30-Something Moms!

Christine - I'm so glad your ultrasound had good results too. I've got my fingers crossed for you!

Donna - That outfit is adorable!

I had my follow-up blood draw this morning and my doctor's office called and said everything is rising normally so now we just wait until next week for my first ultrasound (on my 2 year wedding anniversary!). I'm finally starting to really get excited about all of this. I know I have a while before we're really in the clear but I'm allowing myself to be very optimistic. However, I am not getting much sleep these days! I figure it's probably just because I have a million things running through my mind so I'm hoping it gets better soon or I'm going to go insane! On a good note, I have my last final for school tonight and then I'm off for a month. Woohoo!!

I hope everyone is having a good day!
Dani, yes feel free to copy the onesie. Here's the link to the Etsy designer I ordered it from if you want to check it out. https://www.etsy.com/shop/jennifernoeldesigns?ref=s2-header-shopname

Katie, I'm glad the spotting stopped. Hopefully it was just O bleeding. Now it's time to get busy and catch that eggy!

Yay Crystal, it sounds like everything's coming along great with your pregnancy so far! Wow, your six week ultrasound is already next week?! You'll be half way through the first tri by then and then it's smooth sailing from there! :)
Hooray, things are moving along quite smoothly Crystal! I hope your final went well :flower:.

Donna, that's the perfect take home outfit! :thumbup: Enjoy your maternity leave!

FX Katie and Christine...let this be your ladies lucky month!

I hope all is well with you Fleur :).

I suspect I'm around 10 dpo. I was too lazy to temp this month. It's coming to that point in the TWW where every bathroom break is a heart pitter-pattering experience...
Aww randi- I hope you get good your bfp in a few days!

Crystal- hooray for rising hcg!!! Can't wait for your first scan

Donna- I've been looking on etsy for a cute bringing home outfit too! Love yours

I think fleur has her next scan tom? Post an update tom fleur!
OMG, this sure is a chatty group, I’ve only been away a few days ! I can’t keep up with everyone’s names yet, must make an effort. Another busy week at work but I finished early today, at 6pm, so weird to be sitting on the sofa at home on my own.

Twinsie, you’re not fat, you’re growing a baby! I go to the gym sometimes but I’m bored doing the same workout each time. I stand in front of the Zumba class and look longingly at the others dancing around, my sister says I’m pathetic :haha: Let’s hope we also tone up with the babies, like your sister! You must be thrilled to be moving closer to your family. Is the house ready? Did I read you’ve chosen the name Sienna for the baby? That’s a gorgeous name.

scooby, yay for having clear tubes and for the good ultrasound results, that’s one less thing to worry about. Sorry to hear the procedure was painful though. What have you decided about DH’s sperm analysis? 37 is not old but yeah, I understand it feels that way when you start TTC later than the norm. Hope your BFP will soon be here now!

crystlmcd, those are great hcg/progesterone results, everything seems to be progressing well. I also had trouble sleeping early pregnancy. It’s good that you won’t have to wait till 11 weeks for your first scan. And it will be on your wedding anniversary, you don’t even need to buy each other gifts! Enjoy the time off school!

2b4us, thanks! I have to admit I’ve resorted to eating sweet things and drinking cold orange juice to get the baby moving but it doesn’t seem to work on him. It’s sweet of you not to want to dampen others’ happy news :hugs: I was going to ask if you’ve been tracking ovulation but just read your latest post. Best of luck to you, I really hope you get your BFP.

Joy, happy maternity leave! Rest as much as you can before the baby comes. That outfit is adorable! Love the name too.

Katie, I hope it was ovulation bleeding and that this is your month! Are you still doing the OPKs just in case you haven’t ovulated yet?

Turtle, thanks for understanding. Wow, that will be a huge change when you move to Colorado. Do you know people there? Are you close to your family? I lived 12 hours away (by plane!) for years, now I’m a 3-minute drive away and we see them all the time (a bit too much for DH actually).

cutie, how is the nursery coming along? Have you bought lots of clothes/baby stuff already or are you waiting for the baby showers to be done so you know what you still need to get?

So yes, my 20 week scan is tomorrow morning and the stress is building up! I hope everything’s going well with the baby. I have an unmistakable bump now and I THINK I feel the baby moving but I’m still not 100% sure. Are you feeling any movements Twinsie?
I’m supposed to go on a work (and holiday!) trip to Europe in 10 days but my cousin’s wife scared me by saying it’s really not advisable to travel during pregnancy. I asked my doctor last time and he said it’s fine during the 2nd trimester but I’d never forgive myself if something happened to the baby while I’m away. I’ll ask him again tomorrow and decide, the tickets need to be booked by Saturday.

This is my latest impulse buy, just couldn’t resist :


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Donna- The welcome home onesie is seriously the cutest thing ever. Also, I love the name Sean! The Irish part of me approves ;)

Katie- No apolgies needed, that's what we're here for :) Sometimes just saying what's on your mind can make you feel better. How's the new house? Are things starting to get organized?

Dani- I think it's nice that you're taking it slow on the decorating. No need to rush! Congrats on being in the third trimester, woot! You'll be enjoying that cold beer in no time at all.

Crystal- Hooray for good results! I'm so glad you're feeling excited. I'm excited for you! Good luck on your finals, and on your scan next week of course :)

Randi- I can totally relate to the dreaded TWW bathroom visits lol. Good luck! When are you testing?

Fleur- We've decided he'll hold off on the SA until next weekend, since I should be ovulating either Saturday or Sunday. He's already a father and he's been taking Fertilaid since February, so I'm hoping he's ok. Yeah, I think the key to TTC on the older side is to not read any statistics lol. Ignorance is bliss! I hope you don't have to miss your trip. Good luck on your scan tomorrow! Also, I love that outfit :)

AFM, FF.net says I'm ovulating tomorrow but I'm pretty confident it'll be later. My OPK's are still light and I don't have O pains yet. I was just reading that HSG's tend to push your O date back a couple of says, although they're not sure why. No biggie! It's easier to BD on the weekends anyway ;)
Crystal: Hooray!!! H&H 9 months! :cloud9: Can't wait to see PICTURES!!

Fleur: Oh man, you totally have to go!! My very close friend is in her second trimester and just spent two weeks in Costa Rica. She had a marvelous time. And think about Duchess Kate... she went gallivanting all over the place with both pregnancies! If she can do it, we can ALL do it! :winkwink: Plus, Europe is so lovely in June. Where are you going? Is your OHs family in France?

Randi: I totally get your ennui this month. :hugs: I hope you are being super kind to yourself and allowing yourself to feel all the feels. We are here for you.

Update for me: I'm spotting again. I called the doctor. My lady doctor is seriously awesome, and I probably should have just called her a long time ago. I have an appointment next Wednesday to check things out, at which time she might prescribe something to start my period since right now it's sort of impossible to tell WHICH time I bled in the past three weeks was the start of a new cycle. She also told me to stop taking the Vitex, which she's never heard of. She said she'll look into it though, so we can talk about it at my appointment. I will fill all you ladies in on what a medical professional has to say about it in case it's of any interest to you.

ALSO: she told me to take another test since I could be pregnant by some miracle of God or nature. I asked if she wanted me to take it today (because if it's positive, she'd want me to call back and it would change the appointment) or tomorrow, since it's afternoon now. She said unless it's like, super SUPER early, it shouldn't matter what time of day you take a pregnancy test. So there's that. All these myths! DISPELLED! :wacko:
Wow Katie, did you test?!?! Glad your talking to your dr and getting things checked out!

Fleur- I've actually felt Siena (not sure if we are gonna spell it sienna or Siena yet)? Everyday this week !! The last 3 days was a just a few flutters in the morning when I was still in bed but just now I've felt her twice and it's 2pm. Progress! She must be getting bigger! :) it still shocks me every time I feel her bcuz is so weird! But I love it. It's like she's saying "Hi mom!!" lol Love the outfit!
Fleur, we have the crib, crib skirt, mattress and a sheet. I've purchased about 10 outfits but I'm not buying anything other than nursery decor until after the showers.
Fleur - I can't wait to hear about your scan tomorrow (and see pics!). My doctor sent me an FAQ and in regards to travel, she says you can travel up to 36 weeks but you need to stand up and move around every 2 hours. I hope you go on your trip and have fun! That outfit is adorable!

Randi - I have my fingers crossed for you! AF can stay away!

Katie - I'm so glad that your doctor is checking in to things for you. Maybe you'll get a surprise BFP!

I'm SO glad tomorrow is Friday. I can't wait for the weekend!
Have you ever tried Zumba Fleur? I don't think I'd be coordinated enough to keep up, ha-ha! All the best with your scan tomorrow. Hopefully you'll come straight home and book your flight. :) Your latest purchase is adorable...he'll look quite like the little man in that one!

Lol, ignorance IS bliss Christine! Happy BDing this weekend!!!

Katie, I can't believe how Vitex has thrown your cycle out of whack like that! Hopefully the doctor can get things back on track ASAP. Orrrrr, maybe YOU are pregnant??? I started Vitex in November to see if it helped with spotting...it did not and tbh, I'm not sure if it's had any advantage for me. I guess I continue taking it because I know I got my BFP while on it.

I am also thankful tomorrow is Friday Crystal! I work with men mostly, and I don't know how many times this week I've felt the want/need to throat punch somebody. Could it be pms? Ha! If I don't wake up tomorrow am with AF or any spotting, and if my bbt temperature is higher than today's temp, I think I may test.
Fleur- I was gonna fly to DC in my first tri but being the super paranoid person i am now, we drove! I know ppl who have flown and I think it's fine but I also like you was worried and didn't want to risk it. If I did mc I'd always wonder if it was my fault! However, your trip sounds amazing and mine was just a few states away, I don't want you to pass up this trip since it'll be awhile before you'll want to fly with a child! Just saying, I understand your hesitation!
Can't wait for all you guys to test soon! Go test!!
Can't wait for all you guys to test soon! Go test!!

Haha I was just about to say the same thing! Katie and Randi, when are you guys going to be testing?

Fleur- Hope to hear about your scan soon!

AFM, I'm a little confused at the moment. My OPK's always rise very steadily, the lines darker each day with a clear LH surge that last 2-3 days. But I've taken 5 tests so far and they all look just about the same. My temps are still low but (sorry for TMI) I've got tons of EWCM today. Like... my body is kind of telling me that I'm going to ovulate tomorrow, but the OPK's aren't agreeing. Has this ever happened to any of you guys?
Fleur, definitely take that trip if you're feeling up to it! I have a friend that traveled to the Netherlands and London from the US. The doc would tell you if you couldn't for some reason.

Randi, I hated that period. No pun intended. Of the constant TP checking. I hope you get a surprise BFP!

Crystal, I had trouble sleeping as well. It'll go away and soon reverse to where you can't stay awake.

AFM, I think I've gone on cruise control or stopped altogether. I haven't done much for nursery or baby in awhile. I feel like I have 3 looong months to go and I don't want to be stuck at the end with nothing but time on my hands.
scooby, yes, ignore the statistics! When you read individual stories you can see that not everyone will have the same journey, no matter their age. I’m not sure what’s happening with the OPKs, maybe you won’t get the slow-rising pattern each time? EWCM is a good sign though so I’d start BDing just in case you ovulate today/tomorrow, best of luck!

Katie, did you test?! Glad that your doctor is going to check things out instead of waiting longer. I hope you’ll get your BFP before though! I think I’ve only ever tested in the morning, because that’s what the instructions say! I’m not in the same league as Duchess Kate… I wish! I’ll be going to London, Paris, Luxemburg (for a day-trip) and the south of France (DH’s family and our friends are there). Paris and Luxemburg will be for client meetings, and the rest for holidays!

Twinsie, what do the baby movements feel like? I don’t know how to describe mine… It definitely doesn’t feel like butterflies though (not that I’ve ever had butterflies inside me). It’s hard to describe, sometimes it’s like little ripples and sometimes like I’m being scratched from inside?? I’m also worried about travelling but the doctor said it’s fine.

cutie, I’ve done just the opposite… Bought outfits but nothing else! It makes sense for you to wait till after the showers. I understand how you feel about getting things ready for the baby too early. I feel like this pregnancy is going very slow, so if I start buying things now there’ll be nothing left to do later on.

crystlcmd, how are you feeling? Have the news sunk in yet? Hope you have a lovely, restful weekend.

2b4us, good luck for testing, fingers crossed for you! I used to do Zumba but my gym instructor told me to stop now. It doesn’t matter if you’re uncoordinated, I always stay in the back and try to follow, you pick up the steps quite quickly. My sister and I used to go to a morning class, and we were the only ones under 50 there so we loved being the most coordinated ones :haha:

I had my scan this morning and the doctor said all is well but it was underwhelming honestly. Everyone told me that the anomaly scan is the most important scan and that it lasts at least 20 minutes because they check all the organs etc, but mine lasted only 3 minutes! We could hardly make out anything and I didn’t even know which questions to ask. Just asked him if the heartbeat is ok and where the placenta is, and he quickly skimmed over them and said it’s all good. At the 16 week scan I asked about the brain, heart etc. and the doctor said we’d be able to see better at the 20 week scan, but I have no idea what extra bits he saw since the scan was much shorter. Even DH was shocked that we were in and out so quickly! it I’m debating getting another scan done elsewhere. Sorry for moaning, I’m glad the doctor thinks everything is OK and I’m sure that he saw what he needed to see but I was expecting it to be more of a bonding experience I suppose.

He cleared me for air travel though so I’ll be confirming my trip to Europe, thanks for the encouragement ladies! My blood tests came back normal, just slightly low in iron but still in the normal range for pregnancy. I’ve been prescribed iron and calcium tablets on top of my normal pregnancy multivits.

Here’s the only pic I got today, baby looks quite weird! His head diameter and abdominal circumference are measuring higher than gestational age, so I'm thinking he's shortish with a HUGE head and fat tummy.


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Aw that's unfortunate! That should be the most exciting one where you see all the limbs and organs. Mine was pretty overwhelming too though. She just kinda pointed out all the parts and we wanted to sit and stare!
That's exactly it! I was expecting to be shown all the details of the organs etc, but he didn't do that. He did show us the 5 fingers of one hand but it went so quick that he'd already moved on by the time I understood what he was pointing out! I suppose I was expecting more time to marvel over the baby and enjoy watching him move around like last time. Oh well... Might go and do another one in London or France for peace of mind and "viewing pleasure".
Yea it's not how they show it on tv at all. Heck none of pregnancy is lol! We don't get another scan unless something is wrong. I want to pay for a 3d one but my hubs keeps telling me to leave the baby alone lol
Aww Fleur, that's so disappointing. It should have lasted much longer than 3 minutes! He should've measued all the limbs and body parts, checked the organs for abnormalities, checked the placenta and cord, etc. There's no way he could've done all that in such a short period of time.

I had a really bad experience during my 20 week scan too. The technician turned the monitor away from me so I couldn't see anything and when I told him I was really looking forward to seeing the baby, he said he had a lot of work to do and that it was more important for him to see the baby. Then he accidently told me the baby's gender after I told him we wanted it to be a surprise! Luckily, despite all that he did a really thorough scan and they found a minor abnormality with the placenta, which I'm being closely monitored for now. So I guess that's what's most important in the long run.

I would definitely ask to have the scan redone if you're not satisfied with the outcome. It should be the most important and thorough scan of your whole pregnancy.

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