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3 Friends Sharing The Journey into the Third and Final Tri!!

This Dr's is so much better than my last. If they can't get you an appointment that day, they'll get a Dr to do a telephone appointment with you. Something definately isn't right with my urine! So I've just taken my first antibiotic (have a 5 day course) so hopefully they might do some good.

I'm counting down the days until your section. Is 9 days right or is it 11 days? I have no idea whether you changed your ticker!

Last day of work Sarah, then you can relax those feet!
no need to change ticker, but been on my fone takes ages just to reply so havent changed it yet, guna do it now :) x
So happy that day is over was a really really bad day in work so glad I was finishing at 3 not 8:30
That's it now till Jan yay

We started with snow this am not really sticking yet hubby says its worse in manchester where he works

Hope the ab's help quickly Maria good that your drs can do that over the phone
I have lots of cake eating arranged so far ha ha only left me today and they miss me already lol
Planning on getting in the loft wed to see whats up there and what we need yes I am going to make this list
But plenty if nesting time
Enjoy the cake!

I still don't feel the need to nest.

Just lost some more plug before getting in the bath which I almost fell asleep in!
Hahahaha please them me u av done this........ Ok i i ki da did aliud pump an no joke the baby jumped was sooo funny hahaha
Hahaha sorry only just seen wot i wrote haha ment to say please tell me u girls av done this.....i kinda did a loud pump and baby jumped haha
ha ha no not yet but theres still time lol
just had a massive sneezing fit though (think im allergic to the flowers i got for mothers day) baby really started kicking hard after every sneeze lol
Is it really bad that i could understand the first time you wrote it?

Well i went to a parent craft session last night i missed the 1st one i forgot but went last night was quite pointless really she skimmed over everything so quickly i managed to ask a few questions in the end but really not worth going im sure i was talk of the session anyway as i went on my own ha ha they all sat in their couples and just me there
Anyway next week i get to look round the labour ward since its not where it normally is due to the renovations which is all i really wanted really so if i go early i will have an idea of things in my head
part of me wants to go early just because and part wants to hang on to use the new labour ward ha ha see what baby plans

Im trying to resist the need to clean today while DD is off pre school and spend a day of it (with a cake break) tomorrow when shes in all day
Haha no its not bad u understood the fist 1 think ur use to my mis spellings lol its just when i type i carnt realy see what im typein an to try an move the little line to go back an delete a letter takes bloody ages dam fone hahaha
How nice u get to see labor ward nxt week a little milestone to look farward to :)
@36 weeks tour and mw app
@37 weeks aromatherapy oils session
thats it so far i guess i will have a mw app @38 weeks

Do you have a name yet? im still stuck on a girls name really want to decided so i can get used to it in my head i keep saying boys name over and over and really love it just dont want to feel disappointed if its a girl and we dont even have a name

Ok so i quickly tidied up and brushed around ha ha think im going to end up with ocd lol
Lol no we are now waitin til she is here to see wot she looks like an wot wil suit her x
Charlies ashma playin up he started with a cold yesyerday so we have uppedd his steriod inhaler to 3 puffs an he takin he blue 1 regular. Just checked his peak flow an he is stil at his average which is 250 so thays gud just guna see how he goes in the next hour or so coz he just drops so quick 1 min he fine nxt min its an aberlance job :-( realy hope this aint guna b the case tonight x
Is his breathing at the mo?
How many blue puff and how often?
Is anyone else's BnB being an arse and playing up? :growlmad:

Hope Charlie is ok and hasn't got what I have cause that's affecting my asthma quite a bit and I only have mild asthma.

I hope all this coughing I'm doing isn't affecting madam cause my stomach is really starting to ache.

On another note, I'm having quite a few BH's now, did start timing them last night but then forgot I was timing them! Lost more plug again just now.
Is his breathing at the mo?
How many blue puff and how often?

he has had it twice at school and about 6 times here, (i no thats alot) but i think he panics an grabs it to take it,???

his peak flow dropped to under 200, but got it back upto 240??

he also sleepin now, whih probs is best for him to relax him,

he been doin so well oz last year his average peak flow was 150

what u think sarah just see how he goes throw the night???
Yeah keep an eye look for recession
He can easily have 5 puffs of blue inhaler 4 hourly if needing it 2-3 hourly id go gp or a and e if bad

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