30-Something Moms!

Can't wait for your scan Crystal. And happy anniversary in case I forgot!! How are you feeling?

Any fun weekend plans anyone?

I haven't touched the nursery much. Ordered a few things online and I'm waiting for those to be delivered. My mom is coming this weekend to help me with curtains and to DIY a headboard. I don't want them, but she claims they are mandatory to complete the room. moms.. PSSH!
I'm feeling good! My sleep has gotten way better even though I'm still tired during the day sometimes. I had a little bit of brown spotting today but no cramping or anything so trying not to worry about it until I go in on Thursday.

How have things been going for you, Dani?
I'm feeling good! My sleep has gotten way better even though I'm still tired during the day sometimes. I had a little bit of brown spotting today but no cramping or anything so trying not to worry about it until I go in on Thursday.

How have things been going for you, Dani?

Sounds like all is well! I know we all hate to see spotting of any kind, but brown is a-ok. I'm doing pretty well. This pregnancy has had it's bad moments, but overall not bad at all. Right now baby is having a boxing match with my organs, but I'm loving it. Walking, sitting, sleeping, breathing are all pretty uncomfortable right now, but the end is near! Seeing Donna deliver at 37 weeks made me go oh crap, that's only 9 weeks from now for me :wacko:
I'm feeling good! My sleep has gotten way better even though I'm still tired during the day sometimes. I had a little bit of brown spotting today but no cramping or anything so trying not to worry about it until I go in on Thursday.

How have things been going for you, Dani?

Sounds like all is well! I know we all hate to see spotting of any kind, but brown is a-ok. I'm doing pretty well. This pregnancy has had it's bad moments, but overall not bad at all. Right now baby is having a boxing match with my organs, but I'm loving it. Walking, sitting, sleeping, breathing are all pretty uncomfortable right now, but the end is near! Seeing Donna deliver at 37 weeks made me go oh crap, that's only 9 weeks from now for me :wacko:
Holy cow! I can't believe you're that close to the end already. Time flies!
Enjoy your scan Crystal and happy anniversary!!!
Good luck at your scan today, Crystal, and happy anniversary!!! <3

Dani, I can't believe you're already so close to the end either! Time really does fly!

Donna, I hope you and baby are doing well! Can't wait to see pics and hear you're birth store once you're up for it! :hugs:

Fleur, so sorry that your scan was so disappointing. :( That really sucks, especially since it's supposed to be the biggest and best one of the batch! I totally think it's a good idea to go have another private scan done if you can. You deserve that time seeing baby, and to get good pics! I'm also glad to hear you booked your trip after all! I'm totally jealous and I know you'll have a fabulous time! :thumbup:

Randi, I'm sorry that AF arrived after all! :( I hope you made the most of it though and indulged in all the things you can't do while pregnant. Man, that is cold! It's been pretty hot here lately but I'm happy about it! We're going to the lake this weekend and I can't WAIT to swim!

Katie, sorry about your BFN! And that your body is still acting weird. When is your appointment with your doc? I really thought for some reason that you said you already had the appt, and that she told you to stop the Vitex, but I can't see that post anywhere...? So either I'm missing it, or I'm going crazy! :wacko: Well if you haven't had it yet, good luck! :winkwink:

Jamie, so glad to hear your scan went so well!!! I LOVE the pics, thanks for posting them!

Christine, how confusing on when you ovulated! Either way, you should be in your TWW at least, which is exciting! I have everything crossed for you, I can't wait until you test! :thumbup:
Well ladies, it looks like we're having at least 1 baby. There are 2 sacks (!!) But she couldn't tell for sure if there was a pole in the 2nd. So, I'm probably going back in 7-10 days for another scan so we can tell for sure. Just waiting for the doc to call and confirm. I'm excited and so freaking nervous! We knew there was a chance of multiples with clomid but never thought it would actually happen to us. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Hope you're all having a good day!
Forgot the pics!


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Oooh exciting and yay for 1 (maybe 2) babies!
Hello ladies! I&#8217;ve been really busy at work, lots of things to wrap up before leaving for Europe next week. I see I have loads to catch up on once more, love it!

Donna, many congrats and welcome to baby Sean! Hope you&#8217;re both doing well. Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get some time to yourself.

Crystal, oh wow, how exciting, congrats! And happy anniversary!

Dani, my DH is the same, he doesn&#8217;t see why we should get extra scans done just &#8220;for fun&#8221;. I know you&#8217;re not supposed to have more scans than medically necessary but I love seeing baby! Hope your mom does the curtains and headboard to your taste at least. As you say, moms! Does she live close to you? Not sure if you&#8217;ve said it before, will this be the first grandchild on either side? Mine has started knitting a little cardi for the baby.

Randi, sorry about the BFN. Taking my temps and using OPKs also made me feel like I was doing something, instead of just letting things happen.

Katie, has the spotting finally stopped? Sorry about the BFN. Personally I preferred the OPKs to BBT, it gave me some advance warning of ovulation (and I realized that there were a couple of months where I didn&#8217;t ovulate). If I was rich I&#8217;d travel all the time, there are SO many places I&#8217;d like to see. Put up some pics of your house as the renovations progress!

Jamie, yay for a good scan! Cute pics of baby. Are you feeling her move a lot now?

Christine &#8211; looks like FF confirmed ovulation, good luck for the TWW!

Jenny, how are you doing?

Still feeling good over here, I know I&#8217;m over half way through but October still seems a looooong way off. Just as well because we haven&#8217;t started any preps, plus I&#8217;ll be away for a month (will be spending part of that month with DH, then he&#8217;s off to Morocco for a whole month for work, ugh, not looking forward to that). I&#8217;ve been feeling small movements for a couple of weeks now, but yesterday I felt a small prod from outside for the very first time, and DH felt one too when he put his hand on my bump <3 I&#8217;ll be getting an anatomy scan done in Europe, haven&#8217;t decided where though. In London it&#8217;s £230 / $330 (scan done by sonographer but you get a DVD), and in France &#8364;130/ $150 (done by a consultant but no video). If it&#8217;s in London my aunt and grandma will go with me, think they&#8217;d love it, so haven&#8217;t decided yet.

P.S : Hope I got everyone&#8217;s name right. I&#8217;m Nin by the way.
Hey Nin! Movements are so awesome especially when DH starts to feel them.

My mom lives close by but she's newly engaged and had plans to retire and move about 2 hours away. She's delayed that a year because of the baby but she will be about 2 hours away after that. This is the 2nd grandchild on my side. My nephew is 13 so it's just like new and the first grandchild on DH's side. Needless to say, they are excited!
Holy moly Crystal! I wasn't expecting that news at all. Congrats on the great scan and getting to see the baby(ies?) for the first time :)

I'll be back later for a proper post. Work is insane today...
Holy moly Crystal! I wasn't expecting that news at all. Congrats on the great scan and getting to see the baby(ies?) for the first time :)

I'll be back later for a proper post. Work is insane today...

So I don't know a whole lot about charts, but I'm pretty sure I AM LOVING THE LOOKS OF YOURS RIGHT NOW, MY FRIEND.
Wow crystal!!! Twins!!!!! That's amazingggggg! Praying both little ones stick! So excited for you :) keep us posted!!!!

Nin- I've been feeling more movement too!!! It's amazing :) I felt her kick on my Lower right side yesterday so I put my hand there and she kicked my hand lol. It melts my heart it's so sweet and cool! Of course I yell to DH to come quick to see/feel her move but he hasn't yet been able to. She stops as soon as he comes! He's so excited and dying to feel her. Hopefully soon. :) she's getting bigger! I have my last ultrasound (tear) next Thursday, unless I decide to spend $100 on a 3D scan in a month or two... I'm so glad you're feeling movements too! Isn't it amazing? Puts you at ease right ?!
My doctor is making me wait until July 1st for my next scan. I swear they just want to torture me!
Dani- I don't think I quite realized that you only have 9 weeks left. Yikes! P.S. How exactly does one DIY a headboard? That sounds complicated lol

Donna- Thinking of you and hope you're adjusting to the new addition to your family :) Looking forward to hearing all about his arrival.

Jenny- Thank you! Have fun swimming this weekend. That sounds wonderful.

Crystal- Great pics! I'm rooting for Baby B. Twins would be amazing! So much for not ovulating, huh? :haha:

Nin- That's so awesome that you felt the baby. I think getting the scan in London sounds nice, so your aunt and grandmother can be part of it. If you can swing the extra money I bet they'd love to share that experience with you.

Katie- Thank you! I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high but it's so tough. I will say, it doesn't look like any of my other charts. That's got to be a good thing, right?:thumbup:

Jamie- Aw, she gave you a high five kinda lol. So cool! I was actually the first one who got to feel my niece kick, which was awesome. I put my hand on my sister's belly and she kicked it, and I was like Wow, is it always that hard? And my sister was like I've never felt her do that before! So that was pretty special :)

AFM, between the cramps I had from 4-6DPO, the increasingly sore bbs that I've never had before and my temps so far doing a steady climb it's really hard not to be hopeful! I'm trying to keep myself grounded in reality because I've been disappointed so many times before, but... I don't know! I'll be testing on Tuesday. [-o&lt;

Thanks for all of the encouragement!!! You guys are awesome, seriously.
Nothing wrong with being hopeful! I'm hopeful for you!!

The DIY headboard is super easy. Here's a pic. It's literally a piece of foam and fabric. I assure you mine will not be the glamorous lol.


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OMG crystal, twins would be so amazing!!! There's definitely an increased chance of multiples with Clomid. I look forward to you getting confirmation after your July 1st scan.

Ok ladies, here is my birth story and some pics of Sean, now that I'm finally starting to feel human again lol!

Everything started late Sunday night around 11pm. I couldn't fall asleep so I was laying in bed reading funny labor stories on BnB (which is HILARIOUS btw if anyone wants to check it out https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/labour-birth/696911-funny-embarrasing-labour-stories.html). I got up to go to the restroom and noticed that I had some pinkish spotting and a little bit of fluid leaking out. I wasn't having any contractions so I decided to get some sleep and figured that i would wake up if anything started happening. Around 2:30am I woke up to feeling some light gushes of fluid leaking onto my panty liner. When I went to the bathroom to check I noticed that the pink spotting was getting heavier. I had a little bit of cramping but nothing that felt like contractions yet. I woke up my husband to let him know what was going on but told him not to get up since it could be nothing. I took a shower because I didn't want to be stinky in case I was going into labor (my friend is a labor and delivery nurse and has told me some nasty stories of stinky girls in labor so that was a huge fear of mine lol) and then went downstairs to eat cereal and watch TV. Mild contractions started around 3:30am so I started tracking them but I wasn't noticing a consistent pattern yet. My husband got up for work at 4:30am so I told him what was going on. We called labor and delivery to see if I should go in and they said if I thought my water had broke then we should come in.

We got to the hospital at 6am and the contractions were starting to get stronger and more consistent. They examined me to see if the fluid I was leaking was my waters and during the exam I felt a huge gush of fluid come out on the table. They confirmed that the fluid was amniotic and that I was 1-2cms dilated so they admitted me. By then the contractions were getting stronger and coming every 5 mins. At around 9am I lost my mucous plug and was starting to struggle with the pain of the contractions. They checked me again and I was only dilated to 3cms. I tried bouncing on the labor ball and kneeling over the side of the bed, but nothing was making my labor progress. At 10am I was still only dialated to 3cms and the pain was brutal, so I decided to get an epidural. I was sooo disappointed in myself because I really wanted to deliver naturally, but with my labor progressing so slowly, I knew that it could be several hours before I got to 10cms and the contractions were going to keep getting worse and I knew there was no way I could handle it. They gave me the epidural at 10:30am and also gave me petocin to speed up the labor. The epidural worked well for about 1 hour and then I started feeling strong contractions on my right side again. The baby's heart rate was also decelerating so they put me on oxygen and took me off petocin. By noon I was dialated to 6cms and I was in a ton of pain on my right side so they gave me a supplemental pain medication to numb my right side. My labor was still progressing slowly so the dr talked about putting me back on petocin once the baby's heart rate stabilized. Over the next two hours things started to pick up without the petocin and I was at 8cms by 2pm and 10cms by 3pm. I started pushing at 3pm and Sean finally arrived at 3:53pm weighing 6lbs 7ozs and measuring 19 inches. He came out with his hand up by his face so I got a 2nd degree tear, but I didn't feel a thing thanks to the pain meds. It took them about 40 mins to stitch me up so I was basically laying there with my knees up by my ears for almost 2 hours (AWKWARD!!!). :)

Sean had low blood sugar the first day so I had to supplement breast feeding with formula to help stabilize his sugar levels. They kept us in the hospital for an extra night and we were able to come home on Wednesday. Things have been going well so far and we are adjusting to life at home with our new little man. I can't believe that he's finally here. He is so perfect and tiny and its just so surreal to know that he's mine!

I hope you enjoyed my story. Here are a few pics of the little big guy! :)


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