Home Renovation Tip of The Week:
When you are trying out paint colors, buy several decent sized canvases at the craft store, and paint each a different color. Then you can reuse your samples all around the house, and store them for painting decisions later!
I am loving the speed of this thread lately! So much excitement. Donna, I have to say that I haven't heard of anyone having a joyous breastfeeding experience during the first week, and it's pretty scary. I mean, the phrase "and then my nipples toughened up" is
really not appealing. I plan on breastfeeding when my time comes too, but I'm not looking forward to the pain!
It seems crazy, but I'm less afraid of labor I think! It's like, OK, this will last a few hours and be over and then I'll have this marvelous baby, versus OK, this will last for several times a day for months...
I'll be interested to hear how your experience is going forward and to hear all your tips!
Christine: How are things looking today?? I checked your chart (hello, stalker!
) but you haven't updated it yet today. MY FX ARE CROSSED FOR YOU SO HARD.
AFM: So I saw my doctor last week, and it was a truly lovely experience. I just love her. And she didn't make me feel crazy, or that I was being overly anxious or anything. Very affirming! She thinks that the Vitex is probably the root of all my issues this cycle, and that what happened is that I probably did not ovulate last cycle. She said sometimes when that happens, your body gets
super confused, and the hormones that trigger your period don't happen. But, at the same time, your body knows it's not pregnant, so it will trigger hormones to start a new cycle. Then, you start building up a
new endometrium on top of the old one. Eventually, you reach some sort of tipping point, and your body is like "OH. WHOOPS." So, basically, I had to play catch up and shed the OLD endometrium that my body forgot about, and THEN shed the new one it was growing, and THEN probably start over completely. Get all that? Good.
She said that my short luteal phase is of concern, but that it is possible my body is still working out its cycles after coming of BCP. (BY THE WAY, can we all talk about how dramatically BCP affect us????
) SO, the plan is for me to wait until I get a new AF, and then go back to the OPKs. When I get a surge, I'm supposed to call in and schedule a blood test for 7 days out, and then have them test my levels to make sure I'm actually ovulating. We'll have a chat about the results, and see if it's necessary that I talk to an endocrinologist.
The weird thing now is that I'm not really sure I'm ready for that step. Here I am, peeing on everything and holding my breath and riding the highs of the TWW and the LOWS of the BFNs and.... I don't know. I'm just not ready to deal with infertility. Does that make any sense?? I want to KNOW, because OPKs are expensive, and if I'm not ovulating I can stop buying them and also getting my hopes all in a tizzy, but after I KNOW, I'm not sure I'm ready to start down any medical path.
Maybe it won't be necessary though, and everything is OK, and all I DO actually need is a little more time? In which case: HURRY UP BODY. YOU ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY.