30-Something Moms!

OHHHHHH!!!! this is a big TWW!!

For the record, I had NO symptoms in my TWW. Except the whole "it's a period, wait no its not" part.

Fingers crossed so tight Christine! Hang in there!
Thanks so much you guys! I'm trying to be optimistic without expecting anything, if that makes sense? I haven't decided if I'm going to POAS next Friday or wait until the blood test on Monday. Either way I'll let you guys know of course :)
FINALLY sitting down long enough on the computer to update!

Things are going really well. Q is adjusting to daycare beautifully. Going back to work has been a very hard adjustment for me. Not because I miss him or anything while I'm away. I do, but he's so happy at daycare that I'm comfortable with him being there. The hard part was getting acclimated again after being gone for so long. It feels like my first day of work all over again.

I'm loving every minute of being his mom and my hubs is being an amazing supportive dad, although he could pick up the slack with housecleaning lol.

Here's a long overdue picture.

OMG HE'S ADORABLE. When did he start with those SMILES???
OMG HE'S ADORABLE. When did he start with those SMILES???

he's been a smiler for awhile! he's quite the silly kid. I'd say he started around 2 months with very solid and consistent smiles.
Look at that smile! He is seriously cute. And that onesie... :rofl: Love it!

Randi, how are you feeling? You've got a scan coming up soon right?
Hi, ladies! Just wanted to stop in and give everyone some love. Sorry I've been so MIA! I login here and there to read but never really post.

Randi, I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to hear how everything goes at your next scan!

Christine, this is a very exciting TWW for you!!! YAY!! Definitely keep us posted, I'm keeping everything crossed for you!

Katie, I agree...skin colored leggings should DEFINITELY not be a thing! Hilarious though. Sorry baby wasn't be cooperative at your scan! I hope it works out better for you at your next one!

Crystal, I can't believe you've only gained 5 lbs! With twins at that! Go, you! Do you have any updated bump shots you'd care to share with us? I'd love to see if you do! (that goes for you too, Katie!) You're getting pretty close now, are you feeling ready or at least close to it?

Dani, Q is so dang cute!!! I love to hear that you're doing so well, and it sounds like you've adjusted pretty nicely to having to go back to work (although I'm sure you'd rather be home with him!)

Joy, how have things been for you and baby Sean?

Nin, I hope you're doing well too! <3

AFM, everything is going well! We finally sat down and talked adoption options and decided that we want to do a private, infant adoption (through an adoption agency) for this first go around. Then after a few years, we'd like to look into adopting another child through the state. From what we can tell, a state adoption will most likely be a somewhat older child, and very possibly a child with a developmental disorder of some sort. We feel that depending on how severe, we could handle that with one but we couldn't with two. This way we can still hopefully have two children, but not take on more than we can handle (hopefully!). I'm still pretty overwhelmed as to WHAT to do to start the process, but I'm planning a phone date soon with a friend who adopted last year and she's more than happy to help us through the process. Which is good, since we need the help! We've also decided our planned move to Colorado will be pushed to the back burner for now, as we decided it would be best to adopt where we're already settled and have support. We'll revisit that decision down the road. And that's about it for us! :)

Hope everyone is having a nice holiday season so far! <3
Soooo cute Dani...love his smile!!!

Oh Christine, it'll be so hard to fight the urge to POAS! Curiosity would definitely get the best of me, ha!

Katie, did you ever really get any really strong pregnancy symptoms? Sorry to hear baby was not cooperating at the last scan. I'm putting my vote down for girl as well.

Crystal, I'm so clueless that I had to google baby beetus and MFM! Were you able to get your blood sugars down?

Hi Jenny!!! Great to hear that you and DH have set down a plan for adoption :thumbup:, so exciting! Very handy as well to have a friend to guide you through the process! Will you have to wait long?

Scan Monday morning. Feeling anxious, nervous, excited and terrified. 10 weeks and this'll be our first real confirmation that Li'l Klink is real! Nausea still coming and going, but has lessened in intensity. I've notice this week I've become a weepy mess....watching the news starts the tears in no time. I've also got a dry cough right now, so that's been a real pain when it comes to sleep and hasn't helped with the tears as well, ha ha!
Jenny- Great to hear an update from you! It's so exciting that you're starting to discuss the next step with adoption. It sounds like you've both got a really great plan in place, and it does seem to make sense to stay where you are for now. Having support is so key. Good luck to you!

Randi- I know, I'm dying already and it's only 6DPO lol. Good luck with your scan today! Please stop back in and let us know what happens if you get a chance. Don't be nervous, it's going to be fine. :)

AFM, really no symptoms or anything but it's very early. I'm going to try and hold out testing until 10dpo, which is this Friday.

How's everyone else doing on this fine Monday morning?
Hooray! We're growing a baby!!! No pic though...the ultrasound tech didn't offer and I was too chicken to ask. I'm hoping my doc can get us a copy when I see her on the 22nd. We would have liked something to show our family when we break the news at Christmas. Li'l Klink is measuring a whopping 11 weeks, 1 day, with a heart rate of 169 bpm. So cute when the babe started kicking it's legs and turned it's back to us :).
Congratulations Randi!!! :happydance: I knew you were going to get good news! Definitely try and get a pic to show people. What a wonderful Christmas present :) I can't believe you're almost in your second trimester already. That went so fast!
HOORAY BABY KLINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I can't believe they didn't give you a picture! Of COURSE you need a first baby picture to share! I'm so so happy for you!!

Christine: FX!! I checked your chart the other day, but it looks like it was from November or October? Everything I can cross is crossed for Friday! That would be an awesome Christmas present. :winkwink:

Jenny: WELL HELLO! The adoption updates sound VERY. EXCITING. I have a few friends who have adopted multiple times from both open adoptions and foster situations. I think you're spot on with your assessment of the kinds of needs children from either situation would have. What an exciting time for you! I know that once you start the process, it has the potential to move really quickly. Get ready!! (Which means lots of Pinterest, right? :haha:)

AFM: We have our do-over ultrasound Thursday morning. Whee! Most people are guessing girl at this point, so we'll see! I hope. Sigh.

Crystal: No, I never have gotten any real pregnancy symptoms! Except for crying more than usual, I guess. Some Christmas music is a big no-no in my car... everytime the Josh Groban version of "I'll be home for Christmas" comes on with the military members sending messages to their families, the faucet turns on! It's sooooo embarrassing, because really? But I haven't been ill or sleepy or anything. And I've definitely "puffed out", but I'm not cute and round so that anyone would assume I was pregnant unless I specifically told them. I'm blaming my extra-wide torso... I think the baby has too much room to hang out and so can snuggle up without having to push outwards! :winkwink: I'm only 5'3" though, so at SOME POINT, the room's got to run out, right??
Christine: I just RECHECKED your chart, and realized my confusion. It's looking mighty nice to me!! I think I see a good ovulation dip, and it's nice and high now. WHEE!
Thank you Katie! Lol, at your Josh Groban-related weepiness. That's too funny. It's actually encouraging to hear that you don't have any symptoms, because aside from a little cryfest yesterday morning I haven't felt much of anything. Yep, the laws of nature say you will definitely start running out of room soon! You'll have a cute little preggo belly in no time. Have you told all family members/friends yet?

How's everyone else doing? Ready for the holidays? It's supposed to be a frigid 60 degrees in NY for Christmas :xmas22: So crazy.

AFM, I had a big temp dip yesterday (which spurred the cryfest) but it went back up today. I broke down and took a test today at 9DPO and it was negative, but IF yesterday was implantation day then I wouldn't expect it to be positive until tomorrow or maybe Saturday. I'm so, so hopeful but trying to keep my expectations in check. If it doesn't work out, we just found out our new insurance may cover IVF as of January so that would be my next (big huge scary) step.
Christine: I just went back through our thread here to see what happened when in July and August when I got my BFP. I started spotting at 9/10 DPO, and I remember that lasted for twoish days, and I thought it was my period and I was very sad.

And then I took at test at 15 DPO because the spotting had stopped at 11/12DPO, and I thought that was weird. And that was the month.

So keep your chin up and your eyes dry! Your dip would coincide with that timing too, so let's just keep hoping!! :hugs::dust:

AFM: It's a girl. :happydance::pink:
OMG a girl!!! I knew it! Congratulations Katie, that's so exciting! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Are you going to tell people or keep it to yourselves for a little bit? My sister found out what she was having but didn't tell anyone, so we didn't find out until my niece was born. I don't know how she kept that secret though!!!

Thank you for the encouragement! I tested last night and this morning with IC's (because I'm crazy and I have a ton of them) and they were BFN but there was an evap line on both. I've never seen evaps on this brand before. I have one FRER but I don't want to waste it. Instead of falling, my temp is climbing. It was crazy high this morning at 10DPO. Not sure what to think!
Hooray, a girl!!! Congratulations Katie!

The suspense Christine! I'm going crazy in anticipation for you, but I can't imagine how you're possibly getting through your days!... :wacko:

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