30-Something Moms!

Hi ladies, it's so great to read everyone's updates and hear about all the baby preparations. I'm so excited for all of you preggo mommies and I look forward to reading about the upcoming showers, baby registries, dr appts, etc.

Dani, I feel you on the mixed emotions on going back to work. I went back last month and I was an emotional mess on the days leading up to it. What really helped is my boss let me go back 1/2 days for the first week so I was able to ease myself into being separated from my son and transition slowly back into the real world. It's still hard being away from him all day, but it's nice to be around adults again and feel like I'm accomplishing something professionally, if that makes sense. Plus it makes me treasure my time with my little guy that much more!

Good luck with your transition back and just know that it will get easier once you get into the swing of things!
Hi Donna! It's nice to hear from you again :).

First ultrasound Dec 14. Tick tock, tick tock....
Hi ladies, it's so great to read everyone's updates and hear about all the baby preparations. I'm so excited for all of you preggo mommies and I look forward to reading about the upcoming showers, baby registries, dr appts, etc.

Dani, I feel you on the mixed emotions on going back to work. I went back last month and I was an emotional mess on the days leading up to it. What really helped is my boss let me go back 1/2 days for the first week so I was able to ease myself into being separated from my son and transition slowly back into the real world. It's still hard being away from him all day, but it's nice to be around adults again and feel like I'm accomplishing something professionally, if that makes sense. Plus it makes me treasure my time with my little guy that much more!

Good luck with your transition back and just know that it will get easier once you get into the swing of things!

Thanks for your kind words and encouragement. This is what I'm hoping for! It will take some adjusting but we will all be fine! I will let you all know how day 1 goes.

Randi, how are you feeling?
I know it's been forever since I've been on here, but how is everyone doing? I just read through lots and lots of posts. OMG, so much going on! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Dani on the birth of your son (he's absolutely perfect!) and to Katie and Randi on your BFP's! I'm so incredibly excited for both of you!!!

Crystl, two boys- wow! And you're getting so close now. I can't believe how quickly that went!

Nin & Jenny, how are you guys?

Donna, it's great to hear an update from you! How is little Sean doing?

AFM, it's been a pretty rough year so the added stress of TTC wasn't helping. Once we got the bad news about DH's SA results, we decided to NTNP for a few months because we both needed a break. We found out about a month ago that my DH has type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, both of which can effect his SA results. He's on meds now, lost 10lbs already and is feeling a lot better.

We made a decision to go to a fertility doctor and see what our options are, because I think we've both reached the point where we either want this to happen or need to know if we really don't have a shot and begin trying to accept that. It's hard to be in limbo for so long.

So, DH is supposed to have another SA today and we're meeting with the RE on Monday. I'm hoping for some good news- we could really use some of that for a change! I'll let you guys know what happens :) Sorry for the long post!!!
Hi Christine :wave:, we've missed you! Sorry to hear that things have been rough going :hugs:. Glad to hear that DH is on his way to better health though! Fingers crossed for positive news on the SA!

Symptoms come and go here...tender breasts, nausea, dizziness and food aversions. Almost ralphed one day brushing my teeth and my Dairy Queen almost came up today at lunch. I was walking down a busy shopping street wondering where I could possibly chuck discreetly... :sick:
Hope you're having a great day back at work Dani!
Christine! It's good to have you back. :hugs: I totally hear you on the stress of TTC. I was really on the verge of taking a break from B&B too... the constant obsessing was clearly doing me more harm than good (that silly Vitex I took!!). DH and I were also in a somewhat stressful period in our lives too... he quit his job last December, I have a new boss and I now hate my job but obviously can't really rock the boat right now, in addition to being the major income earner and benefit-provider, we STILL went ahead and bought a house, AND my body just would NOT DO the ONE THING I decided that it was MADE to do. I kept getting sick (surprise surprise!) including the SHINGLES, which only ANCIENT PEOPLE get. I was like "THIS IS IT. IF I'M GETTING SHINGLES THE NEXT STEP IS MENOPAUSE." But you know what? Writing all that down and looking at it... it's no freaking wonder I wasn't getting pregnant!! We were on the verge of DH giving his SA sample to get the ball rolling on fertility treatments (like, we had the cups in our possession and an appointment and everything) when it happened. But I had really resigned myself to the idea that treatments would be necessary, so I had ... relaxed? Don't get me wrong, we :bunny: A LOT that month, but it was because I suddenly realized I WANTED to (I swear BCP affects sexual drive!!) and not because of tracking or anything. The day after we got our BFP, DH got a job. :happydance:

Long story short, I think that whole saying "when it rains, it pours" is totally true. In my experience, we seem to lay on the stress all at once. HOPEFULLY, your most stressful times are behind you (for awhile!) and you're feeling better. :hugs: We're here to cheer you on!

And I have to say, some of the "DH gave his SA sample" stories I've read on here are PURE. GOLD. So I hope your first step is successful AND humorous!

Dani: How's work??Do you get lots of days off for the holidays? Fx you do, so it's a nice gentle ease back into things.
Thank you Randi! How are you feeling? I hope the nausea is getting better! When is your next doctor's appointment? Can't wait to see pics!

Katie- It sounds like you guys had a rough year too :hugs: I'm so happy that it finally worked out for you, and congrats to your DH for getting a new job! Stress definitely doesn't help. We went through so much this year too. My brother-in-law died, we tried (and failed) to get custody of my stepson, we now have crazy debt because of that, my husband's car was totaled, then we found out he had diabetes and high blood pressure... Plus my job is super stressful. Adding in TTC on top of all of that is definitely a recipe for disaster!

DH's 2nd SA results were even worse than the first (by a LOT), so when we saw the RE on Monday it was no surprise that she recommended IVF. However, since IUI is covered by our insurance, and will only be covered until the end of the year, we all decided to just jump in and give it a try this cycle. I'm not telling anyone that we're doing this so it'll be an awesome Christmas surprise if it actually works. I start Clomid tomorrow!!! I'm nervous but kind of excited to be doing something different. I'll let you all know what happens :)
BTW Katie, it's adorable that your baby is the size of a sweet potato at Thanksgiving ;)
Donna & Dani - I hope work is going well for both of you. I'm sure it's tough going back to work and it's definitely something I'm not looking forward to after the boys are here.

Randi - I can't wait until your appointment on the 14th. Ultrasounds are so awesome!

Katie - I hope things are going well for you and baby!

Christine - good to hear from you! Sorry this year has been so stressful. I'm really hoping the IUI works for you this cycle!

Well ladies, I have the baby beetus. I have to see a MFM now along with my OBGYN to manage it as well as monitor growth. The MFM has better ultrasound equipment so I got this great pic of baby B so that's a plus. Both babies are also growing perfectly even though I've only gained 5 lbs (net) this whole pregnancy. I saw the nutritionist yesterday and so far my blood sugars are running higher than they should be. Hopefully I can get them down over the next couple weeks so I don't have to go on medicine.

I can't believe it's already almost December. Time is flying! I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!


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Well ladies, I have the baby beetus. I have to see a MFM now along with my OBGYN to manage it as well as monitor growth. The MFM has better ultrasound equipment so I got this great pic of baby B so that's a plus. Both babies are also growing perfectly even though I've only gained 5 lbs (net) this whole pregnancy. I saw the nutritionist yesterday and so far my blood sugars are running higher than they should be. Hopefully I can get them down over the next couple weeks so I don't have to go on medicine.

I can't believe it's already almost December. Time is flying! I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

FIVE POUNDS!!!??? with TWINS??? :bodyb: Girl, that is amazing. I gained 5 pounds in the first trimester, and I'm FAIRLY CERTAIN I've gained ANOTHER 5 in the past four weeks!

I had to read the "baby beetus" like, six times before I got it!! And now I just keep thinking about that old guy who was on In The Heat of The Night who does those diabetes commercials. Fx for you that everything regulates out so you don't have to take medication! How lucky are we though that there IS medication?? Sometimes I think about famous women, like Anne Boleyn, who had miscarriage after miscarriage, and I think "they were probably Rh negative, and there were no shots to help them have a successful second pregnancy". And then I think how lucky I am that I will get to have a shot next time!

Christine: Same goes for you!! How lucky are we that there IS IUI, and that insurance covers it?? Fx are crossed SO HARD for you and your OH that this is your cycle!! :dust: How's the Clomid going?

AFM: First day back at work after taking most of last week for Thanksgiving. :coffee: BUT there is excitement brewing because we have our anatomy scan on Thursday! We are hoping to find out the gender then. :thumbup: I have absolutely zero premonitions about it so far, and DH's have changed from girl to boy, so we'll see!

Hope all is well with everyone!
Haha, Katie! My husband is always teasing me now about my "diabeetus" testing supplies and he has to do that guy's voice, of course.

I'm also Rh negative and just got my shot last week. It's so amazing all of the extra precautions we have now to make sure our babies are as safe and healthy as possible compared to the way it was even just back when we were born. We are lucky for sure.

Can't wait to hear about your anatomy scan this week! The MFM I saw last week did another full anatomy scan on both of my little guys and it's so amazing the differences in ultrasound equipment. The tech was able to flip a switch and see blood moving around, etc. It was worth the discomfort of laying on the table for over an hour.
Just popping in ladies. Things are going well and Q is simply an amazing little boy. I'm keeping up and reading but life has gotten crazy busy back to work and trying to maintain home.

Keep posting! This is by far one of my favorite threads. :hugs:
crystl- I'm sorry to hear about the GD, what a bummer! My hubby was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes a couple of months ago and he's completely changed his diet, so if you have any questions I've got a lot of info now :) I recommend Kind bars very highly. They're only 5 grams of sugar and loaded with protein, and DH eats them between meals. (They're really tasty too!) We get them on Amazon. What a fantastic shot of Baby B!

Katie- Good luck on your anatomy scan! I hope the babe isn't too modest so you get to find out what you're having ;) For some reason, I'm thinking girl! I can't wait to hear what happens...

Dani- I'm so glad that things are going well for you and you're happy. More pics when you get a chance please! I love seeing these little ones, it keeps me optimistic :)

AFM, I'm on CD8 of our 1st IUI cycle and I had an U/S this morning. I responded well to the Clomid and everything is looking pretty good. I've got 4 follicles on the left and 4 on the right and my lining is where it's supposed to be so far. All of my bloodwork and DH's bloodwork came back looking great. I have to go in for another U/S on Friday, and depending on how everything is progressing I may trigger over the weekend and come in for the IUI on Monday. We'll see! She thinks my ovarian reserve is fine, so that's promising if we move onto IVF. I know this is a really slim chance but I'm letting myself be hopeful anyway. Why not, right? :)
Definitely worth being hopeful, Christine! I got pregnant on my first round of clomid. The doctor told me I didn't even ovulate (based on progesterone levels) and bam, twins! I'm very hopeful for you!
Fx Christine!! Keep us posted!

Just got back from our anatomy scan, and it was very disappointing in general. The baby crossed its legs at the knees AND ankles, balled up its hands into fists, and scrunched into a ball on its side. We only got a blurry picture of its foot, and it refused to move from that position even after I walked around the building, jumped up and down, peed, drank juice, ate chocolate, and fake coughed for five minutes. The picture on the machine was super blurry (apparently its new equipment that they're still "figuring out") so we couldn't even really follow along with the anatomy on the screen. SO no gender, but also no heart, spine, hands, kidneys, or face. Which means we have to go back in two weeks (no appointment any sooner!) for ANOTHER hour of trying. Everyone was like "Oh! well that's OK! it's another chance to see the baby!" but I'm like: LOOK. if your machine is too blurry to SEE ANYTHING, it's another chance to be annoyed! Right at the end, the sonographer was trying to see if she could tell the gender, and she was like "Well, there's three lines, I THINK, which means girl, BUT it could also me a smushed up scrotum." Uh, THANKS. I think DH actually cringed.

ANYWAYS. :growlmad:

Baby is apparently growing on schedule (based on head circumference) and has a heart rate of 136 BPM and likes to hang out up high. Today, anyway. The doctor told us to start looking for a pediatrician and sign up for our birth classes and then sent us on our way. This appointment was SO built up, and leaving it we were so dejected. We went to lunch and sat facing the street, and at least there were lots of interesting people to look at to help perk us up. The BEST was a questionably dressed transgender man who chain smoked under a hotel awning and argued on her cellphone for our entire meal. DH asked what characteristics she could work on to appear more obviously female, and we spent our whole meal arguing about feminine wiles. In my opinion, the first step would be to never, ever, ever, wear skin colored leggings that were baggy in the butt with a too-short sweater EVER. AGAIN. Not even at home. I probably would never even have noticed her if she hadn't walked by and I thought she was NAKED. :shock:
Aww, Katie, I hope your next scan goes better! But hahaha about the skin colored leggings. So true!
Thank you Crystl! Yours was such an inspiring story :)

Katie- I'm sorry about the blurry pics and the disappointing scan. I think you're about the 10th person to tell me how disappointing their anatomy scan was, so maybe it's just one of those things! Glad to hear that the baby is looking healthy and developing well. Lol at your leggings analysis and I agree wholeheartedly ;) Skin-colored leggings should be illegal.

AFM, my u/s was fine this morning. One 14mm follicle on the left and two smaller ones on the right. She doesn't think I'll ovulate over the weekend, so I'm going in on Monday morning to see what's happening. Looks like IUI will be happening either Monday or Tuesday.
Did IUI last night... this is going to be the worst TWW yet lol.

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