30-Something Moms!

Scooby, the HSG was a little painful but not unbearable. Plus it only lasts about 2-3 minutes and you're done. I got my BFP my second cycle after the HSG (but I was also on clomid so not sure which did the trick) so I think it can definitely help clear the way for that eggie. :)
Hi ladies!! I've been mia lately since I went on vaca but I'm back now!

2b- I'm so sorry. It seems you are handling it very well but I know how it feels to get attached to the thought of a baby growing inside you and having that excitement. It's hard no matter what. I hope you get your sticky bean soon. Xoxoxo

Katie- vitex moved my O up about 7 days! It can happen! Plus, it's true you can O a day or two after the smiley so keep BDing!

Scooby- I've heard of the burning from hsg too but it's def worth it unfortunately. It can really help, so be heard, from other girls on here.

Fleur- any news? Happy anni!! That's funny about your DH spilling the beans about when you two met. Oops! :)

Hope you all are having a nice wknd and easter!!

Afm: DC was a lot of fun and great weather! Lots of walking around made this girl so exhausted!! And I had a bit of a scare Thursday night when I went to pee and the toilet had red blood in it. The dr says I have a cervical polyp which will bleed from time to time and it s harmless and baby is fine. I've still had spotting but brown, ever since the red blood Thursday. So I'm just trying to keep calm and trust the dr.

We also finally told DHs family last night!! It was great!!! I gave my mother in law the candle and as she read it she looks up at me with a smile and questioning eyes and I just smile and nod yes and she goes "omg!!" And shows the rest of his family and it was like one big exciting gasp and hugs and blessings. Very sweet and fun! I'm telling my moms side of the family tom so that'll be nice and then my dad's side next weekend finally! Good times!!
Twinsie - what a cute bump pic! Sounds like you had a great reveal and one more to go! How exciting!
2b4us, it’s normal to have (lots of!) angry and sad moments after what you’ve been through, it’s horrible to have hope ripped away from you like that, we know. It’s understandable that you’re scared of trying again, but I’ve got everything crossed that your cycles will go back to normal straight away and that you’ll be having your rainbow baby very soon. We’ll be here to hold your hand when you’re nervous! Hope that you managed to have a good weekend despite everything. :hugs:

Katie, you can ovulate up to 48 hours after the positive OPK so you might not have ovulated as early as you think? Good luck for the 2WW!

Turtle, I know what you mean about not wanting to get your hopes up because the disappointment is worse then. I’ll be quietly hopeful for you!

scooby, I don’t know anything about HSGs but looks like you’ve received some good advice. I hope it won’t be painful for you if you have to get it done. Good luck to you too for the 2WW!

cutie, have a great roadtrip / weekend with the in-laws. Did they all ooh and aah over your belly?

crystlmcd, we do get excited and hopeful over the weirdest things when TTC. Fingers crossed that your temps stay up and up and up. Enjoy the BBQ at your mom’s!

Twinsie, how scary to see blood but I’m glad the doctor had already warned you about the cervical polyp. Exciting announcing your news, enjoy it! You’ve got a cute little bump, aww. I look like that after a big meal haha.

Had a quiet birthday at home with my mom (and no anniversary celebration – we might go and get a couple’s massage done soon). I’ve been having lower back pain this weekend so I booked a scan for tomorrow morning, DH is off work so we’ll be spending the day together. I’m terrified to go in because I still don’t feel pregnant, but I suppose I’d rather know now than in 2 weeks. In less than 11 hours I’ll be fixed. I’ll update you all after the scan.

Have a great Sunday everyone!
Fleur - I'm trying to ignore my temps right now but it's SO hard. Still have 5 more days to wait before I'm letting myself get hopeful. A couple's massage sounds great. I don't think I could get DH to do one of those. Fingers crossed everything is perfect on your scan tomorrow.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Twinsie, what a cute bump!

Fleur828815, I know your scan will go perfect! I love couple's massages, but we normally can only get/afford them on vacation. Where we are, they either don't do them in the same room or they're insanely pricey.

crystlmcd, I've got my eye on your temps.

AFM: My weekend was nice. I really enjoyed the reality of talking about baby coming with DH's family. Ironically, I felt weird at times on the other side of the fence. My SIL and a few cousins are late 30's, early 40's and none of them have children. I kinda wished I could've covered up my belly for fear of making them feel bad. SIL has fertility issues and had one loss that I know of. I'm not sure about the other ladies but it made me feel a little bad for gloating.
Crystl, you talking about getting excited over a 30 second cramp the other day cracked me up! :rofl: I'm exactly the same way. I have my FX that your temp drop this morning doesn't mean anything and that it goes back up tomorrow! I hope you had a nice time at your mom's yesterday! :)

Scooby, yay for Spring FINALLY showing up! Took it long enough, huh? Like Joy said, while the HSG isn't exactly the greatest feeling in the world, it's over so quickly that it makes it okay. Good luck, let us know when you get it scheduled for!

Twinsie, adorable bump pic!!! Thanks for sharing. I'm sorry about the scary bleeding you had, that would have freaked me out too! But I'm glad to hear that it's nothing to be concerned about and completely normal. Whew! So glad you had a wonderful trip! :flower: I love DH's family's reaction to the news! How fun? How did it go telling your mom's side yesterday?

Fleur, good luck at your scan! I can't wait to hear how it goes...I'm very confident that you'll find a healthy, growing baby in there! :hugs: I'm glad you had a nice weekend and birthday celebration. The couples massage sounds wonderful! DH doesn't like massages at all so there's no way I could ever talk him into that!

Cutie, I'm glad that you had such a nice weekend with DH's family! Aww, that's so sweet how you're worried about hurting some of the other ladies there. :hugs: It's funny how trying so long and having such a hard time can make you so much more sensitive to others, especially after you do get your bfp. :)

AFM, I'm still crazy hopeful and it's driving me nuts! I hate feeling this hopeful! AF should be arriving either tomorrow or Wednesday so I'm trying to hold out until Thursday to test. I keep feeling like I have so many symptoms though, and I just have myself totally convinced. If AF does arrive, my disappointment level is going to be so high! I keep anxiously checking for any signs of her impending arrival...
Turtle0630, I'm hopeful for you to. Stay away witch. Stay far, far away!!!

2b, how are you hun?
AFM, I'm still crazy hopeful and it's driving me nuts! I hate feeling this hopeful! AF should be arriving either tomorrow or Wednesday so I'm trying to hold out until Thursday to test. I keep feeling like I have so many symptoms though, and I just have myself totally convinced. If AF does arrive, my disappointment level is going to be so high! I keep anxiously checking for any signs of her impending arrival...

Sometimes, towards the end of my cycle, I do things like buy a bottle of wine so on the OUTSIDE I'm not hopeful, but really, on the INSIDE, I'm busy making all sorts of plans for how I'll have to save this bottle of wine for 9 months and how won't it be a funny story to tell our families when I finally open it that I had to wait so long to drink it?? And I can call it "Baby So-and-So Wine"! And that can start a tradition! Like, I could buy a bottle on her first day of school and then open it on her high school graduation! :wacko::wacko:

....sometimes you just have to let the hope happen. Or you end up spending a lot of money on wine. :wine:

AFM: My weekend was nice. I really enjoyed the reality of talking about baby coming with DH's family. Ironically, I felt weird at times on the other side of the fence. My SIL and a few cousins are late 30's, early 40's and none of them have children. I kinda wished I could've covered up my belly for fear of making them feel bad. SIL has fertility issues and had one loss that I know of. I'm not sure about the other ladies but it made me feel a little bad for gloating.

:hugs: I hope they are understanding!! And I'm SURE you didn't gloat. People who are aware of their words and care about the feelings of others don't gloat. They "effuse happiness". Completely different. :winkwink:

Fleur - I'm trying to ignore my temps right now but it's SO hard. Still have 5 more days to wait before I'm letting myself get hopeful. A couple's massage sounds great. I don't think I could get DH to do one of those. Fingers crossed everything is perfect on your scan tomorrow.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

UM. I AM ALSO KEEPING MY EYE ON YOUR CHARTS. I should probably chart. Lately I just lay in bed at night and think about how hot I am. And I try and count the days I've noticed how much hotter I've been at night and see if I can line it up to my O day. I'm going to be SO disappointed if I stop sweating at night!

Had a quiet birthday at home with my mom (and no anniversary celebration – we might go and get a couple’s massage done soon). I’ve been having lower back pain this weekend so I booked a scan for tomorrow morning, DH is off work so we’ll be spending the day together. I’m terrified to go in because I still don’t feel pregnant, but I suppose I’d rather know now than in 2 weeks. In less than 11 hours I’ll be fixed. I’ll update you all after the scan.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

HOW WAS THE SCAN? :flower:

You are the cutest. And look at your super cute dress!!
Hello ladies ! Thank you so much for all the positive vibes, I’m relieved to say that the scan went well !!! The baby is looking like an alien and seems to have had a growth spurt, last time it was measuring 2 days behind (by my dates), today it was 3 days ahead, so 10weeks 6 days instead of 10weeks 3days. The CRL is 3.95 cm, and the FHR 169 bpm, the doctor says that’s perfect. He said the green discharge isn’t a worry if it’s not smelling bad or itching, and didn’t say anything about the back ache so I guess that’s OK too. He told me to stop stressing now because I’m stressing him out too, oops! I can’t say I won’t stress at all but I’m definitely feeling calmer now I’ve passed last time’s miscarriage week. He measured the nuchal fold, it was 1 mm but I’m thinking it’s too early to mean anything? I asked about blood tests also and I was surprised to hear that they do the Harmony test here (they send the blood sample to the US to be tested). I’m tempted to do it because they don’t seem to do any other tests, but it will cost $1000 out of pocket… We need to think about it. Is it really as accurate as they say?

crystlmcd, it IS hard it is to ignore them… Hope the next 5 days will fly by and your temps will behave.

cutie, it’s sweet of you to think of those who have struggled to conceive, I guess you’re even more sensitive to it after all you’ve been through. I’m sure you’re not “in their face” about it, but you do deserve to be happy and excited about your baby. I have a friend who’s been trying for over a year and her IUIs have failed, I’m really worried about telling her because I know how hard it is for her to hear pregnancy announcements. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend otherwise.

Turtle, I’m so hoping AF stays away for you and crystlmcd ! What symptoms do you have?

Katie, I do things like that too, plan to do “forbidden” things just so I don’t get my hopes up outwardly at least. It would be cool if you did buy a bottle of wine that you could open when the baby’s born! It would have to be a really good bottle if you want to keep it from her first day of school to her graduation day haha. Which CD are you now? I guess we should be wishing you lots of sweaty nights??
Twinsie, I have a feeling it's a girl so we'll see if the heart rate thing means anything!

By the way, DH loves massages so he often ends up with massage vouchers if I'm not inspired for his birthday etc. Couple massages are mostly done in the expensive beach resorts here so we've only done it a couple of times. Anyway DH gets angry because I doze off during the massage - for me it means the massage therapist is really getting it right and I'm totally relaxed, DH feels I'm just sleeping and missing out haha.
Fleur, that's fabulous news!!! I'm SO happy to hear that! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: I can't give you any advice really on the Harmony testing, as I want to remain team yellow once it's our turn. But, I'm also a bad influence and always super excited to hear what other people are having, so I could see myself encouraging you to spend the extra money to get it done! :haha:

Katie, I love that about the wine bottles! Too cute! I think that about things too, about "maybe I'll end up having to save this for 9 months...", but I haven't actually bought something with that purpose. :winkwink:

Symptoms...let's see: My boobs have been hurting since about 4-5dpo, pretty much non-stop. They usually hurt for 1 day around that time and then not again until around 12-13dpo (which I am now). They've also been almost tight/itchy at times, like my skin is stretching. I think they've gotten a little bigger too, as the button-up shirt I was wearing yesterday was gapping a little bit. But to be fair, I don't know as though I've ever worn that shirt during the TWW so it might do that every month, I don't really know. I've been having light twinges and cramps since about 4-5dpo; last Thursday (8-9dpo) they were sharper and kind of jabby feeling, and at one point one was so sharp it made me actually gasp. Yesterday afternoon I was so tired that I took a nap on the couch (and then was REALLY sleepy the rest of the evening as well), and I don't nap very often. I feel like I'm eating more/not feeling overly full like I normally do on the same amount of food. We dtd last night and I definitely had some cramping going on right after, which I've read is common in early pregnancy. And then just general heartburn (worse than normal) and headaches. Oh, and I had a dream at 2-3dpo (I know, too early to mean anything!) that I was about 6 months pregnant. In the dream I said that I had conceived our 9th month trying, and our 11th cycle trying. That's now! :) And Saturday night I had a dream that I got my bfp...I think those are the first pregnancy dreams I've had since we started trying (or maybe one around the beginning of trying?). I know I'm probably grasping at straws here, but all of this is definitely making me feel hopeful! :dohh:
Fleur, that's fabulous news!!! I'm SO happy to hear that! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: I can't give you any advice really on the Harmony testing, as I want to remain team yellow once it's our turn. But, I'm also a bad influence and always super excited to hear what other people are having, so I could see myself encouraging you to spend the extra money to get it done! :haha:

Katie, I love that about the wine bottles! Too cute! I think that about things too, about "maybe I'll end up having to save this for 9 months...", but I haven't actually bought something with that purpose. :winkwink:

Symptoms...let's see: My boobs have been hurting since about 4-5dpo, pretty much non-stop. They usually hurt for 1 day around that time and then not again until around 12-13dpo (which I am now). They've also been almost tight/itchy at times, like my skin is stretching. I think they've gotten a little bigger too, as the button-up shirt I was wearing yesterday was gapping a little bit. But to be fair, I don't know as though I've ever worn that shirt during the TWW so it might do that every month, I don't really know. I've been having light twinges and cramps since about 4-5dpo; last Thursday (8-9dpo) they were sharper and kind of jabby feeling, and at one point one was so sharp it made me actually gasp. Yesterday afternoon I was so tired that I took a nap on the couch (and then was REALLY sleepy the rest of the evening as well), and I don't nap very often. I feel like I'm eating more/not feeling overly full like I normally do on the same amount of food. We dtd last night and I definitely had some cramping going on right after, which I've read is common in early pregnancy. And then just general heartburn (worse than normal) and headaches. Oh, and I had a dream at 2-3dpo (I know, too early to mean anything!) that I was about 6 months pregnant. In the dream I said that I had conceived our 9th month trying, and our 11th cycle trying. That's now! :) And Saturday night I had a dream that I got my bfp...I think those are the first pregnancy dreams I've had since we started trying (or maybe one around the beginning of trying?). I know I'm probably grasping at straws here, but all of this is definitely making me feel hopeful! :dohh:


Well I've already broken down and tested...twice. :dohh: But now I'm holding out until AF arrives (or hopefully, doesn't!). She's due tomorrow or Wednesday so I'll test Thursday if she's not here by then! :)
Joy- thank you for the info on the HSG. Your story gives me hope! Just a forewarning, I may grill you on Clomid in the future ;) If we're not successful naturally by June or July I think I'll go that route.

Twinsie- Aww, adorable bump :) That bleeding must have been so scary. I'm glad everything is ok!

Crystl- wow, your temps look great! I see that dip on your chart today and I can't help wondering... implantation? I had the same dip this morning. FX'd temps shoot way up for both of us tomorrow!

Turtle- Those are some excellent symptoms you've got there! Spring seems like the perfect time for a BFP, doesn't it? ;) (P.S- I see in your signature you have 3 dogs. What kinds? I have 2 rescues, they're awesome!)

Katie- LMAO at your wine story. I can totally relate! My DH got me a nice bottle of champagne for Christmas, and I held off on drinking it for three months for the exact same reason. (Finally caved though lol.)

Cutie- I think it's nice that you're so empathetic to their feelings. But I also think it's totally ok to be excited about the baby, and I'm sure they're excited for you! I just had this conversation with my BFF the other day. Her SIL has been trying for 5 years with no luck, and she gets so upset when she hears that other women in her family have gotten pregnant. While I totally understand that, I do think it's a little unrealistic to expect that none of the women you know will become pregnant within a 5 year span. And I feel it's really important to be supportive of other women no matter what's going on in your own life, you know? Just my two cents :)

Fleur- hurray for a successful scan! That's awesome. Hope you're able to relax a bit more now that you have some peace of mind :)

AFM, I had my blood draw this morning to check my hormone levels. Really hoping everything is ok, but still worried that my progesterone is low because of my short luteal phase. I had a temp dip this morning at 6 DPO and I'm just hoping my temps shoot back up tomorrow! I feel cautiously optimistic about this cycle...
Katie - you crack me up! Here's hoping the night sweats continue! I'm just trying to act like I don't have a chart with temps. Kind of like the matrix, there is no spoon. Haha!

Cutie - you're such a sweetie worrying about upsetting others in your family. I'm sure you weren't saying anything to hurt their feelings and you deserve to share your happiness with your whole family.

Fleur - I'm so glad your scan went so well! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes perfectly.

Turtle - I have my fingers crossed that AF stays away and we get to celebrate you BFP this week!
Scooby - fingers crossed your temps go back up tomorrow!
YAy fleur YAY!!!! I feel like we can finally say congrats!!!!!! Hip hip hooray! You're further along than me! That's fantastic! So your symptom less first trimester is nothing bad! You're just lucky! :)

Turtle- now you've got me all hopeful and excited for you! Those symptoms sound really promising!! It's so hard to have such changes and not get your hopes up. Fx for you!!! I didn't be my bfp until the day my AF was due and even then it was only the faintest of lines! There's hope still...!!

Katie- I am loving your wine idea!! Personally I found it way easier to cope through the TWW drinking wine every night. It was my way of not stressing and putting so much importance on getting a bfp.

Cutie- I'm so glad you had a good vaca. I know it seems hard to enjoy your own pregnancy when your surrounded by others that struggle still and who can't whole heartedly be happy for you (understandably) but you've suffered enough and it's your time now !! Enjoy it

Scooby- GL on the blood results!

Crystl- hoping your temps go up!
Afm: still feeling nauseous a few times a day but getting a bit better. Shared the news with my moms family yesterday and it was great! I basically walked up to my grandpa with the u/s pic and said here's your great grandchild coming in October!! And I was wearing a shirt that says Mommys little Easter egg and a pic of an egg down near my belly. So I revealed the shirt (that was being covered by a sweater) once I took the u/s out. Everyone was surprised and excited!

I don't really have a fun way to tell my dad's side of the Fam for next Sunday. They are all big drinkers of wine (like me !) so Im sure as soon as I turn down a glass of wine, which I never do , they'll know I'm pregnant haha.

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