30-Something Moms!

Fleur, Harmony is 99% accurate I believe. We did InformaSeq - similar test primarily for the blood testing, but also a chance at knowing the gender early was even sweeter! If you haven't done it already, call you insurance company just to be sure. They asked me why I needed it and I told them I was 33 with multiple losses and it turns out mine was 100% covered.

Turtle, don't think you're crazy. You never know! Symptoms can go either way.

Good luck on your results scooby. If it is progesterone, at least they can give you some meds for that, but I'm hoping it's nothing.

I definitely had to endure my fair share of fake smiles and rants on bnb so I should be willing to live in glory in my own pregnancy!
Thanks for the words of encouragement, ladies! :hugs:

Scooby, when do you get the results of your blood work back? I have my FX for good news! What did your temps do this morning?! I hope they shot back up!!! :)

Crystl, your temps are looking good this morning!!! YAY!!! How are you feeling? Any symptoms yet??

Twinsie, what a cute way to share with your mom's family! I love it. I'm so glad to hear it went so well! Haha, that's hilarious about your dad's side of the family. That's how it would be with me/my family as well, only about beer! :haha:

Cutie, you absolutely are allowed to live in glory about your own pregnancy, and celebrate it!!! You've waited so long and gone through so much to get here, you deserve it! Besides, every woman deserves to be able to be excited about their pregnancy, no matter their back story behind it. Making a little one is something special that should be celebrated! <3

Well I broke down and tested again this morning because apparently I have no self control whatsoever. Stark white bfn. :cry: I'm 13-14dpo today with AF due today or tomorrow. No signs of her yet, but I highly doubt that I would be getting a bfn this late in the game if I was actually pregnant. I just feel sad today, I was SO SURE this month, more so than I've ever been. I know there's always still hope until the witch comes, but I'm not feeling hopeful anymore. This is why I try not to symptom spot, it just makes the disappointment that much more crushing. :(
Well I broke down and tested again this morning because apparently I have no self control whatsoever. Stark white bfn. :cry: I'm 13-14dpo today with AF due today or tomorrow. No signs of her yet, but I highly doubt that I would be getting a bfn this late in the game if I was actually pregnant. I just feel sad today, I was SO SURE this month, more so than I've ever been. I know there's always still hope until the witch comes, but I'm not feeling hopeful anymore. This is why I try not to symptom spot, it just makes the disappointment that much more crushing. :(

:hugs: I'm sorry Turtle. I understand how you feel. Last month I thought I was doing so well too! No symptom spotting, doing the OPKs, SMEP, staying optimistic... and then I got that light spotting and I was SO HAPPY. I was SURE it must be implantation bleeding since I was 9DPO. And then when I had full blown AF the next morning... man that was rough. I was so angry!

I hope, obviously, that :witch: stays away for you and you get your BFP. Barring that though, know that we are here for you to be sad and angry with! I've been trying to treat myself to something nice when AF shows up as a way to work through all the feelings. If she arrives for you, I hope you can do that same! Is it ice cream weather down there yet?? Sitting in the sunshine with a big bowl of ice cream sounds so good right now...
I'm so sorry Turtle, that really stinks :( I did the same thing to myself last month. I was just so convinced that all of my "symptoms" had to mean something.

This time I'm really, really trying not to read into anything. But... my chart is looking pretty good I think? It's in my signature now, I'd love some opinions :)
Turtle - I've still got my fingers crossed that your BFP is just being a little shy. I'm not really feeling much. I started having sore nipples last night and I was kind of queasy yesterday evening. But that could have all been in my head

Scooby - your chart is looking great! When are you planning on testing?
Oh! I forgot!...

... I was not hot last night. Sadly.
Thank you everyone ! I know I&#8217;m not out of the woods yet but I&#8217;m over the moon and keep telling DH I&#8217;ve got a baby in my belly :D

Turtle, sorry about the BFN, especially since you were feeling so hopeful for this month, and your symptoms did sound promising :hugs: (Really don&#8217;t want to get your hopes up for nothing but could it just be too early to test&#8230;?) By the way, the Harmony test would be to test for 3 different kinds of trisomy, not specifically to find out gender.

scooby, I&#8217;m no expert but your temps are looking good to me! When can you test? I hope you don&#8217;t have an issue with progesterone but if you do, at least that&#8217;s easily taken care of. When will you get your results?

crystlmcd, still got my fingers crossed for you, hope these are early symptoms!

Twinsie, you sure do cute announcements! How did your granddad react? Let us know how you tell your dad&#8217;s family! I only have one surviving grandma so I&#8217;m really looking forward to telling her in a few weeks. I guess I&#8217;m extremely lucky to have an easy first trimester. I&#8217;m confused about when I&#8217;m due now! Can I suddenly skip ahead a few days? How can I be 11 weeks today?? Technically I should have the same due date going by my ovulation date? DH is 6feet1 (185m), was born 6 weeks premature and was 6.6 pounds (3 kilos), and he has a BIG head so I&#8217;m getting worried lol.

cutie, you can be sensitive to what others are going through and still rejoice in your pregnancy, enjoy every moment! The Harmony test is definitely not covered by insurance. Insurance policies over here are really bad to be honest, in France I was really spoilt.

Katie, which CD are you now? I don&#8217;t think the temperature rise is big enough to make you feel hot or not if you&#8217;re going solely by that :hugs:
Turtle- there's still hope!!! Try not to stress, I know easier said than done!!!

Fleur- the due date can change by a few days if it was slower to develop at first and then all of a sudden us back on track, depending on when implantation happened not necessarily the O date. Since IP can technically be quick or take longer to happen. Make sense? Sounds like your Little one implanted pretty quick and is just now measuring right where it should be! Congrats!! 11 weeks is amazing. First trimester is so most over!!! :)

I think I've decided to wait to find out the gender via u/s. I'm dying to know but at the same time the suspense is "fun" in a way lol. I have to make up my mind by the 21st! Well see!!

My grandpa was super happy. He's my only living grandparent too so it was special t tell him. I lost my grandma a year and a half ago and I just know she already knows of my baby. I'm a very spiritual person and I believe she met my baby's soul before it entered my body. And my other grandparents that passed years ago.

Scooby- your temps look great! Fx!!

Katie- here's hoping the sweats come back!! ;)
Twinsie, 11 weeks doesn’t sound possible haha. I wonder when I should go in for my 12 week scan then? I also need to decide quickly about the Harmony test but I’d rather find out the gender at the scan. Actually I’d like to hold out as long as possible (too impatient to wait till birth) but DH wants to know right now! The thought of your grandparents meeting your baby’s soul is just so so lovely <3
You ladies are all the best, thank you!!! :hugs: I think the only thing that still has me the slightest bit hopeful is that when I had my HSG done, my hcg levels were less than 1. I read that they shouldn't ever increase without being pregnant. So with that line of thinking, it seems like whenever I do get pregnant it will take over a week after implantation to ever show up on a hpt (based on doubling every other day). So if what I felt last Thursday was implantation cramps, I won't get a bfp until Friday at the earliest. I think that's just grasping at straws though. I guess I'll just have to see what happens tomorrow!

Katie, ANY weather is ice cream weather in my book! :winkwink: Sorry you weren't hot last night... :( But I don't think that really means anything so don't let that make you lose hope!

Scooby, I think your temps are looking GREAT! I love that you added them to your signature, now I can stalk them. :haha: I'm so hopeful for you!!!

Crystl, those symptoms sound like the start of something great! :D I can't wait for you to test! When do you plan to?

Fleur, it makes me so happy to see you finally excited and optimistic about your pregnancy!!! I think it's so cute that you keep telling DH that! :D

Twinsie, that's awesome that your grandpa was so excited! I love what you said about your baby's soul and your other grandparents, so sweet! <3

2b, how have you been doing? I've been thinking about you! :hugs:

Joy, how are you? :)
I'm going to torture myself until Friday. If I don't have any spotting Thursday, I'll test friday morning. Fingers crossed for all of us!
Yes, FX for all of us for sure!!! :thumbup: I'm excited to see your test results on Friday!!!
Hi girls, sorry I've been away for awhile. I had a really rough weekend. My mom is in the early to mid stages of dementia and was hospitalized over the weekend so she is staying with us right now. It's a really complicated story but we are trying to adjust to our new situation and find in home care for her while my husband and I are at work, so things have been really stressful to say the least. The hardest part is seeing this happen to your parent. She's only 67 and it's absolutely devastating to watch what this disease is doing to her.

Sorry for my sad story... I didn't mean to dampen the mood on this thread! It sounds like a lot of exciting things are going on right now!

Fleur, I'm so happy everything went well with your scan! I knew your little bean would be fine & is just being a good baby by not giving mommy any symptoms. As for your due date, the baby goes through a lot of growth spurts throughout pregnancy so you will always likely measure a few days ahead or behind. Hopefully your dr doesn't change your due date each time. :)

Scooby & Crystl, both of your charts look great and Crystl's symptoms sound really promising! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is your month ladies!

Turtle, I'm sorry about the BFN but it's still early so don't give up hope yet. I didn't test until 15dpo the month I got pregnant and it was still a really light BFP!

I hope everyone else is doing well!
Joy - I am so sorry about your mom. I used to work in a nursing home and I know how heartbreaking it is to see someone going through dementia. Big hugs your way!
Thanks everyone, you guys are so kind :) My temps took a pretty big dip this morning, but I'm trying to stay positive anyway and hope that they shoot back up tomorrow. I'll be testing on Friday unless AF shows up first.

crystl & turtle- FX'd for you both! I'm really hoping this is your month!

fleur- I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to see your next scan and eventually hear what you're having, whatever you decide to do :)

twinsie- that's adorable about your grandpa. And what you said about the baby's soul was so nice &#9829;

Joy- I'm so sorry about your mom :( 67 is too young, that's just not fair. I lost my brother-in-law a few weeks ago to brain cancer and he was only 49. It's hard to understand why bad things happen to good people, but your mom is so lucky that she has you and your husband helping her out right now. :hugs:

Afm, I don't want to harass my doctor's office but I'm super curious about my progesterone results. If I don't hear back I'll call them on Friday.

I had light cramping on and off for the last few days, but yesterday it was the most noticeable. That's very odd for me mid-cycle. But this morning I'm not feeling much aside from a stuffy nose and a headache. But that may be spring allergies :/
I'm still alive! Haven't had the time to sit down and write a proper message. Great news Fleur!!! FX really hard for the ladies in the 2ww...come on BFPs! One of these nights I'll write...seems like I've got too many things on the go and not enough hours in the day...
Lol that's too funny! I hope that means we're both getting our :bfp:'s!

Hi 2b! :hi: Glad you're doing ok. I've been thinking about you :hugs:
Good morning, ladies! Hope everyone's day is off to a good start so far! :flower:

Joy, I'm so very sorry to hear about your mom. I can't even imagine what you must be going through. I agree that 67 is far too young for that, and I also agree that she's lucky to have you and your husband. We're always here if you need to vent! :hugs:

Scooby, I'm also very sorry to hear about your bil. How sad! :( 49 is definitely too young for something like that as well. We're also here for you if you need to talk about it! :hugs: I'm keeping everything crossed for you that this dip doesn't mean anything and that your temps go back up tomorrow! :thumbup:

Crystl, I'm hoping and crossing the same for you with your temps! It's so weird that your charts are so similar! I really hope it means you'll both be getting bfp's this month!!! :D

2b, good to hear from you! I'm glad to hear you're doing alright! :flower: Looking forward to an update from you when you're up for it. :hugs:

AFM, the :witch: arrived this morning after all. Boo! But honestly, a couple of hours before her arrival I had accepted the reality of it not happening this month and was no longer hopeful, so that helped soften the blow by quite a bit. I really wasn't that disappointed in the end since I was no longer expecting it. DH and I have decided to NTNP this next month, we just really need a break from the stress of it all. I think it'll be good for us, and honestly, since I'm not pregnant this month then I'm really looking forward to that! :)
Sorry the witch showed, turtle. Enjoy your month relaxing!

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