3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Oh and have I thought about multiples? Sure, but what can I do? They recommend transferring 2 or 3 blastocysts when you are my age, and I think I agreed to two. If I have two babies at once, that would be just fine. It's tough with two, but two are better than none. It would be cool if they were boy/girl twins.

Hope everyone else is doing well. Two more days of bcp! Hee hee.
Happy Birthday Drauma!! Your present is fab!! I'd like to go down to London again. Especially in this weather. It has indeed been very warm (for us anyway) It's been 81f today and is looking that way all week till friday. I think we can actually say we have had a summer this year, and some cracking thunderstoms (they are my fave) but im totally a winter girl. Dont get me wrong i appreciate the sun when we get it but im so used to the cold, and wearing layers and boots and scarves ahhhh, roll on christmas time! hahaha.

My other friend suzanne had her baby this morning, Lily Mae (the baby name i wanted!) 6.5lb :)

Everyones having babies! Does make me sad sometimes.
SJ I totally know what you mean. You want to be happy for them but it still hurts... Watching call the midwife a few nights ago the episode where the ex nun finds out she can't conceive and ugh brought back a lot of painful memories!

How long does it take to get to London from where you are? Dh and I want to do Scotland/Ireland/maybe London next year but we aren't sure what's the best way to get around.

Drauma happy birthday!! A trip to London is fab!! Is it expensive from Iceland? Good luck with the meds

Boy Terri mid August will be here before you know it. Looking forward to lots of good eggies on retrieval day!

AFM enjoying the perfect weather, also 81F. Friend came over with her new baby named Judah. He's so tiny at 6 and a half pounds! Other than that, nothing exciting here!
Terri: Primolut is supposed to start AF. Well, you can actually take it to stop AF as well if she's staying too long. But since AF hasn't come since I m/c in May they wanted me to start it with Primolut. I will start taking Pergotime on 3rd day of AF for 5 days. That's supposed to increase the chances of ovulation. My doctor thinks I'm not ovulating as I should and the egg that got fertilized had been very, very old and that's why I m/c. This way we can try to guarantee ovulation with a fresh egg. I will try this 3 cycles and if I'm not pg I will need to start some more invasive methods.
There's also an increased chance of multiples with Pergotime but like you, I really don't care. Twins are harder in the beginning but then they get easier cus they're same age and always have a playdate ;) (one more day of bcp for you, yaaaay)

SJ: Congrats to yuor friend. I understand completely. All my friends are pg, just had a baby or have a baby... I'm the only one left in one of my groups and it's frustrating. I find myself spending less time with them now and more time with my child-less friends...

Steph: Wow, I'd love to visit Scotland and Ireland too. My and DB both lived in London so we look at it as our other home, even though we didn't know each other when we lived there. Last year, in May we went there for his graduation with his family and it was nice, now we'll be only the two of us and we can do whatever we want :) We're going in December and then we'll almost be celebrating our 2 years together :)
There are so many airlines flying from Iceland, like WOW Air, Icelandair, SAS and EasyJet, so if you book a little bit ahead a flight from Iceland to London is $50 on average (30 Pounds) - really cheap :)
Steph, I think it takes about 3 and a half hours by car, from where i live which is wigan (near manchester) I thought it was longer to be honest, but thats what it said on google. hehe. And to think ive only ever been once. Cities dont interest me one bit. Although some of London is beautiful :) Some of it is really rough. Same as anywhere i guess.

Drauma i'm the same, i'm hanging around a lot more with people who don't have kids or the responsibilty, i end up having a lot of drunken nights on the weekends haha.

AFM - Guess what!?! we had sex last night! woop. haha its only been 1 month 21 days!!!!!! jeez. not due to ovulate till monday next week though. So i'm going to try again sunday (whilst also monitoring CM and opk) but doing that on the quiet. If it happens it happens, if not then thats okay. Who am i kidding, i will make it happen!

edit: Actually i feel bad saying i dont like cities. I do, maybe i just didnt like london much. I think i went at a bad time, every ones seemed really rude. especially on the tube.
Good news SJ!! I'm glad to hear it, and hopefully this next week will also be a spectacular one! You know...if you do end up having a baby with DF, it will really be a miracle baby. :) You know, I'm just teasing you. I hope things get better between you guys. Almost two months without BD'ing is quite a long while when you're in a serious relationship. :jo: That's grandma talking to a young grasshopper.

AFM-I'm home, and doing ok. My hubs had the bright idea to cut off the air conditioning while we were gone, and now it's 90 degrees in the house. Oh, but he left the light on. I can't stand when the lights are on when no one is home. Anyway..I guess it's just a tradeoff. *sigh* Now it's time to get to business....ultrasound and bloodwork tomorrow morning and they will confirm that my ovaries have slowed down. Then I start meds in a couple days and go in for daily or every other day monitoring.

Hope you guys are all doing great!
Oh Terri it really is ridiculous. He said last night he is feeling stressed again about money and work. He thinks he will get sacked tomorrow. Not good. My DF hates lights being on, but i like it, it makes people think someone is home. less chance of getting burgled hahaha.

Good Luck for tomorrow x
Yesterday I was so busy. All the boxes of files/paperwork for my new volunteer position arrived at work. There were 28 boxes. most of this stuff needs to be online so we don't have to pay to ship it all over the country every three years, but that's another story. The women in my moto. group are old girls and can't get used to new ways of doing things. Then, I had a test run where we had to fill over 200 smaller boxes of product and get those put on carts and sent to the incubator. It was a manual labor kind of day for this chick. Today I can chill out for the most part though.

The ultrasound and bloodwork went fine. All systems are go, so I start my injections on Sunday. I also had a huge box of needles, tablets, syringes and all sorts of stuff waiting for me on my doorstep when I got home. I had to sort through that and figure out what to do when Sunday gets here. I needed a slurpee after unloading all of those things. A slurpee is like an icee or a frozen flavored sugar/ice drink, for those that aren't familiar with 7-11. hee hee. A summertime staple in the US. :)

And more sad news...one lady in my moto group that was 98 passed away on Wednesday. She has been in the group for about 60+ years. She was riding for at least 50 of those years and reached the ultimate membership status. She lives in Iowa, so I won't be able to attend her services after just being out, but it's unfortunate that we lost her. :cry:

SJ-Sorry your DF is almost out of a job again. That is definitely stressful, but he shouldn't take it out on you. I hope he can find something more permanent next time around, if he does get let go.
Arghhhh I erote a looong post yesterday and now I'm back on and I see it has not made it to the forum and it seems to have just disappeared!!! I'll write everything again asap, right now I'm in bed, going to sleep, wedding tomorrow (church and party) so I'll be needing all my energy.
Sorry about this, hugs all around until next time <3
Hi guys! How is everyone?
After my last post disappearing (I still don't know what happened) a lot has happened.... hehe, or I feel like it's a lot!
I STARTED MY PERIOD!!! Yes, we can say goodbye to my old, old, old chart!! I'm CD3 now and have started Pergotime for the next 5 days. It's supposed to make sure I ovulate. I looked it up and you have the same drug in the US, you just have another brand called Clomid, so maybe you're more familiar with that Terri. Sooooo... soon there'll be hanky panky and hopefully some babymakin' ;) My mood is so much better even though I have massive AF pains.... but hey, I'm just happy AF got here without more help (15 days of the Primolut was killing me but obviously worked!).
I went to a wedding Saturday, it was really pretty and fun. And there was a family reaunion in DB's family. The siblings of his dad all met up and had really grand food (one of the brothers is a chef). There was lobster and finest meat ever and a chocolate cake. Yum yum yum.

Terri: I laughed when I read about the lights being on while you were away. I absolutely can't stand it either! Haha. Well, I understand it when my mom does it because she's in a single level house and she wants to make people think someone is home. I however live on the 4th floor and keeping the lights on is just wasting the light bulb ;)
Glad to hear all your tests came out fine. How is the injection business going? Does it hurt? How many times do you need to do it?
And so sorry about your moto group friend. She must have had a wonderful life being able to ride for so long :) Hopefully that comforts you.

SJ: So sorry about your DF's job. How did it turn out? Did you manage to get another horizontal activity into your schedule?
About London, you must have been there on a bad day or when you weren't feeling well, hehe. I just say that because I love the city so much. I went there for the first time on a day trip when I was 14. I was staying in England for a month studying English with bunch of other kids and we went to London to see a show called Cats. It was sooo boring I fell asleep but I loved what I saw of the city. Then I went again when I was 16 with my mom and grandparents and we walked all around and then I fell in Love with the city. I moved to London then I was 20 and lived there for a whole year, in three different parts of the city and all had it's own charm. Since then I've gone 4 more times to London, last trip was May last year for my boyfriend's graduation from Imperial College. If you ever decide to go there again let me make you a little plan of things you might want to try out and then see if you like the city a bit more ;)

Here's a photo of me and DB on our way to the wedding :) My MIL said she loves this pic :)

Hey Drauma-I love that picture too. You guys are just adorable! And bow ties are so in right now, it's good to see that your DB is so fashionable. Glad you finally got AF. What a nightmare with her not showing up. Yes, we have Clomid, and I am glad that you are taking your pergotime so that you have forced ovulation at a normal time during your cycle. fxfx this is it for you. So glad you're feeling much better too. Your post sounds like you're very upbeat.

I have to take two injections at night until early next week I imagine, and then I start taking three. Then, once my follicles are big enough, I take one more shot in my lower back/upper butt (:haha:) and that will be the trigger shot right before egg retrieval. It didn't hurt last night. My stomach was a teensy bit sore when I went to bed, but with my brown skin, I can't see any really red marks or bruising, so I guess I did an ok job with the injection.

Hope everyone else is doing well. Lenka/Tynmeg-Check in soon, ok?
Drauma- aw you guys are so cute! Glad AF arrived (never thought id say that on here) but now you can crack on babymaking :)

Yes i will go to London again definitely, i think i just had a bad experience. I'm hoping to BD tonight or tomorrow, i've ran out of OPK so i have no idea if i'm ovulating, but my temp was up a bit this morning so i don't think its tonight. But i will try ;)
DF lost his job this morning, nightmare! :(

Oh Terri all these injections! Eeeek. It'll be worth it though :)
Oh and Terri, I forgot to tell you, you look gorgeous in that blue dress!!! :D Ouch on the injections :/ I hate needles..... *yuck*

SJ: Soooo sorry about your DF losing his job :( He doesn't seem to catch a break, does he? I hope you can lift his spirits somehow, have a good talk that will get him fired up to find a new, better job. You guys deserve not having to worry about these sort of things right now. :hugs:

Day 2/5 on Pergotime... My mood has been good so far, apart from the fact that I wanted to cry last night for no reason, hahahaha hormones!
I think AF is gone again, that means I had only like 2 tbsp the whole period.... Primolut is known to make AF very little so I'm not worried.... The which came and now I'm hoping she's gone.... So very soon I'm back to BDing I hope, maybe tonight, who knows. Then next Friday I'm leaving for the north of Iceland for a long weekend. Most people get Monday off, some sort of holiday too complicated to explain, so there are these huge festivals all around the island. Usually I go to Vestman Islands where there's a 18.000 people festival and soooooo much fun. We did that last year and now it's DB turn to choose and we're going to his hometown of Siglufjörður for the Herring festival. Yes, you heard right, his town used to be famous for herring fishing and herring salting, my great grandmother actually worked there in the herring salting :) And every year they have a festival to celebrate this. There'll be around 3000 people there, so a lot smaller festival than I'm used to. Hopefully it'll be nice. My favorite band from when I was a teenager will be playing one of the nights, hehe, yes, the fact that they're still playing must mean that I'm not that old! ;) :haha: We will be in the tent camper with my in-laws the whole weekend so hopefully we'll find the time to do some BDing, just in case ovulation is early.... Don't want to miss my chances.

Here's a photo of the small town of Siglufjörður... look how cute it is! https://www.ismennt.is/not/jonasg/0landid/jg02/siglufjordur/siglufjordur-91-25797.jpg Around 1200 people live there! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siglufjörður
Drauma-That town is so cute. Do you go over the mountain to get there, or along the coast? I love how you guys have so many festivals and parties in your country. that really sounds like a lot of fun, and it's also great that your family has history there as well. What a coincidence! Thanks for the compliment on my dress. It's a replica of the dresses that the ladies in my moto. group wore in the 50s or 60s. Three of us had them made, and I think it's just the cutest! It hides my bloated stomach too, so that is a plus. HA!!HA!! In all of my pictures from my vacation I look like I'm prego. It's terrible. I guess I'm going to have a pooch starting next week so I am enjoying having a flat stomach this week and wearing tighter clothes. HA!!HA!!

SJ-Yeah, I hope DF gets a new job too. How do you deal with that? Do you save a ton when he's working so that way you can cover the bills when he's not? Such a risky job.

lfrans/steph-How are the kids?! hee hee. Tell us some stories about something funny/scary/annoying that happened.
Terri: We can drive almost the whole way on highway number 1, the main road that goes around the country. Then we take the coastline around the mountain to get to the town. But we'll go over some other mountains on the way :) I think you can see the route here: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Cap...491dc7ae0f37!2m2!1d-18.909752!2d66.150517!3e0

I just love love love the dress even more after you told me it's story! :)
I too have a bloated belly, I've had it for so long now. It always looks like I'm pg and just last Sunday I was asked when I'm due... Really frustrating but I'm trying to deal with it. No matter how much I exercise, my belly just stays the same, bloated and sore :(
Enjoy wearing your tight clothes while you can! :D
Time for an update:

I had my ultrasound this morning and I had 7 follies on left and 7 on right. Some looked like slits, and some looked like small ovals. I still can't really decipher what is on the monitor, but that's not my job. hee hee. The doctor didn't give any sizes, but he said that my results are excellent for Day 4 of injections, so I'm hoping they don't change my medicine. I also emailed the nurse because they sent me Leuprolide, but it's not listed on my paperwork, so I'm not sure what that is for. It was only $5, so it's not the end of the world if I don't use it, but why send it, I wonder. We'll see what she says. I'm feeling really good this week. I'm just happy, not bloated and all is going well. :cloud9:

I made a delicious fish dinner last night (with artichoke hearts, olives and red peppers), and I made blueberry muffins yesterday morning for breakfast this week. Yum!

Drauma-I know people are excited for pregnant ladies, but they really should keep their questions to themselves. I could see if you're standing in line and saying something like 'Oh, my feet are so tired because of this baby weighing me down.' Then sure, you can ask how far along you are. Other than that, zip it. Of course, if someone said that to me, I'd probably just lie and then walk away because I'm never going to see them again, and I don't want them to continue talking to me.

:wave: to everyone!!
Wow someone really asked that drauma?? I hate bloat! One of the best things about being pregnant is you don't have to worry about your belly. I still have 7 pesky lbs to lose but hey, it's better than the nearly 35 I gained. The trip sounds sooo beautiful. I love festivals! How neat. And you and db are adorable.

Terri great news on the follicles!! So when's the next ultrasound?? Belly still sore?

Sj so sorry your df lost his job. What rotten luck!! Hopefully he can find something soon. Otherwise, how's life? Btw I watched an episode of obem and holy cow I needed subtitles haha! My hubby had to translate British to American for me lol ( turns out BBC English is way different from reality show English)

Terri I wish I had more amusing stories that didn't involve poosplosions in awkward places. We've still been having trouble with breastfeeding. It's like she forgets how, panics, then flips out at me. Which is so disappointing since she needs to eat and really doesn't cry at all except when eating. The doctor treated her for thrush so hopefully the medicine helps. At the appt we found out she weighs 5 kg almost exactly! Holy mackerel!

Tynmeg did you find out the gender yet?? Lenka how are things?
Terri: I work in the field of medicine so I am very curious by nature about these things.. I found out that "Leuprolide may be used [...] to control ovarian stimulation in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)... so it's deffo something you should use at some point so hopefully you can get answers asap.
I had to continue talking to this person who asked me when I'm due... because we were at a family reunion and it was DB's aunt :/
Glad to hear doctor is appy about you and that makes me happy :D
Sounds like you're getting really busy in the kitchen, I love cooking but I just haven't got myself around to do it for a little while now. Hopefully after next weekend I'll be making a baby and cooking dinner, haha!

Steph: Poo explosions are sooo fun, haha! NOT! I met my little nephew the other day, he's 6 months old, my sister's son, and guess what... he is...... *drum roll please* 10 KG!!!! (22 lbs) He is massiiiive! Hehehehe. It's sooo hard to hold him for longer than 2 minutes, hehe. I think my sister is giving him cream from her boobs, haha, not milk. ;) They grow up soooo fast. Enjoy the moments and hopefully the thrush will disappear soon :)

How is the rest of you girls doing? :)
Oh I forgot to say how delicious that meal sounds...plus blueberry muffins?? Yum!!!!

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