30-Something Moms!

Other than that excitement, things are quiet and life goes on around here. It snowed Monday, it's going to snow again on Sunday. Happy April!

You can keep that snow in your part of the country! We had flurries last week and I am SO over snow! Good luck with your SMEP!
HUNH. So, I just peed on my OPK. Smiley face. Day 11...
Sorry Katie, I don't have any experience with Vitex so I'm not sure if it's normal to cause ovulation that early but hopefully you catch that egg!
Katie, I never took vitex but I had a cycle or two with cd10 and cd12 ovulations.
Katie- Vitex moved my ovulation up 2 days on my first full cycle on it. This cycle it was back at CD15. I think it can take a few months to level out your hormones, so your cycles will be a little wonky at first. Good luck! :)
I think I'm going to keep using the OPKs just to make sure I don't O twice or something! I mean, this moved up O TEN DAYS for me. That's CRAZY! I have a hard time trusting the test now!

Fx that my LP is longer than 9 days now! I mean, how could it NOT be?? And also, I guess I'm in the TWW again. JOY OF JOYS.
Katie - per some "literature" from my obgyn, when 2 eggs are released in the same cycle, it's typically within 24 hours of each other so you may have just had a really early O this cycle. Fingers crossed that your LP is longer this cycle. And welcome to the TWW! You, Turtle and I can be the TWW-kateers (or something like that)!
Sorry, this one will be quick...we're away for the weekend, but I wanted to check in briefly. Lovely scan and pics Cutieq and Twinsie! It's amazing how quick things progress! Whoa Katie, that happened quick..FX You caught it! Good luck to all you ladies in the TWW! Glad to hear you're getting excited Joy! Lots to keep you busy over the next few months, that's for sure! Hoping your Shrek discharge is nothing serious Fleur and that you can enjoy your weekend still.

Ultrasound went decent, they did an abdominal and vaginal scan. Unfortunately the tech wasn't able to find that 'miracle' baby. No tissue seems to be hanging around so that's good. I've had almost no spotting today, so fingers crossed...maybe this won't mess my next cycle up too bad. Hopefully within the next 2 cycles we'll give it another go. I've had a few angry moments here and there, but for the most part, I'm handling it fairly well. I won't lie though, I'm terrified of going through this again.
Have a great weekend all you wonderful gals!!! :flower:
Ultrasound went decent, they did an abdominal and vaginal scan. Unfortunately the tech wasn't able to find that 'miracle' baby. No tissue seems to be hanging around so that's good. I've had almost no spotting today, so fingers crossed...maybe this won't mess my next cycle up too bad. Hopefully within the next 2 cycles we'll give it another go. I've had a few angry moments here and there, but for the most part, I'm handling it fairly well. I won't lie though, I'm terrified of going through this again.

Ugh. I am so so sorry 2b. It sounds like you are handling the emotional toll of an MC as best anyone can, but I hate that you have to handle it at all. :hugs: I can imagine that you must be terrified. Take care of yourself and your heart. <3 Make your OH hug you a lot, and tell him its from all your internet friends.
2b - I'm so sorry for your loss but so glad you can start trying again soon. It's understandable to be scared. Enjoy your weekend away. Big hugs to you!
Ugh. I am so so sorry 2b. It sounds like you are handling the emotional toll of an MC as best anyone can, but I hate that you have to handle it at all. :hugs: I can imagine that you must be terrified. Take care of yourself and your heart. <3 Make your OH hug you a lot, and tell him its from all your internet friends.

Yes, exactly what Katie said, 2b! I'm so sorry for all that you're going through. I admire you for how strong you're being! Just remember you don't always have to be strong, you're allowed to be sad. :hugs: I hope you have a nice weekend away!

Fleur, how are things on your end? Has the green stuff gone away yet? Did you decide to go in for your 2nd scan today after all, or are you waiting for next week? That's really funny about your anniversary and your mom's birthday, and how your DH spilled the beans. :haha: I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating both this weekend!

Katie, you usually O 12-36 hours after a positive opk, so it could have potentially even been 1.5 days later than when you got the smiley. That would help push your O back a little bit! :) Good luck, I really hope you caught it! :thumbup:

Crystl, how are you feeling this TWW? I'm really hopeful for you! :) :)

I managed to get myself hopeful early on this cycle and I can't get it to go away. :wacko: I would rather NOT be hopeful because then I don't get disappointed. I even went so far as to test yesterday at only 8-9dpo! :dohh: I regretted it as soon as I dipped the test...and of course it was a bfn. I guess time will tell!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! Is anyone doing anything fun?
Katie- Wow, 10 days up is a big jump! That's impressive and great news. And now you can be my TWW buddy :) I'm 3DPO and reminding myself it's wayyyyy too early to symptom spot.

2b- I'm so sorry that you're going through this :( I know we all know the risks but that doesn't make it any easier. I hope you're able to heal soon, both physically and emotionally, but remember that it's okay to take time to grieve. :hugs:

turtle- I'm feeling really hopeful this cycle too! I think it's better to keep a good attitude about it. It can't hurt to be positive, right? Sure, it stings a little more when it doesn't happen, but that's what martinis are for ;)

So I wanted to ask you ladies a little advice. My OBGYN wants me to get an ultrasound, but she also wants me to get an HSG. Does it make sense to get both? Is there anything that a regular u/s will show that the HSG won't? Also, I've heard some HSG horror stories. Anyone here have one done? Thanks!
Scooby - I had an intravaginal u/s to check for cysts on my ovaries which I don't think the hsg would show but I've never had an hsg so I could be wrong.
:hugs: 2b. It's terrifying to try again. I went through it 3 times :( but when it's all said and done, which I pray is soon for you, it will all be worth it!

Afm: we're heading to DC this weekend to see my Inlaws. It will be the first time they've seen my belly so it should be an exciting time. I'm looking forward to a little wind in hair. I love roadrtrips!
Scooby, I'm glad you're feeling optimistic this cycle too! :) I honestly prefer to NOT be optimistic though, as then I get disappointed. When I am sure it isn't happening then I take AF's arrival much better!

I agree with Crystl on the HSG vs U/S. My OBGYN wanted me to do both as well and when I asked her why, she said that exact same thing. The HSG wouldn't show ovarian cysts or even fibroids I believe, but the U/S would. I did have the HSG done a couple of months ago but have yet to do the U/S. I have my RE consultation on the 28th and they'll be doing one there so no need for me to do another one.

The HSG was a little difficult for me simply because my cervix was apparently really narrow and they couldn't get the catheter in. It took awhile because of that, but they finally got it. I honestly think though that had more to do with it being a radiologist performing it than anything. I had a pap not long after and my OBGYN was able to do that just fine, and she said she didn't think the catheter would have been much wider than that. So I think it was just a level of familiarity with doing something like that. The dye burned pretty badly for me honestly, but it's over so quickly that it's okay. And most women don't seem to have that issue so I don't think that's the norm! Keep us posted on what you decide to do, and good luck! :)
Cutie, how fun! Hope you have a great trip this weekend!
So I wanted to ask you ladies a little advice. My OBGYN wants me to get an ultrasound, but she also wants me to get an HSG. Does it make sense to get both? Is there anything that a regular u/s will show that the HSG won't? Also, I've heard some HSG horror stories. Anyone here have one done? Thanks!

My favorite doctor, Dr. Google, says an HSG tests for abnormalities in the uterus that would prevent an egg from implanting, and for blockages in the fallopian tubes that might be in the way of the sperm reaching the egg. Turtle, was it you who had one of these tests? Someone I've encountered had one, and the test itself help to clear away a blockage that had been there.

The ultrasound will be looking for cysts on your ovaries I would imagine. That would be PCOS, right? An ultrasound certainly sounds more pleasant than the HSG!
Sounds like you ladies have fun weekends planned. We're BBQ'ing at my mom's on Sunday for Easter.

Turtle - I'm the same way with trying to not get too optimistic each cycle because it's so hard to take when it doesn't work out but I'm very hopeful for you! I'm 5DPO today and nothing to report on my end. I've just been trying to ignore this TWW until next Friday when I'm expecting AF. We'll see how that goes for me (really who am I kidding - I just had an intense 30 second cramp in my left side and got excited).

Cutie - enjoy your weekend away and all of the attention you'll be getting from your family for your bump.

Fleur - I hope you're enjoying your weekend and have a great anniversary.

Katie - I'm sure there are other reasons for doing an ultrasound but the reason for mine was to check for cysts for PCOS. Luckily, there were no cysts on my ovaries and my uterus looked fine. I still might have PCOS but it would be the "lite" version without the actual cysts.

Less than an hour until I'm off work (but really, who's doing any work at this time on a Friday). I hope you all enjoy your weekend!
crystal, turtle & Katie- Thanks for the info on the u/s versus HSG. That makes a lot more sense now. I'm procrastinating on the HSG because my sister told me it was really painful, but it sounds like I'm going to have to stop being a weenie and get it done... unless I get my BFP this cycle and don't have to! That would be awesome.

cutie- let us know the reaction to your bump!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend :) Spring is finally showing up here in NY and I couldn't be happier about it!

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