Sorry guys, I've been away for way too long. Didn't mean to, I've just been so incredibly busy :/
Terri: I am so sorry for your loss. Big hugs

I am very excited about what's happening to you atm. I have never really understood how this all works, thank you so much for the details. I really hope this is your time and the first time will be all you need. Have you thought about how you'd react if you get multiples when it does happen...? Two girls at work are pg with twins, both naturally. So, so weird, but they're huge and adorable

Congrats on your new job and wow you look gorgeous in your blue dress!!!
I am crossing everything for you, you deserve to have this be your time
Steph: So relieved to hear you're feeling better about motherhood now. I get that baby blues are quite common and suddenly it just disappears and one can really enjoy being a new mom. I think you're doing a great job and I hope you have some good nipple cream for your sore nipples
Lenka: Hope you're feeling okay dispite the eating pain and restless legs.... Hope you're enjoying being pg in between

It won't be long until your boy is here, wow, feels like you got pg just a few weeks ago, hehe.
Tynmeg: So happy that everything is going well. I agree with you trying ivf next time since this one took so many tries with iui... I'm sure your little baby is a healthy one and eager to meet you and your DW

Has she thought about joining this chat? I would welcome her with open arms, I mean, she's also becoming a mom

Can I ask how you decided which one should get pg with this one?
SJ: Happy birthday last weekend! I'm glad you're trying this month and not telling DF. I really hope it'll happen this cycle!

Heard it's been insanely warm in the UK recently... feel free to send your heat up my way, it's been raining and windy here all summer long!

AFM: Wow, so much going on! My birthday was last Wednesday and I had my family over last Sunday for some cakes and stuff. On my birthday I took cakes to work and was there till noon. Then I went to a fance lunch buffet with DB and he gave me my present, it was a flight to LONDON in December and a hotel and a shopping spree!!!! I am SO EXCITED! I'm crossing my fingers I'll be pg by then and will be able to buy Christmas presents AND baby stuff

Then I had a party last Friday night for my friends so I've been really birthday-busy lately

Got loads of presents, I love presents!
As you can see in my chart, there's absolutely nothing happening! I'm on day 11 on the Primolut tablets (15 day dose or until I start my period). Had one day of tiny spotting, day 9, and then it went away... so I'm just finishing the dosage and waiting for AF. Then when it starts I start taking Pergotime on day 3 for five days. Hopefully it'll just work the first time around, Otherwise I have 2 more tries with pergotime and after that, if I'm not yet pregnant, we've move on to more serious stuff. But it should work in these 3 tries if there's nothing wrong... Crossing my fingers... and waiting for AF! Haha, so weird to be waiting for her like this... that's a first I can tell you!
I'll try to be more around from now on. My cousin had a baby on the 7th and one of my best friends had a baby on the 17th... can't wait to get to meet them both. My friend decided to name her bay right away (it's not usual here to name babies right away) and they named her Sylvía Katrín

Really pretty