3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Welcome back, Terri!! So glad you had a good time. Congrats on being secretary. What does that mean you need to do?

Tynmeg so very glad yo hear especially that you're feeling better and secure with this pregnancy. Also, it seems like you have some pretty awesome family! I know it's crazy how time flies. And yes, I will be honest...breastfeeding really is that painful. I would trade another labor for pain free feedings but they say it's worth it. It does get better though. Really! Then it's so much more convenient and healthy and cheap.

As for being a mother, it's much harder than I could have predicted. Nothing prepares you for how your world gets turned upside down. It's especially hard if you're a very independent person. They say it gets better too though!
Basically I receive the new member applications and process them and welcome the people to our group. I have to get a PO box for the mail and get a stamp with my signature on it. hee hee. That is going to be awesome!

I'm sure you're doing a wonderful job as a mom, but yeah, I guess only moms know how things get all crazy once you have a baby. And...of course it gets better! Wait until she walks/talks/smiles! hee hee.
Yeah Terri thank you. I shouldn't have written that post even, it was bad form. 3 am with a baby yelling at a very sore nipple is a poor time to post. I'm very grateful for Emma... Though I really didn't comprehend how different my life would be! Sounds so silly.

My friend who takes all natural health to a whole new level gave birth Monday. She ended up with a c section which is very shocking... She wanted like 5 to 7 kids so I wonder if that's possible now?

Ladies? It's not just Terri and me is it?
Nope i am here. My friend J had her baby this morning. Its her second. Her labour started around midnight/ 2am and she had the baby at 6:30am!
She didnt know what she was having and it turned out to be a boy!! She called him Jenson, he was 8lb 6, she is staying in overnight as she is trying to breast feed. He is gorgeous :)

I think im going to try again this month, then its deffo my last. I'm not going to tell DF when im ovulating to see if it makes a difference.

Terri your new 'job' sounds really good. Is it a job that you get paid to do? Thats why i put it in " "

Steph does the lack of sleep upset you? Thats the bit im dreading when i have kids. i LOVE my sleep.
Congrats to your friend SJ! I like the name Jenson. It's unique and cool.

No, my new job is a volunteer position. School ends in December, and I like staying busy so I wanted to fill my time with something so this will do the trick.

Smart move on not telling DF when it's time. He'll feel better about things but I know you'll feel bad when he pushes you off. In that case, always resort to crying. It'll work and you can smile when you're done. *evil laugh*

I had my mock transfer today. It was very similar to the HSG, when they check to see if your tubes are open. I'm glad it was similar because I was a little nervous going in. Hubs has to get another SA tomorrow, which he is dreading and then I start my injections on the 27th. I will continue taking the pill until the 23rd and then it's game on. I hope the first time is the charm. Even though I have good insurance, all these tests are getting expensive. Out of the entire year, I spend the most $ in the summer so I'm way over budget this year. I should have put money in my work spending account. Who knew?? Next enrollment I'm putting a lot of pre tax money in to pay for hospital visits, etc. I need a tax break. Hee hee.
Congrats on your friend sj and good luck with this month! I'm glad you're in another cycle

Terri so when would the transfer finally happen? Yikes all that is expensive... I'm guessing 2k is the out of pocket expenses. How many will you transfer? I'm still not quite sure how this whole thing works..
Jeez, i guess i'm lucky to live in the UK and have the NHS.
I think if a couple has ttc for 2 yrs and not suceeded they get IUI a few times,a nd then 2 rounds of IVF i think. For free.

Terri i think i should do some volunteer work. Give back to the community.
There is a promotion up for grabs at my work at the moment. Im giving my CV in tomorrow but im terrified as i have only been at my job for a year. I'm so so scared.
It depends on how my follicles grow/fertilize. The approximate date for retrieval is 8/7-8/10 and the transfer is 3-6 days later, so mid August is the best date I can give.

Yeah, my out of pocket is about $2k, but I have heard of people paying $10-12k especially if you don't have good insurance or you are using a sperm donor, etc.

I just got out of another appointment and she said I might be able to start sooner because I'm a good responder to the meds. Yay!! I kind of set up my work/social calendar with the original dates though, so some things may have to be changed. :)
Hi ladies
Typing on my cell, so going to be quick. Terri, GL with IVF!! Steph, still cant believe u r a mom already... Sj, Drauma, cant wait till u get ur BFPs. Tynmeg, how are u feeling???
I am doing fine. Except for feeling so full every time I have a dinner,
my portions have become so ridiculously small, but still it even hurts every time I eat... and restless legs... every night, so annoying. Tomorrow is my next scan. Cant wait. Yesterday we went shopping with my MIL and my little guy was kicking like crazy. Real men don't like shopping, do they? Lol
Later ladies. I am here till u all get ur BFPs! And I do not have facebook account...
Glad to hear, Terri!! So excited for you! Wow 10k...guess you're getting a bargain. And sj I'm shocked you get fertility treatment free! Your system is better...when I lived in Taiwan I had awesome cheap medical care. The US is so backwards sometimes...

Lenka the symptoms all go away when you give birth it's amazing! Not much longer now :D

Feeling much better about motherhood. I was wondering if I was going off the deep end into a terrible depression but I think it was just the "baby blues". Ladies I guess it's normal to ...well, you'll find out when you get there! :thumbup: gotta love hormones
So here is the real scoop. The lady came in to get us as I was typing about the costs.

The seminar thing was fine. She just put the schedule of shots on a calendar versus having it in list form, like I already had. I like the list, especially because her calendar was a generic Day 1 start at 1st of the month. Since my meds/such start in the middle of the month, I don't like looking at it that way. Hubs was happy that he can do his donation at home instead of at the facility. That was his only question. I said "I can't believe you didnt have any questions.' He said 'I guess it's because my part is so small.' Yeah, it really is. HA! *sigh* With his low count, all he needs a total of about 20-40 :spermy: max, so I think he can get that whether he's at home or in the clinic. :haha:

I did find out that they do assisted hatching for anyone over age 39, so yes, I will be having assisted hatching, which makes me feel better about everything. Assisted hatching is when they poke the shell of the embryo to let it implant/attach to the uterus a little easier. They said that they will do that with younger people if they find that the shell of the embryo is too thick, but they want to give the older gals a better chance, so they do all they can to get us pregnant. She also said that I respond very well to the medication in the past, so she was feeling pretty positive about everything and so was I. They will do the 5 day blastocyte transfer if I have several embryos that make it to day 5. If on Day 2, they see they have plenty, and Day 3 something significant happens where they all start failing, they will do an immediate transfer on Day 3. This will make me sad because if something significant happened overnight, will the remaining two really have a good chance of survival? Highly unlikely. Their normal process is to wait until Day 5, and put two blastocytes back inside of me, and freeze the rest for next time. If this doesn't work, I will only have to wait for the thaw, and go in for the transfer. Much cheaper and a lot easier. That's why I am hoping for a good amount of eggs upon retrieval.

She also said that because I'm a positive responder, they may not need to push out the days so much. You stim (take shots) for 10-12 days, but if I'm doing better than expected, I may not have to do the shots for so long. That would be cool, although I paid for a ton of meds. Catch 22. HA!

All in all, another positive day. I'm feeling really good about things right now. Except for the fact that I was so eager to leave work, I left my BCPs right at my desk. I'll have to go back to work tonight to pick them up. Minor inconvenience. I'm going on vacation/funeral tomorrow and will be back on the 24th.

Lenka-Glad you're doing well considering. A few more weeks to go now. You're almost there!!
Yes, Terri, you will be pregnant very soon!!! I wouldn't be surprised if with twins. Lolol
Oooo Terri its getting so exciting!! I cant wait for you to get your BFP!!
That is exciting Terri! Thanks for sharing the process with us, I've always been curious about how it works. You'll get your BFP real soon! My DW and I have talked about me carrying our next one but using her egg. I think it's called reciprocal ivf. The only thing is that ivf costs between 8-15000 here and IUI is only about 1500. However we did IUI 6 times for this bfp so we've spent about 9000 anyway and the odds are higher with ivf so it just may even out anyway. We shall see I guess. At this point it's all about this lil one and having a healthy baby. ��
Well I was supposed to be going out of town for my family reunion, but my grandpa passed away on Sunday afternoon, so we are having a funeral/family reunion in TN. I'll be back on Wednesday evening. It's a sad day today.
Sorry guys, I've been away for way too long. Didn't mean to, I've just been so incredibly busy :/

Terri: I am so sorry for your loss. Big hugs :hugs:
I am very excited about what's happening to you atm. I have never really understood how this all works, thank you so much for the details. I really hope this is your time and the first time will be all you need. Have you thought about how you'd react if you get multiples when it does happen...? Two girls at work are pg with twins, both naturally. So, so weird, but they're huge and adorable ;)
Congrats on your new job and wow you look gorgeous in your blue dress!!!
I am crossing everything for you, you deserve to have this be your time :)

Steph: So relieved to hear you're feeling better about motherhood now. I get that baby blues are quite common and suddenly it just disappears and one can really enjoy being a new mom. I think you're doing a great job and I hope you have some good nipple cream for your sore nipples :)

Lenka: Hope you're feeling okay dispite the eating pain and restless legs.... Hope you're enjoying being pg in between :) It won't be long until your boy is here, wow, feels like you got pg just a few weeks ago, hehe.

Tynmeg: So happy that everything is going well. I agree with you trying ivf next time since this one took so many tries with iui... I'm sure your little baby is a healthy one and eager to meet you and your DW :) Has she thought about joining this chat? I would welcome her with open arms, I mean, she's also becoming a mom :) Can I ask how you decided which one should get pg with this one?

SJ: Happy birthday last weekend! I'm glad you're trying this month and not telling DF. I really hope it'll happen this cycle! :) Heard it's been insanely warm in the UK recently... feel free to send your heat up my way, it's been raining and windy here all summer long! :( Horrible!!!

AFM: Wow, so much going on! My birthday was last Wednesday and I had my family over last Sunday for some cakes and stuff. On my birthday I took cakes to work and was there till noon. Then I went to a fance lunch buffet with DB and he gave me my present, it was a flight to LONDON in December and a hotel and a shopping spree!!!! I am SO EXCITED! I'm crossing my fingers I'll be pg by then and will be able to buy Christmas presents AND baby stuff ;) Then I had a party last Friday night for my friends so I've been really birthday-busy lately :) Got loads of presents, I love presents!
As you can see in my chart, there's absolutely nothing happening! I'm on day 11 on the Primolut tablets (15 day dose or until I start my period). Had one day of tiny spotting, day 9, and then it went away... so I'm just finishing the dosage and waiting for AF. Then when it starts I start taking Pergotime on day 3 for five days. Hopefully it'll just work the first time around, Otherwise I have 2 more tries with pergotime and after that, if I'm not yet pregnant, we've move on to more serious stuff. But it should work in these 3 tries if there's nothing wrong... Crossing my fingers... and waiting for AF! Haha, so weird to be waiting for her like this... that's a first I can tell you! ;)

I'll try to be more around from now on. My cousin had a baby on the 7th and one of my best friends had a baby on the 17th... can't wait to get to meet them both. My friend decided to name her bay right away (it's not usual here to name babies right away) and they named her Sylvía Katrín :) Really pretty :)
Drauma-happy birthday!!! You do have a lot going on, but it all sounds really good. You got an awesome birthday present from DB. I hope you're preggers too.

What does primolut do? I don't understand that or the other thing you're supposed to take.

A few more days of birth control and then hubs and I are on the protected sex train. Boooo. I do NOT want to go back to using condoms but we can't risk any random :spermy: to get caught up in the mix. They had almost a year to do their thing and they didn't follow the plan.

So now we just have to make sure the pipes our cleaned out for our big day. Yeah! It'll be here soon.

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