30-Something Moms!

I haven't tried any supplements but I will look into that, katie. Thanks for the suggestion and i hope the vitex works for you!
Ultrasound went well! We got to hear the heartbeat!!!! :happydance:
We have one very healthy baby measuring 9 weeks 4 days! Looks like a baby for real now!! Heartbeat was 180, and my doctor was really happy and said that's typical for girls !! I'm not believing it until I see it!! Anyone else that's prego have a high heartbeat in the 180s??

Pretty uneventful, yet amazing appointment! :happydance:

We were able to hear the heartbeat for the 1st time, which was truly amazing! Q has previously been measuring 4-5 days behind and today he was 2 days ahead! :thumbup: They moved my due date up to 9/3.

The scan was absolutely amazing! I just had a big grin on my face and tears rolling out of my eyes. DH just kept saying "wow" "oh wow" "wow". He never took his eyes off the screen.

I think we'll announce on social media today. My poor mom is bursting at the seams.

And for your viewing pleasure!
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

Katie- We're pretty close, I'm CD15 today. Had O pains all morning and a dark positive OPK so I'm pretty sure today's the day. I'll see what my temps look like tomorrow. I'm taking Femaprin which is a combination Vitex/Vitamin B6. It's 225mg Vitex but I read somewhere it's a more potent version?

I was a little upset my ovulation went back to CD15 (last month it had moved up to CD13) but on the other hand it feels like a really strong O this month if that makes any sense. I even had a wave of nausea this morning which has never happened to me before.

Also, even if the Vitex takes a little longer to help with the luteal phase I love what it's doing for my moods, skin, PMS etc. I was so nervous taking it but glad I made the decision now. My OBGYN told me she was fascinated by it and she'd had a lot of patients who got BFP's while using it. FX'd that we'll be lucky too!

Twinsie- congrats on your positive ultrasound :) That's great news and what a wonderful photo!
Twinsie & cutie - so glad everything went well for both of you and those ultrasound pics are awesome!
crystlmcd, seems like you and DH are on the same page about what the next steps will be. I also hope the supplements and Clomid will do the trick, but it’s good to know IUIs are an option if it comes to that.

Katie, good luck to you, hope the Vitex will show some effect very quickly, good luck to you !

Twinsie, aww, it does look like a baby now! I’m glad your scan went well. I have no idea about the heartrate but I’m looking forward to knowing if it’s a girl or a boy! Did you ask about the blood test?

cutie, fabulous pics! Good to hear baby has caught up, it must be a huge relief although 4-5 days behind doesn’t really matter. It IS amazing hearing the heartbeat :cloud9:

scoobybeans, good luck, hope you catch the egg.

TMI alert : I had a tiny clump of GREENISH discharge today… Dr. Google says it might be an infection so I’m wondering whether I need to see the doctor this week rather than wait for 1 week. Also, after a healthy dinner at home, I ate a whole packet of Cadbury Fingers and now I’m feeling distinctly yucky. It’s 10 p.m and I’m in bed whining that DH didn’t stop me from eating them.
Ultrasound went well! We got to hear the heartbeat!!!! :happydance:
We have one very healthy baby measuring 9 weeks 4 days! Looks like a baby for real now!! Heartbeat was 180, and my doctor was really happy and said that's typical for girls !! I'm not believing it until I see it!! Anyone else that's prego have a high heartbeat in the 180s??

:happydance: (s)he looks like a LITTLE PEANUT! LOVE IT!!

The scan was absolutely amazing! I just had a big grin on my face and tears rolling out of my eyes. DH just kept saying "wow" "oh wow" "wow". He never took his eyes off the screen.

OMG. That three D pic is AMAZING. Look at his little CHEEKS! I'm not surprised you cried! I started tearing up! So excited for you...

TMI alert : I had a tiny clump of GREENISH discharge today… Dr. Google says it might be an infection so I’m wondering whether I need to see the doctor this week rather than wait for 1 week. Also, after a healthy dinner at home, I ate a whole packet of Cadbury Fingers and now I’m feeling distinctly yucky. It’s 10 p.m and I’m in bed whining that DH didn’t stop me from eating them.

Could that also be attributable to the formation of your mucus plug?? According to my Googling: "One of the major changes that occurs in your body during the seventh week is the development of your mucous plug. Your cervix is forming a plug in the opening of the cervical canal to seal off the uterus for protection. You’ll eventually lose this plug when labor and childbirth are close." I think I've read several ladies whose CM reflects the formation going on. It might be that! Especially if you're not feeling any other "normal" infection type symptoms??
crystlmcd, definitely look into the supplements. I would try that stuff before doing anything indepth. I'd bet your BFP is right around the corner. They seem to pop up when we take our full focus off. Not that I'm a believer that you can't get pregnant because you stress, but you know what I mean.

scoobybeans, my ovulation moved a bit. It can be frustrating, but I try to look at it as our body adjusting to do what it needs to. FX for you!

aw Fleur. your Cadbury story made me giggle though. I might give your body a few days to see. Dr. Google can cause us to go a little crazy, but watch it and don't wait too long!
I ordered DH some fertilaid today. Fingers crossed it helps us get our BFP.
2b, I'm so sorry for your loss. You seem to be handling it very well though and I admire your strength for letting nature take its course without all the added stress of going to the hospital. I hope everything goes ok at your scan on Thursday. Please keep us updated with the results.:hugs:
Twinsie and Cutie, so glad everything went well with your scans! I'm loving the pics of your little bubsies...so precious! Twinsie, my baby had a heart rate of 177 at my 10 week ultrasound and I thought for sure it was a girl because of the fast rate. Turns out we're having a boy though so I think the theory that girls have faster heart rates is a myth, but you never know! :)

Fleur, I've had a ton of cervical mucus my entire pregnancy and I was told its very normal. Green may signal an infection if it's accompanied by an odor and/or itching. You may want to get it checked just in case.

Crystl, I hope the Fertilaid works for your hubby.

Good luck this cycle for all the ladies waiting to O. Have fun trying to catch that egg. :sex:
Good luck this cycle for all the ladies waiting to O. Have fun trying to catch that egg. :sex:

It would have been more fun today if it didn't happen to be 4:30 in the morning!!! :sleep: But sometimes you've got to strike while the iron's hot ;)

crystl- good luck with the Fertilaid! My DH is taking that as well, plus Vitamin C and D3. He hasn't gone for his SA yet (he's procrastinating one more cycle in hopes that he won't need to lol) but I thought it was a good idea just in case. They say to give it about 3 months but some people seem to see improvement sooner.

I've never heard about heart rate predicting gender. Interesting! There are so many theories out there, it's crazy.
Fleur - any updates? I hope the discharge turns out to be nothing.

AFM - I finally got crosshairs! Woot woot!! Happy hump day everyone!
Hi, ladies! Twinsie and Cutie, lovely scan pics!!!! I love them so much, thank you for sharing them with us! Cutie, that 3D scan is amazing. <3

Fleur, I hope the green discharge isn't anything serious! Any updates on your end? That's exciting that it's your anniversary this weekend (and your mom's birthday)! I hope you have a nice time celebrating. :hugs:

2b, how are you holding up? I'm still sending all sorts of long distance hugs your way!!! :hugs:

Crystl, yay for crosshairs! :happydance: I hope the TWW treats you well! And I hope you don't end up needing that Fertilaid after all! :thumbup:

Scooby, good luck! I hope your (early morning!) efforts result in a bfp! I'm keeping everything crossed for you! :)

Joy and Katie, how are you ladies holding up?

Everything is good on my end. I'm 7-8dpo and just waiting on AF to arrive. My appointment with the RE is on the 28th of this month, so that'll be hear before I know it! :)
Yay crosshairs Crystl!

Thinking of you 2b.
2b4us, thinking of you too, let us know how your scan goes tomorrow :hugs:

crystlcmd, yay for crosshairs!

Turtle, do you think you could be in with a chance this month? If not, yes, the 28th is less than a month away! Tonight DH told my mom that her birthday is also our “anniversary”, and she was saying that when she asked a few years back, I’d said I didn’t remember when we met (because I didn’t want to tell her we hooked up 5 days after we met – being from a very conservative culture). So I was being evasive tonight but DH was happily saying “oh, we met 4 or 5 days before”, haha.

Thanks for asking ladies, I’m just keeping a watch on what’s coming out (yuck). I’m about 9.5 weeks so probably too late for it to be the mucus plug forming. No Shrek discharge today, and yesterday was a very small clump so it might have been a one off? I’ve read that the pregnancy vits I’m taking can also cause discharge to go greenish. I don’t have any infection symptoms though, no odour or itching so that’s good I hope.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Hi ladies!

CD 11. SMEP has begun! :winkwink: I'm busily drinking my water now so I can pee on an OPK later. :haha: Thank God for the OPKs... that's all I got to pee on last cycle so at least I got to scratch that itch!

My handy dandy fertility app is predicting ovulation April 7 as of now, based on a cycle length of 29 days instead of the 30 I was estimating. If my LP stays as short as the 9 days it was last time, I'd actually O on the 11th. TIME WILL TELL. C'mon vitex!

Other than that excitement, things are quiet and life goes on around here. It snowed Monday, it's going to snow again on Sunday. Happy April!
Hi ladies!

CD 11. SMEP has begun! :winkwink: I'm busily drinking my water now so I can pee on an OPK later. :haha: Thank God for the OPKs... that's all I got to pee on last cycle so at least I got to scratch that itch!

My handy dandy fertility app is predicting ovulation April 7 as of now, based on a cycle length of 29 days instead of the 30 I was estimating. If my LP stays as short as the 9 days it was last time, I'd actually O on the 11th. TIME WILL TELL. C'mon vitex!

Other than that excitement, things are quiet and life goes on around here. It snowed Monday, it's going to snow again on Sunday. Happy April!

Happy SMEPing Katie :sex::spermy:

Snow in April :shock:
cutie, did you announce your news on social media? What was the reaction? How did you announce it? :D

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