30-Something Moms!

:hugs: Joy...I'm very sorry to hear about your mom. Such a maddening and cruel disease. Has there been any progress with the in home care?

Ah crud, I was really hoping AF was going to take a hike Turtle. We've got some huge shoes to fill now with you MIA, never have I seen anybody so encouraging and caring, you're awesome! :flower: I wish you the best month of freedom...and like Joy said, enjoy that spontaneous sex!

Glad to hear the bloodwork came back normal Scooby :thumbup:. FX the witch stays away! I am also sorry to hear about the loss of your brother in-law...way too young :(.

Ha ha Twinsie, I know all about booty! I just wished that I had larger breasts, then I would look more in proportion (willing to share cutieq? :winkwink:). BTW, cute baby bump pic!

Sounds like the the little one is keeping you on your toes cutieq. Did you settle on a theme for the baby's room yet?

Crystlmcd, I will join cutieq in taking down that sorry witch. Hoping you see some big results on the clomid! Oh, and I just remembered...why on earth were you working on Good Friday? Is that not a holiday down there?

Maybe you'll be lucky like Fleur Katie and be symptomless. Your "airport stomach" I believe could be synonymous with "Christmas day fatigue". Again, an early morning, too much chocolate and other overindulgences...ultimately leads to queasiness. Come on :bfp:!

So glad that you're feeling more positive about the pregnancy Fleur :). Have you shared the news with anyone yet?

Slowly gearing up to get back in the ttc mode. I'd suspect AF should be here within two weeks. For Easter we travelled to Saskatchewan to see DH's family. It was an up and down sort of weekend emotionally, so I was quite relieved to get home. This week's been alright. The last two days though, I've tested the "blame" waters. So the situation is this: I was on vitex since December, low dose of 400 mg daily and a B complex vitamin. Got my BFP, stopped taking my B complex (can't remember why exactly) and I had cut out the vitex within a week. If I had to do over again, I certainly wouldn't have quit the supplements. I realize how ridiculous this is, as there are numerous reasons for miscarriage and many beyond a woman's control...I just can't help but wonder, "what if?"...

Hoping everyone has a great weekend!
2b, good Friday is not a holiday here! I wish! I'm sure it's impossible to avoid the "what ifs" and I can guarantee I would do the same thing. Still sending you big hugs.

AFM, the witch is a no show so far! I was expecting her yesterday but nothing, not even any spotting. My body is so mean to me!
Aww 2b I'm sorry your struggling with blame. That's human nature to play the what if game and wonder if you did something different then things would be different. God has a plan for you and you will have your baby, I promise! The good thing is you got prego! It will happen again :)
I hope you get AF soon so you can start trying again ! Ps. Vitex also brings on AF if you need it too. I actually got my sister to take vitex after her mc and AF hadn't shown up after 5 weeks and she was eager to try again. Got her on vitex and period came that week! Incase your eager..
I would on the safe side keep taking vitex throughout your first trimester. There's no harm to the baby and I'm still taking it at 11 weeks (weaned down to only 400 mg now) but I'll stop in another week. Yolk sac is almost gone now and placenta takes over hormone production finally!!

Crystl- when is the last time you tested??
Turtle, I took a few breaks during my journey and it was just enough to refresh me to try again. Good luck!

Crystl, I put a pretty decent butt whooping on AF so she might be afraid to come out. Hopefully for 9 months!

2b, the blame game is normal. I hate it but we can never know and my doc said normally it's an abnormality with the baby and nothing we could've done.

Afm: I did decide on nursery furniture and bedding. I'm going to hold off to buy until memorial day to purchase to hopefully catch a sale. I attached it. My biggest hurdle right now is DH is uncomfortable having sex. We used to DTD practically daily but now he's afraid it will hurt something despite me telling him it wont. I'm appreciative and respectful of his fears but also would like for him to occasionally get over it. Sex is affection and I miss it :(


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Twinsie, I tested yesterday at 12DPO with a wondfo and got a BFN. If I don't have any spotting or AF today then I'll test again in the morning.

Cutie - I love the nursery furniture, adorable! Hopefully DH gets over his fear so your love life can get back to normal!
And just as I posted that, the spotting had started. On to next cycle!
Ugh who invited AF to bnb? Onward and upward Crystl!
Good morning ladies! Sorry I was MIA this weekend, we were celebrating my stepson's birthday. He's 13, I can't even deal with it lol.

Anyway, AF showed up this morning, so looks like I'm out this month. :( On the plus side, my luteal phase was 12 days! So since I started taking the Vitex and B6 I've added one day each cycle. Very excited about that!!!

I decided I'm going to get the HSG done. I'm going to try and schedule it for next week.

Crystl, I saw the witch got you too. Boo!!! She is evil! Here's hoping for New Year's babes instead :)

How's everyone doing? Did you all have a good weekend? I'm so excited that spring is finally here!
Hello ladies ! My Internet has been down since last week (aaargh) so I’m catching up at work.

scoobybeans and crystlmcd, sorry AF came, I was feeling hopeful for both of you.

scooby, good news on the bloodwork though. Will you have an appointment with a doctor to discuss the results?

crystlmcd, hope the Clomid does the trick :hugs:

cutie, I love the nursery you’ve chosen! If you do things little by little maybe you won’t find it so overwhelming? Are you planning to reserve a domain name etc. for the baby (since you said you’re a computer nerd)? I know some people do it! It must be amazing feeling the baby kick, I can’t wait for that! I’m having the opposite problem with DH, he’s very grumpy at the moment because my libido has flown out of the window and part of me is scared I’ll cause something to happen if we DTD, oops!

Katie, hope your airport stomach turns out to be a good sign! Any news??

Twinsie, how are you doing? It will be fun to see if our intuition about the baby’s sex is right! When is your next scan? The nub theory is supposed to be pretty accurate at guessing the sex. DH has also started referring to the baby as a girl but has said he’ll be mad at me if it’s a boy and he’s been saying “she” all this time…as if the baby will know / care!

Turtle, I’m going to miss you in here, you are an incredibly kind and supportive lady (actually all the ladies on this group are!). Enjoy your month off from all the TTC-related stuff, hope it will do you a lot of good mentally. I hope you won’t stay away for too long though.

2b4us, it’s normal to wonder if it was anything you could have done but please don’t blame yourself. It seems that miscarriages happen a lot more often than we think, and my doctor also told me that most often it’s due to chromosomal abnormalities but it doesn’t make it any easier when you’re going through it. I hope AF will be here soon so that you can try for your rainbow baby :hugs:

AFM : not much going on! I have to book my 12 week scan for this week and decide if I want to do the Harmony test or not… If it wasn’t so expensive I wouldn’t think twice about it but $1000 is a lot to pay for out of pocket! Need to discuss it seriously with DH tonight (after I’ve improved his mood by doing my wifely duty haha).
Happy Monday!

Welp, I took a FRER yesterday, and BFN. Looks like this month isn't my month! In good news, I'm currently 12DPO, and still no AF or spotting. That means I gained 3 days this cycle so far over last cycle. I think I'll just keep taking the vitex and my vitamins next cycle, and maybe take a break on the OPKs and the tracking days and all that. I'm feeling like I've done everything to prepare my body that I can do (at least without a doctor!) and now it's just a waiting game. If nothing's worked out by summer, I might try the OPKs again. I looked at my insurance over the weekend, and the plan I'm on apparently doesn't cover infertility, so I won't be able to enlist medical help until Fall comes around when we have the chance to make insurance changes at work. That will coincide with a year of trying anyways!

2b: I'm so sorry you've been riding an emotional roller coaster these past few days. I'm not surprised, but I wish very much that you didn't have to go through this. :hugs: Who knows why these things happen? We all do the best we can to unravel the science behind conceiving, but there is an element to it that I think will always be a mystery. That's the Miracle part. It's the part that we really can't do much about other than hope. And I hope very much for you that your miracle comes along soon and you'll be on your way to a 2016 rainbow baby. :hugs:
Hi ladies!! Busy weekend for me and still feeling nausea on and off every day but doing well!! I have my genetic screening consult next Tuesday so if we go she'd with the genetic testing we get an extra ultrasond!! Which is the main reason I'd agree to the genetic tests. I don't care what the results are. Seeing my baby an extra time would be nice! Then we have our 3D fun 12 week scan next Friday (which is actually my first day of week 13..) Can't wait for that!!! To be able to see real facial features and stuff!

Fleur- I def can't wait to find out the sex! I'm still convinced boy so I'll be totally jaw dropping shocked if they say girl. Fun fun! Can't wait for you to fnd out too!!! You still feeling pretty symptom less? Let us know when your scan is ! Ps . I haven't been putting out either with DH lol. He understands and kind of feels the same way not wanting to do anything bad. Ever since my bleed the dr said not to go crazy with intercourse, and abstain for a few days, which has turned into a week long dry spell. To be honest we have been once a weekers for the past few months anyways so DH isn't too phased! But I do miss the affection. He shows it in lots of others ways, so it's fine.

Katie- yay for vitex helping!! Love it!! Sorry your not feeling confident for this month. I hope your treating yourself to something fun if/when AF shows!

Hope everyone else is doing good! Temps are in the 60s this week! WOOHOO!!! Long walks outside !!!
Scooby - sorry AF came but glad your LP is longer. Fingers crossed for new years babies!

Katie - hoping your BFP is just a late arrival. Good news on your LP anyway if the witch does show.

Fleur and twinsie - can't wait to hear about your next scans. Hope all is well.

I have my CD3 bloodwork tomorrow morning so we'll see what comes out of that. Have a good week everyone!
Katie, sorry about the BFN, could it be too early to test? Good news about the longer LP and no spotting. I agree, you’re doing everything you can do to prepare your body for a baby so hopefully it will happen soon.

Twinsie, what happens at the genetic screening consultation? Don’t you automatically have a nuchal translucency scan at around 12 weeks? I wish they did 3D scans here, that must be so cool. Yes, still symptomless on the whole but I’m not complaining! Actually, I don’t know if it’s a “symptom” but for some time I haven’t been sleeping well at all. I keep having very vivid, crazy dreams all night long and I wake up shattered, as if I haven’t slept. And I get a bit nauseous when brushing my teeth but that’s it. I’ll probably go in for my 12 week scan on Friday or Saturday. I’ll ask the doctor if he advises us to get the Harmony test or not. I feel like this pregnancy is going sooooo slowly, maybe it will start to feel more real in a few weeks. I've been researching the uterus position during pregnancy and it's still very low down, so the weight I've put on my belly is definitely due to stopping the gym.

crystlmcd, when will you get your blood test results back?

Joy, hope things are OK with your mom and that you’ve managed to sort out the home care for her.

Hope everyone else is doing good.
Fleur, the vivid dreams, sleep (or lack thereof) and nausea while brushing are definitely all symptoms I had. I wish I could tell you it would speed up. I feel like real life is going at normal speed but pregnancy weeks are going so super slow!
Fleur- we get to discuss if we want to do the serum blood tests to test for Down syndrome and trisomy 13 (which has to be fine between weeks 11-14) and they do a 3D scan of the baby to look for any abnormalities . What's the nuchal translucency scan? I'm not familiar with that ?
Ps. Fleur it's time to make yourself a ticker!!! We want to be able to see how big your baby is as it grows !! :)
They said they would call me but nothing today so hopefully I will hear from them tomorrow.
Hi ladies, sorry I've been away for a while. Things have been hectic here at home. Thank you everyone for your support regarding the situation with my mom. We were very lucky that my cousin offered to step in and help out so she's been coming over for 5 hours during the day to spend time with my mom while DH and I are at work. It is such a relief to have family with her during the day instead of hiring a stranger that she doesn't know. Other than that we're just taking it one day at a time.

Crystl & Scooby, I'm so sorry the witch got you but I'm glad you both have a plan for next month. Crystl, I hope everything goes well with your CD 3 bloodwork. Please keep us posted with the results.

Katie, I'm glad to hear that Vitex helped lengthen your LP. Have you tried testing again? Fingers crossed that this is your month.

2b, I can't imagine the emotional roller coaster you're going through right now, but please don't blame yourself. There's nothing you could've done to prevent what happened. Your rainbow is out there just waiting to be conceived and I know that soon enough you'll be holding your beautiful little baby in your arms. Hugs to you. :hugs:

Fleur, I hope everything goes well at your 12 week scan. Please post an ultrasound pic if you get one.

Well I'm officially in the 3rd trimester now. Here's a pic of my 28 week bump. In less than 3 months I'll be holding my little bubs in my arms. :happydance:


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