30-Something Moms!

Jenny- I don't know, I think they pull those percentages out of their butts sometimes. ;) It just seems like there are way too many cases of "well the doctor's told us our only chance was IVF so we started the adoption process, but then I got pregnant naturally" for that 1 or 2% number to be accurate. YKWIM? DH couldn't get his SA this weekend because apparently they only do them for post-vasectomy patients at the hospital (which isn't what we were told originally). So he called Labcorps and they said they can't do them either because the sample needs to be tested in-house at a hospital. Sigh. I called my doctor again to ask her where people near us are going for their SA's, so hopefully we can get this worked out soon.

Jamie- That's such a bummer about your scan. I'd be upset too! Have you decided to get a 3D scan elsewhere? I wouldn't stress about the weight. You know what your body needs better than anyone else. I think as long as you're eating healthy you're fine. I hope you're feeling better!

Donna- How's the little guy doing? How are you? Are you guys settling into a routine now? Thanks for taking a look at my chart. It was a weird cycle and I'm kind of relieved it's just over and I can start fresh.

Crystal- Try and take it easy! I know it's tough when you have obligations, but people will forgive you a few cancellations once they find out you're expecting :) I hope you got some rest!

How is everyone else doing? Does anyone have fun plans for the weekend? I'm so psyched to have a three day weekend, woot! So AF came Saturday and put an end to all of the questions. So here we go with cycle #8. :cry:
Christine - That is so annoying! Hopefully someone can get you the correct information soon.

AFM, I was so tired at work today I could barely stay awake even though I had back-to-back meetings almost the entire day. But, I grabbed DH some dinner on my way home from work and then came home and took a long nap. I'm feeling much better now. If only people around here would stop lighting fireworks so I could get my dog outside for his last potty break at a reasonable time, that would be great! We love the 4th of July holiday but when people stretch it into a week or more and torture my dog, it gets really annoying.

Less than 2 days until my next scan and DH is able to make it to this appointment. I can't wait!
Will write more later, but.....Happy Birthday Jenny!!! Hope you have an awesome day!!! :flower::flower::flower:
Happy birthday Jenny! :cake:

Christine, sorry/not sorry about AF! :hugs: Sorry that cycle #7 wasn't your BFP, not sorry because it finally came and you can move forward to cycle 8! Limbo is the worst. :wacko:

Crystal: You are SO BUSY! No wonder you're tired! Get lots of snoozing in this weekend... or at least as much snoozing as you can between fireworks!

AFM: :coffee: Just waiting for AF again. This is CD 34 from the bout of bleeding I decided to call AF last cycle, but if I use the closest-in-time bout of bleeding, then I'm CD 21. :wacko: Either way, I have the feeling this month is going to take its sweet time to sort out.

In the meantime, I plan to enjoy the short but magical summer we get up here in Maine! And that will start this weekend with picking strawberries and making jam. I never really understood the magic of strawberries until I moved here. Maybe it's making it through such a long and dark winter that makes then seem sweeter, but they are A-MAZING.
Thank you, ladies! I had a wonderful birthday! Couldn't have asked for better. :) Randi, I really hope you had a great one last Friday as well! :cake:

Christine, that's funny! You're probably right about them just pulling those numbers out of their asses! :haha: There are quite a few stories of that, you're right! I'm sorry to hear it's been such a run around for DH to get his SA done. How frustrating!!! Any word back on that yet? I'm also sorry to hear that AF arrived. :cry: I'm glad you at least have some answers now though and can move on to the next cycle! FX that this cycle will be the one for you!!!

Crystal, can't wait to hear how your appointment goes today!!! Be sure to update us once you know, and good luck! I completely agree on the fireworks. One of our 3 dogs is terrified of them. We live in a county where they're legal (they're not in the neighboring county, which is about a mile away from us) so they start getting set off in our neighborhood AT LEAST a week in advance, and continue for about a week after the 4th as well. Our poor pup is terrified, this time of year is awful for her! :(

Katie, I hope you can move on to your next cycle soon, how frustrating! Or better yet, that there won't BE a next cycle to move on to! :thumbup: Mmmmm....enjoy those strawberries, they sound delicious!
It's scan day! All the best to you today Crystal!!! Sorry if you already mentioned this, but when do you plan on telling the family? Hear's hoping the tiredness and heartburn disappears soon!

I sure hope AF shows earlier, than later Katie. It always makes the time go by so much slower when you're waiting for something, bleh. Although prolonging summer...nothing wrong with that! Do you guys do any camping? Homemade strawberry jam is the best!!! The last time I made some, it didn't set properly, so I've given up and now wait for the MIL to pass along a couple of jars, lol!

Jamie, so sorry to hear your last appointment sucked. I wouldn't feel bad about the weight gain if you've been eating properly. Pregnancy certainly isnt the time to be going on a weight loss program. I dont know about you, but less food turns me into an angry bear. Are you still staying active with walks? Sure hope your sinus infection is clearing up.

Great baby bump photo Dani...thanks for posting! Do you have to go in more frequently for checkups as you get closer to your due date? Glad to hear baby's heartbeat is great!

Christine, sorry AF ended up showing. Cheering you on for a successful cycle 8! Did things get figured out yet with DH's SA? What a run around!

How's it feel to be 34 now Jenny? ;) Any wiser? Do guys have a specific restaurant in mind for tomorrow's b'day celebration?

Have you and the little one settled into a routine yet Donna?

I sure hope things are well for you Nin!

I have the day off...Canada Day, but back to work for Thursday and Friday, boo! Might take in some fireworks tonight, we'll see. DH has been home for the last three weeks, things have been slow at work. He's got some work lined up for next week thankfully, but he'll be away again. I've really enjoyed having him at home. For my birthday, we had some friends and family over for a bbq and fire, nice and simple! I'm growing impatient at my cycle. Waiting on a significant temp raise to confirm O, but judging by quality and quantity of ewcm, I'd pinpoint day 16 as O. Hopefully tomorrow's BBT jumps because honestly...I'm tired of having sex. Ha!
Happy belated birthday, Jenny! I hope you have a good dinner with DH tomorrow.

Randi - we're not planning to tell anyone for another 4 weeks. It's torture!

Well, it is officially twins (fraternal)! Baby A is measuring 7w6d with a heartbeat of 166. Baby B is measuring 8w1d with a heartbeat of 162. I'm feeling so much better now that we've seen the heartbeat. My dr came in for the scan today and said everything looks great. Next scan in 3 weeks. I'm surprisingly not freaking out yet but I'm sure that will come later.


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Twins?! Awesome! And both growing so beautifully. 2 heartbeats. So awesome crystal!!

Happy belated birthday Jenny.

Randi, thanks for checking on me. I'm going to the doctor every 2 weeks now and then it increases to 1. My next appointment is next Thursday. Then I have a work shower Friday and dh's family shower Saturday. Should be a fun week!
New to the group.. I'm 30, soon to be 31.. No children yet. We are WTT until March of 2016. Just wanted to pop in and say hey!
Congratulations Crystal!!! How exciting!

Holy smokes! I didn't realize there'd be that many trips to the doctor nearing the end. Have a great time at your showers Dani! Hope you get spoiled!

Welcome to the thread Gagrlinpitt! Hopefully this isn't too nosey, but is there a specific reason you're waiting until March to conceive?
Omg Crystal, congratulations!!!! What an amazing blessing! I'm so very happy for you.

Welcome gagrlinpitt. :)

Sorry I've been so quiet lately. I will post a proper response tomorrow. I hope everyone's doing well!
Thank you all so much for the kind welcome.
Welcome to the thread Gagrlinpitt! Hopefully this isn't too nosey, but is there a specific reason you're waiting until March to conceive?

Not too nosey at all, although I totally appreciate the concern. It's really a combo of things, but this March we started talking and after a lengthy conversation decided together we are giving ourselves a year.

We are about 6 months away from completely getting out of debt and since one of our goals is for me to be a SAHM, that's one of the few factors for that to happen is getting out of debt. Although I know no financial situation will be exactly perfect we feel that will be a huge stress reliever.

We also have our own business and we decided that we will use that to replace my current income so when I am a SAHM, we won't have to scrape by.

Both my Dh and I come from divorced families and since I grew up with my mom and he he up with his dad, we are both so excited and thankful that our children will never deal with what we did and want to make sure we don't have any unnecessary stress.

I hope that answers your question.
CRYSTAL!! OMG!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: This is SO exciting!! What a fun journey you have ahead!

Welcome, Garglinpitt!
Randi, being 34 feels sooo different! :winkwink: Kidding, of course! ;) How about you? I'm so glad to hear you had such a nice birthday as well! Sounds wonderful! I hope you enjoyed your day off yesterday. I'm off tomorrow for the 4th, can't wait! Looks like your temp jumped today, yay! Oh, and we're going to a place called Michael Smith's for dinner tonight...never been there but the menu looks GREAT!

Thank you, Crystal! And OMG!!! YAY FOR TWINS!!!! Soooo excited and happy for you!!! So great that they're both measuring well and looking good too! Haha, I can't believe you're not freaking out yet...I don't know WHAT I would do if I were told that! So much for not ovulating that cycle, huh? :haha: Huge congrats to you and DH! :hugs:

Thank you, Dani! Wow, 2 showers in 2 days! How fun! Are you getting excited for them? I know I keep saying this, but I just can't believe how close to the end you are!

Gagrlin, welcome to the group! Happy to have you with us. :flower: Sounds like you and DH have a really great plan worked out for starting your family, impressive! :)

Donna, I hope you're doing well! Been thinking about you and baby Sean. :flower:

Nin, hope you've been enjoying your trip! Can't wait to hear about it!!!

For those of you in the states, anyone have any fun 4th of July plans? :)
Turtle.. We have had alot of time to talk about it. Out of our married friends, we are the last with no kind so we've got to see how they have all handled it. Im a planer and dh is a big picture guy, so together we make a great team.

He is speaking boy then girl.. I have always had a nagging feeling it will be twins.. Either way, as long as we have a healthy baby.. I'm happy.
Thanks, everyone! I'm definitely getting a little nervous but trying to stay relaxed and just go with the flow. My doctor told me yesterday I was an overachiever. Haha!

Welcome to the group, gagrlinpitt. I'm not planning to be a SAHM but we did plan our kids as well. It took us a little over a year to get pregnant once we started but it was well worth the wait. Good luck!
Crystl.. Congrats and thank you! Is this your first?
Crystal, I love that you referred to them as "kids" I'm so excited for you!!!

I'm definitely excited for my showers. It's all starting to feel so real. Mentally and physically. Even with 10 or so weeks to go, some days it feels soon. Other days it feels like eternity!

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