30-Something Moms!

I haven't been to the store yet just online and reading reviews. I definitely want to pick out the big stuff in person to make sure it's good!
2b4us, can’t believe it’s snowing so much in spring! So how long do you have a proper summer? DH is still mostly clueless about TTC-related stuff but I’m generous enough to (force) share my knowledge with him.

crystlmcd, sorry, you already told us about DH’s SA. Yes, IUI definitely helps with for his issue as well because it deposits the sperm right where it should be to wait for the egg, so it has a shorter distance to travel!

cutie, 4 months suddenly doesn’t sound so far off… but if you’re well organized you’ll get everything done on time! Anyway I suppose it’ll be ok as long as you have the essentials.

Twinsie, aww, it must be weird to suddenly have no control over your emotions! I’m sure you’ll look back on it and laugh though.

Joy, are you doing a theme for the nursery? (You might have told us already and it’s totally slipped my mind!). Tomorrow you’ll be 30 weeks, wow!

I’ve been strong so far and haven’t bought a single thing for the baby (although I have boxes full of baby clothes that I’ve bought over the years!). Waiting till my 16-week scan to start browsing the few shops we have here! No such thing as baby registries here so DH’s family won’t be able to get us anything if they want to. I did order a pregnancy journal though, so must start filling that in although I don’t have any pics for the first trimester, and not much to write in the “Symptoms / Pregnancy niggles/ Things I love eating / Things I hate eating” sections.

I’ve decided I’d like a boy just to be contrary because my mom and sister will be disappointed if it’s a boy, and a friend has decided I’m having a girl based on my stomach shape. So yeah, I’m convinced it’s a girl but because of them I want a boy :haha: We personally don’t have a preference, as long as it’s healthy (so cliché but true).

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Haha fleur you're funny, wanting a boy to be controversial. I'm convinced I'm having a boy but my mil says my belly looks like a girl too.. And I had my first baby dream last night! Gender reveal party and piece of paper said girl. But I'm more convinced it means twin B was a girl than twin A being a girl since souls passed on can interrupt dreams to send a message, not souls still living. I still say boy! Lol
How was everyone's weekend?

2b- I love your "to do" list. Fingers and toes crossed you get to check off each item! My dogs are rescues from our local SPCA and they're both mega mutts :) I did get DNA tests for them though since I was super curious. Lola, the black one, is mostly Greyhound and Weimaraner, with German Shepherd, Welsh Terrier, Akita and Coonhound. Keema, the brown one, is mostly Lab and Chow, with Boston Terrier, Irish Setter, Boxer and Akita. And of course they're both 100% wonderful.

katie- I had to laugh when I was reading your post because I did the same thing this cycle!

crystl- I'm glad things aren't as dire as you first thought. I hope your RE will shed a little more light on the situation and figure out a plan of attack :) Are you planning on doing IUI this cycle? So exciting! Good luck with the DHEA. I'm a firm believer in combining homeopathic treatment with western medicine. I've watched my own cycle improve tremendously over the past four months, just from vitamins, supplements and diet. The way I see it, it can't hurt.

fleur- I love all four of your new tickers! Aww, your baby is a little peach right now. That's adorable :)

AFM, my husband caught a horrific cold/flu type thing and we only got to BD once before his plague hit. So my chances aren't too hot this month, but according to FF I'm 3 DPO now and officially in the TWW. Since the timing wasn't great I'm kind of treating this as a sort of "break" month, which so far has been a lot less stressful :)
Hi everyone!

Crystl: I'm glad things are looking up! I completely disapprove of your doctor leaving notes for the nurse to relay instead of talking to you. There should be a "disdainful" emoji on here. I would use it a lot. :growlmad: That's the only substitute I see.

Fleur: SO MANY TICKERS! The fruit is always my favorite one. I have a very close friend who is 15 weeks pregnant after trying for two years, and every Monday I email her and ask what fruit she is. And then I list all the desserts she can bake with that fruit. :winkwink: But I guess she's already "baked" the best dessert!

2b: Ahhhhh, spring! I have NO idea how we managed to miss snow all week, but it's been rain around these parts luckily. It's cold and rainy again this afternoon, but I have decided I am done with coats, thank you very much. I will obviously regret that decision when I have to get back to my car this evening.

AFM: It's busy busy busy around here! We submitted all our loan paperwork last week, and we are neck deep in home inspections. We're also starting to think about priorities on our "must buy" list... like a sofa. And a rake. And a ladder. And a lawn mower. And a guest bed. And all the other things we never bothered buying when we rented either because we called the landlord to do whatever needed being done, or because there are things you just don't need in an apartment that you need in a house on 4 acres. There will not be enough cash to go around (when is there ever, right??) so hence the need to prioritize. It should be fun, in theory, but it's just been stressful. Rakes and ladders aren't all that fun.

...ALTHOUGH, I did buy a bunch of fabric this weekend to start on the drapes for the living room. And I'm going to try my hand at making roman shades for our bedroom. I need a project! :wacko:
Twinsie, when do you think you’ll be finding out the sex? I could potentially find out in a couple of weeks if baby is cooperating, but I think I’d like to wait a little longer… However DH is too impatient AND he’s a blabbermouth so the whole world will find out before me if he’s the only one who knows.

scooby, sorry to hear you didn’t manage to BD a lot this month. Good luck anyway, it only takes one!

Katie, busy but fun times ahead for you! I hate going to the kind of shop that sells rakes and ladders and bulbs, I’d just send DH on his own and concentrate on the nicer stuff! Making your own drapes and roman shades, wow… show us pics! I couldn’t choose which ticker I want to keep :blush: I’ve put them under Spoiler so they don’t take up the whole page! That’s sweet about your friend and the desserts. Will it always remain a fruit though?? I think there are a few vegetables also.

How’s everyone else?

Turtle, thinking of you, update us after your RE appointment!
I have a scan tom! But I'm only 14 weeks then. I think it's only 2D?? They called it a "fun" ultrasound for this appt but didn't specify so I'm really not sure !? I'm gonna say 2D though so I don't get my hopes up. So I'm not hopeful we will determine a gender tomorrow, although I wish!!! We will find out next month whenever that scan is, which we will schedule tom! Prob last week in May when I'm 18 weeks.
There's a slight dilemma in when we will be having the gender reveal party.. I was set on having it June 6th and I don't want to wait too long after we find out to have the party. But one of my sil's and kids are in Italy 5/29-6/14!!!! Worst timing ever lol so now I'm debating but pretty sure we will just have to do it without them. 6/20 doesn't work for my family. And I can't wait a whole month!!!! I just can't !! I feel horrible that they'd have to miss it. But DH has a huge family and it's impossible to pick one wknd that works for everyone!!
Cutieq, I have absolute faith that you'll be more than organized by the time baby arrives! :flower:

How late into your pregnancy do you intend to work Joy?

So these boxes of clothes you have Fleur, are they for a girl or boy? They make girl's clothes so gosh darn cute!

Glad you're having a less stressful cycle scooby. FX for a positive still! Hopefully the OH is feeling better. Your pups are adorable... I love mutts! I didn't realize they could do testing to figure out the make up...crazy!

Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you Katie! Good luck with the curtains. Will you have a long commute to work from the new place?

Enjoy your scan tomorrow Twinsie!

ASM, I'm pretty sure DH won't be around for my fertile days, boooooo! Oh well, might just be a relaxing summer here. The snow pretty much melted on Sunday and today they are calling for a high of 25 Celsius/75 Fahrenheit! Ridiculous weather. Fleur, I'm not even sure if we could say we have 3 months of a proper summer. Can I please come and camp out in your yard next winter? :winkwink:
Hi, ladies! I've been reading along here and there, just not posting during my "break". It's been a nice mental break! :) I had my RE appt today and wanted to update you all. It's a lot, sorry in advance! :winkwink:

She said my FSH levels aren't really that bad, and my AMH level is good. She said AMH is a way better indicator of ovarian reserve than FSH is (to the point where she doesn't even test FSH anymore). So I'm not as bad off as I was thinking. She did say Crohn's Disease can play a factor, in that you see less pregnant women with Crohn's (and there's a higher miscarriage risk with it). It can also cause blocked tubes but we know mine are cleared so that's good at least. The radiologist who did the HSG noted a small uterus, which she doesn't think really means anything. BUT, just to be sure, she's ordering a 3D sonogram with a saline injection. Basically it injects saline into my uterus much like the HSG (but saline instead of dye, less injected and less painful) and that builds a 3D image of my uterus to really give them a good feel for the size and shape, plus sees my ovaries, etc. She said the pains I've been feeling are more likely from the fibroids I have, and they'll see those too while doing this test. So I have to schedule this for cd6-10.

Now as for DH's SA: she said that there's basically 3 categories he can fall into with his TMC (total motile count, which is what they look at). Greater than 40 million is what is considered good. Here's where it gets tricky. The next category is from 40 mil down to either 5 or 10 mil...some studies say 5 mil, some say 10 mil. His is 5.47 million. So depending on who you ask, he's either just BARELY in that range (if it goes down to 5 mil) or he's not at all (if it goes down to 10 mil). IF he's in that range (again, if) then it's considered baseline male infertility (or something like that). In that range, combined with all our other factors (including age), we're looking at 2-5% chance of conceiving on our own naturally. (she said someone our age without any of the other factors has a 20% chance each cycle on their own). In that range they recommend IUI. The third category is either 5 or 10 mil (again, depending on which study) or below and is considered severe. Again, his is 5.47 million. So he's either barely above that range or in that range. In the severe range, we're looking at 1% chance of conceiving on our own, and IUI only increases it to 2% chance. (I forgot to ask what IUI increases it to in the middle category). So for that category, they do IVF.

So....we're either looking at IUI or IVF most likely but we still don't really know. I need to do that 3D sonogram DH has to have another SA. Best case scenario, his numbers will be much higher (if above 40 mil it sounds like we won't have to do anything! Maybe anyways...?)...but at least hopefully above 10 mil to be solidly in that middle range. We won't know though until we get those second set of results. He's taking next Friday off anyways, so he'll do it that day and drop it off. I'm hoping to have my sonogram done that same day. Then after they get his results, he has to see a urologist to see what he recommends based on the two SA's, and to see which course of action is best for us. Whew. Lots to take in, sorry for hijacking the thread! :winkwink:

Btw...a few points I remembered from the posts over the last couple of weeks...I'm also a HUGE Harry Potter fan and love that you're calling baby Voldy, Fluer! Too funny! I recently just reread the whole series since my niece is reading them and I wanted to be able to talk about them with her...I finished them in exactly 4 weeks. I was obsessed. We then rewatched all the movies too. Luckily DH loves the series too. ;)

Katie, congrats on your house! It's beautiful, and I'm so excited for you!!! <3

Crystl, I'm so sorry that you got back not so great results on your FSH, but I'm very glad to hear that it's looking better than you thought. If it makes you feel any better, mine was 11.8 and she told me today that's really not that bad at all. And, it sounds like RE's don't even really use FSH anymore because it's not as predictable as AMH. In fact, she said AMH is the best indicator, followed by a sonogram of your ovaries where they can actually tell how many you have left (which I think she said they'll be able to tell on that 3D one I'm having), followed lastly by FSH...which is why they don't even test for that anymore in that office. I hope that helps you feel at least a little better about it now! :hugs:

I know there were other things that I wanted to comment on but 1) I've already taken up way too much of the thread in one post and 2) I don't remember this far out after reading it! Sorry, ladies! I love you all! :)
2b- I'm sorry DH won't be around for your fertile window!! :/

Turtle- hi! Good to hear from you!! Wow that does sound like a lot to take in!!! Information is power though! The more you know the better. Seems like you have a good plan and I really hope you get your bfp soon!!! Fx so tight for you.

Fleur- how are things with you?

How are the other ladies here??

Afm: My dr appt this morning went well! Baby is measuring 14 weeks! S/he was sucking it's thumb and it was so cute! But I found out that my dr doesn't do 3D/4D ultrasounds !!! boo!!!! Plus my next appt (16 weeks ) isn't even an u/s! I'd have to wait till 20 weeks for the 2D scan to find out baby's gender! Totally unacceptable for this impatient scan loving mama!!! Lol soooooo research has begun on volunteer ultrasounds at local schools for ultrasound programs as well as places that do 3D scans for a fee. I found one 20 mins from me that you can have a private u/s as early as 15 weeks!!! That's next week for me !!!!! Naturally I wanna do it!!! It's not even that expensive cuz they have a special going on right now so I'm calling today! I'm debating when to schedule it though, mYbe wait until at least 16.5 weeks to be sure?! Thoughts??? I know my friend went to the same place at 15 weeks and it was accurate. Since 3D you can see more. I'm just afraid of spending money and baby not cooperate! But I'm debating how far along I wanna be when I go. Maybe 16.5 weeks to be safe?? Well see!
Sorry I"ve been MIA the past few days. I've been crazy busy this week.

Turtle - so glad to hear from you and thanks for the info from your RE about the FSH. It would be nice if all doctors used the same info so we wouldn't get so stressed out when one doctor says something is bad just to find out it's not really that bad when you get to a specialist. Glad to hear your RE is getting everything tested out and that you have a game plan in the works. Fingers crossed for you!

Twinsie - adorable ultrasound pictures. Can't wait to find out the gender even though it feels like it's forever until your gender scan!

Fleur - also excited to find out the gender of yours. I've heard that morning sickness is also an indicator of gender. Supposedly the worse morning sickness occurs when you're having a girl so maybe you are having a boy! I'm sure there are a million old wives tales for determining gender so we'll just have to wait!

scooby - we are doing IUI next cycle (I'm in the middle of my cycle right now). I have to call my doctor's office on CD1 of my next cycle to get all of my meds lined up and get all of my instructions.

Katie - I was also frustrated that the doctor just gave notes to the nurse to relay to me. It didn't really give me any opportunity to ask questions and I just realized a couple days ago that they didn't tell me anything about the PCOS so I still have no idea if that diagnosis is confirmed. I plan on asking some more questions the next time I give them a call.

Sorry if I left anyone out. I hope everyone's having a great week!
Hello ladies! How's everyone doing this fine spring day? :flower:

twinsie- Love the pics, so cute! I don't know why but I feel like you're having a girl? I'm terrible at this though, almost always wrong lol. So that means you're probably right about it being a boy. Maybe play it safe and wait until 16 weeks or so. As for the gender reveal, it's a bummer your SIL can't be there but it's almost impossible to coordinate so many schedules. Is there a way to have her be involved somehow, like Sype? If not I think you should go with the date that makes most sense for you.

2b- Yeah the DNA thing was so cool. It's called Wisdom Panel and you can get it on Amazon. It's not 100% accurate, especially with mixed breeds, but if they say for instance that your dog is part Welsh Terrier you can be pretty confident that it's a breed close to that if not that specific breed. That stinks that your DH may not be around, but you've still got a shot even within 4-5 days of O.

turtle- hi! Thanks for the update. I'm glad you got so much more info and good luck in your upcoming tests! Is your DH doing anything to improve his count? Maca, L-Arginine, L-Carnitine and Zinc are all supposed to help, or you can get a supplement that has everything combined. It takes about 3 months to see effects but I've read about really large improvements. I've got my DH on Fertileaid.

crystl- Good luck on the IUI! If you don't mind sharing details afterward I'd love to hear how the whole thing works. This is the route we'll probably have to take since it's covered under our insurance but IVF is not.

AFM, my temps are a lot lower this month. But I haven't been sleeping well so maybe that's why. I'm an awful symptom spotter but I'm 6DPO today and I feel zero symptoms. Not surprised, my chances were super low this month. DH is supposed to go next week for his SA, and I'm going to schedule my ultrasound and HSG soon. If nothing happens by July, I'm going to try Clomid.
Crystl- thanks for checking in! What have you been up to?

Scooby- I think if you said that I was having a girl a few weeks ago I would be so happy and hope you're right, but I'm so convinced I'm having a boy I've finally gotten used to the idea and almost favor it now!! I can gladly say I'd be happy with either. Both genders have their pros and cons so I'll be happy either way. The only real con I think for a boy is not being able to dress him up all girly and cute lol plus I know how to entertain a little girl. Boys just wanna play with tracks and cars and trains! Well at least that's what I envision!? So I feel like it's not as easy to bond with a boy but I could be wrong! I would love to have a little Joey that looks like my husband joe. That would be so sweet.

Fleur- when is your gender appt? Are you waiting until 20 weeks? Sorry if you already said... I Don't remember! Are you gonna do a 3D scan? They are so cool, I can't wait for mine!!!

How is everyone else?? Tomorrow is fridayyyyyyy!
Quick update for me! Nursery furniture ordered. Big milestone!

My appointment went well today. Measuring perfectly and a 150 heartbeat! No more ultrasounds which makes me sad lol
Awe, that is sad Cutie :(. Great news on the furniture though! How soon until it shows up?

Whoa, that is indeed a lot of info Turtle! You must be feeling relieved to be finally getting some answers. :flower: Definitely getting closer to that BFP! I hope you continue to enjoy your break!

I'll have to check out that website scooby! I'm pretty sure my sister would be interested in this, as her dog is a rescue and they're not entirely sure what mix she is.

I say pay for the 3D scan Twinsie! Put that curiosity to rest, ha! :winkwink:

I took the day off today hoping to be productive, bahahahaha! Nope, just finished a Reese peanut butter cup Blizzard from DQ. Too funny though, I caught my Dr. there ordering food... tsk, tsk Doc, fast food? Might have to meet the OH half way somewhere for supper on Sunday and perhaps break in the back seat of his truck... that'll put us 2 days before expected O.
2b, I'm severity hoping it takes a month or so to deliver. They will call me in the next week or so to confirm dates. We have to move the old furniture out so I hope we get some time. FYI, I orders from jcpenney and they have great prices!

I think you should break in the truck. Statistics show high success rates of babies being conceived in the back seat!

Crystl, I'm excited for your iui!
2b- way to make it work! I vote back seat half way too, girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!!

Cutie - exciting about the nursery! I can't wait until DH and I move into our house in July and I can start setting up the nursery!!! I vote for an extra scan! So worth it
Scooby - I will definitely provide details about my IUI experience after my first one. Hopefully you will get your BFP before you need to go that route!

Twinsie - I've just been busy with work and school. Nothing fun!

Cutie - exciting about the baby furniture! I'm also getting excited about my IUI and am really hoping it works.

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