30-Something Moms!

2b, I'm so sorry. :hugs: How are you doing today? Any new developments on your end? I, too, was going to suggest going in on Friday until I read your next post about why you wanted to just wait it out at home. I completely understand that and think overall, it's just important that you do what's best for YOU. I'm just so sorry that you're having to go through this at all. :hugs:

Twinsie, that candle is so cute! I love it!!! What a cute a clever way to announce to your family! I can't wait to hear what their reaction is! :)

Fleur, it's 2nd scan week! Are you getting excited for that yet? Feeling any more pregnancy symptoms at all?

Katie, Cutie, Joy and Crystl, how are you ladies doing?

Scooby, hi and welcome to our group! :hi: We're happy to have you! :) Has the Vitex been helping you at all so far that you can tell? Good luck entering your TWW, I really hope you caught it! :)
Welcome scooby! Crazy and 30...check and check!

Afm: I'm doing pretty good. I go in for an anatomy scan tomorrow and I can't wait to see my little guy! We will be announcing via social tomorrow as well once we see that eberuthing is going well. Symptoms have been minimal and bearable but recently I've developed heartburn and acid reflux and it's the devil! I also officially can't see my goodies past my belly :rofl:
Hello ladies, been busy the last few days so haven’t had time to catch up.

2b4us, how are you holding up? My heart really goes out to you, I know what a nightmare it is :hugs: When are you having your scan?

Crystlmcd, could it have been ovulation bleeding?? Apparently it’s quite rare but can happen.

cutie, hope everything looks good at the scan tomorrow. It’ll be cool to see how much baby has changed. Yay for feeling flutters! 4 baby showers, wow, fun! They’re not very common where I live so I won’t be having one. Post an updated pic of your bump!

Twinsie, good luck for your scan tomorrow, update us when you’re back. Hope the nausea has eased off a bit, it sounds horrible. I can’t believe you could find out the baby’s gender so soon, how exciting! Do you have any inkling?? Here Harmony tests etc. don’t exist, I’m not even sure they do blood work to test for risks of Down syndrome etc. Aww that candle is just adorable, didn’t know you made them. Have a camera ready to record your in-laws’ reactions! In your last pic you didn’t have a bump at all, show us a pic!

Joy, hilarious story about your DH sample collection! Soooo embarrassing if someone had seen him! You’re right about the worrying, it starts the day we decide to TTC and never ends.

scoobybeans, welcome to our group. Sorry to hear about your chemical, hope you’ll get a sticky baby very soon.

Turtle, how’s the 2WW going? Still no symptoms here except for slightly sore boobs.

Most of the time I don’t even remember I’m pregnant, I feel so normal! I haven’t put on weight either. In a way it’s good because I’m not letting myself think too much about the pregnancy or get too attached, just in case it’s a repeat of last time. I do hope I’m just very lucky and having the easiest first trimester ever! I’ve bought a pregnancy diary but had to order it from abroad, it won’t get here before at least 2 weeks but that’s OK, I’d rather wait till the end of the first trimester to start writing in it.

I was supposed to go in for a scan at around 10 weeks, so between Friday 3rd and Sunday 5th… HOWEVER, Sunday is our 7th “anniversary” AND my mom’s birthday, so I’m terrified that I’ll have a bad scan and not be in the mood for a birthday cake etc, so I’m going to wait till Monday 6th/Tuesday 7th. If I’d been feeling more confident it would have been SO cool to announce it on my mom’s birthday.
Updated bump pic attached.

Fleur, I felt very normal 1st tri and still pretty normal now except for this belly. There definitely are some lucky women and I've discovered pregnancy is not at all what it looks like on tv.


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Aww thanks, what a neat little bump! Do you wear the same clothes for each bump pic?

Really hoping I'm one of the lucky ones too. I was telling DH that we've not even taken one pic this time, oops! No idea what we're going to put in the "pics" slots in the pregnany journal. Need to find a "bump pic" outfit.

By the way, does anyone know if a pregnancy test would still show up as positive now? I never got round to taking the digital one and want to see Pregnant 3+ weeks! Although I've heard the message disappears after 24 hours, what's the point!
turtle- Thank you! So far, so good with the vitex. Last month was my first full cycle on it and it brought up ovulation from day 16 to day 13. My luteal phase went from 9 to 11 days. Woot!

I'm actually a little later this month and waiting to O right now (doesn't that sound like a bad indie movie? "Waiting to O, starring Tatiana Maslany and Nicholas Hoult.... A tale of love in a post-apocalyptic world... " heh heh) But I got a +OPK today on CD14 so at least it's still a little earlier than it was :)

cutie - Thanks for the warm welcome! Haha you guys seem like my kind of people :) Adorable bump, congrats!!!

fleur- Thank you! We're trying for a Christmas baby now. :xmas3: A little risky weather-wise in New York, but being that we had snow flurries this morning nothing from November to March is completely safe anymore lol. Congrats to you! How far along are you? I know HCG levels rise up to 8 or 9 weeks and then start to decline, but I'm sure a digital would pick it up! It would be cool to see even if it disappears :)
Fleur, I have been wearing the same dress and taking them with my iPad. Pretty easy! A digital test will stop pick it up and it will disappear from the test eventually. I wouldn't bother with a test with lines though. Those can have something called the hook effect that your results are too strong and they mess up the test.
Welcome to the group scooby. I hope the vitex helps you get your BFP soon!

Cutie - adorable bump pic!

AFM - the dr just called with the SA results and DH's rapid motility is a little low at 20.7 and they like it to be over 24. Everything else is normal. So, she said we can start IUI sooner if I want. We'll have to think about it. I'm still waiting to O. Looks like it's going to be a long cycle! Hope everyone else is doing well.
Which way are you leaning on the iui crystl? One of my bnb buddies just delivered here little one in December after her iui.
I definitely have no issue with IUI but I would just like to do some research on the low motility first.
Hello ladies, been busy the last few days so haven’t had time to catch up.

2b4us, how are you holding up? My heart really goes out to you, I know what a nightmare it is :hugs: When are you having your scan?

Crystlmcd, could it have been ovulation bleeding?? Apparently it’s quite rare but can happen.

cutie, hope everything looks good at the scan tomorrow. It’ll be cool to see how much baby has changed. Yay for feeling flutters! 4 baby showers, wow, fun! They’re not very common where I live so I won’t be having one. Post an updated pic of your bump!

Twinsie, good luck for your scan tomorrow, update us when you’re back. Hope the nausea has eased off a bit, it sounds horrible. I can’t believe you could find out the baby’s gender so soon, how exciting! Do you have any inkling?? Here Harmony tests etc. don’t exist, I’m not even sure they do blood work to test for risks of Down syndrome etc. Aww that candle is just adorable, didn’t know you made them. Have a camera ready to record your in-laws’ reactions! In your last pic you didn’t have a bump at all, show us a pic!

Joy, hilarious story about your DH sample collection! Soooo embarrassing if someone had seen him! You’re right about the worrying, it starts the day we decide to TTC and never ends.

scoobybeans, welcome to our group. Sorry to hear about your chemical, hope you’ll get a sticky baby very soon.

Turtle, how’s the 2WW going? Still no symptoms here except for slightly sore boobs.

Most of the time I don’t even remember I’m pregnant, I feel so normal! I haven’t put on weight either. In a way it’s good because I’m not letting myself think too much about the pregnancy or get too attached, just in case it’s a repeat of last time. I do hope I’m just very lucky and having the easiest first trimester ever! I’ve bought a pregnancy diary but had to order it from abroad, it won’t get here before at least 2 weeks but that’s OK, I’d rather wait till the end of the first trimester to start writing in it.

I was supposed to go in for a scan at around 10 weeks, so between Friday 3rd and Sunday 5th… HOWEVER, Sunday is our 7th “anniversary” AND my mom’s birthday, so I’m terrified that I’ll have a bad scan and not be in the mood for a birthday cake etc, so I’m going to wait till Monday 6th/Tuesday 7th. If I’d been feeling more confident it would have been SO cool to announce it on my mom’s birthday.

We def want to video their reaction! I hope I remember too! I'm gonna be anxious !! Poor DH feels bad that my family all knows and his doesn't at all. But he has such a big family we wanted to wait until they were all together for the holiday!

Yea it's a new blood test I think that can determine the gender so early. Crazy to think that I could know in a few weeks. I have a strong feeling is a boy. Based on how close to my ovulating we DTD and knowing that male spermies are faster. But who knows!!! :shrug: I can't wait to find out!

Hello new people!

I'm going to DC for a few days with DH for a mini vaca just to go away, so I may be Mia until sat unless we get in at night and I'm not wiped! I'll try to get on here and say hello! Have a great week girls! :flower:
Crystl- I've read good things about fertilaid for men and count boost. My DH was taking it when we got prego. Look into it! I have half bottles left if you want them I'd just want shipping money. Either way, look into it! And good luck!

Cutie- love the bump!! :)
My DH never had a SA but he was also taking fertilaid when we got our BFP.
Thanks ladies, I'll check it out and talk with DH about giving it a try.
:hi:Hi Scooby! Welcome!

Cutie & Twinsie, good luck on your scans tomorrow! Please post pics of your little peanuts when you get a chance.

Fleur, I did not feel pregnant at all until I started feeling the baby move around 18 weeks. I'm sure your baby is doing great and you are just one of the lucky ones to have a very easy pregnancy so far. :)

Crystl, I've read that IUI can be very successful for couples with low motility. I'm glad everything else came out good with your testing.

AFM, I'm 26 weeks today. I did my glucose test for gestational diabetes on Friday and passed. It's one more milestone to cross off my list as I wait for the little bubsy to arrive. I'm getting really excited and feel like time is just dragging. We plan on doing our registry this weekend then start working on the baby's room next weekend. I can't wait!
Twinsie, the gender reveal with the cake would be pretty cool. Cute candle btw! Enjoy your trip!

Welcome Scooby! Hoping the next two weeks fly by for you!

That's a fine looking bump Cutie!!! What do you take for your heartburn? Best wishes on your scan tomorrow!

Fleur, are you and DH doing anything special for your anniversary? Glad to hear pregnancy is treating you well :).

Looks like your temperatures are sneaking up there Crystlmcd. Has O always been pretty consistent in the past?

Nothing much to report. Things seem to be tapering off, although the digital test was still reading 1-2 weeks this morning, so I've still got a bit to expel. Scan on Thursday.
scoobybeans, glad the Vitex seems to be helping already. Love the title of your indie movie… or hate it actually, waiting is the worst! Can’t believe it’s still snowing in New York.. fingers crossed for a Christmas baby! I’m just over 9 weeks.

cutie, thanks, I’ll do the digital in a couple of days. How did the scan go?

crystlmcd, I second what the others have said about fertility supplements for DH. Zinc is supposed to be really good! And as we know, one little solider is all you need.

Twinsie, enjoy your mini vacation! Are you leaving straight after your scan? Let us know how it went.

Joy, congrats on reaching yet another milestone! Have you picked a theme or colours for the baby’s room?

2b4us, it’s horrid to still get a positive test when you’re miscarrying :hugs: Are you doing OK? Not that you can really be OK in such circumstances… DH and I used to go away for a weekend on our anniversary but now we’re living on an island it’s a bit complicated! We could have gone to a beach resort but since it’s my mom’s birthday on Sunday we probably won’t do anything.

A couple of weeks I freaked out because I woke up without heavy/sore boobs, it did come back a bit after a while but not as sore as earlier. Then today same thing, I woke up and my boobs were totally normal, so freaking out again! I wish I had a portable scan to check in on the baby lol.
2b - my O has been very consistent for several cycles at CD15-16. Last cycle was CD13 but it's only ever been this late in the first few cycles off of bc. Hugs for your scan on thursday. Sorry you're going through all of this.

AFM - DH and i talked about IUI last night and it's just not good timing for that right now with him going to school and work. He'll be done with school in a couple of months, though. So we decided to try some supplements and a couple rounds or clomid while we wait. Hopefully we won't have to do the IUI but I'm okay with it if we do.
2b: :hugs: I thought a lot about you over the past couple of days. I hope you are doing well.

CD11 for me now. I've stated the OPKs, since I'm hoping that the Vitex will move up O a couple of days. I'm not sure I'm taking enough of it though. Scooby, how much are you taking? I bought a brand that has no fillers in it at all thinking I was being SO healthy, but I didn't pay attention to the pill size at all, and mine are only 220 mg each. I'm taking 4 every morning, which should give me a 30 day supply, but I'm a little concerned it won't be enough to have any effect. I guess time will tell!

Crystl: Have you tried any "wonder" supplements? :haha: I know Maca Root is also pretty popular, but it promotes estrogen and I'm pretty sure I have an abundance of that! I think that's what clomid stimulates though?

I hope the rest of you had lovely weekends. All our bump ladies! :hugs:

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