30-Something Moms!

Congratulations Dani!!! He's so sweet! Wishing you a speedy recovery...wowsers, 27 hours!?
Dani - he's adorable! Congratulations!!

Donna - other than a few aches and pains here and there. I'm still feeling great. I have 2 weeks left of school and then I'm withdrawing until I can determine when/if it's fesible for me to go back once the kiddos have been born. I'm so glad that you got to spend so much time with Sean before having to go back to work but I'm sure it's going to be tough when you have to take him to daycare. I only get 6-8 weeks off work so I'm always jealous of the ladies that get more time than that.
Dani, congrats, he's gorgeous!

Katie, congrats to you too, so happy you finally got your BFP!

Been thinking of you ladies a lot but the Internet connection at home is SOOOO bad that I haven't logged on for a while. Logged in at work just now just to check how everyone's doing.

Haven't had time to read all the posts, will try to log on again later.

Take care everyone!
Congrats, Dani!!! He's absolutely precious!!! Wow, 27 hours of labor and then a C-Section after all that...so sorry! :( I hope you and baby are doing well now though! Can I ask his name? :)

Randi, we were worried about that with the popcorn ceilings too, but surprisingly they weren't hiding anything bad up there! Now let's just hope there wasn't asbestos in there. :winkwink: We painted 3 of the walls in the bedroom a light grey with purplish undertones, and the 4th wall a dark purple with maroonish undertones. I love it! I love that you bought a trailer! How fun! Too funny though that you did it without telling DH first. Was he upset? How was your trip for his cousin's wedding? Oh, and the Colorado question...we just absolutely love it there. It's gorgeous, and only about a 10 hour drive for us so it's the place we vacation to most often. The state is so much more progressive than Kansas (although isn't pretty much every state?) and DH has always wanted to live there. We kinda figured now's our time if we're going to do this!

Crystal, I'm so glad to hear you had such a lovely vacation at the beach! And I'm really glad to hear you're still feeling so well. I can't believe it's already almost time for gender scans! Holy goodness, didn't you just get your BFP like 2 days ago? Haha. So do you think you're showing a lot more/a lot faster with twins? Has the reality of twins fully sunk in yet? :D

Donna, it is really exciting to spruce up the house for sure! But you're right, it'll also make it a lot harder to leave it when the time does come. :/ It always seems to work like that, huh? We're thinking about possibly renting it out though so that'll make it easier I think! I'm so glad to hear you still have some time left at home with Sean, although I'm sure it doesn't feel like nearly enough time. The thought of daycare options is so overwhelming to me, I can only imagine! Are you coming up with anything that's sounding feasible at least? Good luck, I certainly don't envy you that!

Nin, so glad to see you pop in! I hope everything is going well with you! I can't believe how close you are already! <3 Hope you're feeling well!
Dani!! HE'S SO CUTE!!!!!!! And tired! and rightly so! 27 hours is a lot of hours! What was the rationale? Did you really want to wait as long as possible? Or did the doctor? Are you settling in OK? SO EXCITING!!!!

HELLO TO THE REST OF YOU LADIES! It's nice to "see" you back on! It sounds like everyone has been taking advantage of the summer fully to get things done and enjoy some vacation!

AFM: we had a "viability" scan on Thursday and we saw our teeeeeeeeny little baby and a teeeeeeeeeeny little heartbeat. They adjusted my dates (I guess they weren't taking my long cycles into account!) so I'm 7W4d today, which gives me a due date of April 23.

We decided to tell our parents, as I had a trip to California planned for next week to visit my uncle who has just been put on hospice care, and I'd like to tell him. Our scan was Thursday morning, and we told DHs parents Thursday night. My uncle died later that evening. So, we really had to tell my parents anyways since we told DHs, and I will probably tell my close extended family when I go home for the funeral, if it feels appropriate to do so. It's been a week of highest highs and lowest lows. Mostly, its been lots of crying.

Crystl, how are you feeling with twins?? I'm finally getting mildly nauseous, but I would think twins would really pack a punch!
Katie, I'm so very sorry to hear about your uncle and about the emotional roller coaster of a week you've had. :hugs: When is the funeral? I hope you're able to have a safe trip getting there and home, and that you're able to find comfort in being around your family. I know the circumstances around your parents finding out were not the best, but were they (and DH's parents) excited at least? I'm glad to hear your scan went well though!!! <3
Jenny - twins has finally sunk in but I'm kind of sad that I'm not showing more. I thought it would be clearly obvious by now I'm still in that "fat or pregnant?" Stage. Time is going so fast now. Can't believe I'll be 19 weeks tomorrow.

Katie - how are you feeling? I thought my symptoms would be horrible with twins but I've had a really uneventful pregnancy so far (thank goodness!). No morning sickness and very few aches and pains. I was exhausted from weeks 8-10 but then that went away, though I'm sure it will come back later. Hope everything is going well for you!

We had our anatomy scan yesterday and everyone is looking good. Both babies are just about the same length and both are 9 oz. Oh yeah, and both are BOYS! We are so excited to have two little boys. I have a follow up scan in 4 weeks so they can get a better look at baby a's heart because he was hanging out really low but they don't have any concerns with what they saw. Just means another chance to get a peek at my little ones. Everything is getting so real now. Next up, picking names and shopping/registry. Hope everyone is having a great end of summer!
Awe Crystal, 2 little boys...that is so wonderful! I can't believe you're almost half way through your pregnancy. Are you having a scheduled c-section or will they let you try a vaginal delivery?
That's wonderful crystl!! Two little joys. Were you in love after the anatomy scan? That was my favorite part.
Donna - they'll let me try for a vaginal delivery as long as the first baby is head down which is what I'm hoping for.

Dani - I was totally in love with the little guys after the scan. I loved getting to see every little thing about them.
My little guy took newborn pics today. I'm obsessed with his little handsome self.

I think I'm getting the hang of things. My milk supply is horrible so breastfeeding has been a pain point. I'm supplementing with fornula because his weight was down at his last appointment. We go back Wednesday and I'm praying everything has caught up by then. C-section recovery is going pretty smooth thankfully. I'm ready to be fully functional again but it was with it.

DH goes back to work Monday so that's my first week at home alone. I must admit that I'm nervous and sad about about it!

I hope you're all doing well!!
Can't wait to see more pictures, Dani! It's so nice to hear you so happy! Don't be too hard on yourself about the breastfeeding... whatever works for everyone, right? I'm reading my first parenting book (!) about raising children in France, and most moms there don't breastfeed at all. The rationale appears to be "it doesn't bring me (the mother) pleasure". Such a different viewpoint from what has largely developed here in America! In fact, people there think women who breastfeed after a few short weeks are odd. It's been nice to read, because I imagine I'll breastfeed during my maternity leave, and I will probably valiantly try to pump once I start back at work, but I know chances are I'll give up pretty quick. I'm a lawyer and not only am I stuck in court very often without a good way of excusing myself during reliable times, but I don't have a lot of privacy. Reading about France makes me feel like that's not a terrible scenario!

Crystl: YOU ARE LIKE, HALFWAY THROUGH! HOLY MOLY! I'd like a bump picture, please and thank you! According to your ticker, you've got a couple of mangoes hanging out in there! How's it all going??

AFM: My husband and I got home from California late Monday night from the funeral. It's been a very exhausting few weeks. We decided to go ahead and tell family while we were out there, which means quite a few people know now. I'm really crossing my fingers that everything is progressing as it should. Nin, I've thought often of you over the past few days as I've worried about the health of the baby and the fact that I don't feel any symptoms. I remember that everyone told you you'd feel better about things once you started to show, so I've been telling myself that too! I FINALLY have my first "real" appointment tomorrow, which is the blood test/intake appointment, and then an ultrasound with the doctor next week. It's amazing to me that they don't want to see you until the first trimester is almost over!! THANK GOD for the internet, or I'd be taking all sorts of medicines I shouldn't be!
Dani - I can't wait to see more pics of your little guy!

Katie - I can't believe I'm 20 weeks already. Time is flying and I still have so much to do! Attached is a bump pic as requested. I started out overweight and my belly hasn't really "popped" yet so to myself I just look cubbier and not pregnant. Sorry for the dirty mirror, I'm getting ready to head to a wedding. How are things going for you?


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Hellooo bump! I had that maternity dress and loved it!

I will post a new picture when I get back on the computer. Mommyhood is going well but sleepy!!

I hope you're all doing well.
Hello :wave:

I hope all our moms are doing well with their babes and are getting some decent sleep. What is the typical length of maternity leave in the states?

I'm very sorry to hear about your uncle Katie :hugs:. How's the pregnancy coming along?

Crystal, woo hoo...boys! Have you picked out any names yet?

Getting so close to the end Nin! I hope all is well with you :flower:.

How are the home projects coming along Jenny? Ha, maybe by now you've got a whole new list started!

Christine and Jamie, thinking of you :).

Holidays came and went, but we're relaxing. Countdown to Orlando is on now, 19 days! 18 days though until I have to take my class 3 road exam (a type of commercial driver's license for driving trucks with 3 axles or more), boo! I'm a little stressed over that right now. DH has taken a job closer to home, so good news for baby production...fingers crossed! Well summer's officially gone, not many trees with leaves left :(. The dreaded snow should be making it's appearance before the end of the month I'll bet. It's Thanksgiving this weekend here and tomorrow I will be overeating and extremely lethargic :sick:..
Hi there stranger!!

Doing well on this end and sleeping decent. I think I got lucky with my little guy.

Good lunch on your test and baby making! Keep us posted on both!
Hi Randi! We are leaning towards Oliver and Miles/Myles (not sure on spelling yet) but we're stuck on picking one of the middle names.

Good luck on your test! Have fun in Orlando and hoping DH's job change means you're BFP is right around the corner!
Hello ladies! Sorry I haven't been in touch at all but I often wonder how you are all doing. I'm on maternity leave as from tonight so will be able to catch up. Lots of things happening for me but am NOT ready for baby to make an appearance so I hope he'll stay nicely in till 40 weeks.
Hello Friends!! :hi:

It's so lovely to see updates!! Randi, are you planning on changing jobs? What does your husband do that has him in and out so often? Good luck this month!!! As ALWAYS, I've got all my fingers crossed for you! And, speaking of snow, it's supposed to snow this weekend in the northern part of our state, and one of our ski resorts plans on opening a trail. :wacko: So I imagine if it's like that here, you're well on YOUR way to winter too!

Crystl: Those names are ADORABLE. So cute together as well! DH and I have a girl's name all picked out, but we are STRUGGLING with a boy name. We mostly offer up joke names (Mortimer. Vern. Things like that!) right now, and we're just waiting to find out the gender before bothering really trying to figure one out. We've got to wait until the beginning of December for that!

Dani: I believe I'm still waiting for my picture.... :hugs: How's he doing?? How's feeding going, not to mention sleeping?

NIN! HELLO! 37 WEEKS IS SO MANY WEEKS!! Can't wait until your baby arrives and we get to see which of your saved up outfits you pick for the first pictures! :winkwink:

AFM: We had our genetic tests (ultrasound/blood draw) on Tuesday, so we got lots of new pictures. I've attached a profile shot! It's so fun to see your baby actually look like a human! Heart rate was 154, and it was moving all over the place.

I'm in a terrible fat stage right now though. Depending on the time of day I weigh myself, I've either gained 3 pounds so far, or no pounds, but I am sooooooooo squishy and my face is so round and... yuck. Nothing is really fitting anymore, but maternity clothes are either too big, or they emphasize the stomach I'm attempting to hide. I don't have a bump yet, so I just look like a fat lady pretending to be pregnant. It probably doesn't help that I was less than happy with my pre pregnancy weight. Anyone have insights on when I can expect to look like I'm pregnant? I'm hoping my fat surrounds my bump and I feel/look less squishy and more happy and pregnant!


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Katie, your bump is going to firm and round itself up. Early 2nd trimester is still that awkward do I look pregnant phase. I'm sure you're beautiful, but I know the woes of disliking your body. Post pregnancy isn't a ton better, but I keep reminding myself my body did something great!

Nin, you're so close. That flew by!!

Crystl, I love the names!

Baby photo by request! Sorry I forgot to post.



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