30 yo and TTC #1

Hi Ladies! I'm so glad to have found this post. I'm 29 hubby is 32 (soon to be 33) and we've been trying for 10/11 months. When I see everyone's ages on here, I feel like I am way behind! But many of my friends haven't had children or have just started so its nice to see there are others on here in my same age range. We have been married for 2 1/2 years, together for 6 1/2.

We are dealing with male factor issues so, while I'd love a natural BFP, I'm thinking we will end up having to do IUI at least. He's on the vitamins and all so we are still hoping they will improve his SA enough to conceive naturally.
Hi ladies! Do you mind if I join you? I'm about to finish my last pack of birth control pills and start TTC. So very excited :) I'm planning to jump right in with OPKs and temping. I'm feeling a little bit crazy about the whole thing so I'd love to have the support but I don't want to tell friends or family that we're trying since I think it will be too much pressure. I'm 29, will be 30 in May.

I'll be 30 in May, too! What day? Mine's the 18th.

Hi everyone! I just turned 31, my husband is 30, and we're starting to try for our first this month - we've been waiting (impatiently) for insurance to kick in. Late 20s/early 30s is a pretty normal time to start in our social circle, but it seems pretty old compared to the average on this site, doesn't it?

I'm nervous but very excited. I'm not doing anything beyond keeping track of the first day of each period for now - my cycles are regular, I don't have reason to believe I'll have trouble conceiving, so we'll give it a few months and see what happens before I let myself stress about temperatures and ovulation kits and such. Expect me to start seriously obsessing in a couple weeks! It'll be all I can do to not pee on sticks every day for the second half of January.

I suspect the baby urge was a factor in us adopting a second dog earlier this year, but I had some more logical reasons for it, too ;)

Good luck to everyone!

Sometimes I think the average age TTC is regional. On average, it seems like girls in the South (where I'm from) try so much earlier than girls from other places. I can't think of more than a handful of girls I graduated with who don't already have kids - and besides me, the ones who don't aren't in relationships. It adds to my stress because I feel like I've been left behind and am not in the club. I read a quote once though that resonated with me..."Don't compare your chapter 1 with someone else's chapter 20."

Hello All!! I would love to have some buddies! I am 31, I will be 32 in February. I have been married for 6 months and was only on birth control for 5 months. I stopped taking it after we were married for one month. My DH is itching for a baby and we talked about trying to be done by the time I'm 35. He is 3 years younger than me and tends to be a worrier.

AF is supposed to show today, but no sign yet. I got a BFN on New Years eve... I wanted to have some champagne 😊.

I do tend to want to pee on a stick quite often, just because I am an impatient person. I like to know things right away so these past 3 TWW have been awful! This time I am trying to just be more relaxed about the whole thing.

I am also a teacher! I teach Jr. High band in Texas. It is such a fun and crazy job, I am not really ready for my break to be over!

How long has everyone been married? Let's be friends!

I love that you teach JR high kids like I do! That's definitely something that only we understand fully, right? (;

We've been married for just over 2 years. Our anniversary was New Year's Eve. I was hoping to have a BFP anniversary gift for my DH, but no go. :\

Hi Ladies! I'm so glad to have found this post. I'm 29 hubby is 32 (soon to be 33) and we've been trying for 10/11 months. When I see everyone's ages on here, I feel like I am way behind! But many of my friends haven't had children or have just started so its nice to see there are others on here in my same age range. We have been married for 2 1/2 years, together for 6 1/2.

We are dealing with male factor issues so, while I'd love a natural BFP, I'm thinking we will end up having to do IUI at least. He's on the vitamins and all so we are still hoping they will improve his SA enough to conceive naturally.

Do you mind my asking what his SA found? We had one done and while his morphology and count were normal, his motility was 40% (50+ is considered normal). I can't seem to get a straight answer out of anyone as to whether that is going to create problems for us or not.
Hey Trumpetbeth!

Welcome to the group! I would have a huge POAS addiction if they weren't so expensive. I have tried to look for them at our dollar store but never found any!

My husband and I have been married for 5 years. I've been begging for us to start trying for two years now and he finally got on page with me in October! :)

I love that you're a Jr. High band teacher! I used to play clarinet in High School and college. I was actually pretty good, if I do say so myself! ;) I was also in the youth symphony orchestra in my area!

Great to meet you and gl to you this month! There is still a chance until AF shows up!


Hello All!! I would love to have some buddies! I am 31, I will be 32 in February. I have been married for 6 months and was only on birth control for 5 months. I stopped taking it after we were married for one month. My DH is itching for a baby and we talked about trying to be done by the time I'm 35. He is 3 years younger than me and tends to be a worrier.

AF is supposed to show today, but no sign yet. I got a BFN on New Years eve... I wanted to have some champagne 😊.

I do tend to want to pee on a stick quite often, just because I am an impatient person. I like to know things right away so these past 3 TWW have been awful! This time I am trying to just be more relaxed about the whole thing.

I am also a teacher! I teach Jr. High band in Texas. It is such a fun and crazy job, I am not really ready for my break to be over!

How long has everyone been married? Let's be friends!
Hey RForReal!

Welcome to the group! :) I felt way behind myself, which is why I decided to start my own forum! :) It feels better having someone my age going through the same steps as me! I'm from the south as well and it seems everyone of my HS friends have children and the ones that don't are single! My group of friends from college is different though. Only one of them is pregnant and she's just a year younger than me!

I hope the vitamins work for your husband!! How long has he been taking them?!

Lovely to meet you!

Hi Ladies! I'm so glad to have found this post. I'm 29 hubby is 32 (soon to be 33) and we've been trying for 10/11 months. When I see everyone's ages on here, I feel like I am way behind! But many of my friends haven't had children or have just started so its nice to see there are others on here in my same age range. We have been married for 2 1/2 years, together for 6 1/2.

We are dealing with male factor issues so, while I'd love a natural BFP, I'm thinking we will end up having to do IUI at least. He's on the vitamins and all so we are still hoping they will improve his SA enough to conceive naturally.
Hi Ladies! I'm so glad to have found this post. I'm 29 hubby is 32 (soon to be 33) and we've been trying for 10/11 months. When I see everyone's ages on here, I feel like I am way behind! But many of my friends haven't had children or have just started so its nice to see there are others on here in my same age range. We have been married for 2 1/2 years, together for 6 1/2.

We are dealing with male factor issues so, while I'd love a natural BFP, I'm thinking we will end up having to do IUI at least. He's on the vitamins and all so we are still hoping they will improve his SA enough to conceive naturally.

Do you mind my asking what his SA found? We had one done and while his morphology and count were normal, his motility was 40% (50+ is considered normal). I can't seem to get a straight answer out of anyone as to whether that is going to create problems for us or not.

His count is low at 8 million, morphology is normal, and motility is low at 20%. His urologist said that he is optimistic and that people get pregnant naturally all the time with results like ours, it just might take longer so we need to be extra patient.

What was his count? It sounds like you are probably fine since it's just slightly low motility and the other factors were normal. It's hard to say but I wouldn't worry just yet! Take 40% of his total count in the sample, not just the per mL count, and it will tell you how many motile sperm he has. You can also have him take fertilaid or some similar vitamin for increasing sperm quality. We figure, it can't hurt!
Hey RForReal!

Welcome to the group! :) I felt way behind myself, which is why I decided to start my own forum! :) It feels better having someone my age going through the same steps as me! I'm from the south as well and it seems everyone of my HS friends have children and the ones that don't are single! My group of friends from college is different though. Only one of them is pregnant and she's just a year younger than me!

I hope the vitamins work for your husband!! How long has he been taking them?!

Lovely to meet you!

Thanks! He's been on them now for about 4 months. We haven't done a follow up SA since he started them though. He just started CountBoost as well with the FertilAid and that's only been a few weeks.
Hi, my family and friends also don't know that we are ttc. We've been married for 2 1/2 yrs but been together for almost 10. Since we got married, the questions about when the baby is coming have tripled, but we've always just smiled and said it's coming...

Me too. I just smile sweetly and say someday! A few friends and my mom know that we're thinking about maybe trying this year but that's it. I mean, my MIL (who I actually adore) suggested that we could have a baby and then get married before we were even engaged several years ago :haha: I think she might explode if she knew we were trying!

How long has everyone been married

We've been married about 7 months, although I guess you can see that from my ticker. It was so much fun!

I'll be 30 in May, too! What day? Mine's the 18th.

Aw, I'm 5 days older! May 13th. I was actually born on Mother's Day. My brother is May 20th and DH is May 4th. And now our wedding anniversary is May as well!

I feel a little weird about turning 30, how about you? I just try to remember how many people say their 30's are better than their 20's and that 30 will be my first wedding anniversary and hopefully the year I have a baby as well. And I feel a little weird every birthday since I never feel that I've done enough in my life!

Sometimes I think the average age TTC is regional. On average, it seems like girls in the South (where I'm from) try so much earlier than girls from other places. I can't think of more than a handful of girls I graduated with who don't already have kids - and besides me, the ones who don't aren't in relationships. It adds to my stress because I feel like I've been left behind and am not in the club. I read a quote once though that resonated with me..."Don't compare your chapter 1 with someone else's chapter 20."

Love that quote! So true. It's definitely regional as well. I'm from California and very few of my friends from there have children yet. In fact, the ones who do are older. On the other hand, when we lived in North Carolina most of my coworkers my age had children. The ones who didn't weren't from there. Now in DC I feel less behind again. Don't feel behind. You're in a club with us :)
RForReal - I can't remember his exact morphology # - just that they called it normal. His count was 35 million/mil. From what I have gathered, while that's "normal," it's on the low side of normal. Factor that in with a somewhat low motility, and it's, ya know, at least somewhat concerning. I think the answer is that we should be able to conceive, but it might take some time. Time is what I don't feel comfortable with though. :\ I talked to DH this morning, and he let me order some FertilAid for him. Can't hurt, right? Right.

CuriousOwl - Honestly I'm scared to death for this birthday. I know 30 isn't "old," but there's something about being in your "30's" that just feels like you've got less time left. Is that weird? I feel like if I had kids already, it wouldn't be that depressing for me, because I would have already achieved all of the life goals that matter to me. I guess I just have to remember to be happy for what I have achieved and be patient for what I'm still waiting for. But um.....if I knew how to do that, I'd have it all figured out...and I definitely don't.

I can't tell you how upset I was getting months up to my 30th birthday. I think I was scared because I always thought when I turned 30 I would be an adult. Being an adult seemed really scary to me! But you know what, I'm loving it. I always thought by 30 I would have had been married for at least years and possibly trying for our third child. But to be honest, I'm glad I'm in the place I'm in now. 3 years ago I would not have been able to take care of a child but now I know I can. Just like you quoted, " Don't compare your chapter 1 with everyone else's Chapter 20." Age is just the same, it's just a number! :) I actually love being in my 30s now! :)
CuriousOwl - Honestly I'm scared to death for this birthday. I know 30 isn't "old," but there's something about being in your "30's" that just feels like you've got less time left. Is that weird? I feel like if I had kids already, it wouldn't be that depressing for me, because I would have already achieved all of the life goals that matter to me. I guess I just have to remember to be happy for what I have achieved and be patient for what I'm still waiting for. But um.....if I knew how to do that, I'd have it all figured out...and I definitely don't.

So glad it's not just me! Not weird at all. 30 is always talked up and down as being this huge thing and I know I've definitely bought into that point of view. But really, it's just another birthday. A lot of my friends are already there and I can see it's no big deal for them but somehow it just feels like it's HUGE to me. I need to relax, seriously. I'm kind of thinking I'm just going to pretend like it's not a big deal to me and then maybe that will be true when it actually gets here.

I always thought by 30 I would have had been married for at least years and possibly trying for our third child. But to be honest, I'm glad I'm in the place I'm in now. 3 years ago I would not have been able to take care of a child but now I know I can. Just like you quoted, " Don't compare your chapter 1 with everyone else's Chapter 20." Age is just the same, it's just a number! :) I actually love being in my 30s now! :)

Aw, so glad to hear that! Love your positive attitude :) I know, I always thought I'd have kids younger than my mom who had me (the oldest) at 29 but things didn't work out that way. I try to remember though that my 20's were pretty amazing and I couldn't have done what I did with a child or 2.
I was a little intimidated by 30, but I like it fine. I've had enough of 20s ;) Still adjusting to 31, though ;)

We got married in August 2011, but we've known each other since we were 14, and we've been a couple for almost 11 years now. As you can see, we like to take our time!
Hi ladies
I'm 29 so 30 is just around the corner. I am on cycle 5 off Bcp and ttc for 4 cycles. We are keeping it a secret that we are trying so I don't have anywhere to vent
Hi ladies
I'm 29 so 30 is just around the corner. I am on cycle 5 off Bcp and ttc for 4 cycles. We are keeping it a secret that we are trying so I don't have anywhere to vent

Welcome! :hi:

We aren't telling people either which is really tough! I just don't want to be constantly fielding questions. It's easy to just say we'll have kids eventually!
Hi ladies- just turned 30 a couple weeks ago. I am a stepmom to two, but husband and I are ttc for our #1. Trying since feb 2013 with a m/c in June resulting in D&C. I'm actually in the waiting room at my obgyn right now waiting to start bloodwork....
Hi ladies- just turned 30 a couple weeks ago. I am a stepmom to two, but husband and I are ttc for our #1. Trying since feb 2013 with a m/c in June resulting in D&C. I'm actually in the waiting room at my obgyn right now waiting to start bloodwork....

So sorry about your m/c! Hopefully the bloodwork will give you some answers.
Hi ladies- just turned 30 a couple weeks ago. I am a stepmom to two, but husband and I are ttc for our #1. Trying since feb 2013 with a m/c in June resulting in D&C. I'm actually in the waiting room at my obgyn right now waiting to start bloodwork....

Sorry to hear about your mc. Let us know what the Dr's say!
Hey there everyone! I just joined and was happy to stumble across this thread after feeling extremely old. DH and I are both 32. We have been TTC #1 since October. When we started TTC I got very discouraged for a while since everything you read basically says you are close to death in re: TTC past 30. AF is due 8th or 9th and I am pretty sure that this was not our month. Good luck to everyone!

PS: I think all my acronyms are correct. I'm still trying to learn them.:winkwink:
I think we can just start the early 30s club then. (:

Can I just tell you that my head is about to explode? Oh my good world, I've been trying to figure things out all morning and afternoon, worrying and obsessing over my poor patient husband's little swimmers. Reading and researching and asking and panicking...should he go on FertilAid, should he take motility boost or count boost or none or both or maybe we should do head stands with our tongues out. I'm so scared I'm doing this wrong and that we're going to try for years when I could have just done that one thing that would have gotten us our baby early...that one thing.

I've lost my mind.

Somebody tell me to calm the crap down. lol
Hey there everyone! I just joined and was happy to stumble across this thread after feeling extremely old. DH and I are both 32. We have been TTC #1 since October. When we started TTC I got very discouraged for a while since everything you read basically says you are close to death in re: TTC past 30. AF is due 8th or 9th and I am pretty sure that this was not our month. Good luck to everyone!

PS: I think all my acronyms are correct. I'm still trying to learn them.:winkwink:

Welcome! Actually there was an article posted here recently that talked about how those statistics are really old and there isn't much of a difference between 20s and 30s in terms of conceiving. I'll see if I can find it and post it!

I think we can just start the early 30s club then. (:

Can I just tell you that my head is about to explode? Oh my good world, I've been trying to figure things out all morning and afternoon, worrying and obsessing over my poor patient husband's little swimmers. Reading and researching and asking and panicking...should he go on FertilAid, should he take motility boost or count boost or none or both or maybe we should do head stands with our tongues out. I'm so scared I'm doing this wrong and that we're going to try for years when I could have just done that one thing that would have gotten us our baby early...that one thing.

I've lost my mind.

Somebody tell me to calm the crap down. lol

I know how you feel, TTC is so stressful and brought even more so when there's a documented issue. I find that reading success stories of natural pregnancy with male factor makes me feel better. If it happened for them, it can happen for me. I've seen success stories of natural pregnancy with only 1 million sperm! If they can do it, we can too!

Also, one SA isn't the be all end all. Doctors say that 3 is better to get an accurate analysis. 10 or 100 would be even better, but not going to happen! Every time they do it, it changes. It could give low one time and normal the next. Could be that he was sick or not eating well or many other factors. It takes 3 months for sperm to develop, so you don't see the changes take effect very quickly.

There's also the fact that many people get pregnant without ever doing an SA because they are lucky enough to conceive quickly. It's possible that many of those pregnancies had an undocumented sperm issue, but they still got pregnant! It happens all the time, and the good news is that you know what you are dealing with so early on that you can start making lifestyle changes and have hubby take vitamins to help improve things.

I say all this to say, calm down! :winkwink: We need to get you a sign that says Keep Calm and Stop Googling! :haha:

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