30-Something Moms!

YAY!!!!!!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee::headspin::headspin::headspin::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

Let's all be excited!!!

Please tell me you go to the Harry Potter part of Universal and drink a butter beer! And maybe wave a wand. And ride a broomstick!!
Lol Katie! We opted out of Universal today and went to the Harry Leu Gardens instead. Hanging by the pool currently...back to reality in two days, boo.

Glad to hear you had a relaxing weekend Dani! How much does babyq weigh now? Congrats on your milestone as well ;)!
Lol Katie! We opted out of Universal today and went to the Harry Leu Gardens instead. Hanging by the pool currently...back to reality in two days, boo.

Glad to hear you had a relaxing weekend Dani! How much does babyq weigh now? Congrats on your milestone as well ;)!

I told ya, Katie has the best ideas! He's around 12lb now. We go for his 2 month appointment Thursday. He was 11.5 a few weeks ago. Mama's big boy!
Randi - I hope you had a great rest of your vacation and I'm so excited your tests are still positive!! Yay!!

Dani - I'm glad to hear your little one is doing well!

Katie - I hope things are going well for you.

Jenny - go Royals!!!!

Nin - I hope you're doing well and we get to hear about your little one soon!

As for me - I hit double digits today, 99 days to go until I'm full term. Which means I'll have my little guys in less than that. Ahhhh! It's getting real now! Hope everyone is doing great!
Randi - I hope you had a great rest of your vacation and I'm so excited your tests are still positive!! Yay!!

Dani - I'm glad to hear your little one is doing well!

Katie - I hope things are going well for you.

Jenny - go Royals!!!!

Nin - I hope you're doing well and we get to hear about your little one soon!

As for me - I hit double digits today, 99 days to go until I'm full term. Which means I'll have my little guys in less than that. Ahhhh! It's getting real now! Hope everyone is doing great!

Soooo close!! Are you all set or getting close? I used to think having two would be bananas but now I'm kinda envious of people have two of these little snuggle butts at one time!
Crystl! HELLO! :hugs:

25 weeks is so many weeks!! How's your nursery coming along?? I'm so excited for you!!

I had my second Dr's appointment today, and everything is looking good. She could only pick up the heartbeat for a few seconds (she said my full bladder was getting in the way :haha:) so she had to pull out the ultrasound machine... TOO BAD, RIGHT?! :happydance: Baby's looking good, and was in the same position it's been in every time we see it: laying horizontally with its back to us. My husband is like "it's a teenager already". My next appointment is the 20 week ultrasound, and the doctor said I shouldn't be shocked to gain between 6 to 10 pounds between now and then. :wacko:

Cutie, how's feeding going?? From his size, it sounds like you've figured everything out!

Randi: ARE YOU BACK? When's your first appointment??
We're 100% formula now. I tried breastfeeding/pumping for 8 weeks and it was an ordeal to say the least. My milk supply never came in so I was never able to produce a sufficient amount of milk. Maybe next time! He's growing and a happy, healthy, alert little guy!
Hahaha! My nursery is still a spare bedroom. I am such a procrastinator. I'm going to have my husband move the bed and computer out this weekend so I can start getting it situated. I have my baby shower on the 14th so I'll know after that what we need to buy. We ordered the cribs and they came in today so that will be a chore for hubby some time in the future.

Katie - my doc couldn't get heartbeats on the doppler until I was about 15 weeks. How sad that they have to keep checking with ultrasounds until then, huh? Ha!

Dani - I go between excited and overwhelmed knowing I'll have 2 little guys to take care of soon. I know it'll be a lot of work but I'm sure we'll get the hang of it. I'm a little worried about breastfeeding but no big deal if that doesn't work out.
Hahaha! My nursery is still a spare bedroom. I am such a procrastinator. I'm going to have my husband move the bed and computer out this weekend so I can start getting it situated. I have my baby shower on the 14th so I'll know after that what we need to buy. We ordered the cribs and they came in today so that will be a chore for hubby some time in the future.

Katie - my doc couldn't get heartbeats on the doppler until I was about 15 weeks. How sad that they have to keep checking with ultrasounds until then, huh? Ha!

Dani - I go between excited and overwhelmed knowing I'll have 2 little guys to take care of soon. I know it'll be a lot of work but I'm sure we'll get the hang of it. I'm a little worried about breastfeeding but no big deal if that doesn't work out.

You're not a procrastinator at all! My goal was to have everything necessary done by 36 weeks. It goes a lot faster than you'll think.
Crazy to think that some women have popped out 12lb babies from birth! Or that one woman in the Guinness World Records that had a 22lb baby...ouch!

98 days, wow! Where did the time go??? Sounds like you've got a good plan as far as the nursery goes Crystal. Will you be accenting with blue by chance?

Glad to hear your appointment went well Katie :thumbup:.

Home now. I hope this doesn't sound too goofy, but I refuse to book an appointment with my doc until I pass the point of last time's loss. So, if all is well by Tuesday, I'll give the clinic a ring-a-ding-ding.
Appointment Friday afternoon. So far, so good. I'm thankful for my pregnancy symptoms...they keep me hopeful.
Can't wait to hear about your appointment, Randi! We haven't decided if we're painting the nursery or not. I'm leaning towards no but hubby mentioned painting it this weekend so we'll see what he decides.

I have my GD test on Wednesday. Fingers crossed I pass and don't have to take the 3 hour test!
FX for you! It's not as horrible as everyone makes it out to be. The 3 hour is a pain in the ass but bearable!
Good luck Crystal!!!

I'm loving anything pickled right now...dill pickles, pickled beets, pickled eggs and pickled herring. If I had a jar of pickled carrots, I'd tear right into those as well! :huh:
Well, I failed my GD test by 6 points so I go in saturday for the 3 hour test. The good news, my doctor is "making" me eat a full sized candy bar each day until saturday to prepare for the test.

The boys' heartbeats were too similar on the doppler today so we got to get a quick peek at them again. Both little guys are head down now and everything is looking good. I have to start going in for appointments every 2 weeks now but everything is still going well. I have some muscle pain in my lower stomach that sucks pretty bad but it could just be because I had a coughing fit this weekend when I choked on some water (yes, it sounds ridiculous but I did). Hopefully it'll goes away soon but no biggie.

Hubby moved the bed out of the nursery last weekend so we can start getting that together. I'm pretty excited for my shower saturday afternoon if only just for the delicious cupcakes we're having! Hope everyone is still doing well!
Almost everyone I know failed the 1st one. Upside, you get a candy bar!

Great news about the boys! You're gonna get a double dose of sweetness. Boys are so darn cuddly.

Enjoy your shower! Not much longer now!
Have a great shower, Crystl! I'll want to hear all about your favorite things you open, since I'm starting to get nudges to put our own list together in time for the holidays. :wacko: I'm like "uhhhhhhhhhhh... onesies?"

Randi: I'M VERY EXCITED ABOUT TOMORROW FOR YOU!!! You should go buy one of those giant jars of pickled vegetables out of the italian aisle afterwards to celebrate. My favorites are the cauliflower. Mmmmmm... :munch:

AFM: Just had my second blood draw for the genetic testing series this morning, but my Dr. said the nuchal fold is "completely normal", so we're feeling pretty good about that. I made the full transition to maternity pants this week... WHY AREN'T ALL PANTS MADE LIKE MATERNITY PANTS??? I am wearing the most comfortable and flattering pair of skinny jeans I've ever worn today. AND I can wear them EATING THANKSGIVING DINNER. They are a revelation.

I also made my first baby related purchase this week! The fancy-schmancy diaper bag I've been coveting. :blush: DH and I found a cache of gift cards from our wedding, and he graciously said I could use one to buy it! He didn't have to tell ME twice!

Dani: How are things going?? How long is your maternity leave??
Katie maternity jeans are a godsend!!!! You have no idea until you slide on a pair.

Regarding Christmas, if people are asking - give them something to buy lol. I'm happy to help with suggestions.

Things are going really well. I couldn't be happier and I'm just so in love with this little guy. He starts daycare and I start work on the 23rd. Bittersweet. I'm ready to get back in the real world but I also hate to stop spending everyday with him. I have to be realistic though. It has to happen.
Hoping your test goes well today Crystal :thumbup:. Have a blast at your shower! Enjoy the cupcakes as well :). Has the muscle soreness improved?

Happy to hear the genetic testing went well Katie. Woohoo for maternity clothing!!! Glad to hear you're feeling more comfortable in your clothing. Will you have to buy a new winter coat? I'm not sure if it's the case in the States, but they like to jack the prices up on maternity clothing in Canada.

Back to work already Dani, crazy! Didn't you just give birth like 2 weeks ago? Ha! Enjoy your last little bit at home!

Not too much to report about yesterday's appointment. I didn't realize until well after I left that my doctor didn't even give me an EDD, ha ha, pregnancy brain! The hospital will be calling with the date for my first ultrasound, somewhere between 8 and 14 weeks. Went for blood and urine analysis and that's about it. No pickled vegetables Katie (although I still want to get some), but I celebrated with a bacon cheese burger. Didn't have any nausea yesterday, but it's kicking around today.

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