30-Something Moms!

That's awesome. My middle sister had twins via IVF... But twins run in our family anyways. So exciting!!
Crystal- I'm so happy your twins are measuring on track and doing well!! Amazing news!!! :)
Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend! We had our birthday dinner date on Thursday and it was WONDERFUL. So delicious, and so fun! The rest of the weekend was great too. :thumbup:
So glad you had a great birthday dinner, Jenny.

We went to a BBQ with friends friday and then BBQ and fireworks with family saturday. It was a fun weekend and I took today off work so it's been a nice relaxing day today too. Hope everyone else had a good weekend!
Happy to hear you and DH had an awesome birthday date Jenny :). I googled the restaurant...hello yummy!!! Well I've been walking like an old woman since my birthday...darn 34 :winkwink:

Thanks for sharing your story Gagrlinpitt. Sounds like you guys have a good plan in place :thumbup:. I would love to be a SAHM, but unfortunately I'm sure I'll be back to work after the maternity leave.

Sounds like you had a great weekend Crystal! Was it a big fireworks display? We were actually fortunate enough to catch most of our community's fireworks from our bedroom window on the second floor of our house. Any new symptoms?

I hope everyone else is doing well! You can sure tell it's summer time...the boards are quiet:-$. Hopefully all are taking advantage of the sunshine and heat :)
Quiet on my front. Doctors appointment tomorrow and 2 showers Friday and Saturday.

I'm in a lot of pelvic pain when I stand after sitting or laying too long. :(
Randi- Happy belated birthday! I'm glad you had such a nice time. Your chart looks great by the way. I don't blame you for being exhausted by the end though lol. Hopefully all of that effort will lead to a BFP! When do you think you'll test? I have a good feeling for you!

Jenny- This is super late but happy belated birthday to you too! Sounds like dinner was a really nice treat. I can totally relate to the dogs/fireworks thing. The brown dog in my profile pic is petrified of fireworks, and the black dog won't leave my side when she hears them. I planned ahead and got them doggie sedatives from my vet and looked up when all of the local shows were. I thought we were all set, and then on July 5th my next door neighbor set off fireworks in his yard for like a half hour. My poor little pups thought the world was ending :( It must be so confusing for them.

Katie- Thank you! Have you moved on to cycle #8 yet? I certainly hope so! How was strawberry picking? I hope you're enjoying your summer so far :) Any vacations or fun outings planned?

Crystal- OMG!!!!!!! I had a feeling it was twins for sure but wow, it's amazing to actually see them both on the scan. Congratulations!!! How are you holding up, mentally and physically? Still not too many symptoms? When is your EDD? I'm so happy for you! :happydance:

Dani- How were your weekend baby showers? I hope you didn't get all clothes! I'd love to see pics if you want to share them :)

Nin- Hope you're having a wonderful vacation so far and feeling great! Let us know how your scan went when you get back.

Jamie- How are you doing hun? Did you wind up getting that other scan?

Gagrlinpitt- Welcome! Sounds like you have a solid plan when you start TTC. Good luck!

AFM, it's almost TWW time (again). Got my positive OPK this morning so as long as things aren't weird like last month I should O tonight or tomorrow. We finally got DH's SA sorted out, so he's going to a urologist next week to get it done. I'm hoping we'll have the results by next Friday. To be honest I'm not feeling too excited this cycle, I think because the last one was so disappointing. If nothing happens by August I may take a bit of a break to regroup. I guess it'll depend on the results of the SA. Anyway, hope everyone is well and you're all enjoying the summer so far :)
Showers are this weekend coming up. I will definitely share pics.

Good luck this cycle!!!
Oops I got that messed up. Have a wonderful time!!! And thank you :)
Randi - we put on a pretty descent fireworks show for my family. It's my husband's favorite holiday so he tends to go overboard a bit. Nothing new symptom - wise for me.

Christine - I am excited and nervous and terrified. Haha! Not many symptoms still except that I'm really tired most afternoons by the time I get home from work. I also find myself getting full really easy when I eat so I worry sometimes that I'm not eating enough. Lucky for my babies I was overweight when I got pregnant so they have plenty of fat to live off of! My due date is February 11th though I'm guessing I'll deliver in January.

Dani - good luck at your appointment. Sorry to hear you're in pain but I hope you have fun at your showers this weekend!

Hope everyone else is doing well! I'm just secretly trying to avoid work.
Hi Ladies!!

Glad to hear that everyone seems to have had nice celebrations of their respective countries! (that's for our Canadian! :winkwink:) DH and I decided last minute to go to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park for the weekend since I had a long weekend off. The last time we went was three years ago. It's SO PRETTY. I've attached a photo of the view from one of our hikes. It was so nice to get away from working on the house and just be with each other. We rented bikes, and hiked, and ate picnics, and watching the totally adorable town parade and had a really good time.

Other than that, I've been working on the house and helping to plan a baby shower for a good friend. I just sent off her invitations to the printer and I'm pretty excited to get them back! I worked with another friend of mine who is a graphic designer to make up some seasonally dressed giraffes because it's going to be a "four seasons" shower! She and her partner are very active, outdoorsy people who like to travel, so I thought it would be fun to assign everyone a season and outfit the baby to be able to join them! I'm attaching the season inserts that are going in with the invitations for you guys to see. Fall is my favorite! A giraffe in a flannel shirt and BEAN BOOTS.

Christine, I think I'm just now joining you in cycle 8. I'm pretty sure what's going with me right now is AF, even though it's not much of a flow. I guess after bleeding so much in June, I shouldn't expect anything normal! Keep your fingers crossed for me that my body goes back to "normal" and my husband and I can actually try again this month! I have an appointment tomorrow with a new general practitioner that I've been waiting to see since November, so I'll talk to her about everything and see what she thinks. She, my Gyn and I can all be a team now! .... and DH, of course! :dohh:

Have fun this weekend at your showers Dani! Let me know what your favorite parts are so I can steal the ideas! :haha:


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Katie - that view is awesome! I can't wait to be on the water next month. Only about 5 weeks until I'm on my way to CA! Those inserts for the shower are so adorable too! I think that's a great idea to have people bring outfits for different seasons. I'm glad you had a good weekend!
Sending a big 'hello' out to all my forum friends! I hope you're all having a good weekend! :)

Awe, sorry to hear you're pretty uncomfortable Dani. Sounds like it's a fine balance between sitting and standing. I wonder if sitting on an exercise ball would help? I hope all was well at your checkup yesterday. Enjoy shower # 2 today! Excited to hear about the fun...AND gifts!

Ha-ha Christine, looks like you might be exhausted soon as well! ;) Glad to hear DH has an appointment booked. Fingers crossed they get the results back quickly and with promising results!

Katie, your hike looked absolutely stunning and it sounds like you had a perfect weekend! BTW, the shower invites are super cute...love the giraffe! Sounds like it will be a well organized event...an event planner on the side are we??? Good job! :thumbup: How'd your appointment go yesterday?

Oh wow! I didn't realize you guys put on your own fireworks show Crystal, that's awesome! I hear you on the secretly trying to avoid work thing, lol! This summer has been a struggle trying to stay focused at work. Hopefully the next five weeks go by quickly and effortlessly. Big plans for your trip to CA? :boat:

I was thinking about testing tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure I've convinced myself to at least wait until Monday. Gives me a couple of more temps to gauge things by and to see if I start spotting. If we're unsuccessful again this month, we'll be taking the NTNP approach until sometime in the fall. I will take this time then to make "dates" with my exercise equipment in the basement currently collecting dust. I feel like such a porker right now... :pizza:
Randi, that little pizza box made me hungry :rofl:

We had our 2nd shower yesterday and everything was wonderful! Dh's family really showered us and the food and fellowship were great. Other than a stroller, baby carrier, and bottles, we pretty much have all of the necessities. And we got gift cards that will likely cover most of that. I have 2 more showers but with time winding down, I might go ahead and get those things.

We finished the day with a Baltimore Orioles game and I'm sore from the walking and lack of sleep but thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Ironically lots of the older women choose to ask us about baby #2 and my age and how we better hurry up. This age thing never gets easy lol. I hope you all had a great weekend!
Hi ladies. Hope you all had a good weekend.

Randi - my husband has family in CA so we'll be doing a lot of visiting with them. We're also planning to go to an angels game and to the San Diego zoo. Not sure what else. Good luck testing tomorrow!

Dani - I'm glad the showers went well and that you're well equipped for when baby arrives.

We went to dinner for my mom's bday tonight and we caved and told my family. I gave my mom a "I love Nana" picture frame with the ultrasound and a message that said double trouble coming February 2016. It took her a while to even get that I was telling her I was pregnant. Then my sister took the picture and says double trouble? Twins?? And my mom was like WHAT?!?! It was great. There were a few tears but mom is so excited. It was really great to experience all their reactions. Have a good week all!
Just popping by to say hello! It's so quiet lately, which I'm taking to be a good sign of people doing lots of fun summer things (or of people having brand new babies to snuggle!)

I'm gearing up to start trying on cycle 8! I've got my OPK ready to go, and I'll have a blood test this cycle to make sure I'm Oing. Progress, right??

Dani, how was shower #2? Any advice about baby monitors? I think that's what I'll get my friend for her shower, and my head is SPINNING after reading a million reviews yesterday! :help:
Hey! Shower #2 was great. Sounds selfish but I'm not looking forward to 2 more but thankful for the gifts and love!

I have no advice on monitors :( I registered based on reviews from a site called Lucie's List which I love!
Hi, ladies! Glad to hear everyone is doing so well! I promise I'll play real catch up later, just wanted to drop in and say hi. I got a concussion last week, and while I'll be just fine it's been hard for me to be on the computer too much and I just haven't had it in me much to respond. I've been reading and following along though! :thumbup: I'll be back to post a better response once I'm feeling better. <3
crystal- I see you put your tickers up. Yay! I love watching the progress from lime to papaya ;) What an adorable way to tell your mom & sister. They must be so excited! I can imagine it's still a lot to process for you, but at least you've got plenty of time to prepare. When is your next scan? Do you get more with multiples? Hope you're feeling ok!

katie- I'm glad you had such a lovely time :) I've been to Acadia a couple of times, it's absolutely gorgeous there. We went to some place in Bar Harbor that serves brunch on a big lawn, and they're like famous for their scones. Sound familiar? That was years ago, so it could be long gone by now lol. I really love the four seasons shower idea. Such a brilliant way to make sure they don't get a zillion outfits for the same age. The cards were super cute. How did your appointment go? Let's hope this is lucky #8 for both of us!!! Good luck :)

Randi- I chart stalked you and saw you got AF. Boo!!! That really sucks hun, I'm sorry. Remember to treat yourself to something fun. :drunk: I hope your NTNP is relaxing and gives you the boost you need for the fall. I'm trying to get healthy again too. (Too much gelato this summer lol.) Anyway, I'm going to pack bento boxes for DH and I for lunch and break out the hula hoop for some fun cardio :) I'd love to lose 10-15 lbs by fall. Good luck in both your weight loss and TTC efforts!

Dani- I'm so glad your shower went well but I totally get it about not being too jazzed to go through it two more times. You must be exhausted at this stage in the game. I hope the remaining two showers are painless. Why do some women think it's okay to bring up our ages though? I mean really? I know they mean well but it's honestly just so rude. We know how old we are, we know it gets more difficult as time goes by. :rolleyes:

Jenny- I'm so sorry to hear that you got hurt! I hope you feel better soon!

Jamie & Nin, hope you're both doing well and enjoying the summer!

AFM, I'm officially 6DPO today. This is the part where I start to get really antsy about testing lol. I'm going to try my best to hold off until Sunday, but I may cave and test on Saturday. DH was supposed to get the SA tomorrow but they rescheduled to next Monday. But at least we'll know by my next cycle what we're dealing with. Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying their summers so far! We gave both of our dogs baths in a kiddie pool outside. That was probably the most exciting adventure I'll have this summer ;)
Hi ladies.. hoping I can jump in here!

I am 30.. soon to be 31 (on the 27th!!)... I have a 3 month old little girl.

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