30-Something Moms!

Jenny, a very belated happy birthday to you ! Your birthday date sounds lovely. Read about your concussion, how did that happen? Are you OK now?

Donna, how are things going with baby Sean? Can’t believe he’s 6 weeks old already! Are you still breastfeeding?

Katie, it sounds like crazy things were going on inside your body with multiple linings etc! I bought some cheap OPKs on Amazon, I can post the link if you want. Hope you will fall pregnant naturally and won’t have to go down the medical intervention route :hugs: Did you end up getting a positive OPK last week? I have no advice about being happy for others when you’re SURROUNDED by pregnant friends…I used to be happy for my close friends but just wallow in self-pity generally… Talking to friends who had also struggled helped me to believe that it would happen for me too. Hope you’re feeling more upbeat and positive now.

Dani, wow, you’re SO close to having the baby! Are you feeling more uncomfortable physically as you get closer to your due date? Do you have a recent bump pic? Mine at 25 weeks was bigger than yours at 30, such a cute bump you have! Sounds like you had fun at your baby showers. Is the nursery done now?

Jamie, how is my pregnancy buddy doing ? Bummer about not getting another scan… I’m lucky I get monthly ones! Could you get a private scan done if you really want to see the baby? I agree about the weight gain, I’m sure some of the weight I’ve put on is due to not working out anymore.

Crystal, congrats again on the twins! I’m offline for a few weeks and when I come back you’re at the end of the first trimester…how come other people’s pregnancies seem to be going so much quicker?! Glad that everything is going well for you and the babies. Aww at your family’s reactions when you announced your news! Have the tiredness and heartburn lessened now?

Christine, so sorry to hear that your DH’s SA results weren’t good. I can understand how bad he feels but it’s not his fault. A friend’s DH also had a very bad SA, he had NO viable sperm but after some treatment (antibiotics or something), his SA turned out OK, so I hope the doctors will be able to find something for your DH. I’d also start him on extra vitamins and supplements. You seem like you have a plan if things don’t happen naturally, best of luck to you, we’re all rooting for you :hugs: Your DH sounds great by the way!

Randi, belated happy birthday to you too ! Sorry that DH won’t be around when you ovulate this month AND that you might have AF the next couple of times. Does he go away a lot? Can you join him over the weekend wherever he is if it coincides with your ovulation date?

AFM, my business trip went well, but the holiday after that just flew by! It was good to see everyone again, go to our old haunts and enjoy long summer nights (over here the sun sets at 6.30 pm latest), it felt like we’d never left. I was a bit worried about travelling but didn’t have any issues, except for swollen ankles/feet some days due to the extreme heat in France and sciatic pain sometimes. I’m still feeling OK mostly but starting to get backaches and feel breathless more easily, and having leg cramps during the night very regularly now compared to the beginning – guess the third trimester won’t be as easy as the first two. People comment on my bump all the time saying how big it is. I’ve been able to see my belly rippling and jiggling with baby movements for quite a few weeks now, looks like there’s an alien in there! I think I’m going to miss feeling him moving around inside me after he’s born, weird.
I finally had an anatomy scan done in London, my aunt and grandmother were with me but the experience was disappointing because the sonographer was SO cold and unfriendly, she was there to do her job and didn’t want to waste any time showing us the baby moving etc – she concentrated on the organs etc. so we only saw close-ups of everything. When I called to book they said I’ll get a DVD but on the day itself they said they don’t give DVDs for anatomy scans. Can’t really complain though, because she checked out the important bits and everything was good with baby (he was already head down). I had a scan when I came back from Europe also (went with my sister), he was sleeping and he’s still got a fat tummy haha. Will post a few pics.
I was telling a friend that before falling pregnant I spent so much time online reading up about what to do, how to exercise, what to eat etc during pregnancy, but now I’m actually pregnant I’m hardly reading anything, just going with the flow. I missed out on all the fruit and veg and the baby’s already a rutabaga! Time still seems to be dragging but some days I tell myself, hmm, 90 days doesn’t seem that far off after all! DH is away for work in Morocco for a month but as soon as he’s back we need to get cracking with the important stuff… like buying a cot! We did quite a bit of shopping in Europe so the baby is mostly set for clothes, but apart from that the only things we got him are a wrap, muslins, blankets and some reusable nappies. I think we’ll be in for a huge shock when the baby’s here. I’m starting antenatal classes on Tuesday so maybe things will seem more real then…or not!
awesome update! I found my anatomy scan to be pretty cold too honestly. Not what I expected, but I guess the biggest thing is knowing that baby is ok. I'm so glad you're feeling regular movements. I think I'll miss movements too, but then I'm like naaah I'm happy to have my insides back.

I think my oh crap moment happened on Aug.1 knowing that he could possibly come this month :wacko: I'm definitely feeling more uncomfortable. 3rd tri has probably been my worst between soreness and heartburn. The nursery is done! Now to clean, organize and get a rug, but the major stuff is done! :happydance: I still need to pack my hospital bag and pick a daycare and then mentally prepare my brain that an actual baby is coming....

No recent bump pic, but here's a pic from my last shower.


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Dani you are ADORABLE. :hugs: And you totally sound like all the third tri ladies I've ever heard... "I'm going to miss being pregnant... OH WAIT NO I'M NOT I'M HOT AND UNCOMFORTABLE." Are you nervous at all about delivery? I can imagine I'd feel the way I do when I climb on a roller coaster... it's going to fun and afterwards you'll get off and be laughing and exhilarated, but while you're on it, you'll wonder why you ever thought it was a good idea.

NIN!!! WELCOME BACK!!!!! I'm so glad you went on your trip and that everything went smoothly! It's so funny to hear you say you're all set on clothes now... you were all set on clothes a long time ago!! :haha: I'm so happy for you that he's moving around and you are fully experiencing the joy of pregnancy. I think back to how nervous you were for so long, and to hear your happiness now is truly wonderful. :hugs:

AFM: I thought I wasn't going to O at all this month, but LO AND BEHOLD I got a +OPK on Saturday, which was CD 25. THANK THE LORD. I am supposed to go in for blood work about 7 days from the test to confirm that I am actually ovulating. Just waiting to hear back on an appointment time for that. Hopefully AF holds off (I'm CD 27 already! But only 2 DPO :wacko:) and gives me some time. If not, then I'm going to insist on getting a referral to a specialist to figure out what to do. Enough already, right??

How are the rest of our ladies? I miss everyone's updates! Hope you're so quiet because you are having awesome summers!
Welcome back, Nin! Glad you had a good trip. Vacations are always way too short for me too. We leave for CA in 2 1/2 weeks and I can't wait. I need a break from work. Sorry that your anatomy scan wasn't what you expected but I'm glad things are going well. The heartburn is rare for me now, except when I eat peanut butter. My energy has pretty much gone back to normal except if I stay up too late, then I'm really tired the next day.

Dani - your bump is adorable! I can't believe your due date is so close now. I'm hoping everything goes smoothly all the way through delivery for you.

Katie - so glad you finally got your positive OPK! Hoping your blood work shows that you're ovulating. Good luck this cycle!

AFM - I have my NT scan tomorrow afternoon and then my next OB appointment on the 18th. Since I'll only be 14w5d then, we'll have to wait until my next appointment in September to do the anatomy scan and find out genders. I wish I could find out now, it's driving me nuts waiting! I hope everyone is having a great week!
Hi ladies, sorry for being so quiet. I've tried posting a proper response 3 different times but I keep getting sidetracked by the little guy. He takes up about 99% of my attention these days! :)

I'm glad everyone's doing well and enjoying their summer! There are so many exciting things going on & I wish I could respond to everyone individually but my energy is running low right now. It's 3am & I just put Sean down from his mid night feeding so I need to get some sleep before he wakes up again LOL!

I'll just quickly respond by saying things are going well now. I finally feel like I'm settling into motherhood and have some idea that I know what I'm doing. The first month was very hard & overwhelming but we're starting to get a routine down & I feel much more confident in my abilities as a mommy. I'm still breastfeeding exclusively & I'm finally starting to enjoy it now that the pain has subsided. I can't believe my little bubs is already going to be 8 weeks on Monday! Where has the time gone? Here's a pic from a few days ago. He melts my heart!


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Hi ladies, sorry for being so quiet. I've tried posting a proper response 3 different times but I keep getting sidetracked by the little guy. He takes up about 99% of my attention these days! :)

I'm glad everyone's doing well and enjoying their summer! There are so many exciting things going on & I wish I could respond to everyone individually but my energy is running low right now. It's 3am & I just put Sean down from his mid night feeding so I need to get some sleep before he wakes up again LOL!

I'll just quickly respond by saying things are going well now. I finally feel like I'm settling into motherhood and have some idea that I know what I'm doing. The first month was very hard & overwhelming but we're starting to get a routine down & I feel much more confident in my abilities as a mommy. I'm still breastfeeding exclusively & I'm finally starting to enjoy it now that the pain has subsided. I can't believe my little bubs is already going to be 8 weeks on Monday! Where has the time gone? Here's a pic from a few days ago. He melts my heart!

OMG!! He's ADORABLE. I cannot believe how big he is already!! :baby:
Hi, ladies! Long time, no catch up! I know I can't remember it all to reply to, haha!

Dani, you are absolutely adorable!!! Thank you for sharing that pic. Soooo close now...is it really starting to sink in? Are you ready for it to be over with at this point? :)

Donna, baby Sean is also adorable!!! I'm glad to hear things are getting into a nice swing/schedule for you guys now, that's great news!

Crystal, I hope your scan went well yesterday and that you're feeling well! 13 weeks already!? :shock: That's so crazy, and so hard to believe!!!

Katie, I'm sorry about so many of your friends being pregnant right now. That's so crazy how many there are! I totally understand the feelings that can bring with it, I think we all do. We're here for you to vent to anytime you'd like though! :hugs:

Nin, welcome back! And thank you! I'm sorry to hear the anatomy scan was disappointing. :( I'm glad to hear everything is looking great with baby boy though! And I think that's fabulous that your family was able to come with you. I'm sure they really enjoyed that! It sounds like you had a great trip, I'm so happy that you decided to go. How are you already 28 weeks along?!

Jamie, I hope you're doing well! :flower:

Christine, I'm really sorry to hear about DH's results not coming back well. :hugs: I am glad to hear he's taking the news as good as can be expected, and that he's going to try some things to help "fix" it! That's great! I really hope it works and you have that bfp in no time. :)

Randi, how are you doing? That sucks that DH won't be around for your next few O dates, boo! I like Nin's idea of joining him over the weekend if it coincides, if possible! :winkwink:

Sorry for anyone I missed...I hope this thread is quiet because everyone is having such a fabulous summer! :)
Joy - how adorable!!! I'm glad things are settling down for you now.

My doctor called yesterday and my everything came back normal for both babies from my screening. Sometimes it's still hard to believe that I'm having twins but so far things are still looking good. I hope everyone is having a great summer and I can't wait for more of these babies to be born!
Doing a fly-by post just to say hello and I've missed chatting with all of you lovely ladies!!! Summer has been so busy and work has been NUTS. I'll post a proper response once I've read through. Hope everyone is well!
Hey everyone:

I'm 10 DPO today, and I've got some spotting going on. I'm not feeling any different than cycles past, so I'm thinking AF will be here tomorrow. Guess my LP has settled back into 11 days.

I got a call from my new doctor with blood test results, and she's started me on thyroid medication. Turns out I've got hypothyroidism after all. I think there's fertility issues that go along with that, so I guess I should call up my OB/GYN and see if I can see an endocrinologist.


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Katie!!!!! OMG, congrats!!!!! That's a nice, strong line! I want details too!!! Sooooo happy and excited for you!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
OMG. I can still hardly believe it! I had my first infertility appointment on Friday, because I thought AF arrived Tuesday. DH was already to go deliver his sample to the clinic tomorrow!

I started spotting on Tuesday, which was 10DPO. It was old blood, and it was enough that I needed a tampon. Same story Wednesday. Thursday I noticed that there was less, but that didn't mean much to me since I've had a few weird cycles of spotting, a slight pause, and then a fierce AF. But on Friday, there was just... Nothing. No more blood at all. And no cramping or anything. The only cramps I've had, actually, are lower back cramps. Yesterday there was still nothing. So, I decided I better take a test this morning before calling my doctor again. And.... It's not a weird cycle, it's a BABY!! WHEEEEEE!!!! Now this little bean just needs to hang in there!
Holy smokes!!! Congratulations Katie!!!
OMG Katie congratulations!!!! I knew your time was coming! I am so very happy for you. That is definitely a strong line. Do you know how far along you are?
OMG Katie congratulations!!!! I knew your time was coming! I am so very happy for you. That is definitely a strong line. Do you know how far along you are?

According to my NEW TICKERS (!!) just over 5 weeks! It's an APPLESEED.

QUESTION: How do you SURVIVE until the first appointment?? I've barely slept the past two nights, and every time I pee, I check for blood. Is this going to be the new normal??? :wacko:
OMG Katie congratulations!!!! I knew your time was coming! I am so very happy for you. That is definitely a strong line. Do you know how far along you are?

According to my NEW TICKERS (!!) just over 5 weeks! It's an APPLESEED.

QUESTION: How do you SURVIVE until the first appointment?? I've barely slept the past two nights, and every time I pee, I check for blood. Is this going to be the new normal??? :wacko:

I still check tp every time i pee :rofl: you will make it. I promise.

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