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30 years old, A little preggers, due on May 12. Bump buddies?

I'm joining too if that's alright ladies :) Got my BFP 10 dpo on 9/1, due 5/15/13!!!

Okay ladies I'm officially freaking out. I just got discharged from the ER with Threatened Miscarriage as my diagnosis. My HCG levels are 240. I went in because I wanted to see what they were instead of having to wait til Tuesday..Gotta get them done again Tuesday to see how much/IF they go up.

Prayers Please!!!

You're on my prayer list Powell!!!!
anyone else wake up so much earlier for a pee and then are wide awake?....soooooooooooo anoying!!!!!!!!! i normally cant get up in the mornings but no not now lol. as far as preggers symtoms so far iv sore boobs (not growing yet tho haha ), can get very sleepy, grumpiness has passed for now, hunger (or greed), and still obsessed with poas, my lines have got darker from 8dpo now on 18dpo-still not darker than control line, im using tesco cheepies tho so hoping thats why...slightly obsessed.
my legs have also been so freakin itchy...possibly not related..
i hope everyone else is feelin fab!!
anyone else wake up so much earlier for a pee and then are wide awake?....soooooooooooo anoying!!!!!!!!! i normally cant get up in the mornings but no not now lol. as far as preggers symtoms so far iv sore boobs (not growing yet tho haha ), can get very sleepy, grumpiness has passed for now, hunger (or greed), and still obsessed with poas, my lines have got darker from 8dpo now on 18dpo-still not darker than control line, im using tesco cheepies tho so hoping thats why...slightly obsessed.
my legs have also been so freakin itchy...possibly not related..
i hope everyone else is feelin fab!!

Me!!!! I woke up early before but could always go back to sleep now I just get out of bed otherwise I'll just be laying there.

Symptoms - I'm super bloated, bb's hurt and are swollen, slightly nausea and terrible fatigue after about 3pm. But I'm loving every minute of it!!!
anyone else wake up so much earlier for a pee and then are wide awake?....soooooooooooo anoying!!!!!!!!! i normally cant get up in the mornings but no not now lol. as far as preggers symtoms so far iv sore boobs (not growing yet tho haha ), can get very sleepy, grumpiness has passed for now, hunger (or greed), and still obsessed with poas, my lines have got darker from 8dpo now on 18dpo-still not darker than control line, im using tesco cheepies tho so hoping thats why...slightly obsessed.
my legs have also been so freakin itchy...possibly not related..
i hope everyone else is feelin fab!!

Me!!!! I woke up early before but could always go back to sleep now I just get out of bed otherwise I'll just be laying there.

Symptoms - I'm super bloated, bb's hurt and are swollen, slightly nausea and terrible fatigue after about 3pm. But I'm loving every minute of it!!!

I woke up about three to four times last night and had the worst time going back to sleep.

My bb's are kind of swollen and a bit sore and this morning I felt like I was constantly gagging but no nausea exactly, so I guess that's good! And I'm definitely happy to have the symptoms too!
Welcome Daisy!

So how long has everyone been with their DH, DF, OH or whatever! :)

My DH and I have been together for 9 years, and married for 5! We finally decided to start trying this summer! I think I bothered my DH enough about having a child lol... He is starting to get excited though.. I can tell :)

Hi Diasy!

I've been with DH for over 6 years. Married for almost 2 years. I didn't think my hubs would be very excited when he foound out, even though we were aware and TTC, but he seems pretty happy about it!
Hi ladies
Congrats on the pregnancys. I am due around the beggining of May. I have had my hcg bloods taken 4 times, and its doubling, and have a scan booked for friday.
Anyone else ache in the vagina area?

I'm not aching, but definitely dry and itchy. I feel like my pH balance is off or something.....=/
Hi ladies, may I join in?? I'm 28... got my :bfp: on August 26th, at 10 dpo.

Veronica - we have the same due date!!! How exciting :)

How is everyone feeling so far? I am so bloated, I am barely fitting into my pants!!!:haha:

Awesome Bella Rosa! I got my BFP on Aug 28th at 11dpo! I'm so excited. Yes, and my pants are definitely getting tighter (even though I'm not gaining weight). I think I may have to buy some prego pants soon.
Yay Powell!!! Welcome to the Dark Side! Muahahha... jk. So excited for you!!!
Welcome to the rest of the new laides.. I feel like we need a name for our group.. hahaha

yes, a name! Great idea! Any suggestions?
Okay ladies I'm officially freaking out. I just got discharged from the ER with Threatened Miscarriage as my diagnosis. My HCG levels are 240. I went in because I wanted to see what they were instead of having to wait til Tuesday..Gotta get them done again Tuesday to see how much/IF they go up.

Prayers Please!!!

oh hun, I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for you. :hugs:
Ugh I have been having the worst sleeps I don't remember this with my first

I've been sleeping horribly!!

Oh and I took another HPT the other day and it was a lot darker! So that's good. Hopefully my doctor's appointment in 2 weeks will go well.
anyone else wake up so much earlier for a pee and then are wide awake?....soooooooooooo anoying!!!!!!!!! i normally cant get up in the mornings but no not now lol. as far as preggers symtoms so far iv sore boobs (not growing yet tho haha ), can get very sleepy, grumpiness has passed for now, hunger (or greed), and still obsessed with poas, my lines have got darker from 8dpo now on 18dpo-still not darker than control line, im using tesco cheepies tho so hoping thats why...slightly obsessed.
my legs have also been so freakin itchy...possibly not related..
i hope everyone else is feelin fab!!

Me!!!! I woke up early before but could always go back to sleep now I just get out of bed otherwise I'll just be laying there.

Symptoms - I'm super bloated, bb's hurt and are swollen, slightly nausea and terrible fatigue after about 3pm. But I'm loving every minute of it!!!

I woke up about three to four times last night and had the worst time going back to sleep.

My bb's are kind of swollen and a bit sore and this morning I felt like I was constantly gagging but no nausea exactly, so I guess that's good! And I'm definitely happy to have the symptoms too!

im lovin my wee symtoms too so far no nausea tho i hope i give that a miss, itchy legs are ridiculous tho mehh!!!! x
Bloodwork at 3:10 today. it's almost noon here now. I'm nervous and excited!
Ugh I have been having the worst sleeps I don't remember this with my first

I've been sleeping horribly!!

Oh and I took another HPT the other day and it was a lot darker! So that's good. Hopefully my doctor's appointment in 2 weeks will go well.

Nice so im not alone in continual taking of the tests haha I took a frer on the weekend it it was positive have been finishing off my internet cheapies they et darker everyday. gotta call the dr today to make an app hopefully get the same dr who delivered my son!
I only had two FRER's left from the previous month.. but if I had more, I probably would of taken them all!!!

Good luck today Powell! Fx'd for all good news!!!

I started feeling a little queezy this morning after I ate breakfast. I have decided to finally cut caffeine out.. it just makes me feel gross. I am still getting bloaty cramps in the middle of the night, but it dawned on me that it must have to do with how I am sleeping, because it only happens in the middle of the night! I think I must be putting pressure on something that is triggering it.. because when I lay on my back and stretch fully out, it goes away. I will talk to my Dr about it when I see her this afternoon.
I only had two FRER's left from the previous month.. but if I had more, I probably would of taken them all!!!

Good luck today Powell! Fx'd for all good news!!!

I started feeling a little queezy this morning after I ate breakfast. I have decided to finally cut caffeine out.. it just makes me feel gross. I am still getting bloaty cramps in the middle of the night, but it dawned on me that it must have to do with how I am sleeping, because it only happens in the middle of the night! I think I must be putting pressure on something that is triggering it.. because when I lay on my back and stretch fully out, it goes away. I will talk to my Dr about it when I see her this afternoon.

I'm in week 5 this week and I started feelng a little queesy this morning as well. Nothing close to feeling like I was going to throw up. Just a little dizzy and slightly nauseated. This came and went quickly a few times this morning. Mostly after I eat.

Great that you're cutting caffiene out! I stopped with it over 2 weeks ago. Althought I will have a small piece of chocolate every now and then. I only drink water and organic pasteruized juices. I've also bought all new all natural shampoo, conditioner, soap, shaving cream. And I've stopped using my acne stuff with salacylic acid, since it's advised not to use that when you're preggers, and stopped using my dry shampoo since it has silica and other yucky stuff I don't want to be inhaling. I'm eating completely healthy, and I'm not tempted to really eat bad stuff (yet). I feel like I need to ALWAYS be aware of what I'm putting in my body. I don't want to harm my baby in any way. Maybe I'm crazy, but I guess I'd rather try my best to keep this bean (and myself) healthy.
I am trying to get myself in the mode to eat a little healthier than I have been. I have been drinking a LOT of water... I agree with you.. I think the world is already difficult as it is, why put our babies at a disadvantage coming into the world if we can help it.
Hi guys! Can I join in? I'm 27 and due about May 10.

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