30-Something Moms!

Friends are visiting us from France so we're staying with them till Sunday. Will catch up properly when I have access to a laptop/wifi.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Happy Friday everyone!

Turtle: Great information! I'm glad your appointment went well and was so helpful. It seems to me, from reading other threads, that motility can really change from test to test so Fx for you both! LETS MAKE A BABY!


2b, I can recommend the front seat if the back doesn't work out so well :winkwink: There's not a lot of room to maneuver on a bench seat, and the front ones recline. Good luck! :bunny:

AFM: lots of busy work going on with our house mortgage and inspections and lots going on at work! The happy glow of homeownership has worn off a bit this week and we deal with the numbers, but I'm sure once everything is paid over, and we have possession, it will be back. I've been treating myself to lots of quality Pinterest time as therapy. :wacko: I seem to manage to pile on the stress every cycle just in time for my fertile days! Not that I'm paying attention to that this month... :haha:
Happy Monday everyone :) (Well ok maybe not lol. Wish it was still the weekend!)

Twinsie- love the FB annoucement. Super cute! As for boys vs girls, I have a stepson and when I first met him I felt so clueless. (There are all girls in my family.) But boy toys and games are a lot of fun, and they have a very different kind of energy than girls. Like you said, there are pros and cons to both, but you adapt no matter what.

Cutie- congrats on your perfect scan and the furniture. You're getting so close!

AFM, my temps are driving me a little bit insane this month. I had a huge spike yesterday over 99 degrees which has never happened to me before. Naturally I got all excited, and then this morning it went way down... but it's still an overall upward trend and I'm at 10DPO. So I tested this morning and it was a stark white BFN.

However. I still think FF got my O date wrong and I'm only 9 DPO. Sooooooooo basically I'm going a little bit crazy. I find it really hard to not be hopeful if there's even a tiny chance, but the disappointment month after month is so crushing. It's so hard to keep a healthy balance between hopeful and realistic.
Those temps are still up scooby!

I had a great weekend with my family in town. It's setting in how time is flying by now. I'm insanely excited yet nervous as all hell!
Glad to hear you had a great weekend cutie, did you do anything special? Is there anything specific that makes you the most nervous? I think I'll be terrified of the actual birth :shock:.

Still crazy busy at work crystlmcd? Does your schooling go straight through the summer or do you have a bit of a break?

Bleh, Mondays!!! I think your chart still looks pretty good Scooby :thumbup:. Hopefully you're able to keep yourself busy the next few days...join in on the Pinterest addiction, ha!

How's the de-stressing going Katie?

Cute FB announcement Twinsie!

Joy, Fleur, how are you ladies?

DH ended up making it home on the weekend, so no truck rocking required :haha:.
Haha 2b, glad DH was able to make it home for the weekend.

Work has calmed back down now. It really seems to come in waves. I can have normal to slow weeks for several weeks at a time and then bam a crazy week or two where everything is urgent and has to be done now. Then back to normal again. I finish this term at school in june and then I get a month off before I start my next term in july. Usually we only get a couple weeks off between terms but they give us extra time between spring and summer term.

Fingers crossed for you this month!
Hello all, been busy with my friends so haven’t had time to log on from the computer lately.

Turtle, good to hear from you after so long. That is a LOT of information to take in. I hope DH’s SA will show higher numbers than last time. I’ve heard it can vary from month to month. Have you booked your sonogram for Friday? However it happens, I hope that you’ll be pregnant very soon :hugs: My sister has never seen any of the Harry Potter movies (and she doesn’t read a lot), I’ve told her I’ll watch them with her!

Twinsie, awwww at baby already sucking his/her thumb! It looks like he/she’s stretching out with one leg up in the air in one of your pics! Have you decided when you’re going in for the private ultrasound to find out the baby’s sex? What have you planned for your gender party? Your Facebook announcement is cute, you’re so pretty! I have a scan at 16 weeks so should be able to find out the sex then if baby is cooperating… I wouldn’t mind waiting a bit longer but DH is so impatient. Seems like my OB/gyn does 3D scans but last time we couldn’t make out a thing honestly.

2b4us, the others had good advice about baby-making in a truck but I’m glad DH made it back on time. Good luck for this month! How’s the weather nowadays? You’re most welcome to come and camp out in my yard, hopefully I’ll have one by next year (we’re supposed to be building our house but the developers are still waiting for some permit, argh). I’ve got clothes for both boys and girls, ranging from newborn to 6 years old… Just a few items that I liked, I hasten to add, definitely not enough to clothe them for years as DH pretends! However this time (and last pregnancy) I’ve been too scared to start buying anything so soon.

crystlmcd, good luck for the IUI, got everything crossed for you! Did you manage to get the PCOS diagnosis confirmed? I know what you mean about calm periods at work followed by crazy weeks. I’ve also heard that bad morning sickness means you’re having a girl but actually my friends who’ve had horrid nausea have all had boys!

scooby, 9/10 DPO is still early for a BFP, I so hope your temps don’t go down and you get a great surprise in a couple of days! I also had no idea you could get a DNA profile done for dogs.

cutie, yay for ordering the nursery furniture! Do you have a picture? Gosh, that makes things seem so real. I would also feel excited but nervous!

Katie, so what have you been pinning? Have you started the drapes etc?

Joy, hope everything’s going well.

AFM, nothing to report. Still not feeling pregnant haha. In the morning I wake up with a flatish stomach (it’s never been flat) but I get SO bloated as the day progresses! At night I look at least 5 months pregnant, definitely bigger than Twinsie’s cute little bump. I’ll try to post a pic. Been staying with my friends and their little girl near the beach (although I haven’t ventured there at all), and for 3 days straight they (and I) didn’t hear her crying in the morning…only DH did! Good news for me lol.
Fleur, enjoy the calm! I longed for more symptoms and to feel more pregnant and now I'm waddling and pouting. I think my bump officially popped over the weekend and now it's a no jeans zone!

Crystl, I'm glad you get a school break soon. I finished my MBA last May and it was so tough working full time and going to school. Those breaks are so welcome!

2b, glad you got some baby making in. I was kinda excited for your truck-rocking BFP, but I'll take that BFP anyway I can get!

AFM, pic of the nursery furniture attached. My family was here and we went to the movies, a comedy show, shopping (I bought WAY too much for baby) and to a food truck rodeo. It was an amazing weekend, but by Sunday my pelvis was so sore I couldn't get off the couch! I'm still pretty exhausted but it was worth it. I'm getting more definite kicks but they're still pretty faint at times. I think the thing that scares me most is after he gets here, returning to work and life with him here. Our every action affects this little guy and forms who he will be as an adult. I worry if we're equipped to mold him into this awesome, respectable, gentleman that I dream he will be. I don't worry much about labor & delivery, feedings...those things. People have done those for years. I worry about life going from 2 to 3 and adjusting ourselves accordingly to making sure we care for him properly. Oh and finances. OH VEY do I worry about finances!


  • crib.jpeg
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Cutie- Beautiful nursery furniture!! I wonder about life as 3 too. Life will certainly change! I think it's important to schedule date nights a few times a month! Hopefully family can help watching the little one for a few hours!

Fleur- I get bloated at night too! I always take my bump pics first thing in the morning after using the bathroom lol. Can't wait to see your bump!

2b- so glad you got a good BDing sesh in!! Wootz! TWW!

Crystl- glad you get a break for a month!
Scooby- I'm not good at reading temp charts but I hope you catch that eggy!!
Fleur, I always mean to ask... where do you live?? It sounds magical. The kind of place where friends are always trying to come stay for a few days!

Love the furniture, Cutie! That will go so well with the soft items you posted awhile ago! I think you'll probably raise a good little man. I think people who are concerned about parenting, and work hard at parenting, probably are pretty good at parenting. Or at least, they don't end up raising the same kind of kids that people who ignore parenting do. You just have to do your best and trust that that's enough I guess!

AFM: Pinning continues. If you are bored and want to look at 700 versions of grey/blue/white living rooms: https://www.pinterest.com/kittykat4007/someday-home/

Last night I finally realized how stressed out I actually am. I've had a terrible couple nights trying to sleep, and last night I was lying there physically shaking. I'm starting to worry that maybe we've jumped the gun on buying. DH quit his job in December just before Christmas, and his attempts at getting something new have been.... unsuccessful. So I'm carrying our little family of two on my own. We moved into his parents' house in October just after they left to spend the winter in Florida, so we actually haven't had a housing expense to deal with since he's been out of work. Well, now we will and he's not working still. I'm very very lucky in that I have a job that pays well (although it's not a job I enjoy, sadly), and ON PAPER we can afford to move in to the house and still pay our bills, but it's TIGHT. Like, count-your-pennies-at-the-grocery-store tight. So that's all a problem. And I'm also the only one on the mortgage, so I've been dealing with all the financials, and document gathering, and insurance shopping on my own. And trying to play cheerleader to him right now since his ego has taken a bit of a hit. And also trying to get pregnant and not be upset it hasn't happened yet. And... :wacko:

....PHEW. Sorry to vent!! It's been a rough couple of days I guess! I'm pretty sure that once closing happens, and we're in the house, things will calm down and not feel so bad, but right now my brain is NOT cooperating!
Awwww Katie im so sorry you're stressed out! Doesn't sound fun!:/ I hope DH gets a job soon !! What's his occupation? Is he collecting unemployment? My DH was laid off for 5 months last year and it's tough!
cutie, I really like the nursery furniture, especially the crib. You’re right, I’ll just enjoy this as long as I can, I don’t think it will be so easy later on. I’m not thinking about labour/delivery right now, and I know DH will be very hands-on, but I do worry about finances, whether we’ll be able to raise our child properly, how will we deal with it if he/she’s bullied at school and stuff like that… I figure that if we’re so anxious to do things right, that must mean we’ll try our best to be good parents!

Twinsie, haha, I’ve only taken a couple of pics so far but yes, I’ll take them in the morning too!

Katie, sorry to hear that you’re going through so much stress, that is a lot to deal with. I really hope your DH will find another job soon and relieve you of some of the financial pressure :hugs: I live in Mauritius, it’s a small island in the Indian Ocean, off the East coast of Africa / Madagascar. It’s a pretty popular touristy country but it’s a 12 hour flight from France so we don’t get many visitors!
2b- I have a Pinterest account but I'm never on there. I am however obsessed with pinterestfail ;) That site is hilarious.

crystl- My job is the same exact way. Sometimes I'll have three bids due on the same day and nothing but problems on the job site, and then other days (like today) I'm looking for things to keep me busy. What are you majoring in?

fleur- I know, the doggie DNA thing is so crazy! It has actually been helpful to learn their backgrounds though. Like my Lola is part Greyhound, and apparently they like a quiet house with no tension. Totally explains why she gets upset when DH and I argue! If someone swears, even on TV, she goes upstairs. She's very sensitive to emotion, she'd make a great therapy dog. P.S. I just looked up Mauritius and holy cow it's gorgeous there!!!

twinsie- I can't wait for you and fleur to find out the gender! I know that wait would drive me insane lol. Just a couple of weeks now right?

cutie- Love the furniture, super cute! What color scheme are you going with for the nursery? Oh man, no jeans? That's rough! At least it'll be summer soon so there'll be lots of loose comfy dresses to choose from :)

katie- I'm sorry you're so stressed. They say the four most stressful experiences in your life are moving, changing jobs, getting married and having a child. So you guys are basically 3 for 4 right now. No wonder you're stressed! It's a lot of change. Things will settle down soon!

AFM, I don't know what's going on. My temps went up this morning and there's no sign of AF (I absolutely always start spotting by 10 or 11DPO). But I tested this morning and got a stark white BFN. So... :shrug:

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