Sorry I've been so absent lately girls... I check in here daily to read your updates but I just can't get myself to replying atm. I don't know why, I'm feeling a bit weird lately. I'm extremely emotional, getting angry at DB for NO reason at all, crying in bed because I wanted cake at midnight and I was too tired to get one... I think my hormones are messing me up. Have any of you girls who have m/c experienced this? My boobs are sore again and I feel my uterus area cramping... I really don't know what's going on

I couldn't even get out of bed yesterday and today to get to work so I just called in sick... This is very unusual to me. And then in between I feel fantastic!
Steph: What a relief to hear you and baby are doing fine. Hope you don't have to wait much longer sweetie.
Tynmeg: How cute does your baby sound?!? I wish we could have ween it
SJ: Sorry about England, I was rooting for them since my team, Spain, was crap... Now I have no idea who to support, hehe.
Lenka: I feel your pain! I met my friend 2 days ago who's due in 3 weeks and she was explaining the same thing... How she's tired after just walking to the bathroom and back. How she was trying to tidy up a room and had to sit on a chair and have her DF hand her clothes to fold and such... try to think about the wonderful time ahead when you meet your beautiful baby and you'll forget all about the pain

Hope your in-law family will be of great help
Terri: You can send the heat this way, we had some good weather a few days ago but now it's just back to raining and 50-60 Fahrenheit (14-16C). Don't like it at all! Especially since I'm going camping tomorrow... Hope we'll get some sun! How are you feeling?
About the world cup, it's so sad to say that Iceland was one goal away from making into the world cup for the first time! If we had scored one more goal against Croatia we would have played the opening game against Brazil instead of Croatia!! How frustrating!
Hope you're all well, and again, sorry for being so much away!