30-Something Moms!

Katie - good luck this cycle. Fingers crossed this is your lucky one!

Jenny - So sorry to hear about your concussion. I hope you're feeling better.

Christine - My next scan is Tuesday. I do believe you get more with multiples but I'm not sure how many more. I'm feeling pretty good. My fatigue has gotten better and my heartburn has become more infrequent. Did you test this weekend? I saw your temp dropped today but I still have my fingers crossed for you!

aknqtpie - Welcome to the group!

Nothing much new for me. We bought a couple bassinets that we found on sale last week. That's the first thing we've bought for babies. My husband says I better not have jinxed us! Hope everyone is having a good summer.
Crystal, shopping is so fun. No such thing as jinxing :)

We bought our car seat today and made significant progress on the nursery. Time is going so slow/fast if that's possible!
I totally get that! I really want to do some more shopping and work on a registry but it's so hard since we don't know the gender yet. It amazes me that I'm already 10 weeks but at the same time it's like there SO MUCH TIME LEFT!
Yea I held off on shopping until I found out the gender. Makes things a little easier. It goes in waves. Some weeks fly and others crawl by.
aknqtpie- Welcome! :)

crystal- I love when you guys get scans, it's so fun to see the babies progress! I can't believe you're already 10 weeks. That seriously seemed to fly by. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! Aww, thank you, but I know I'm out this month. My temp plummeted this morning and I'm cramping and spotting. I didn't even bother testing this morning. Yesterday was a stark white BFN.

dani- How did the other showers go? How are you feeling?

DH finally got his SA done this morning. It was such a fiasco lol. We had no hot water in the morning so he had to reset the hot water heater and we were all running super late. My stepson was unexpectedly with us, so there were three people all trying to get ready with one bathroom, not to mention DH had to drop the sample off no later than 8am. Talk about pressure!!! I'm proud of him though, he *ahem* took care of business :blush: and got it to the lab on time. We're supposed to have the results this afternoon. I'm sort of expecting bad news, tbh. But at least we'll finally get the last piece of the puzzle so we know what we're dealing with.
Welcome aknqtpie! :howdy:

Christine: DIDN'T YOUR CYCLE JUST START??? This one seems to have flown by! Or is it just me?? I'm sorry about your temps. :hugs:

I'm recovering from the weekend today! I hosted 10 of my lady friends for a "girl's weekend" this weekend, and it was fun! We stayed up way too late Friday and Saturday laughing and solving all the world's problems. My friend who I'll be hosting the baby shower for came, and her belly is super adorable! It was nice to have an automatic designated driver. :winkwink: Another very very close friend also came for the weekend from Boston, and she announced that she is ALSO pregnant!!It's very early (her first appointment is this week!) but she figured she wasn't going to be able to not say anything in a group of nosy women who would probably immediately notice she wasn't drinking! So I'll have to get my THINKING CAP on for Baby Shower #2!! :idea:

I'm on CD 13 today, and dutifully peeing on OPKs. I have no idea when to expect a positive after the craziness of my body over the last couple of months, but I'm hoping everything is going to be back to normal! I'm supposed to call the doctor after I get my LH surge and schedule a blood test for 7 days out to make sure I'm ovulating. I also saw a new general practitioner last week who also wants to do some blood work, and she said I can get all of it done at the same time. I love efficiency!
DH finally got his SA done this morning. It was such a fiasco lol. We had no hot water in the morning so he had to reset the hot water heater and we were all running super late. My stepson was unexpectedly with us, so there were three people all trying to get ready with one bathroom, not to mention DH had to drop the sample off no later than 8am. Talk about pressure!!! I'm proud of him though, he *ahem* took care of business :blush: and got it to the lab on time. We're supposed to have the results this afternoon. I'm sort of expecting bad news, tbh. But at least we'll finally get the last piece of the puzzle so we know what we're dealing with.

So glad he was able to get the SA done today. Hopefully you got good results!
Hi ladies. Had my fist ob appointment today. Couldn't hear the heartbeat with a doppler so got another ultrasound. Everything is good. Baby A is measuring 10w6d and Baby B is 11w. Heartbeats are 166 and 168. One of the little guys/girls was jumping around a lot so we didn't get very good pics but it was so fun to watch.


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Glad your scans looked good!!

I didn't buy anything until I knew the gender.. and then the flood gates opened... so many cute baby clothes and things... I still can't stop!! :) Zulily is evil.
Katie- I'm so glad you had a fun girl's weekend :) Did you get your positive OPK yet? Good luck! Haha yes, my cycles are super short (24-26 days) so I'm already starting cycle #9 this year and it's only July.

Crystal- Fantastic news that the twins are doing so well! It's so wonderful to see pics :) That must have been an amazing experience!

(Apologies for the length of the below) As expected, we did not get good news from DH's SA. The count is fine, well within normal range. But he's got a higher than normal amount of abnormally shaped swimmers, and (worst of all) REALLY low motility. Basically, most of them can't swim.

DH is really bummed out and feels like this is his "fault". I told him it's no more his fault than it would be mine if I had fibroids or PCOS. I asked him if he was willing to make some lifestyle changes or if he thought this should be the end of the road for us, because to be honest TTC has already become a bit stressful and above all I don't want to put a strain on our marriage.

He was really adamant that he wants to keep trying and he'll do whatever he needs to do. Naturally I went into research mode right away, and it seems some people have had success with certain vitamins and supplements.

So. I'm going to order some stuff today, he's making an appointment with a urologist to see if there are any underlying medical issues and we're going to keep trying. From I've read, we seem to be within range for IUI. So if it doesn't happen naturally by October, I think we'll go that route.
Crystal: OH HELLO BABIES!!!!!!! Adorable!! Baby A better get all the jumping around s/he can before space gets tight! :hugs:

Christine: Oh man. I am so sorry... and yet so glad for you that you have some answers? It sounds like the results are really helping the two of you make some decisions and some plans. If you're anything like me, having a plan of action is soooo necessary. I'm keeping all my fingers crossed for you!

AFM: Still no O around these parts. If my average O date still applies this cycle, it should happen in the next couple of days. We'll see! Who knows after what's gone on the last couple months! :shrug:

I'm having a rough go of it lately, TBH. A very good friend announced her (very new!) pregnancy on Friday to me, then another very good friend called on Monday to announce HER pregnancy, and another friend announced hers to me today. All are still very very early. I now have 6 mommas to be in my close circle... and I'm trying soooooo hard to be as excited for each of them as they deserve. My heart is just a little bit tired right now though. And I'm kind of dreading how much the next few months are going to cost financially. It's like that year where ALL my friends got married... know what I'm talking about?? Like, someone got engaged, and your first thought was how much the plane tickets were going to cost.

And now I'm rambling.

So, I'm trying to find some strategies to compartmentalize my own sadness at my lack of pregnancy and also be upbeat and EXCITED for everyone else. Any recommendations??
Christine - sorry DH's SA didn't turn out like you'd hoped. My hubby also had low motility so he started taking FertilAid about a month - month 1/2 before we got our BFP. I was obviously having issues with ovulation as well so I don't know if that helped or not but it might be worth a shot. We were also going to do IUI but it got cancelled and then we ended up with our surprise BFP. I hope all works out for you.

Katie - I hope O comes soon and I also hope your cycles normalize for you soon!
Katie- Thanks hun! It does feel good to have some answers, even if they're not the answers we hoped for. I'm trying to see the positive side, and I guess one nice thing is I won't be beating my head against a wall wondering why it's not happening when we're timing everything perfectly. Also, DH's reaction has been so amazing. He made an appointment with a urologist right away and told me he'll do whatever he needs to do to make this happen. Just makes me love him more :)

Wow, six close friends who are preganant... that must be really difficult :hugs: I know you're super happy for them and that you'll be a supportive friend, but I totally understand how frustrating it is personally when you're so eager to share the experience with them. Totally understand the financial burden of all of those showers too! It adds up ;) I guess the only thing I can say is that the journey takes longer for some of us, for whatever reason. And maybe in the end it just makes us that much more grateful when it finally does happen. Try and stay positive :) I know your time will come.

Crystal- He's actually been on Fertilaid for a few months already. I shudder to think what his count would be without it ;) Your BFP story actually gives me so much hope that it'll all work out eventually. I remember how disappointed you were that you "hadn't ovulated" and here you are now pregnant with twins! It's awesome.

This thread has been super slow lately! Hope everyone is doing ok :) Have a great weekend!
I've been reading but have the hardest time remembering to update!

Christine, I'm glad DH has such a good attitude and outlook.

Katie, I agree stay positive and be as happy for them as you can. Within reason, it's not easy. I spent time while waiting doing things I was less likely to do while pregnant but that gave me a sense of accomplishment - traveling, home projects, I got my mba, etc.
Katie - it was difficult for me to find out about friend and family pregnancies while we were trying. I just tried to think of it as I don't know their whole story and it's possible that many of these people had been trying for a while just like I had. I also agree with dani, keeping myself busy was helpful.
I also agree with crystal. There are people that think my path was easy and have no idea.
Thanks guys :hugs: Today has been better, actually. I seem to have found a little bit of my happy again! I had to give myself a day to wallow in self pity. :blush:

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend!
:hugs: Glad to hear you've cheered up Katie! :hugs: Any success with the OPKs?

Christine, kudos to you and your DH for staying positive after getting the results back. It's great that you still have some options to explore. I really hope you find success in the supplements and vitamins.

Lol Crystal...too funny about your mom's reaction to the baby news! :thumbup:on the scan, thanks for sharing the pic! Happy to hear your symptoms are improving!

I can't believe how close you're getting to the big day Dani! So exciting!!!
Sounds like you guys are pretty much ready for the little one.

I hope you're feeling better Jenny :flower:.

Welcome aknqtpie!

How's our October moms to be?

Like I suspected, DH isn't around for O this cycle...this feel so wasteful, ha! And to top it off, the next couple of times he'll be home, I'll probably have AF. "Sorry honey, here's the lotion bottle"... :haha:
Hello ladies, I'm back home! Going to catch up on everyone' news... looks like it might take some time!

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