I have on this board), but Steph would be happy. Now Uruguay needs some other wins/losses in order to qualify. Time will tell. It was a very exciting game, though.

Lenka-I hope the visit from your mom in law and aunt go well. One month is a long time, but hopefully you'll be able to enjoy the time they spend with you. I go back for bloodwork on Monday, 6/30, but I'm going to test at home before then so I don't get the dreaded call that I'm not prego. It was pretty depressing last time. At least this time I'll have a heads up.

Drauma-Hope you're well.
Sorry I've been so absent lately girls... I check in here daily to read your updates but I just can't get myself to replying atm. I don't know why, I'm feeling a bit weird lately. I'm extremely emotional, getting angry at DB for NO reason at all, crying in bed because I wanted cake at midnight and I was too tired to get one... I think my hormones are messing me up. Have any of you girls who have m/c experienced this? My boobs are sore again and I feel my uterus area cramping... I really don't know what's going on :( I couldn't even get out of bed yesterday and today to get to work so I just called in sick... This is very unusual to me. And then in between I feel fantastic! :dohh:

Steph: What a relief to hear you and baby are doing fine. Hope you don't have to wait much longer sweetie.

Tynmeg: How cute does your baby sound?!? I wish we could have ween it :)

SJ: Sorry about England, I was rooting for them since my team, Spain, was crap... Now I have no idea who to support, hehe.

Lenka: I feel your pain! I met my friend 2 days ago who's due in 3 weeks and she was explaining the same thing... How she's tired after just walking to the bathroom and back. How she was trying to tidy up a room and had to sit on a chair and have her DF hand her clothes to fold and such... try to think about the wonderful time ahead when you meet your beautiful baby and you'll forget all about the pain :) Hope your in-law family will be of great help :)

Terri: You can send the heat this way, we had some good weather a few days ago but now it's just back to raining and 50-60 Fahrenheit (14-16C). Don't like it at all! Especially since I'm going camping tomorrow... Hope we'll get some sun! How are you feeling?

About the world cup, it's so sad to say that Iceland was one goal away from making into the world cup for the first time! If we had scored one more goal against Croatia we would have played the opening game against Brazil instead of Croatia!! How frustrating!

Hope you're all well, and again, sorry for being so much away!
It's ok to be absent Drauma, and yeah, it's probably your hormones messing you up, big time, but I have heard that others go through it, so just take it easy and hopefully everything will work its way back to normal. Have a great camping trip.

I feel good. I'm going to Philadelphia this weekend to celebrate one of my high school friends' 40th, so it should be a fun time. There are three of us going, and we'll find lots to do and eat. HA!!HA!! Then on Sunday, my dad comes into town for a few days. Not sure how much time I'll be spending with him since he has some business in the area, but as long as he doesn't bother my soccer watching, I'm ok. HA! Sorry about Iceland. It would have been nice to cheer for a team I never would have cheered for before meeting you. :)

Time for lunch, chicks. Seeya!
Aw Steph you are close! Oooh how exciting!!
And tynmeg i'm glad your scan was ace. Baby seems settled in there now :)

Dang Uraguay! Im not totally bummed because i'm a liverpool fan so was very proud of Suarez <3
Apparently we need Italy to win every game they play and by a few goals? I dunno i don't understand it all.

I have my cervical smear test on the 30th. Which is supposedly when i ovulate. Apparently it doesn't affect it but i dunno. i'm not going to reschedule though because i ovulated late last month so i'm gonna wing it.

Terri i'm with you on the food front, i love my food haha...but at the moment I'm just waiting for my veggie sausages and veg to cook then i am going out with a few friends to soak up the sun! I had a day off work today and sorted my garden out :)
Sorry SJ, Kosta Rica won against Italy so the last game doesn't mattet for England, they'll fly home after their gane vs Kosta Rica :(
Yeh we suck, haha. We invented football, and now we are the worst at it.

I am so rough today, i hate alcohol!!...but i lost 3.5lb at slimming world.
Cant wait to ovulate this month, i missed my temp this morning. It should be next weekend/mon/tues. depending on my body.

Where you upto Drauma? Are u due on now? Just had a peep of your chart.

Hope everyone has a fab saturday x

Edit: apparently football was invented in scotland but england set up the first league! didnt know that thanks google.
SJ-Good job on your weight loss! Yay!! And glad to see you're back to posting too. I missed you!! Interesting about Scotland inventing soccer. Who knew?

Steph-Good luck!! We know what may be happening! :winkwink: hee hee.

Philly was great! Had fun with my besties, and now it's time to get ready for my annual summer trip. Yeah! Oh and there were SO many pregos in Philly. I know that I am not hyperaware of that, but they were everywhere.
Thanks Terri, I logged onto my thingy on SW website and didnt realise it but i have lost 10.5lbs all together now. It's really motivated me today because i've been very down.
Where is your annual trip too??

Someone i know on fbook just had a m/c, it was ectopic...her levels where still rising so they have given her a chemotherapy drug to help her body stop it i guess but omg never knew that what they do!! Chemo! Obv it wont be a massive dose but still shocked me. Miscarriages are awful and i really feel for you Drauma xx
I'm going to TX next week. It's about 1700 miles from my house and we have some easy days planned, thank goodness! I have to try to get my bike in the shop this week or early next week if I can. I'm waiting until the last minute because I'm a slacker, so hopefully the shop can accommodate me and tell me nothing is wrong with my bike. Yikes!

Steph-You'll do great! :winkwink: hee hee. I like saying that!

Did you guys watch the USA game last night? Everyone here is heartbroken. We should have won that game. 20 seconds away from qualifying. *sigh* That Christiano Ronaldo sure is handsome though. I wouldn't mind watching more of him! I say that every year though.

I'm going to the FS today to talk about IVF. That's in a couple hours. I'm ready to just move on if this month doesn't work. I really would like them to just implant a 10 week old baby in my belly and call it a day. Yes, I'm at that point. HA!!HA!! I'll give my body to science to see if that's possible. :flower: :flower: <3
Haha Terri I totally get that!!! It would save a lot of stress. While we're at it, I'd like to go into labor right now. I'm ready.

Yes actually we did watch the USA game by accident....we were playing trivia at the pub. I had no idea that meant they wouldn't qualify I thought they were still going to play Germany??

Still creepy stalking charts here!
If USA had won, they would have automatically qualified. Now I think they have to beat Germany in order to get some points. If US loses, Portugal probably has to lose as well. They just need to win. I hate those what-ifs.

I'm sure you are ready to go into labor by now. This June baby is ready to go!

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