30-Something Moms!

Oh Crystl, I'm so sorry you got bad news. Did they test your AMH too? If not then they will probably test that if/when you see the RE. My RE said FSH can fluctuate from month to month and is not a reliable predictor of fertility unless it's tested in combination with your AMH. Your regular doc probably doesn't know this so please don't get too discouraged yet. Hugs to you :hugs:
Awe crystlmcd, I'm really sorry to hear this :hugs:. Please don't give up hope yet, you are not out of options :flow:.

Ha, too funny about the little bean's nickname Fleur! Glad to hear you're sharing the good news finally. Did it feel great getting back to the gym?

Looks like baby Rio has been enjoying the carbs as well Twinsie... he's a busy, growing boy! Happy the appointment went well. Cute pic!

Enjoy your stress free cycle Katie! I sewed the curtains for our bedroom a few years back. They're not the most beautiful, but they've done the trick for now. I was being thrifty in my construction...instead of a room darkening foam on the back, I used landscape fabric, lol! Btw, the grapefruit beer is made by Rickard's (Rickard's Radler)... not sure if it's available in the states. Definitely summery though!

Scooby, glad you were able to work your magic. FX you'll catch that egg! What breed are your pups?

AFM, hooray, hooray, I got my period today! I'm also very happy I didn't spot beforehand. So this is how this month IS going to play out... 1) AF will be quick and painless, 2) Ample ewcm at O, 3) Healthy egg waiting to errupt, 4) DH will be home from work at the appropriate time (FX!), 5) Healthy sperm meets healthy egg and voilà, a viable pregnancy! :pop:
I'm so sorry about your test results, Crystl. :hugs: Fx for you that you get the best possible RE who can help you fully understand your situation and guide you to your bean! Dr. Google didn't shed much light on FSH when I consulted him, so I hope your doctor has given you much more information already.

Your post made me smile, 2b. :flower: Love your outlook! AND your planning. You know I love a list!

AFM: AF is finishing up, and I'm enjoying not prepping too much for this cycle. Funny story... last night I went under the sink to get out a tampon, and all I came up with was the empty box! I was so hopeful that I wouldn't need anymore by this point, that I hadn't been to the store to buy any! I spent the next thirty minutes digging through all my purses and random travel toiletries trying to find an extra stashed away in a hidden pocket. Luckily, I found one (in the medicine cabinet stuck in a box on BAND AIDS!), and needless to say, I made a stop at the store on my way into the office this morning! :haha:
Enjoy and relax Katie!

2b. You forgot to add "no more AF for 9 months" love your outlook!
crystlmcd, so sorry to hear about your results :hugs: It is very hard to accept but don’t give up hope, there ARE ways that the doctors can help. My friend doesn’t ovulate on her own and has to go through ovarian stimulation (by injection), and thanks to that managed to fall pregnant within a few months after trying on her own for years. I’ve also heard good things about acupuncture while going through fertility treatment. It must be rather overwhelming at the moment, but I hope the RE will manage to reassure you about your chances of pregnancy. Sending you tons of hugs and positive vibes.

scooby, good luck, hope you catch the egg! My next scan is in 3 weeks.

2b4us, great attitude!!! I used to have spotting/discharge for a few days before AF but after my miscarriage it stopped. Lots of babydust to you! It was good to go back to the gym although I was really sore the next day but I haven’t been back in almost a week, oops.

Katie, hope a more relaxed approach will work for you and that you won’t need to stock up on tampons again.
Turtle, thinking of you also, can't quite remember if your appointment with the RE is today or on the 28th, keep us updated! :flower:
By the way, I finally got a ticker... or 4! I didn't know which one to choose :blush: Is there any way to make them smaller though?
Thanks for all of the support, ladies. They did not test my AMH and didn't indicate that any of my other hormones were abnormal. Unfortunately, my doctor wasn't available so the nurse just relayed the notes she left for me.

After I had a total meltdown yesterday (complete with all of the "it's not fair, so and so is having their 7th kid and can't afford one", etc etc), I did some googling and it seems that my situation is not as hopeless as it came across in the phone call. My FSH is 9.7 and the doctor said that when it gets to 10 there is only a small chance of getting pregnant even with Clomid. However, I read many stories about women who had an FSH higher than mine that had successful IUIs. It has restored a little hope in me but I'm still terrified that I'll be childless forever (IVF is CRAZY expensive!). We'll do the first IUI next month so we'll just cross our fingers and see how it goes. I'm also going to try some DHEA in the meantime. I figure it can't hurt.

I'm so glad that I have all of you to confide in. Since nobody else knows we're trying, DH is the only one I can talk to about this. He's very supportive (and researches everything my doctor says) but it's nice to have more than 1 person to talk to. My family keeps asking (almost weekly) when we're going to have a baby and it kills me to pretend that we're just waiting. I don't know what I would do without you all! :hugs:

Fleur - I love the tickers! I can't believe how fast the times seems to be going for all of you that are expecting. Can't wait until you're sharing pictures of your little one!
We’re glad to be here to listen and share in all the ups and downs :hugs: I also don’t really talk openly to many people in real life about TTC etc, so this group has often been of so much help and comfort to me.
I’m glad that things are seeming less hopeless to you now. IUIs seem to have good rates of success so I hope that it won’t be long till it works for you! It’s a good idea to take supplements too, every little helps!

By the way, did they get DH’s sperm tested? Only asking because a friend doesn’t ovulate on her own and has to go through ovarian stimulation to get pregnant, with daily injections and ultrasounds etc. It worked within a few months the first time, their little girl is almost 2 now. However, they’ve now been trying again for 10 months, and just got her DH’s sperm tested, expecting everything to be normal, and it seems that he’s caught something in the meantime because his sperm is suddenly not healthy at all! (Sorry, don’t remember the technical terms). So now he has to follow a course of antibiotics I believe, but they’re so frustrated that they’ve been trying for so long without suspecting that he could have an issue too.
Don’t mean to scare you at all, just that for my friend’s DH it’s something relatively simple to sort out but they had no idea.
Happy to hear you're feeling more hopeful crystlmcd :flower:. That's awesome that DH keeps himself informed and is so supportive! My OH is completely clueless for the most part :wacko:.

Snazzy tickers Fleur! I'm not sure about resizing them though... sorry, can't help on that one. Well it would be difficult going back to the gym right away if you were so sore :winkwink:.

Oh I totally forgot about the joys of not having a period during pregnancy...thanks for the reminder Cutieq!

Lol, in a way Katie, I guess a tampon is like a Band-aid... :haha:
Crystl, I'm delighted to read your post. All we can have is a hope! I definitely know several iui successes.

I've been cleaning and decluttering all day. I feel like the next 4 months are going to fly by and it freaks me out.
Fleur - we did a SA last month and DH's motility is low but everything else is normal. From what I understand, IUI is good for that issue as well.
The joys of springtime in Alberta....


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Yikes, 2b! You can keep that snow up there. It's 50 and rainy here today and I'm so cold!
Fleur- love the tickers!! Can't make them smaller but that's ok! We like seeing them!

Crystl- glad your feeling more hopeful! IUI has helped lots of couples!!

2b- great attitude!! That will help! I have complete faith you will be getting your bfp soon!!!

Afm- I'm having hormonal mood swings lately and it's so crazy! Last night everything DH said annoyed me ! And today after bring in a great mood after a nice lunch with a friend, I come home to take the dog for a walk and start crying because I can't figure out how to put on her new harness!!! Lol! I feel like a crazy person! I'm told it's normal but I don't like it ! It's unsettling and I can't control it. It's bizarre. Granted my dog gets anxious when I start to put her harness and leash on, I'm not sure if it's excitement or anxiety but she whimpers until we are outside. So the whimpering and the not being able to figure out her harness just made me lose it! Anyways , DH wasn't home to see my meltdown thankfully but I told him and he's very supportive . I'm lucky he doesn't wanna run for the hills lol. Get away, far far away!
Wow 2b- that's a lot of snow for spring! It flurried here yesterday but that was it. Cold April! Hoping may warms up.
Crystl, I'm delighted to read your post. All we can have is a hope! I definitely know several iui successes.

I've been cleaning and decluttering all day. I feel like the next 4 months are going to fly by and it freaks me out.

Four months is still a good amount of time! Are you all done with yoir registry? I just started mine on babies R us. It's cool you can look up other people you know that have had registries too and if you like something on theirs you simply click to add it yours! I've been doing a lot of that and it really helps! You can look up mine if you want. Jamie Riofrio. I've done a lot of research!
Thanks I will check yours out. I want to go in store and do a lot of it but I've been researching. My first shower is July 11 so I just need to have it done before the invites go out.
Crystl, I'm so glad you're feeling more hopeful. A 9.7 FSH level is not that high. I believe anything under 10 or 11 is still considered normal for women in our age group. I've also heard a lot of success stories with IUI and clomid. Fingers crossed that this will be just what you need to get your BFP. :)

Twinsie, sorry you've bern so emotional lately. It's definitely part of the "fun" of being preggo. I just finished my registry last week and I've been obsessed with making sure it's perfect. I've also been looking up other friends registries online and reading reviews on everything I registered for and I'm constantly making changes. It's crazy but I can't stop lol! Are you doing everything online or have you gone in store at all?
I'm going in store. Mainly because it's fun plus I want hubs to see all the stuff. I've done my bigger items online and will check those out when I'm in store but smaller items im going to do in person. I went with buybuybaby, babies r us and target although I really dislike targets registry. Things are either only available only or out of stock!

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